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Needs vs Wants:      They say, everyone, needs somebody. So they say. If that's the case then what I want is: I don't want to need anybody! ~me 4182018
Wrote this short piece 4/18/2018
Yeah, I agree with you,
So why you got to yell?
Yeah, I said your right,
What else can I do?
You just wanna fight!
Oh whatever, what the hell?
Did you just say we're through?
That's fine I'll walk that line!
No, plz believe I can walk,
Yeah, there's no reason to
reasonably talk,
Here's your ring,
Your castle is all your's my king!

Now halfway to the road,
You take me into hold?
Hold up, this is enough!
I'm tired of this ****,
Tomorrow you'll apologize & say it was because you were lit!
Happens every time, getting tired
of this same rhyme,
Go ahead & just **** me this time,
Keep choking me until I'm past passed out!
Do what you're always bragging about!

Great just what I thought,
I'm still going to wake up,
like the morning afterthought!
Written 04/232018
When you can't escape neither by life nor death. Fiction.
When I write, you say, "it's a reflection,"
When I write, you say, "it's an affliction;              
       it mirror's my heart's true direction."
YOU prophesied my soul's final

Will you be there to witness the outcome      
                             of your own prediction?

"I'm just another puppet,
  I'm just another tool; like a pigeon on  
          the Devil's stool, one more
                               fool that, The Master of
                          uses to create confusion!"

I must fail miserably for it not to be a clandestine activity!

Who am I to argue with someone, who    
     has a set of detective tools, like you?  I'd hate to be so objective, besides,
who wants to be that predictive?
Surely not me, surely not you!
             ~Venjencie NightWriter69
Hey guys, esp @valerie, I wish I could check this out every day. I love the #tag challenges by #valerie. I wish I could comment on everyone's work that I do get to read but even more than that, I wish I could read every single line of everyone on here. I wished I could write more often. But I know 1 thing for sure if you are in any kind of relationship, spouse, job, family member, etc... then a passion for writing like I have... will break every bond that you have in life. Being if that bond so much has a crack that only let's in a small amount of light. Blessings.
"Freezing Pain"
I keep running in circles,
What happened to miracles?
The state done took the baby away,
I have no more strength to pray,
I'm tip-toeing over broken bottles,
Still alive after many throttles,
Trying to numb this freezing pain,
I can't flush these pills down the drain,
All of them I could swallow,
Your happy but I wallow,
No, can't say I wish you the best,
Your sleeping with her yet I can't rest,
She's gonna throw you away like trash,
And then you'll come running back in a flash,
Don't bother I have nothing left to give,
This insanity gives me no reason to live,
Don't bother trying to come back to my bed,
Because I will already be dead. ~ Night Writer
Fiction. It's a mirrored reflection of the reality that some people live in. I call the real world. The real world, where the ones who think they do know no work, doesn't exist. A very true and sad life for some people. Give or take, making variations to what I have written here. Often when I write of such things, People that don't know me assume that I'm writing about my own circumstances. Like when I write about relationships, so many people assume that I'm writing about current events in my current relationship. Sometimes what I do write is from the pain that I've experienced throughout my lifetime. When I write on dark subjects, the friends that I have of whom live upstanding and ethical lives often scold me of how others might interpret that I have a dark soul. And/ or it's a reflection of my spiritual beliefs as well as theirs. I explain, that I often write about the real world to shed life on things as such. Same as when I write on controversial topics, esp most recently, I've been labeled as Anti-American, Anti-God, anti this and that. Pro or radical extremist in the same. I explain that I write on controversial topics where I'm swaying against popular opinion. I explain that, I do this not at all revealing how I personally believe but to speak from all sides with an open mind. And that I just like to reach different genres of audiences. Also to make others think deeply about what I researched for a particular write up so they will tear apart my every word causing themselves to look into it more deeply.
   Maybe, I should just quick explaining myself, quit changing my pen names and just write freely because I can. 04/18/2018 my diary notes.
"Inked Vein's Bleeding Sins"      
(written by me on April8th2018).

  You mentioned, "Why write 'coz
            nobody even reads
   them much less clicks like,"
   Maybe that shouldn't be a
     question, maybe you ask...
        who are you writing for,
       them? or for you & your
                soul's sanity?
   If you answered, 'for them'
  then maybe it's not your
 I write 'coz my inked blood vein's bleed what everyone calls
I write for their sins, I write for mine, I write the sins committed  by soul's since the beginning of time. I don't write to make up some dope thyme. I bleed the sins committed by soul's before
          the beginning of time.
I write about sins committed by all mankind; those committed in heaven, in earth, under earth
   and everything in between.
  I know our ONE & Only Perfect REDEEMER, already shed His precious blood to cover all sins
               like a flood.
  I write for the sanity of my afflicted mind, I write from the blood that's on the sword that pierced my very soul.
I write so maybe our sins can be covered & we're made whole. I write 'coz I feel God's Holy Spirit in my soul. I write to claim His
       victory; that keeps Satan's
     demons away from the my soul.
This was my true poetic reply when someone asked me, why should they even write anymore because no one  read's them anyway. Their words, not mine. So I in question form to make them think is why I wrote this & mentioned some of the reasons that I write.
  Plz don't misunderstand the last 2 paragraphs. In no way is my intention to lead a reader to believe; that I bleed to redo what God did or because His was not good enough.
My intention is to imply that I write because my heart is sore and pierced by the inhumanity of this world. That's it, no more and no less. In no way I'm I trying to make a comparison to me and Him being alike. My metaphor only means, I write about the sadness & hurt through my blood(which is my metaphor for ink in this particular piece. Blessings and Love.
//All Or Nothing//
      Don't tell me you love me,
        Even if you feel it to be,
      Wait until the seeds you've
         sown are already grown,
             I want you to say it,
     Only when it can be fully shown,
I don't need pieces of my heart strown
          I need a love 100% here,
     Not a little here and a little there,
     Don't worry because I'm grown,
     I learned not live on love alone,
             My love for you is true,
        But I'd rather do without it,
           Instead of destroying me.
Enough said.
You're right, it was a lie, a joke,
It's a hysterical sight when I forget, so I sigh,
It was a hoax...
I love to sleep 14 to 70 hours each day and how much I weigh, That's just a positive gain,
How'd you know I never had pain?
I purposely cancel plans at the end,
Who'd want to keep friends?
I just lie about it to seek attention,
being called a liar was my whole intention...
I am not sick or tired,
I just enjoy being called lazy, it's good for my self-esteem... when I do get out to look pale and wearing no makeup,
I no longer care about.
You can't see the illness on the outside, you can't see my body attacking itself, healthy brain cells killing oneself, so I made up the autoimmune disease by myself...
No need to look forward to remissions, good health doesn't need omission,  
No need to ask for prayer, for what's wrong with me(on my behalf), they'll find a cure, after all , my cells are pure, and you can't see the disease that I have.

Glad I made you laugh,
When God heals and take's it away,
Then you'll know I never had it anyway. -Jencie
I am sick now with an autoimmune disease. I don't even write much anymore. And to write over the web like this is a lot less often. Thank you and God Bless You!!
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