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Apr 2017 · 845
The Light She Holds
Riel Adriane Apr 2017
The lights flicker for a moment of time to flit darkness away; veins settled the
wavering feeling of altered emotions suspended beneath my skin; as you
swiftly caressed my shivering fingers up to my fingertips—gnarly as
it may seem, but your skin will always be my favorite sense of touch.

Paint me these putrid colorless morale, mix them in your colorful palette.
Feel the thin bristles as they touch and fill empty pieces in me—a whole.
This empty hole—a ruins by destruction is my kind of Kingdom; bedazzled
by depression; crafted and molded by predicament nights; the creation of
poetry inside my tattered fabric; a vivid silhouette thought of you—touching
your lips to mine; your sweet embrace compressed my drifting confidence;
brought them back together like a jigsaw puzzle.

Beneath the vivid sepia-photographed quilt were arthritic hands holding
together; but I swear this photograph will never wither and will never be
forgotten by senility, I swear this will never wilt our lips and skin.
Therefore, I want you to touch my skin forever until this becomes another
story in my diary; another ink to dip my quill; and another voice to utter
its resonating images of the luminescent you held in your hands.
Mar 2017 · 922
Leave The Doors Unlocked
Riel Adriane Mar 2017
My doors are embodied with your scent
and everlasting memories;
But one thing is for sure that I
will never forget:
It's when you left me alone
at my room and made me
fell into your gentle ruins.

But darling,
if ever you wanted to sneak into my zone
right exactly where you had left me,
My doors are always open for you
to come in anytime.

Feel free to tiptoe around my comfort zone,
Feel free to lay beside me,
Feel free to ruin my chest,
or my life,
or even my door.

But know that you were the last person to touch my doorknobs.
Feb 2017 · 527
A Series of Short Stories
Riel Adriane Feb 2017
She's a vagabond;
a heart of a nomad never gets lost
and wanders like the gust of the wind.
But now she's lost,
And I'm keeping her solemnity
inside my glass of heart
like a wine in Christmas Eve.

Her heart redeems radiance;
dwindling the dark side in me in a
span of her love that will reach in miles.
A piece of art that will live forever
like a Gallery keeping them hidden like a safe.
               Her posture will remain firm and splayed,
And her facade will remain honest

She waters me with a piece of her;
watering the dead garden in me
and making me believe that the
roots can still absorb its source of life--
and she--makes me feel alive.
Feb 2017 · 778
Wrecked Odyssey
Riel Adriane Feb 2017
I was a vessel who once carried my voyages' hardships
as I head back through your euphoric shores;
you were my comfort zone whenever I get tired
of wandering the oceans of depression;
but still--you decided to abandon my ship.

As I set myself back to sail and wander the deep blue,
I never knew my own home was the monstrous
waves who keeps me struggling every day and end
Still I kept myself sailing and let the wind carry me
somewhere else away from your coast.
Dec 2016 · 798
Amid Serenity
Riel Adriane Dec 2016
There are several things that I want you to know,
Just to boost up your self-esteem and just so you know,
You were never alone:
I want to let you know that you pulled me out from my deepest desperation,
Where there is a never-ending storm raging inside my limited ambition.
You pulled me out off the box where it was filled with saddest emotions,
You gave me serenity as dazzling as your eyes; purest perfection.
You pulled me out from the grave where I feel so dead inside,
Darling, I found rebirth beneath from your smile,
Because every time you pull your cheeks up,
You've given me a will to survive.

And I found hopes within this desperation,
A solitary battle I think I'll win,
First I had this blurry visions
Until such time,
I found your keen and it's the most purest perfect imperfection.
I'll admire you just like how you admire 11:11 in the evening,
The way you close your eyes and recite your wishes without pretending,
Pains are no longer existing because your smiles are no longer hidden.
I want to let you know you're much beautiful than your wishes,
Since you came in to my life,
You were my dreams that I am living.
You brought me these small series of serendipity
Where your presence was an amid serenity.
I want to freaking kiss you,
Not on your lips but on your forehead.
Because I want to feel your broken thoughts by the friction I wanted to mend
I want to freaking grip you tight and motivate you because you're too aesthetic to live this life.
You're not a lapdog to be treated by your unfaithful master,
You're the lion that rules the entire wildlife with that incredible posture.
You're limbs aren't supposed to shake,
I know your knees are falling but I want to help you stand up straight.
I want to freaking tell you that you're making me comfortable,
I don't need to shout nor repeat what I said because that was pretty audible.
I want to pull your cheeks up and see you smile,
I don't want to see you sad because you're cheeks aren't suppose to bring your problems in life.
Let me help you carry out these bags you're carrying,
I know that sadness are placed inside it that pulls all your hopes down
And I wanted to let you know that I'll be by your side helping you all throughout.
I want to support you with your recovery
So let me put you a beautiful therapy
That fits every angle; purity.
Darling, I promise you this won't be a wrecked odyssey
Because before we set ourselves to sail,
I'll gouge our feelings until we feel more alive.
And I know you don't know what being alive means because every second you die.
I know you're tired with your life,
So darling my shoulders are free for you to rest at night,
So I can feel your hidden 3am thoughts and your sweetest dreams
When the night sinks you too deep.
And when life's being thrown at you,
I'll support you throughout the journey you called your "life".
We'll continue to gaze these vast skies,
And pretend that I've written you a poem under the starry night.
Believe me darling,
I've seen the galaxy beyond those serene eyes,
And hoping I could glance it one more time.
This is my spoken word piece.
Nov 2016 · 836
A Mediocre Love of Ours
Riel Adriane Nov 2016
It's funny how I spent lots of time writing about fixations
Without noticing those words written were already my pain killers.
And now, I don't have to stick with cigarettes and liquors,
I know they can burn parts of me like a piece of paper;
Poured with kerosene and match sticks to easily widespread a fire.
And as they burn me,
Hoping memories will also scatter flowing against the wind just like an ember.
But those times when I was still under your pressure,
I never felt compression behind these chests when we started to chisel;
I never felt sincerity behind your "I love you" and that's the ugliest thing I can remember:
When you kept on telling me that you love me but it was never genuine enough that it turns out to be a vine that's tying my neck that I need to sever.
You were my glorious endeavor,
But it turns out to be a game some thing you're good at,
And I'm sorry because I can't play your games because I'm a loser;
I'm a loser in a game of three's.
I'm sorry I can't flow your games of emotion because I get easily bleed.
I kept on telling people around me that when it comes to love I am a fragile being,
I befriended tolerance of emotional pain.
That when I start to hold the paper and the pen,
Your name and our memories comes out with a blood stain.
And I need to wake up from this beautiful nightmare;
And I want to escape from this mediocre love of ours.
Wake me up from this aesthetic grave,
I want to feel alive just like how I spent my time with my own self in the park.
My friends once told me to follow my heart,
But when I did, it tore me apart.
I will not blame them from my brokenness because I know they just wanted me to be happy.
I will just write about fixations till I can treat myself a better therapy
See, those nights when I was still crazy about you,
My friends despised me for forgetting them as a part of me.
They never knew I was battling alone because I don't want them to feel pity. 
I remember that very night you told me you'll always love me more than you do to other guys.
And I can't put myself still,
So I have to sever 'us' and I'll be the one to say goodbye.
Good bye, my dear
You'll be categorized now as a history of a tragic fear
You put me into this fear where I can no longer identify a better atmosphere
In every angle of my room it gets darker and colder
My affection in sadness makes the room a little bit lighter
Because whenever I think of you,
It makes me feel dumb that I didn't listen to my friends telling me you were the liar.
Oct 2016 · 1.3k
Parable Visions
Riel Adriane Oct 2016
Thoughts of the self-spoken
Left me wandering;
Tangled into the parable visions
As we gaze through the celestial eerie.
Mirrors from side to side,
I still can't see the myself inside.
Mazy patterns were confusing my mind.
Despicably appropriate,
Whereas the heavens of alas contemplate.
In this empty vast,
We see light from present to past.
Scourging sun diminishes darkness
Over light in distant visionless.
Blinded to see the real vision of the race;
To acknowledge the imagery painted to praise.
Entire race failed to obey,
Garner the intellect of marionettes strings,
Puppets of the mischief,
Puppeteers of a sheep,
The scent of the blood,
Descends a ripple from hate.
Cast the spell upon yourself,
And let the bloodshot eyes tell
How it visions the dark world's hell.
Aug 2016 · 666
Alive In The Lights
Riel Adriane Aug 2016
Love is what we know can solvate loneliness;
That it could possibly heal our souls from brokenness;
I can see your beautiful smile,
Despite this vast sight of emptiness.

Our time were meant to freeze
From distant moments of our memories.
When we sing our song with a background of the sea breeze,
They always put me to ease.

I embraced vividly the ethereal vision of our love,
The wind whispers me your name.
My eyes starts to see none,
And everything went vague.

We should try to vividly figure things out.
Let the deaf hear what you keep on trying to shout,
Let the blinded see the things we're carrying out.
Despite disabledness, let them feel what we're trying to reach out.

Love will always linger in our minds,
As if people we love also does.
Life will always be you,
And you—will always be life.

Since the day you left me out in a cold and dark place,
I will be alive in the lights
Like how I do it on stage.

Broken crystals from the past
Will forever be broken in distant vast.
Can not be fixed nor stick into one.
No tools can ever put it into place.
Aug 2016 · 768
Solace Awaits
Riel Adriane Aug 2016
I am immersed to the light
And solace will come in time.
We diverge somewhere right
And some for wrong minds.

We get deceived for those who talks sweet,
Believing them without knowing they're real.
So protect our hearts with a seal,
Love oneself and know how it feels.

The ink of the pen represents my thoughts stored in mind.
But if I write sad poem,
You should read the inks written between the lines 
And dive in my head.

Sit beside me where pavements are rough
To prove you I don't play with love.
This has to end where we can be tough,
But I'm not a strong enough
To fight this tough love.

This is for the broken,
The thoughts of the unspoken.
To let your mind be keen
On the hollow darkness where light can still be seen.
Follow me for more poems to be published!
Aug 2016 · 662
Emptiness of May
Riel Adriane Aug 2016
Make yourself free from worry
And make yourself great.
For the nth time, you deceived me
And will make yourself breathe to haste.

Our love birds weren't meant together,
And life is making it complicated.
You left me down the corner,
Where I used to kiss your head.

The streetlights allures my empty eyes
Where I can see the light flowing away to the sky.
And as my heart pounds,
I realized I am blinded by your lies.

Your smile and eyes are so deceiving,
I may be bruised but I'm not broken.
Leaving me like a shattered glass,
But someone out there will sweep me back.

Our eyes were both difficult to see
The blurry vision of bittersweet reality.
I am tired of believing your drama,
You are giving me paranoia.

It's sad to think you're poisoning my name
To be the bad guy of your game.
I wish you were here
To see every single drop of my tear.

That I'm still the guy who still cries with your bad decisions
And needs your lips to kiss my head
And say, "Everything will be in place."
And make me feel less-conscious.

This emptiness of May,
Will be filled with memories by September
That things will turn out to be okay
With a piece of pen and paper.

To my head, is an empty sheet
But you filled it with sad words that will forever keep.
Hope you'll wake up from the world we are breathing,
So we can start nascent beginning.
Aug 2016 · 810
C'est La Vie (That's Life)
Riel Adriane Aug 2016
If I die tomorrow,
Tell the world how much I love the art of poetry.
Tell them how it washes my sorrow
And how it became my remedy.

If only words can heal enough pain,
Endure the wound caused by vain,
Energize the soul that's so drained,
It would be nice if those will happen.

Courage is my only weapon
For me to face every demon
And sever the ties of the automaton

This is the oath of a man who was once deranged;
A man who once can't win his own pace;
A man who once broke his own dreams;
And a man who once made promises whom he can't keep.

To my own eyes, I was blinded and can not see
The blurry visions of the reality.
Thought I can handle dilemma
Thought I can handle the enigma
But I was wrong after all.

My pillow is the only thing I go by
Everytime I get a teary eye
Flows like a river every night
And pours like a rain

I still believe there's eternal sunshine
Inside this cave is the shining sunlight
That I can cope up with life
And end this depression in time.

Reconnect the ones whom got disconnected
Relive the moments you don't want to forget
Remember the things you missed.
And redefine your worth today.

The eternal sunshine will be the one
To greet my morning
And the moon will make me fall asleep.
The wind will make it comfortable
With a play of its own music.
You can follow me for some future poems to be published! :)
Riel Adriane Jul 2016
Driven inside the unwheeled heart
But pumps like it's never been.
Love is a piece of art,
Like poetry of a deviant.
Destined by fate
For narrow souls
Inside a box can ever locate
Between the edges ever known.
To the eyes we see
Two hearts meet
Inside the chest
Is our lungs to breathe
Memoir of souls deep
Is in the waves of the sea
Stars were built for us to dream
Promises were made for us to keep
Love was made to fail
For us to be keen
(So) in the future we know
What and whom to feel
So we can prevent failure
And forever be thankful
Solace will be in our venture
And forever be thankful
Hopes of a tranquil heart
"Love can never tear me apart"
And that statement went wrong
Until there was you who came along
Tore me like a piece of paper
Great fortitude can't even endure
Falling slowly like a feather
Like how city lights allure
Our eyes were made to see the difference around us
But only our heart can feel what's truly for us
We defy our beliefs about love
But they truly exist!
I thought we already had enough
But for love, we can't insist!
Maybe love was waiting for the time to come
Maybe you're not yet ready for time to come.
Jul 2016 · 702
Healing Hearts
Riel Adriane Jul 2016
You tormented me with your lies
Because every word is worth a life,
And every time you spit a knife,
I die a thousand times.
My ears rot every time I here your alibi;
Coming out from your predictable mind.

The way you make me devour,
Is the time I feel deceived.
I will bury our mem'ries forever,
Like how the way I grieved.

I forgot how to feel being loved back,
Maybe because I always get hurt.
I ask "from which part of myself did I lack?"
After all, I guess I'm blessed and cursed.
That's why we need to extract.

Fear of being unwanted anticipates
As they run through the veins.
My heart beats as it roughly palpitates
Maybe I should never love again.

I found myself immersed through the light I see beyond the hollow cave
I saw my imperfections first as the light brightens my eyes laid
Resting inside its comfort zone as my heart pounds
To realization of matters which I found it vague.

Even if it caves inside me like a hollow shell,
I still have these small series of serendipity that I can feel.

Our hearts were too desperate to be Healed by someone,
But we don't know that the key is Within us, and it's not with anyone.
To heal our own ways and to Reassemble the shards 
It's a kind of process of our healing Hearts.
Riel Adriane Jul 2016
Look how time flies so fast,
But my love for you will never last.
You will always be my greatest love
And you will always be the greatest thing that I have.

Always remember that I will always be by your side
To watch you while you're watching the other side of life.
To nurture your mind will always be my priority,
And you will always be my serendipity.

When you were being delivered in the delivery room,
It feels like I am sightseeing a thousand flowers that blooms.
You're a light in the dark
Of a small friction from our blood that sparked.

Try to forget our past in the future
And I will fulfill our moments in the present.
You are the most amazing creature,
And will forever be my nascent.
Jun 2016 · 640
Ray of Hope
Riel Adriane Jun 2016
"Your enigma won't change the fact that I love you so deep,
Even men would risk the ocean just to catch a food to eat.
Your sweetest delight is worth to wait,
Until I get the woman to reality whom I just dreamed."
Jun 2016 · 564
Last of Our Moments
Riel Adriane Jun 2016
Look beyond my inner core,
And you will see my imperfections.
I think I can't attain you anymore,
I guess I'll just go on the other direction.
See me smile for the last of our moments,
Because you won't see me anymore even in the deepest of the oceans.
I am slowly taking my drift
So I could get away from sadness
I can remember the day you left
And you made me define loneliness.
Despite the loneliness I felt,
There is always poetry that can help.
This mediocre love of ours has come to it's end,
I should be brave enough
And be tough enough
To overcome this emotional crisis.
Jun 2016 · 846
Riel Adriane Jun 2016
Nothing seems to be okay.
When I read the newspapers,
An imbecile killed gays.
Jun 2016 · 837
Fair Weather Love
Riel Adriane Jun 2016
"It's when our hearts meet in an unusual place;
Where broken hearts diverge without a trace.
Glad I found you and I'm sad you lost me;
Farewell, thank you for the memories."
Jun 2016 · 4.0k
Vivid Evenings
Riel Adriane Jun 2016
Take me where the evenings of ours were once vivid,
Where our conversations weren't as cold as the frost;
To the world we once livin',
And the sea we once got lost.
Jun 2016 · 397
Mediocre Love of Ours
Riel Adriane Jun 2016
What a lose of spirit I had
When I knew this was only one of my shortcomings in life.
My voice you can't seem to hear;
I shouted your name and then you disappear.
It resonates from wall to wall,
But you're too deaf to hear them all.

— The End —