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1.2k · Feb 2019
Poet's Routine
PrernaK Feb 2019
Morning haze,
I wake up
out of words.
I close my eyes,
look for your face
and just like that
a poem emerges.

Prerna K
802 · Mar 2019
PrernaK Mar 2019
I lick the snake bites
on my thighs,
call it healing.
poison in my veins,
in my head.
wound's cold now,
so am I.

Prerna K
Have you healed or are you becoming cold?
778 · Mar 2019
A perfect date
PrernaK Mar 2019
A song
my eyes, your face.
an evening, mellowed down.
my arms around your neck
your hands tickling on my waist.
worn out t-shirt and old nightdress.

A perfect date.
No candle lit dinners by the sea, only his undivided attention is all I need for a perfect date.
766 · Feb 2019
Mother's Voice
PrernaK Feb 2019
my mother would say,
"Some people are moon
of a haunted night,
but child never forget
you're the wildflower
that grows without any light.

you shall grow,
you will grow,
you must grow
You must fight
to become the light
of the haunted night".
741 · Mar 2019
Story of milk & Sugar
PrernaK Mar 2019
I dip my fingers in me
thinking of your face.
biting my lips,
figuring out your taste.

you seem like a
drop of sweat on my nape,
honey milk on my waist.

One summer
you shall flow
and the flowers
would glow waiting
for the rains.

Do not haze, neither haste.
the world inside me will tremble,
and so will my skin.

for some stones
now know
how a bud blossom
in the cold snow.

Sharing a love note!
666 · Feb 2019
Places to go
PrernaK Feb 2019
Lets just walk a mile
for a while
not thinking
about where to go

all the places
I stroll with your
hand in mine
would be our destination.

We are home. Together.
572 · Mar 2019
PrernaK Mar 2019
We were asked
to make wine.
We made poison as well.

This earth was never given to us for building economics and trade policies, it was definitely not gifted for dividing us in borders or for politics. We have messed up big time, we did everything we were not suppose to and maybe the pandora box that we talk about is all of this.

Such beautiful places, people, minds, art. All of which is now unexplored, unknown. It was never suppose to be like this. We're cursed, cursed with limited time and no knowledge of what our purpose is. We made a commodity and we made it our need. When the need was to fall in love, to be wise, to nurture art and to grow with it. Now we need to be saved from something which is our own created monster.

Silver lining is, in all this we still have magic to save us in the end like hope was in the pandora box.

To hope, to magic and to making this world a better place.
488 · Mar 2019
Our dreams
PrernaK Mar 2019
In the light, we laugh
under the moon, we gleam.

lying on the dry grass
of an unknown field.
we talk about how
on a cold mountain
one day,
we'll wrap our arms
around each other
humming the songs
of our summery dreams.

How I write thinking of my lover's face.

— The End —