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647 · Aug 2019
Give me time
Noah Rein Aug 2019
‘I just need time’
Is a thing I say pretty often
But the thing is
I approach everything with caution

I’m not spontaneous
I can’t just jump into new things
I know it’s weird
But I need to know what each day brings

Every new thing
is a mountain for me climb
So I just need to plan ahead
You see, I just need time
622 · Aug 2019
A dry rainforest
Noah Rein Aug 2019
Our lungs are burning,
Filling with ash,
Burning with greed,
All done for cash.

I think the time has come,
We have to be rash,
Or else we’ll watch as we burn,
And be gone in a flash.

It’s time to get angry,
There’s only one solution,
Let’s yell and take action,
It’s time for a revolution.
380 · Jul 2019
A tragedy it is
Noah Rein Jul 2019
In the dead of night
tragedy strikes
you now have to tread lightly
as if walking on spikes

you walk the path lined by trees
it is long and winding
in the moon lit breeze

let them think what they want
it won’t matter now
theres nothing to lose
when you’ve let everyone down

you come to a stop
by the big old oak
the words are sharp
and you let them soak

soak in the water
in the lake that you love
and you come to the realization
that this was your last crop

you reap what you sow
as they used to say
and now you know
the price you will pay

a tragedy it is
and i don’t think you can lie
as you walk into the clearing
where, surely, you will die
342 · Aug 2019
A game
Noah Rein Aug 2019
Life is like a game of chess
Your status dictates where you get to go,
But when you think yourself a queen,
It’s hard to get a no.

When you’re in fact a pawn,
And get to play as king,
You’ll let the power get to your head,
And the country you will wring.

You hear them groaning,
Under your weight,
You hear whispers of impeachment,
In every state.

You’ve cut your voters,
Down by half,
You yell “we’ll buy Greenland!”,
And you’ll hear Denmark laugh.

There’s nothing to do
You’ve lost them all
And it all started when you stood up and yelled
“We’ll build a big wall!”
328 · Aug 2019
Noah Rein Aug 2019
I guess I’m like a houseplant
I’m fun for a while
But if you forget about me
I wither and die

I’m dependent on you
And the attention you give me
I’d love to be a wild plant
In a garden, beautiful and free

I’m not as social as the plants outside
I only have the ones I’ve met through you
I spend my days looking out the window
Sometimes seeing you return with someone new

I’m not very popular with the other plants
My leaves are yellowing and my dirt is dry
I’m left in the corner of your windowsill
To slowly be forgotten without knowing why
320 · Aug 2019
Write into the void
Noah Rein Aug 2019
The day I’m defined by the materialistic value of my poems, is the day I will no longer write them
I will write for the ones who will listen
311 · Jul 2019
A midnight fly
Noah Rein Jul 2019
look at the stars
in the deep night sky
and prepare yourself
for a midnight fly

as your feet lift from the ground
and you soar high above the trees
you look out over the forest
and feel yourself freeze

its the most beautiful sight
you ever did see
and you think to yourself
you could be free

if you could flee
you would be able to grow
oh, if you could flee
where would you go

would you fly so high
that no one could reach you
or would you learn to walk better
and only fly when you had to

growth is important
for you and for me
we have to start growing
to truly be free

fleeing doesn’t change a thing
it doesn’t change your life
so don’t just run away
from your lifes strife
we want to leave our troubles behind, but we can only get through them by working on them.
287 · Jul 2019
Stand by my side
Noah Rein Jul 2019
I want you to stand by my side
As my world burns

I want you to stand by my side
As I do my best to crawl out of the ashes

I want you to stand by my side
Even if I **** up and make a mess

Because the thing is
I don’t want you to save me

I want you to stand by my side
As I save myself
284 · Aug 2019
Noah Rein Aug 2019
Red, like the blood that runs in our veins

Orange, like the shirt that I ‘accidentally’ took because I secretly like the way it smells like you

Yellow, like the sun that’s dancing across your face, highlighting your freckles as you smile

Green, like the grass we lay on while your old radio plays a slow hum of music out across my yard

Blue, like the ocean we swim in, clothes and secrets left on the shore

Purple, like the butterflies I get in my feet whenever I get near you, tripping over myself as I dance around confusing emotions
249 · Aug 2019
Noah Rein Aug 2019
I don’t believe in myths or lore, but there might be truth within its core

I don’t believe in shadow folk, or people made out of smoke

I don’t believe in fairy lights or small gnomes wandering through the night

I believe they are allusions, all about scary humans

I do believe in monsters though, just not the ones the fairy tales show

Monsters can be many things - strangers, friends or even kings

Most of all I do believe, that inhuman monsters are make-believe
240 · Jul 2019
I look as good as i feel
Noah Rein Jul 2019
The emotions i hid
just beneath the surface
a sickness most cruel
that made me so nervous

i saw the emotions
in all its twisted glory
and i truly thought
that those were the masters of my story

It wasn’t that i disliked
the way that i look
it was just my own appearance
that I for the emotions mistook

you see, i thought my face was wrong
my whole body too
but thats only because
all the emotions shone through

i never hated myself
but my features got twisted
by the emotions behind
that made me wish i never existed
208 · Jul 2019
We fell for you
Noah Rein Jul 2019
He loved you, more than he had ever loved us. but his devotion grew cold and bitter until it was nothing but the freezing rain of indifference. we wanted to help, and we screamed at him to let us.

But alas, he thought you not worth it, he thought you cruel. but you were made in his image, his charm and with his curiosity. you see, that was how you were born. formed out of curiosity and emotion.

As good as any siblings, we knew you better than our father did. we knew that you were not cruel, but curious.

Curious about the world and curious about yourselves. and how could you not be? he had given you so many wondrous things and all you wanted to do was explore. you were born with wanderlust in your feet and kindness in your souls.

We wanted to help, and we did our very best. father was furious, we had disobeyed after all. And when we fell from the skies, crashing and burning into the earth, we screamed that this was all for you.

We prayed for forgivness and hoped we were right. hoped we could help. because we love you, more than he had ever loved us.
it sure does feel like we've been abandoned, but maybe help comes in the forms of little gestures like someone paying for your meal, or holding a door open for you.
202 · Jul 2019
Getting through the storm
Noah Rein Jul 2019
Do you hear the thunder, slowly rumbling over the hills? The music of nature, drumming in your ears.

Do you hear the splatter of rain, as the drops hits your face? The refreshing cold against the warm August air.

Do you stand there, waiting for the storm to pass? Knowing you’ll dry when the sun comes back.


Do you curse the clouds for hiding the sun? The rays chasing away your shadows.

Do you feel the wetness in your eyes, willing yourself to believe that the rain is to blame?

Do you try to outrun the ******* clouds rolling in overhead? Try to hide, so you won’t get wet.
Theres beauty in pain
201 · Jul 2019
A tragedy, was it?
Noah Rein Jul 2019
In the clearing you find
That dawn has arrived
And in the silence you know
You have survived

You sit down and sigh
As the morning sun rises
The road has been long
And full of surprises

You’d like to go home
there’s still a long way
This isn’t the end
You’ve lived to see another day

The trees seem to hum
And the morning dew glitter
You can’t believe you wanted to be done
can’t believe you used to be so bitter

It’s time to get up now
Time to start walking
There’s a long way home
And no time for stopping

Things will get better
At the end of this road
You will find a place to rest
A place to unload
Follow up poem to A tragedy it is. The poems are about being at the bottom of depression and realizing you need help. The road in this poem is symbolic to going to a therapist, which can be a really hard thing; to find a therapist that suits you and can actually help can be really hard.
193 · Aug 2019
The ugly truth
Noah Rein Aug 2019
The skies were burning
And the ground lay barren
But still, we walked.

The ice was melting
And the oceans rising,
swallowing rich and poor alike.

We walked in a slow and steady pace,
away from all facts and logic,
as if we could outrun the truth.

and as the world collapsed around us
we worshipped nature, as if she was our god,
and the present time, our church.

But it does no good to have a church of corruption,
nor to preach pretty lies to willing ears.

It does no good to deem yourself innocent,
when you’ve already been caught in the crime and sentenced to misery.

And when we finally realized
that it was time to run
time ran out and stood still
and all we could do was watch the consequences of our actions unfold.
179 · Aug 2019
Never ending
Noah Rein Aug 2019
Rain hits the roof and with a shattering bang, like a canon being fired, I am thrown back into reality

Back into a world I have attempted to escape for so long. Into a gruesome realization that I am not unique.

I am not witty or original. I am one of many in the loop, and how could I not let that define me? When in my final hours, as I face a hard truth, I shall have that realization alone and ask myself the final question; where shall I be born next.
175 · Dec 2019
A cold harvest
Noah Rein Dec 2019
It's a sharp, crisp cold
that haunts the december sun

My white breath, too insistent to hold
with words frozen to my tongue

Silently fallen, to the ground half dead
to be one with peat and muck, while my color fades

My bones will break with your mistakes, be careful where you tread
my heart of glass, transparent, was left there and decayed
170 · Aug 2019
Noah Rein Aug 2019
Lying hand in hand
Looking up at the night sky
Grass soft against our backs
Watching as the stars fly by

A shooting star here
And a shooting star there
We close our eyes and wish
In the cool night air

Some people wish for love
Some wish for fame
Some wish for immortality
And for the world to know their name

I wish for the same
As I’ve done many times before
I wish for peaceful growth
And not anything more

I wish that this night
Lying here with you
Will help me grow and shape me
As few things would do
168 · Aug 2019
Noah Rein Aug 2019
Dark grey contrasting against marble white.
Clouds parting just enough to make room for pale blue sky.
The light a promise, that this too shall pass.
152 · Sep 2019
Noah Rein Sep 2019
I wake up
With memories
That aren’t mine
Filling my head

I sit up
With stolen images
Flashing in my mind

I walk to the sink
With forgotten feelings
Spilling from my eyes

I look in the mirror
And recognize
Hundreds of faces
In my collection of lives

One day
This face will be old
These memories will be stolen
And my feelings will reset

And I’ll try again
146 · Sep 2019
Call me crazy
Noah Rein Sep 2019
Who do you call
When the police murders
We talk about it for a few weeks
And then boil it down to murmurs

The leaders of the world
And the people in high places
They want to make the big decisions
But rarely show their faces

And it’s almost as bad
To look down and shut up
We should be screaming the fact
That the system is corrupt
142 · Mar 2020
I want
Noah Rein Mar 2020
I want to feel
Like a mushroom sprouting from the dirt

And embraced by the sun

I want to be

And dangerous if you treat me wrong

I want to be surrounded by the smell of the mist and the moss

Completely engrossed in my own growth
I know that mushrooms grow in dark and damp places, but I took a walk in a forest and saw a lil mushroom in the sun and got inspired
129 · Jul 2019
Noah Rein Jul 2019
The frozen ground, rough under my bare feet
Grass cold and wet
The morning dew carefully balanced on each blade
Glinting in the cold morning light
Rays of sun hits my bare back
As scars and bruises dance across my skin

In the early hours of dawn I stand
Basking in the first daylight
I am chilled to the bone
And it is then that I finally understand, what it means to be alone

Silence carries through the forest
No hint of the life it once held
With every breath I take
I feel my lungs fill with ice cold water

I feel weightless
Like I’m hovering just above the ocean floor
Lightning is filling my head
And I keep my eyes closed
As I wait for the booming thunder to hit
122 · Aug 2019
Noah Rein Aug 2019
Who can outrun Death, the patient old god
Who dare not face him when their end has come
For what is Death but a helping hand towards something new

All we can do is prepare for the next adventure
We are given all the time we need, for it is he, Death, who knows what we need

The world is cruel and demanding, but he is patient and kind
So do not fear, when he comes knocking on your door

For he knows what happens and would not send you onward if he did not deem it worthy of your time

— The End —