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Nobody Nov 2024
I sit at the table
While a different part of my brain
Tells me that I can't eat
Or i'll go through more pain

The bullies will come back
They'll hurt me more
I hate my life
I miss how it was before

Why is it so hard to eat
Why is it so hard to talk
Why is it so hard to run
instead of choosing to walk

I don't want to gain weight
I don't want to lose
I wish that whether I eat or not
Is something I can choose

My friends have started to notice
How little I eat….
I don't want to talk about it…
Nobody Nov 2024
10 years of drawing
9 years of being friends
8 years of being bullied
7 years of being bullied by you
6 years of guilt
5 years of trying to fit in
4 years of writing poetry
3 years of letting you manipulate me
2 years of knowing something was wrong with our friendship
1 year of trying to tell you
0 years of freedom
I am not 10 years old, that would be weird af, this is just the years i remember the most.
Nobody Nov 2024
On my first day in hell
The teacher gave to me
a bunch Of homework

One my second day in hell
The teacher have to me
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my third day in hell
My teacher gave to me
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my fourth day in hell
My teacher gave to me
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my fifth day in hell
My teacher gave to me
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my sixth day in hell
My teacher gave to me
6 pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework
Halfway done!

On my seventh day in hell
My teacher gave to me
7 broken promises
6  pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my eighth day in hell
My teacher gave to me
8 late assignments
7 broken promises
6  pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my ninth day in hell
My teacher gave to me
9 useless lessons
8 late assignments
7 broken promises
6  pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my tenth day in hell
My teacher gave to me
10 rules
9 useless lessons
8 late assignments
7 broken promises
6  pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my eleventh day in hell
My teacher gave to me
11 books to read
10 rules
9 useless lessons
8 late assignments
7 broken promises
6  pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my 12 (final) day in hell
My teacher gave to me
12 year-olds to manage
11 books to read
10 rules
9 useless lessons
8 late assignments
7 broken promises
6  pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

And now, to repeat it all again
Just a parody of the song, not even a poem but there it is folks
Nobody Nov 2024
i still remember the first time i texted
i was in the 6th grade
holding a Swiss army knife
from my shoulders and wrists
and heart

it was 2 in the morning
i was in my room
they gave me a list of reasons of why i shouldn't
it didn't stop me from trying

one week later
i texted again
same story
then the next week
then the next
they started to recognize my number
they remembered my name
every time
i haven't texted them in a while
i wonder if they miss me
i wonder if they're happy i haven't

i kind of miss them
Nobody Nov 2024
A for ***
because that's what you were to me
B for *****
because that's what you are
C for crap
because that's your opinions
D for ****
because that's what you act like
E for eternity
because that's how long your words will repeat in my head
F for *******
because those are the words i held back for so long
G for game
because that's all i was to you
H for hell
because that's what you put me through
I for incinerate
because that's what you did to my self-worth
J for joke
because that's all our friendship ever was
K for ****
because that's what you made me want to do to myself
L for loser
because that's how you always saw me
M for mortician
because that's what you'll need by the time I'm done with you
N for no
because that's what i said but you kept insisting we should be friends
O for onion
because you act like one, always making me cry
P for promises
because you never really could keep them, could you?
Q for question
because i have a ****-load of those for you
R for real
because i wonder if you even know that i am
S for sacrifices
because i made so many for you
T for torch
because i was in the dark but you hid yours
U for ugly
because that's what you kept on calling me
V for vaccine
because you make me sick
W for war
because that's what's going on in my brain thanks to you
X for x-ray
because i want to dig deep into your mind to find out why you did this to me
Y for you
because that's what i blame everything for
Z for zip
because zip your mouth, you cannot be talking about pain

a whole alphabet about you. i feel like we need more letters
because there definitely is more to be said
well that took forever lol
Nobody Nov 2024
Writing this because I feel like there is so much more to be said

A for anagram
Because you rearranged my brain like a nonsense sentence
B for below
Because that's what my social status is compared to yours
C for complain
Because that's all you ever did
D for dread
Because that's all you made me feel
E for even
Because even now, you mess up my brain
F for freak show
Because that's where you thought I belonged
G for girl
Because even though I was out to you, you still called me one
H for help
Because I think you need some…
I for idk
Because whenever I asked you a question, that's how you responded
J for joker
Because that's what you are, like the card in a deck. Useless
K for kid
Because you act like a toddler
L for lies
Because those are all you told me
M for me
Because that's who you never cared about
N for never
Because that's when you will realize what you threw away
O for okay
Because you know that I'm not
P for power
Because i never realized, but you had it all
Q for quick
Because that's how our friendship ended
R for revenge
Because I know it won't help
S for sap
Because just like sap, you are sticky and annoying
T for thumb
Because I always had to be the one to give you a thumbs up
U for umbrella
Because I was always the one to protect you from the rain, getting nothing in return
V for vacation
Because I sure as hell need one from you
W for whatever
Because you keep saying that, thinking it makes you sound cool
X for xenophobia
Because I think you have that
Y for YOLO
Because I really hope that you do
Z for zzz
Because that's the noise you made when I needed you the most

I think we might need another alphabet…
I know this one is worse, but it still says a lot and was hard to write sooo…
Nobody Nov 2024
Anxiety seeps into my soul
Like stains on a white couch
Like songs to your mind
Panic rises
Thoughts coming faster than before
"Maybe I'll die"
"Whats happening?"
And sometimes
No thoughts at all
But never any barriers
To brake my fall
What's wrong with me?
Loud noises and yelling remind me of what happened...
Why though?
Nobody Nov 2024
am i going crazy
i cant believe my eyes
people telling me
its going to be alright

the chaos in the room
the noise passing by
panic arises in my soul
rightfully so?

it's too loud in here.
i think I'm going crazy
because it sure feels like it
maybe I belong in an asylum :)
because I can't ******* do this anymore
Nobody Nov 2024
whats going on
chaos moving in my brain
chaos and panic
world passing by
while i'm stuck
in this hellhole
that's bringing pain
and hoping for death
and destruction
i have no idea
whats going on
heart rate going up
breathing fast
brain going crazy
too much happening
for my little, anxious, stupid, empty brain
Just saying.... this was the 69th poem i posted lol
I have the humor of a literal 5 year old
Nobody Nov 2024
anxiety affects
my fragile heart
you can't make it stop
when someone already made it start

anxiety affects
my useless head
asking me "what's going on?"
and "why am i not dead?"

anxiety affects
my confused soul
makes it ask more questions
makes me want to hode in a hole
Nobody Dec 2024
if i was icarus
and the wax on my wings melted
i would have apologized to you
for splashing the ocean water on you

if you stabbed me
and i was dying
i would have apologized to you
for getting blood on your shirt

if we fought
and didn't make up
i would have apologized to you
for saying sorry

i'm sorry.
Nobody Nov 2024
Build me like IKEA furniture
With wood and screws and pain
Let me talk to you deeply
Let me take up part of your brain

Let me love you truly
With no lies, wrongs or cheats
Let me care for you lovingly,
Let me wrap you In clean sheets.

Let me ****** those who wronged you,
Let them bleed Out on the floor,
Let you smile honestly
When I come knocking at your door

Let nobody near you but me
Let the pain stay far away
Let me be your medicine
You must take me every day.

Don't leave me.
Please love me.
Who is she?
Does she replace me?

I'm not obsessed.
I'm not obsessed.
I love you.
Let me say that this isn't relatable to me in the slightest, but here it is folks 🍷
Nobody Nov 2024
Avoid the question
Ignore the problem
Try to stop
Try to eat
I can't
I can't *******
I can't ******* do
I can't ******* do this
I can't ******* do this anymore
Nobody Nov 2024
I visited a cemetery
For a geocache
But I found
Something else
I visited the Italian section
Hoping to find some of my culture
But I found
A small grave
Sticking out of the ground
It had her parents names
And nothing but her date of birth
And death
She was seven months old.
Her poor parents
She never got to speak
To walk
To wonder
To make friends
To go to school
To get a job
I wonder
If her parents still think about her
If they're even still alive

Poor baby Alice…
Nobody Nov 2024
dance to the song,
you beautiful ballerina
we are all watching
don't mess up

move your feet,
you beautiful ballerina
or we will attach the strings
to your useless little limbs... again

paint a smile on your face,
you ugly ballerina
if you smiled more
more people will like you

why did you eat that,
you fat ballerina?
you'll just gain more weight
you wont fit into your size -5 dress

you made a mistake,
you useless ballerina
maybe you should just go
nobody even wants to see your show.

Quit hoping for freedom,
You disaster of a ballerina
You are our marionette
We have full control

Stop lying,
You rat of a ballerina
We have never hurt you
We just discipline

Stop being dramatic,
You drama queen of a ballerina
You dance
You don't act

Stop moping,
You hideous ballerina
Just because he doesnt like you anymore
Doesnt mean you have a right to frown

Start smiling,
You sad ballerina
Nobody will like you
If you frown...

you deserve better,
you precious, imperfect, kind, sweet, beautiful, nice, wonderful, friendly, injured, hopeful ballerina.
leave this awful place.
you deserve so much better...
As i said before in like 2 different poems, i am NOT a girl. But that doesnt stop me from beimg a feminist. My older brother is, my dad is, my uncle is, stand up for those wonderful people.
Nobody Jan 14
i can't believe i trusted you
you were so awful
you treated me like ****
but i cared about you

i didn't want to be friends
i hated you
but at the same time
i wanted to be best friends

i won't let you manipulate me again
i'm not some... some marionette
for you to hold the strings
and control

i can't believe i believed in you
when all you told me were lies
now, honestly you're one of the reasons
i want to die
Nobody Nov 2024
maybe only now I'm getting this realization
This realization that being treated wrong is not something to oversee
Maybe these piles of books are my only friends in this lonely world

But there she is
A candle in the darkness
A butterfly that flew into the endless abyss of the world
A savior, even though she might not know it.

Deep down
I know that she is the answer
The replacement for the piles of books

After being treated wrong
For all these years
Her presence felt strange, but in a way, right.
She is always there.
Especially when you need her.

And now I know
She is my best friend
And she will always be there
Because I love her
And she loves me
Platonically, of course.
Nobody Nov 2024
You are my best friend
I love that we can call
And talk about nothing
And everything
All at once
Over the span of thirty minutes

I love that we can do anything
And enjoy doing it
Because we are together

I love that we can go on long walks
And it's like we are the only people in the world
Because we are best friends
To my absolute best friend <33 her name starts with an S so if she sees this shell know its for her <333
Nobody Dec 2024
è una cosa strana
se fa troppo caldo
si scioglierà
ma se lo lasci cadere
si romperà in un milione di pezzi
proprio come il mio cuore
quando hai detto
"non dovremmo più essere amici,
sei semplicemente un peccato.".
il mio cuore è caduto
e distrutto
è diventato acuto
è una cosa molto strana
ma lo capisco
forse un po' troppo
The Italian translation of 'glass'. I know a
basically nobody here speaks italian but i felt like writing this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nobody Jan 21
i don't like myself
at all
i hate my body

i hate the was my stomach sticks out
when i sit
i hate the way my feminine structure looks
while wearing normal ****
i hate the way the skin
on my thighs sag
i hate the way i cover my body
with everything
anything i can find
because i'm not okay
i hate my body
Nobody Dec 2024
i can't pick up the pieces
every time you break
i have my own
to retrieve from the floor
Nobody Dec 2024
I can’t breathe
You aren’t there
But your words
still cover my mouth
And I wonder
Will you ever let go?
Nobody Dec 2024
I’m not fragile
I’ve just been broken
So many times before
That the glue is unable to hold.
I’m not fragile, am i?
Nobody Dec 2024
Even now
I remember the sound of their laughter
The awful noise
And how it hurt as much
As a slap in the chest
How their verbal claws
Dug deeper and deeper
Into my skin and soul
"You're worthless"
"Fat ***"
I bet you forgot
That you even said those things to me
But I hope you know
They keep repeating in my head
Nobody Nov 2024
getting the burnout
tired of everyone
tired of life
tired of school
tired of art
tired of rehearsals
tired of being in the school play
tired of playing trombone
tired of painting
tired of drawing
tired of singing
tired of hanging out with friends
tired of doing homework
tired of writing short stories
tired of life
tired of responding to texts
but i keep sending them
tired of showing up to class
tired of correcting people on my pronouns just to get called a ***
tired of literally everything
but i know
i'll feel better in a little
and then it'll start all over again
so for now
i'll just hide my scars
mask my problems with humor
and wait
for happiness
Nobody Dec 2024
you left me.
                 but i loved you
i thought we would be friends forever.
                 but i loved you
you treated me like ****
                 but i loved you
i wanted to be your friend
                 but i loved you
i guess it was just pretend
                 but i loved you
but i love you
and even though you are awful
i can't seem to let go
Nobody Dec 2024
but why did you care about me?
no one ever did before.
is this what it feels like
to feel okay?
because i don't recognize this feeling.
not at all.
Nobody Dec 2024
you said you would be there for me...
                                         but you never were
you said you would be my best friend forever...
                                         but you never were
you said you trusted me...
                                         but you never did
you said you would love me forever...
                                         but you never did
you said you would never hurt me
                                         but you did
you said you would never insult me
                                         but you did
and trust me
i would know
because the words you used
keep repeating in me head.

i miss you
but i hate you.
come on, i never said that.
but you did.
you arent one to be talking.
useless piece of sh-t
just shut up, nobody likes you.
i know.
i'll leave now.
Nobody Nov 2024
Life feels like a carousel
Spinning and spinning
I want to fall off
Too much happening
Nausea sprouting
Anxiety rising
More future scars appearing
All alone
Nobody Nov 2024
i was changing after PE
(in the girls locker room, of course.)
too scared to come out to the school.
i was changing out of the blueberry colored sweatpants
when a girl commented
"how did you get those cuts?"
"do you have a cat or something?"
and i just stood there
like a rabbit
that if i freeze
they won't be able to see me
they ask me if i'm okay
i ran away

i know
that i have problems
but i think that they're starting
to turn into issues
Nobody Dec 2024
i have to make a choice.
either spend
thirty hours a week
spewing my problems to a stranger
aka therapy,
or live
in a mental hospital.
its been a really long day .
Nobody Nov 2024
Never really helped me
Stay awake
Because I never really wanted to be
So coffee
Just makes it worse
Too tired for this ****
Nobody Dec 2024
i feel alone
in your hugs
your arms cold
your soul
your skin
your heart
your touch
is like a snowflake
but cold
Nobody Dec 2024
count the seconds
because every moment counts
you might lose a friend
make one instead
or maybe even fall in love
I kinda hate this but I wanted to get it out of my drafts 🙃
Nobody Nov 2024
Maybe I'm going crazy
Because I think I might like him.
I might want him to like me
Am I going crazy???
Because it sure feels like it.
Haha maybe I am 😅
Maybe I have a crush
Just maybe
He does too
... probably not though
And for context it isn't anyone on this website, I made sure he doesn't have access to my account because hell. No.
Nobody Nov 2024
Last night I cried myself to sleep
The night before as well
Tonight I can't stop crying
And life feels like hell

Scrape the paint off the walls
Make me feel insane
Scrape the skin off my arms
Let me go through pain

My tear-stained pillow
Can't take any more
It soaks up my sobs like a sponge
Unlike the cold hard floor

I think I know something about that word
Like your heart by the end of the year
Left with nothing but migrating birds.
Running away.
Hope for happiness
... one day
Nobody Dec 2024
i want to
c r y
but i am in a crowded room

i hold back
t e a r s
but they fall anyway

now i am
a l l  a l o n e
but i cant get the tears to come out

i want to
c r y
but i cant
not at all
i have to go to a different therapy place now because i need to focus on my eating problems. i have been with my old therapist for like 5 months and she was really nice. we had the convo w/ my parents today, said goodbye to my therapist and i was holding back so many tears. but when i got home, i couldn't cry. no matter how much i wanted to. not sure whats wrong w/ me
Nobody Nov 2024
Turns out
Crystal clear
Might not be as clear as we think

I look through glass
And I see a warped version of you
A twisted version of the person I once loved

I look through quartz
And I see a kind person
Someone who cares
Someone who loves.
That's not who you are.

I can see for myself.
I don't need any crystals that manipulate me into thinking you are good.
You're not.
Leave me alone.
Love yourself as much as you should be. (A lot.)
Nobody Nov 2024
there's no such thing as cupid
just an electrician
who makes the spark between two parts
and lets them fan the flame
cupid my ***

there's no such thing as cupid
there's no such thing as fate
there's no such thing as love at first sight
there's no way to open the gate
cupid my ***

just randomness
two people that meet in the abyss and sometimes manage to make it work...
cupid my ***
Nobody Nov 2024
Hello friends! Me and my friend Eternity have made a discord server for the Hello Poetry community. We would love for you to join us!!! My name is Your Sleep Paralysis Demon, (such a cool name right?) And here is the link:
When (if) you join, please introduce yourself with your Hello Poetry name and preferred pronouns!!! Thank you!
(For context, ice spice is Eternity)
Nobody Nov 2024
Dont call me trans masc
When ive always been a boy
Gay people didnt 'used to be straight', so why would i 'used to be a girl'?
Nobody Dec 2024
don't cry
when i die.
crying over me
is just as useful
as crying over spilled milk.
Nobody Nov 2024
**** it up, buttercup
It's only gonna get more hard
Ignore the hunger
You'll only get more scarred

I know they're watching me eat
Everything I Blink I see them staring at me
Judging me
... let me be

Don't eat
Don't eat
Won't eat
Won't eat
Can't eat...
Nobody Dec 2024
Don't leave me all alone, don't drag me
Over the coals
No way i will let you die
To just sit there, plan gone awry

Leaves fall. you left me.
Ever will i feel happy again?
And you didn't even say goodbye
Vacuum ****** up everything i loved
Even to your friend.
Nobody Nov 2024
Do you ever
Look at a blade
And think
"Well... that belongs across my throat."?
Do you ever
Look at a bottle of pills
And think
"I should take them all."?

Because I sure as hell do
Nobody Nov 2024
i think i'm drowning
because i can't breathe
weights tied to my feet
making me sink
deeper into the unknown

i think i'm drowning
because i need a way to stay afloat
no way to breathe
surrounding me

i think i'm drowning
because i feel wet sand
beneath my toes
it's all dark
pitch black
all alone
my ears are popping

i think i'm drowning
because i am being choked
by the weight
of all my burdens

i think i'm drowning
because i've reached rock bottom
i'm in the deep end
of the ocean
but nobody cares

i think i'm drowning
but i don't really care
at all
Nobody Nov 2024
Waiting for the worst
Because in 8 days
They will come
The family
The elders
I think people need to stop saying
"Respect your elders."
Because why should i respect them
If they don't respect me

Respect is earned
Not demanded
So maybe
You should stop calling me she
Or transphobic comments
And start treating me like the grandson i am

Grandpa addicted to cannabis
Grandma addicted to alchohol
Their garage reaks if sadness
I think the reason they do this to themselves
Is because they might hate me for who i am
But I think they hate themselves more
Yup my grandparents are coming over for thanksgiving, wish me luck because transphobia isnt their only tactic.
Nobody Nov 2024
I am not
I am
There is
And always will be
A difference
Nobody Nov 2024
Empty words
Never mean anything
"I love you"
Means nothing when they don't show it

Empty words
Are useless words
Because actions
Speak louder than words

Empty words
Are worthless words
Because heavy words
Will always be more meaningful
Than weightless ones.

Trust me on this
Nobody Nov 2024
i dont know
if im going through a depressive episode
a suicidal episode
a dissociative episode
a derealization episode
a depersonalization episode
a psychotic episode
a sociopathic episode
or something else
but something is definitely wrong
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