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Neuvalence Jan 2018
Breeze travels calmly
Autumn's touch illuminates
Pines on the hillside

—=—My first haiku <3—=—

Inspiration from:
Jiuzhai Valley National Park, China
Neuvalence Jan 2018
Precious violet
Near a pond of vibrancy
Colours soon to fade
In your last freshness and youth
Why has your beauty withered?

—=—My first tanka <3—=—
Neuvalence Dec 2017
Now sit and watch
as the chrysanthemums
and the carnations with
their green holders and offspring
inhabit the rocky roads
leaving them no


As mother nature
has successfully reclaimed
her throne;
This she has done before
       (terrifyingly; incredibly)
Though docile this hour
This structure is somewhat different from my usual style, but I wanted to do some experimenting. Also you'd notice this shares a similar theme to my earlier poem 'A Stony Efflorescence'
Neuvalence Dec 2017
As the tide flows back and forth
I am pulled by your energy
I am pulled by its consistency
Though I waited far too long
for the moon to settle down

Through the evergreen forests of the east,
the cold of Mount Fuji’s peak,
the pyramid of Giza’s stone heat
and life’s final feast,
I’ve ran towards you on my bare feet

Waste no tears and hold no fears
for this is a cruel game, my dear
Nights get brighter and days get darker
I just want for there to be
a new start for you and me

As our hearts grow further apart
It’s like when the sun and moon
have no time together to bloom
Missing each other by a minute
whenever the clock strikes six

Through the evergreen forests of the east
we’ll unite for the last feast
above the cold and through the heat, we’ll climb
to enjoy ourselves together one last time
for the final nights of our prime
——==< An apology poem >==——
Neuvalence Dec 2017
Although I may never get to meet
the woman who carried my soul
through the cosmos inside her body
from a winter's frost to a spring's warmth

I'll be grateful for the one who
spent her blood, sweat and tears
holding me in her arms, guiding me
through a journey called life

Without a doubt, I'll stitch them both
into my heart's core as they were
generous in taking time to sculpt me
into the person I am
Neuvalence Dec 2017
Reviles gnaw on her somber thoughts
as she hangs between beige curtains
tightly thick around her neck
absorbing lachrymal crystals under her eyes
Her many faces retreat—implode under
pressure—like glass borne on a cliff
As for her, herself, come forth many
holding stones—boulders to her—
ready to strike this candle;
intimidated by fire, she melts
And as the flames are roused
watch her re-harden: an exquisite tragedy
Neuvalence Dec 2017
The wind blows and I am taken away
by the rich smell that lingers
on this flightless strip of concrete
bearing witness to the feet touching it;
haven’t had a touchdown since
the friction of rubber that last took off

But the grass sways and vines prosper
as birds, harmonious over the treetops,
sing past the mangroves in
a V-formation in the skies
I stand here witnessing beauty before my eyes

On this edge of the land, not a soul but I
sees the exuberant nature of the
spiritual wealth of the abandoned
Swept away to see that humans are
not needed for a land to be free

— The End —