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May 2019 · 140
Old Bone
Merlie T May 2019
Old bone.          Withered man
Eyes deeper, more
Than mine.           Spotted skin
Covers a child of the sun
The soul matches the body
Only once you learned to read
Its truth
Apr 2019 · 565
A letter of love
Merlie T Apr 2019
Let the wind
carry sweet whispers of my love
to you
Let yours echo
Calling back to me
Through the winds of the trees
Kisses and ever good wishes
Eternal in my heart
To yours
And back and forth
And back
Until it is in your arms, I reside
Apr 2019 · 311
AM Lucidity
Merlie T Apr 2019
Laughing Goats on a
Green and Yellow shore
Waves HIT
and retract

Sobbing Segals circle
A light house
Bobbing with the lights out.

An old man crashes into the rocks
The darkness too consuming
for him to see.

The Goats laugh,
but the segals cry!

no more suffering, no more please

The Billy Goats Grin
We dimmed the bulb to brighten our hearts!

The segals wings fall from their bodies
SLAM against pavement

The segal nosedive down...

Washed Away!

we've washed away against the red ocean's deep!

The Goats laugh
Atop their green
And yellow shore.

They grin as it HITS

Merlie T Mar 2019
Warm Sun
Baking my cold fingers
Into perfect temperature
Chocolate chip cookies.
Groovy beats tap    tap   tap
at my ear drums
boom boom tap boom boom tap
Swimming on my back in a bath
of red and orange
Cartooning and Contorting
Into the stomach
of the whale
Wind blows
I am too cold
Take me back
to warm, perfect cookies.
Like two perfect *******,
to rest your head upon.
No greater comfort in the world than that.
Dec 2018 · 295
Yellow Skin
Merlie T Dec 2018
Blood stains on the carpet
You are too young to be on this floor

Clothing without a body
Shoved into boxes and garbage bags

Pictures taken off of walls
Forgotten being

Vacancy on the left side of the bed

No body
A vase of ashes

Is the coffin empty?

It could be just a dream
Dec 2018 · 265
Listen to the Forest
Merlie T Dec 2018
Listen to the forest
It speaks
Not in the language we know
Birds singing
Leaves bustling in trees
Dancing with the wind
It blows, whispering
“Come with me, come home,”
The ground releases a crunch
As a hard foot presses down

If I sit here long enough
Will I become one of the branches
Of the tree?
Is this how they all got here?
Dec 2018 · 156
Views From a Hill
Merlie T Dec 2018
White mountain
Nested between two trees
The sun cast
A shadow on the page
As my hand writes
The grass shapes round’ my feet
I am cold
Rays of sun give bits of warmth
White mountain stares steadily
Gaze unwavering,
I try my best to stare back
Dec 2018 · 849
Merlie T Dec 2018
I love you!
You love me
We love all
And all love us
But the trees are all gone now, and few animals  left
Babies  born
with no hate in their heart
raised to remain the same
But the water is rising, and the flames grew too high
Humans have reached enlightenment
Just in time for the world to die
Dec 2018 · 348
Words From My Pizza
Merlie T Dec 2018
I cannot write of love, or poetry, or stars
I cannot creep into the dark abyss
I cannot seep into the sink with yesterday’s cabbage
Help me, I am burning in the oven!
-My Pizza
Dec 2018 · 154
Train Ride
Merlie T Dec 2018
I ride the train along a coast
My body seated in the observation cart
Level with the grass and sea, I am a zoo animal
I am a tourist, I am mindless.
I watch the land and stare at old shacks
Migrants work
Hunched over in strawberry fields
There is a grapevine, but I cannot find any wine
Dec 2018 · 165
Sweet, Sweet Song
Merlie T Dec 2018
The girl came in a dream to me
night after night
with red and pink roses in her hair
and freckles in her eyes
she held my hand tight
leading me away with her sweet, sweet song
Dec 2018 · 148
Insides Into Roses
Merlie T Dec 2018
You turned my insides into roses
when you left they died
and thorns sprang out to my innards

The sun which once warmed me
scorched my skin to leather

Winds of nourishing air dried my throat
and took with them my ability to breathe

The water which washed me
turned my skin to mud
and drown me
Dec 2018 · 247
I Remember
Merlie T Dec 2018
I Remember
I remember being small and the hospital big with long hallways and tall open windows
I remember prayer circle and how it didn’t work
I remember the color yellow and a funeral where I tried going to the candy jar but the door was locked and the ceremony had started
I remember it was okay because
I was only 7 and was now half orphaned                 no one stays angry at a 7 year old half orphan
You are too young to understand, don’t worry sweetie

I remember new people in the house   people who didn’t always smell good
and hair from dogs, cats, hamsters                     water on the floor from goldfish bowls

I remember we chose not to move
I remember being angry, confused, cold, tired and afraid of jack rabbits but missing visits to the desert

I remember seeing you as a stranger
awkwardly shaped moving through a swimming pool
you thought I was obnoxious,                       I remember because your friends told me
I remember forcibly inserting myself into your life
I remember flowers, fragrances, grass, scabby knees, ***** palms, the orchard, the creek, the bikes, the plumbs, the poetry the fields and the sun

I remember everything drenched in chlorine        sweat on your upper lip

I remember walking through your yard finding broken glass like diamonds.
you showed me where your dog Diego was buried
underneath your mother’s roses beside her St. Jude sculpture

I remember your yellow kitchen table
clam chowder, rice, pico, tamales, carrots, onions, steak, salmon burgers, potatoes, cheesecake
an increasing heartbeat every time we sat down for dinner with your parents.
I wish I didn’t have to eat this food

I remember new furniture, finances, fighting, moving trucks, paperwork, boxes, compartmentalizing and roommates with strange piercings

I remember replacing trees with concrete and bicycles with buses
on my first day at a new job in a new place
I found a syringe in the bathroom toilet.
I remember trains, cigarettes, crows, crosswalks, garbage, people, street art, highways that all scared the **** out of me

I remember the sting of alcohol leaving my throat and nostrils into stained porcelain while high knee socks itched my skin and strange piercings held back my hair

I remember short visits
Your sweetness and the comfort of your familiarity

I remember baking pie with my face down in the bowl
avoiding questioning eyes and tightly pressed lips of relatives
“Are you seeing someone new?”
“How is school?”
“Will you visit Texas?”
                                                         ­                                    ******* and never ask me anything again
I remember imagining myself running out the door, through the yard, down the street, over the bridge, around the river and into a quiet bed

I remember the scent of chlorine sending me into frenzy
I remember how you resented me                                          I resented the hell out of you
I remember you calling me complacent                       I remember wanting you to disappear

I remember new lips, new tastes, new palms, new faces, new smells, new picnics
and a neighbor’s dog

I remember no longer feeling angry, confused, cold, tired, or afraid of jack rabbits, but still missing visits to the desert

I remember the time we were laying in bed with the sun shining through the window, tall and open.
Dec 2018 · 162
Love, why don't you go?
Merlie T Dec 2018
Love, why don’t you go?
Where all things
Web and they weave
Why don’t you leave me here,
Amongst the ripples of the tides
My mouth dry, missing you

— The End —