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2.8k · Jul 2020
Hair Grease
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
Mummy used to buy me hair grease,
for my hair was a seismic wave of crease.
The scalp crying sweat,
the tantrums were the onset.

Wide tooth comb have mercy on the nots,
nests of lies and cheeky clots.
The flurries of dandruff deposit,
the skeletons in the closet.

Mummy brought out the blue magic,
the long strands thirsty to become ethic.
Such a wave of moisture,
like the silkiness of an oyster.

A perfect layer of braided Cornrows,
blended amongst the tropical mangoes.

Mummy says to me you’re a woman now,
be prepared and ready to plough,
the knotty hairs of your little ones.

Go and buy the same hair grease,
to ensure their naughty traits mature into peace.

Justine Louisy

Copyright ©Justine Louisy 2016
All Rights Reserved
So... I’ve mentioned about braids but now let’s talk about the preparation of Afro hair and the goodness of hair grease (metaphorically speaking 😁😅) enjoy!!
870 · Jun 2020
Justine Louisy Jun 2020
Multiple braids equal multiple roots,
in the direction my fingers scoots.

Loose braids,
robust cornrow braids in a stack,
chanting all the way down my back.

A loose rope,
or a robust bridge.
You know which root to take….

Justine Louisy
Copyright © Justine Louisy 2016
All Rights Reserved
Still remember having braids in my hair (so much more easier to handle 🤣) Would you consider braids? 😊
735 · Jul 2020
My holiday of.....
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
Welcome abroad Thameslink.
Grab a camera a wink at
Shaftsbury’s bootylicious dancers.
Pen in gear and know the answers to
the parade of pub quizzes.
Let your strands of raw seismic frizzes scream
on bonds lightening Thames RIB.
The Louis Vuitton wallet ‘on fleek’ for that crib inside
the Shards slender diamond belly.
Feet stay in groove with that Kidston welly against
the roaring mud at the wireless festival.
Pre dem soulful struts of de Notting hill carnival spicy
spirits, nani wines and **** kisses.
Safari hunt watch out for those hisses on
centre stage of the primeval in the zoo.
Grab my hand and come on boo steady
your bags and steady your feet on the thrilling
ride of Oxford street.
Reminisce its entirety and say goodbye.

As we take in our final view on the London eye.

Justine Louisy
Copyright ©Justine Louisy 2016
All Rights Reserved
Happy Friday folks!! Hope you have a great weekend planned and are keeping safe during these times!! Here’s something to cheer you up... my poetic vision of LONDON 🇬🇧.... if you are planning to go (once COVID restrictions are fully lifted) hope this gives you a good sense of things to do and places to visit 😁🏙😊
692 · Jul 2020
Salt Lamp
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
Be the salt lamp,
that purifies the delinquent dust,
and leaves a path of glow,
so the dark can finally see.

Justine Louisy
Copyright © Justine Louisy 2020
All Rights Reserved
Midweek Motivation 💪🏽
391 · Jul 2020
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
I know these people.

Their voice box doesn’t even need to be awake.

I know their character by the way their lips are dressed.

A streak of blue,
I know their brain is sweating stress.

A display of rose,
I know their flirtatious fever is always contagious.

A heap of  crust,
I know their anger stings the meaning of trust.

A stream of moisture,
I know their soul sooths and heals the shadows.

A thin size,
I know they seek comfort in a box.

A big size,
I know they feed off centre stage.

A nest of cuts,
I know they want the gift of love.

Justine Louisy
Copyright © Justine Louisy 2020
All Rights Reserved
390 · Jul 2020
Gabriel Meadow
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
Tickles of the straw fingers,
it will be alright they say.
Wave of the centre wind,
the saint’s at rest on the air’s kisses.
Join us they exclaim.

The scarlet macaw on her acclaimed throne,
art of ranking colours,
colours of a warrior’s triumph.
Rejoice in her name.

Bush deer content with the sound of emptiness,
the wolfs an ancient myth.
Bumbles bees retreating from the flowers,
along the yellow brick road.

The sky will never shed a tear
Next week.
Next month.
Next year.
In life.

Gabriel meadow. You are filled with my prospective destiny.
God bless you.

Justine Louisy
Copyright ©Justine Louisy 2016
All Rights Reserved
Something soothing to start off a Thursday morning... enjoy 😊
280 · Jul 2020
Word search
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
Biro the brave heart,
liberated the wasted words,
that layed lifeless on the rippled land of paper,
imprisoned and not found.

Words that have been fed with feeble fever,
swollen from the neglect injected into its letter limbs.
Neglect from the puzzle prime minister.

But biro the brave heart pen,
together with the motion from his noble ‘hand’ steed,
slowly walking around each word,
in a captivating circle,
made out of incentive ink.

The circle of meaningful medicine,
that cures the words emptiness,
and installs a ventilator
so, it can breathe value.

Words that are ready to breathe value,
the words I am looking for so,
that my figure of speech is finally alive.

Justine Louisy

Copyright © Justine Louisy 2020
All Rights Reserved
I am such a word search enthusiast... so used that as my inspiration for this poem.... enjoy!! 😁
271 · Aug 2020
The ground of soil
Justine Louisy Aug 2020
I know your young feet have the urge to drive a high heel,
but they cannot feel the heartbeats of the ground of soil,
beating beginnings and growth.
So, abide to this simple troth for your naked feet,
to meet with beginnings and growth,

Justine Louisy
Copyright © Justine Louisy 2020
All Rights Reserved
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
So, I have a friend called water,
you can see straight through her most times as
she is so clear in her manner,
but she always has no taste in conversation,
because I can sometimes see,
the traces of dirt she carries with her,
and I’ve come to realise she clearly has no filter.

She often soaks you with shock,
you have to run and sit somewhere tranquil to pacify your stressed heart.
She’s always very cold,
and has to be forced to warm up to you.

People say she’s a healthy fit for you,
but I would think twice before you invite her into your home.

Justine Louisy
Copyright © Justine Louisy 2020
All Rights Reserved
Let’s just say.... water isn’t a great as you think ... be careful of her! 😂
215 · Jun 2020
50p polish
Justine Louisy Jun 2020
I’m not your normal kind as
it’s difficult to find the
dedication in me.
Yes, I know you payed a small fee,
to buffer your careless cars looks or
to tend to your metal head hooks.

But believe me when I say,
get ready as you better find another way in
dealing with your troubled goods.

Meanwhile, I will confine myself in a multitude of bin lining hoods.

Justine Louisy

Copyright © Justine Louisy 2017
All Rights Reserved
213 · Jul 2020
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
Sleeping limbs,
hair looking like a display of drunk,
tongue breathing the smell of skunk,
closed eyes still acting as a screen projector for my daisy dream.

All this,
whilst standing,
in a hungry bath.
Hungry for the applause of water droplets,
it’s echo making the drums in my ear bang at every beat.

Oh finally! sober strands of hair thanks
to the medicine called ‘wet’.
Lazy limbs finally awoken by the kicks
of caffeinated splashes.
My crusty feet marinated
in a shallow stream.

My tongue doing the Mexican wave
in a pure fountain.
At least it scared the skunk away.

The cool fingers of the water poking
against my snuggled eyelids.
No more daisy dream.

Thanks to the shower!

All this,
and work is in 10 minutes.

Oh crap…..
206 · Jun 2020
Crisp mornings
Justine Louisy Jun 2020
Crisp mornings.
The crispness inflamed the soles of my stem.
I shiver at the thought.
The shiver ponders my mind to the last days I ....

The succulent hands of the summer breeze is here.
Myself and the other folks sway and cheer,
sitting on the tailored twigs of Oldman the oak tree.
Spencer the sun glazing our trichomes.

We exchange gentle rustling two and fro,
like the sound of an ancient ***** awaiting to uplift the show.
Blackbirds and wood pigeons in the air,
up against each other to strike the berry in the bush goal.
What a perfect life I’m pleased to see.

Maggie magpie why do you perch on my branch so?
your bewitching colours like a piercing cry,
surely I’m not yet to..

The howling of the clouds,
the punches of lightening,
The heavens they open,
good gracious how frightening.

The kicks of the autumn breeze is here.
Stomata is failing.
Stomata is failing.
I’m latching onto the twig,
my ancient armchair.

Carotenoids and Xanthophyll’s,
dehydrated wrinkly skin.
Gut wrenching red anthocyanin,
like lucifer leukaemia stabbing my soul.

Crisp mornings.
I disconnect.
I fall.
I hit.
I lay.
In the flurries of snow,
amongst my other folks.

Oldman the oak tree hospice is empty once again.


Justine Louisy
Copyright © Justine Louisy 2016
All Rights Reserved
So this poem is one of my older poems when I first started writing around 4 years ago... a metaphorical piece with a lot of context. Hope you enjoy 😊 !!
202 · Jul 2020
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
Walk through the rays.
Walk through the rain.
Walk through the wind.
Walk through the sleet.
Walk through the hailstones.
Walk through the snow.


Life comes in all moods,
like the weather.
Take your time,
and walk through each mood,

Justine Louisy

Copyright © Justine Louisy 2020
All Rights Reserved
Good morning😊 Midweek motivation!! There is no need to rush. How will you ever embrace and learn from each and every mood of life...
194 · Jun 2020
Justine Louisy Jun 2020
My shadows are out there fighting.
The click of my fingers are shouting not
humming at every beat.
The hairs on my head shedding their
curly laughter.
My vision is chasing the intruding floaters.
My throat is frying pins and needles for my supper.
There are eroded rocks in my mouth.

My breath the stench of life.

I hope you smell it as you walk past.

Justine Louisy

Copyright © Justine Louisy 2017
All Rights Reserved
163 · Jul 2020
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
Fly kicked from the hot oil,
the one that said,

“I will coat you in goldenness!”

Your soaked by the cloths tears of bleach a
playful bath-time of toxic shrieks.
Not as sweet as you were.

You tremble into the duplicitous trap of Charlotte’s web.
Tangle and twine.
Magic won’t save you.

You can’t hide away from the Pitbull’s saliva squad…..

Kinetic + Kitchen = your fate.


Justine Louisy
Copyright ©Justine Louisy 2016
All Rights Reserved
143 · Jul 2020
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
You are the co – pilot,
That will steer my human fuselage,
whilst my captain eyes are laid to rest in living blindness.

Steering me into the hearts,
of the fragrant families called red roses,
That will make my lungs dance in the smell of love.

Steering me away.
Away from the sharp smoke of the ‘polluting mob’,
That will make my lungs shatter in the smell of abuse.

But I trust in you, nose.

My journey will be safe with you.

Justine Louisy

Copyright © Justine Louisy 2020
All Rights Reserved
139 · Nov 2020
Justine Louisy Nov 2020
Words strapped to their broken seats,
without the windows of sense,
the dense air of silence becoming
a cold reliance.

Their Brain Malfunction Waste,
otherwise known as a BMW,
stays parked on a sloped drive,
alive but without a programmed destination.

I guess the ‘writers block virus’ took away
the ignition key.

Justine Louisy © Copyright 2020
All Rights Reserved
It’s been a while... nonetheless hope everyone is well and keeping safe!! 😊🙏🏽👍🏽
131 · Jul 2020
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
Let your feet talk you through your steps forward.

Let your head become the private office space for your brain to work in.

Justine Louisy

Copyright © Justine Louisy 2020
All Rights Reserved
Midweek motivation! Keeping it short and sweet as always 😊 have a great day!
125 · Jul 2020
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
You excite my Sahara tongue as it is
slumped lifelessly in the cave of my mouth.

Tickling footsteps of your atomic bubbles,
making my gum groove to the music of fizz.

The fumes of your light lemon creating an alluring
smell to my basic breath.

The soaking sweetness of your body as it slides
down my throat making my blood vessels spring with hyperactivity

and so, my tummy laughs hysterically.

I feel like a child again…

Justine Louisy

Copyright © Justine Louisy 2020
All Rights Reserved
113 · Jul 2020
Debris smile
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
Day 364.
They are at it again the
barks and bites of the gunfire’s.
It’s difficult to put them on a leash.

The bomb’s outburst of religion, poverty and gender equality.
His roar burns our inner armour.

We are in the belly of the nuclear scent our
death bed.
No words of oxygen. We have lost the fight.

And here we are smiling

a debris smile.

Help us europe.
Justine Louisy
Copyright ©Justine Louisy 2016
All Rights Reserved
Throwing it back to the migrant crisis back in 2016... a moving piece with sentimental value. Let’s look out for each other REGARDLESS of background circumstance. We are ALL HUMAN. Put yourself in their shoes for a minute.... ❤️🙏🏽
87 · Jul 2020
Justine Louisy Jul 2020
Listen my friend.
Try to understand that the
symbolisms sealed on this land,
can make your tears laugh,
or make your embraces collapse.

I am talking about a spider,
struggling to hang onto his web.
His home of aspirations.

I am talking about the single strands of
grass in the field that are cut by a lawn
The many fallen dead of our armed forces in the battlefield.

I am talking about mature gold resting on
the water.
The cruise of the rich life.

Inquisitive symbolisms.
Reflective symbolisms.

Life symbolisms.

Do you understand?

Justine louisy

Copyright © Justine louisy 2017
All Rights Reserved
Happy Friday! Here’s a simple poem with deep connotations. Enjoy 😊
60 · Jun 2020
Justine Louisy Jun 2020
My voice.
Their target.
Yet they forget the rain on our face a
clear trace of gashes in our hearts.
After years in the battle for unity.

Dear sacred trinity,
hear our painful chant.
Grant us the will,
to feed us with the spiritual skill,
of symmetrical strength.

For the lengths of time we
had to climb the racist rubbles.
Our bubbles of brothers and sisters are
popped by the thunders and twisters,
of a killer ****.

And yet,
the 2020 air,
fails to purify a
supremacists disgust.
Of my melanin.

That will never rust.
At their demand.

Do you know why?

Because we are polished with the oils of
justice and the paint of peace.
The crease of our angular frown,
will birth a crown of power,
that will shower the genes of generations to come.

Our paralysed pain,
will be forever buried into the gnashes of
the earth’s core.

Hands embraced.
Eyes aglow with grace.
For together in tongues we say,

We are black.

Justine louisy

Copyright © Justine Louisy 2020
All Rights Reserved
It’s time I express my thoughts and reflections poetically, for the rights of Black people worldwide. Let’s make a change for the better and hold our faith high. We CAN and we WILL get through this. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻

— The End —