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Kerri Jun 2016
Her lips.
A poet's *******.
I crave them
In the most
Euphoric way.
I tremble from
The pink electricity
That passes
Them and my own.
A high that dizzies
My head follows,
As I crash into
Her tongue.
An art so addictive
That I must immediately
Write it down.
Romance fills my pen
As the ink remembers
Every stain
That her lips
Left on mine.
I don't do *******, nor have I ever, but I can imagine the intense cravings and high it brings as I imagine her lips.
Kerri May 2016
As Dawn approaches
with certainty and confidence,
the worries that
inhabited my mind
through the night
disappear with the
lingering smoke
left circling above
an ashen wick.
A yellow beam
dares to peek
through the
Royal tapestried sky,
sending a joyous jolt
into the fibers of
my soul.
I am awake, I am alive.
The darkness is gone
and a glimpse of hope
seeps inside,
lathered in faith
and the promise
of renewal.
I am a
Survivor of the Night.
Kerri Apr 2016
The cold locket
She gave you
Slipped from your neck
Falling between
Your bare *******
And down past
Your broken heart

You hugged
Your knees
That they might
Save you
And hold you
For just a
Little while

Staring at your
In the
Lukewarm water
That stagnated
At your thighs,
A white
Porcelain refuge
Surrounded by
Moldy tiles
Was your solace

The salty leakage
From your
Forest eyes
Fell faster
Than the
Squeaky faucet
That never stopped

The cool
Air grazed
Your spine
And sent
A peppered
Patch of
Chill bumps
Down your arms,
But you
Didn't seem
To mind

All you
Could feel
Was the
Broken pieces
Of your heart,
S c a t t e r e d
In the water
Slicing your body
Like tiny
Razor blades
By their
Jagged, Uneven

With one
Flip of
Your toe
You whispered
As the necklace
That she
Gave you
And the
Pieces of
Your heart
That she
Took from you
Slid down
The drain,
Into the
Place Where
Broken Hearts Go.
A story of the place where most girls go to deal with their broken hearts: A good cry in the bath tub.
Kerri Apr 2016
You roped me into
Your world,
Filled with wondrous skies
And warmth,
Then tied me to a post,
To lull and wait for
Your return.
Kerri Mar 2016
A lump of eminence
Swells in her throat,
But she swallows it down
Flashing a shiny, humble smile.
This wild dandelion grows in the sun
and dances to the beat of the wind,
Scattering seeds of peace
And songs of love
In every corner of the world.
She floats among the stars
Crashing perfectly into
Every illustrious constellation.
As she shakes the stardust from her hair
And dusts her glitter-speckled shoulders,
She reaps the benefit
Of her selfless, meaningful offerings.
Written for someone special that deserves everything that the Universe is handing her.
Kerri Feb 2016
You're my sacred distraction,
you shake me hard
and shoot me high
into a web of stars,
I hover weightlessly
inside your charming Universe,
until I'm dancing on air
and breathing in your
sweet remedy,
until you've saved me
once more.
Kerri Feb 2016
Her heart is pure as
Angels dancing in the rain;
filled with wild love
and bottomless dreams.
Her beauty like 1000 Sunsets
enchants my soul,
until I'm tangled up
in her lacy love.
Written for a special girl :)
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