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Aug 2018 · 355
A prayer
Eureka Merton Aug 2018
Though his works may appear as many
His Word is one

The velvet whispers
Come from nOWhere

I have but one desire
To dissolve in this Love

Shine this Light
Like the Son
Aug 2018 · 325
What happens....
Eureka Merton Aug 2018
those who Sense god
Cannot help but seek Him,
And those who seek
Cannot help but see Him,
And those who see
Cannot help but be Him,
And those that be
Cannot help but Love.

Till the mortal mind seems be Erased,
And every breath holds the taste
and every look and every embrace
is calling on thy brothers and sisters
for they sense in him what he hath Be;

And in turn they can't help but start to seek,
and they can't help
but begin to see,
and they can't help
but start to be
That which they had
sensed in thee.

For our heart is One
With(in) Heaven,
And we seek that which we are.
For the nature of dreaming is an illusion that must end;
we all must wake up
And again.
Aug 2018 · 224
True Life
Eureka Merton Aug 2018
Here is a prayer:

For the fruits of loves labor
To be so sweet and plentiful
Even death is put to shame

For no fear can enter
When hearts are full
And laughing
Aug 2018 · 246
Eureka Merton Aug 2018
The sweetest of fragrance
Arises effortlessly
From Christs unworldly power

from lips unwoven
And tongue delivered

From senseless senses

To spirits
freedom dancing
To the rhythm
Of the silent God within
Aug 2018 · 227
We are called
Eureka Merton Aug 2018
We are called
To the heights
That Love aspires
And the depths
The soul inspires

Meet me where we are
In eternities embrace
Why wait?
Here is the place
Beyond now
Where God's hidden heart
Is all we see
Aug 2018 · 287
Miss Sorrow
Eureka Merton Aug 2018
Sorrow awakens
Rubs her crusty eyes 
Wishing to drift 
Back to sleep 

But the sandman 
is nowhere to be found. 

Slowly Sorrow 
sits up 
Cracking bones and 
dry lips 

"How long has it been 
Since I laid down to rest?" 
She wondered.

One foot on the cold floor 
and another follows suit
Desperate shivers flow 
gives a jolt a blow 

She steps to the sink
porcelain as her skin 
Wrinkled hands turn the **** 
rusted, so long forgotten

"Isn't their something that is suppose to happen?" 
She thought, "do I recall right?" 

Then the water slowing began to drip  
and she remembered to turn on the light.  

She cupped her hands together 
to capture just enough drops to 
wash the ash off her face 
She had forgotten the cold feeling 
That comes with waters grace

Splashing the icy liquid
upon her hard sullen face 
To wash off the dust and dirt 
now thick as a paste

It was The ash from the reapers breath 
given home upon Sorrow's cheeks 

Yet he had spared her...

Leaving only a memory 

She looked in the mirror 
As she washed it away 
And she saw in her eyes 
Lifetimes of pain 

From defeat
 and loss and grief 
From love and
 an unforgiven past 

Holding her heart for ransom 
Hanging from the tree of death 

Ripe and ready
 to fall at last

She had wished it was just a dream...

Am I remembering correct?
Something happens now? 

Then without a beat or breath or blink of the eye 
A tear escaped found its way out kissed her lips then fell to her breast 
And more to come
She could attest 
Their was no choice 
There was no rest 

No escape.

No power strong enough 
to keep her poor heart 
from overflowing 

Then all at once
 a scream came forth 
from the depths of her being 

Her ears beared witness to a place within her never before heard

a cave so dark And damp and deep
That death himself let it be...

There lived a  pain that can only come from A life of truly living 

And in that moment of release and touching that place inside 

She lit a candle in her heart 
And cried and cried and cried 

Tortured soul screams out the dark parts of her heart 

Her voice and tears give it life 
It escapes her lips like a bird leaving its nest and flying 

And a great peace came over her 
And all at once she realized why 

For sorrow did not come so much from the pain she kept hidden 

But from all the energy and force and shame that came with suppressing 

And she remembered why she had laid down to rest....
It was exaughsting. 

So scared of the pain escaping she had slept and slept and slept 
But it was not a dream and it would not be put to rest 

Her whole life passing 
wishing it to all be okay 

Maybe if she kept it down it would all go away 

But the pain only grew her sorrow cutting deeper 

She didn't yet know her pain would be her savior 

In the depths of her grief
All that was needed was grieving 

Only through freeing the demons 
Could come true healing 

And once all had been given wings and space to fly 

The darkness purged 
And a light emerged 
To reveal a pure love within her.
Written in Nepal , 2015
Aug 2018 · 635
He is...
Eureka Merton Aug 2018
He is the sweet fragrance of a rose,
Smelt everywhere all the time
He is the Jasmine Breath
whose source cannot be found

I was a child...Searching for Him,
searching for this Source...
This intoxicating source of Love
I am pulled inside by its everpresent aroma

I swear this is what Infinity smells like, before it is birthed into form!

I could not find Him,
The source of my drunkenness
So I sat, defeated
With tears of sorrow and longing.

When The drop of love hit the ocean within,
Without warning, I heard a knock at my heart door
When I opened it
He said Hello!

all creation became a reflection
of the Flower of my Longing-
And the Source -
my Self
Aug 2018 · 232
Irony ?
Eureka Merton Aug 2018
If I see you as needing waking,
Surely I must be asleep
For what is not already
Alive and brimming with Love !
Sure, this world is dead.
It is only god singing now
And I am beginning to suspect
He is the Song
Aug 2018 · 237
Second hand love
Eureka Merton Aug 2018
I am not here to distract your demons,
Nor can I give you the sweet nectar of Life.
I cannot give you the river of Bliss
that flows through your very own Heart
I am just here, waiting for the Holy One
to turn on the music so we can dance!

Don’t take second hand love
When everything you have ever wanted
Is right there waiting for you to remember

I can’t give you your own soul. I can’t give you anything.

Why tug on rags
Why not come into the fullness of Gods grace?
What can I give you that would be more than a crumb
compared to the treasures of your own heart?

But, I can see you as my Self
And Love you as God
And maybe we can innocently dip a toe in the waters
which long to pull us in DEEP.

For the good of humanity we should just sit here,
laughing all the time.
And we can go to the water,
But let us not cross the stream
Aug 2018 · 375
The One without Wanting
Eureka Merton Aug 2018
Where are the saints?
Where are the Holy men?
Where are the ones without wanting?

So filled with the unceasing Love of God
They have both His feast and festival
All the time?

Forehead kissing the ground In humble surrender to that which could never be claimed as “mine” or “yours”
but Lives in the land of Beyond
in Graces eternal belonging.

Who forfeit it all
to the ungraspable, unstoppable, uncontrollable Roaring of the
Absolute Unborn Cosmic Form of Love,
that so desires your salvation He destroys you completely so that you may Know Him in Truth and not imagination.

Where are the ones,
Who knocked at the door of their own Heart, and who don’t know whether they were let in, or He was Let out

the ones who have been captured by the Keeper of All Love
who have heard Him whisper inside of them, softly, in the stillness of their Lotus Heart - singing
- I am yours and you are mine -
Leaving behind the question “who’s voice was that?  And surrendering their mind and all Brahmas creation at His feet
Finally to roll down the hill laughing as the spark of eternity within dances to a tune that comes from everywhere all at once

Where are the ones so filled with divine rapture, they have entered the Placeless Place of no return and emerged - now - completely submerged - can think of nothing but Him!  

The ones who know that we are fed by the sweet Doer of all in our Fasting and when He offers us Dessert! Never taking credit for the Love he offers through us.

The ones who live without shame and let their heart go naked into the Radiant river of love

Where are the ones who’s minds surrendered and hearts thoroughly emptied and plowed
have left the land of desire unmet,
of tug of war with pleasure and pain,
who know the grace of receiving an answer to the defiant longing for the Lord that will take NOTHING less than Him, who have cried the tears that touch Gods heart, and in anguish sung out for MotherFather a sound that echoed so deep within they felt the Holy waking....

who know - through Grace -  
the Love that is Divine.
Feb 2018 · 226
Gentle, gentle
Eureka Merton Feb 2018
Gentle, gentle.

Just allow the breath
To guide you
Back to yourself

Gentle, gentle, gentle.

You are a precious

Nothing can remain hidden
Not even you

Gentle, gentle.

Breath. Is right. Here.
Feb 2018 · 172
The call
Eureka Merton Feb 2018
Filled by His tender Love
A gently cry springs from my Heart
The holy aching of the doors to the
Opening wide

He brings me water turned to wine
He shows me what is truly mine
He washes away all desire
Save to be consumed
By His Holy fire

What hope can be
In a place, in a time
You alone my heart sings
All else , may every
Temptation by blessed
With a strength of your glory
Not mine

Never born in flesh, only a dream
Your reality is Spirit is Love
Forgive my words for you
They do not touch
Forever by eyes besides yours
Remain unseen

Here come forget the wisdom of the world
The kingdom of god is calling
The power and love of Christ calls you into eternity
Come to Him!

Is the heart
Removed from
Your love

Goes the time
Apart from

is the absence
Of spirit

is the soul
Who’s world knows of

Holy One
Take my heart
Warm it
with your love

To the
Of entering eternity

be my spirit
Carrying no burden

is the soul
Perfect in your
everlasting Life.
Feb 2018 · 184
Winters spring
Eureka Merton Feb 2018
Gentle spring brims
with life returning
As flowers in fertile bloom,
As new birds song,
As the crescendo of light

Did we forget  
what had left us?
Or had we simply left tomorrow
to tomorrow?
In recognition of the
Quietude of the soul
When all that is left
On the white shinning dance floor
are footprints
From a cold shivering girl
Red coat to match her cheeks
And a smile turned towards a new season
Of remembering the joy
Of simple things
Feb 2018 · 173
Eureka Merton Feb 2018
Melting hearts open
Crying as a prayer
Flowering majestic
Breeze from nowhere

Felt and held the feeling
Carrying away
The precious joy surrendered
To this new day

I pray
Let us remember
We are not alone
Plant our roots deep
In the heart that is our home

May we be certain
Of the one who hears our prayers
Held in the arms of love
Waiting... always there

Tender as the budding
Of the red red rose
Who is the witness
When a flower blooms alone ?

Where do we come from
Where do we go ?
When the rain falls
I know what will grow

Fire burns eternal
Resting in the flame
Heart wild and free
I’m dizzy from the way you spin me

Round and round we go
Merrily we row
Flying high and low
Let’s have some fun as we
Dance along
Feb 2018 · 169
Eureka Merton Feb 2018
To the farmer
The field is full of potential for food.
To the child
It is full of potential for play and imagination.
To the artist
It is full of potential for inspiration and creation.
Yet whom does the field belong?
To whom is the field Empty of wanting?
untinged by its changing landscape, inexplicably peace-filled in its containing
empty of relation, desire, untouched by the change of image, time, space
to whom itself shares the likeness of the eternal night, the cosmic womb, the place where stillness is birthed, where the mind says it cannot go, whistling in the dark to keep away from seeing the ground beneath is no longer there and there is only one heart beating and it is not the one thy calls thine own
Who can speak truth
And call anything
Thine own?
Jan 2018 · 225
You Need Do Nothing
Eureka Merton Jan 2018
Do you decide when winter turns to spring?
What need be done?
Does the world as of you to turn the page of today
So tomorrow may come?
What need be done?
What can you say to make the birds sing?
What need be done?

Yet it is you, the source of creation.
It is you, the witness.
It is you, the one.
It is you, creating this.
And what need you do?
You have already been made in the perfect image
Of Love.
Dec 2017 · 476
The only death
Eureka Merton Dec 2017
To an artist,
Emotional dishonesty
Is the only death.

Doom this body to the grave
Before asking me to choke on my pain.

These tears are verse  
This anguish, punctuation.

The deepest peace is a poem
That blooms like a rose

After the storm
In my soul

And pours May showers
All over the page.
Everything is ecstasy from the soul.
Dec 2017 · 269
To die into Christ
Eureka Merton Dec 2017
If I were to send a letter to the
Holy One
I would have to send it

Where else is God?
Where else are you?


This place beyond form
through an invisible mouth
speaking as all things.

God is nothing here
Because there is nothing here.

God is everything, all, and more
when you are quiet enough to disappear
And finally let Reality Sing.

All that's left
for the seekers
is to die
to God


To know
the deathless
Dec 2017 · 217
Is it so?
Eureka Merton Dec 2017
Is it so?
that the very cause
of my
greatest joy
and my
deepest sorrow
are one?
Dec 2017 · 224
Mercy, hear this child.
Eureka Merton Dec 2017
Oh, mercy!
come lay your head 
down upon my chest.
listen to my beating heart -
I have been so long without rest 
from the panting of waves 
an ocean of emotion crashing 
upon my shore.

Please, bring me back... 

Bring me back
to the Garden
where all things grow 
Dec 2017 · 899
Cosmic Union
Eureka Merton Dec 2017

A day to be held
by steady arms of love.
To relax - belly, forehead, toes.
To wiggle under blankets
As fingers intertwine.

Singing softly
a song of Life Eternal, as the
silky dream of innocence
Transcends into This.

Fireworks of wonder burst
in sky of pink and gold strokes but soon
turn to a dull blush
in the sight of true Loves embrace

Steady. Present. Holding.

Twin Souls caressing the moment
cosmic gazes meet
Lips pull to each other in
Tenderly they touch,
Opening to taste ever deeper
existence, unashamed.

You feel closer now,
Yet inside
We know
The heavens have already
Declared us
Dec 2017 · 433
Enlightened Moon
Eureka Merton Dec 2017
the moon does not realize
its Fullness 
Until it begins waining 
And only then 
In its grasping for light 
Does it

in its
Does it begin to think
It is enlightened.
It is finally nothing.
Only to start waxing 

And only,
the Witness is 
It is always whole 
Always empty 
Always there 
Dec 2017 · 282
Eureka Merton Dec 2017
Lord, take my tounge
Lord, take my voice
I am so tired
Of doing it wrong

I trade in words
That hurt
For words
That heal

If it is all I do
With my one
Precious life

Lord, take my lips
Lord, take my breath
There is nothing
I want more

Than for every word
That comes out of my mouth
To land gently &
From the Heavens Soar
A prayer to transform all that is said to reflect healing and truth
Dec 2017 · 383
Essence of You
Eureka Merton Dec 2017
Penetrated depths expanding
Like sun rays opening across the horizon
I wave to say hello
To infinity in form

The Light of your smile
Surpasses any idea
the mind could conjure up
Of who you may be

Your eyes laugh with wonder
And open me wide
With a hidden breath alone
You inspire

The essence of Life
The Heart-Rays of Pure Innocence
Echo in the limitless sky
Ever opening into you

Be free
Love, as you are
I want to See you
Love beyond form
Dec 2017 · 312
In between dreams
Eureka Merton Dec 2017
Why does she sleep?
To dream of Him gone?
Long for Him?

When will she return?
Oh Lord!
When will she return?

She tried to drink the moon,
To feed off the sun
And now,

From a hidden well
deep Within
she drinks.

The only one
to quench this

that can feed this
is You.

But Lord,
the one who's desire is full
lives on, bursting with a Love uncontained!

I turn over the hungry one,
the thirsty one,
take her!

She is Yours,
wake her
with your Love!

The heart knows
You long to
Awaken the sleeper!

She is Yours,
not of this world.
Save Her!
Part of the journey, longing...... the one who longs for God - uproots eventually - and becomes like the moon- His Light shining bringing her Alive with the  Light ....
Dec 2017 · 365
No Love in Ego
Eureka Merton Dec 2017
Show me,
who among us
has not desired love
in ways which caused
for ourselves
or others?

Why does
the call for love often looks fearful, violent, and ill-meaning.
Although it is always well intentioned beneath the confusion.

I ask,
Can this be called love at all?

Show me,
who's small, personal will
(save that which is Joyned in Love)
has not wrecked havok in life?

How many ways has unconscious desire for separation left us in the dark?

Tell me,

In love,

do we use our words as swords?

Do do we turn our disgust into bullets of hate?

First look...

Is there room in the heart to know

there are victims on both sides of the gun?


When will we end the search
For anything
The Kingdom?
Musings on the nature of "love" from separation.
Dec 2017 · 345
The Eternal Dawning
Eureka Merton Dec 2017
In Joy we are united,
and invited
to untie
the knots between us.

Her Joyful hands
are ours in this world;
and Love is the Will
in which nothing, save thought
separates us from true

His Christed feet
are ours in this world;
and Quiet Peace is the sound
each step makes

His footsteps are
like a drum
our Soul dances to
in Holy Passion

The Child eternal
Raised by the Divine Mother and Father
(Rise child, rise!)
falls into the escasy of Their Love

Shining the Light of the illuminated I

for what else could be, the nature or will
of the One birthed in the Heavens
of the fathers Peace,
and mothers Joy

where thine heart and eye are One
A Poem celebrating the Divine Child and our eternal Oneness with The Divine Mother/Father
Dec 2017 · 5.0k
Rising Lovers Ocean Journey
Eureka Merton Dec 2017
No thought can grasp this
ocean we enter
in Holy embrace

This Placeless place
echoes a memory,
unseen here, only Love
carried in waves of light.

Fingers soft as petals of Lilly
lifting into infinity, touching gently,
with the delicacy of a Lover
bound by Heart to the Beloved.

In Reverence you reach
to meet the unseen song of no-thing
as the One Heart opens, revealing
fragrance mimicing the fields of Heavens on High.

Sharing the feast of Heart
boundless, awake
waves of intoxicated bliss opening This
as He decends upon, as your lips.

Dancing under moonlight
no eyes can see
delighting in poem
no words can speak.

The ocean sings of Silence
to the ship longing for shore
washing away all sense
of "two", all need for "more".

We, ever becoming
take off on a star heading for Truth
and leave the sleeping and waking
to the dreamers.

The Lover's destiny
is the union Absolute,
following the inevitable, miraculous
disappearance of the universe.

Ocean and waves voyaged in Mind
become worldless Void
You and I,
Boundless, Unborn Love
Traveling the cosmic sea
Two become One
Lover and Beloved
Unborn love

— The End —