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Emery Feine Mar 10
I have been a raging fire.
I have been an overflowing cup,
Overflowing with guilt;
I wash it down the sink.
I have been too much for everyone:
Too bold,
Too shy,
Too lustful,
Too innocent.
I poured a bucket of ice on my head
To simmer me down a little bit,
And now that I am freezing,
And I cannot feel the fire no more,
I have met you, the blaze.
And your warmth was burning off my skin,
And it was melting my face off,
And it was too much.
Far too much.
You have given me light and burning warmth,
But I cannot handle the smoke.
I now know how he felt.
I am choking,
So I have left.
I will be too little and too much on my own.
I do not need a spark to jolt me.
.... . / ... .- .. -.. / - .... .- - / - .... . -.-- / .-- . .-. . / .- .-.. .-.. / -- .- -.. / .- - / -- . .-.-.-
Emery Feine Mar 2
Is a sheep no longer innocent
When it has grown up with wolves
When its fleece is no longer white
When it is stained with blood?

Is it justifiable when it kills
If it weeps afterwards
If it kills to eat
If it kills to live

Is the sheep no longer pure
When it is in a wolf’s fur
When blood drips down its teeth
The same blood in its heart

And when that “sheep” is torn apart
And left to die in the wood
Will its pack remember it as one of them
Will it be remembered as a wolf?
“In all our lives, there is a fall from innocence. A time after which, we are never the same.” -Patrick Rothfuss
Emery Feine Feb 10
You feel like light.
You feel like foam.
You feel so bright.
You feel like home.
the forever shelter to the storm
Emery Feine Feb 10
You look at me in disappointment,
yet you have crushed my wings.
You are now furious at me,
now that I cannot fly.
"No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings."
Emery Feine Feb 10
He started his own fire,
then he put it out.
They called him a "hero."
You know who this is about.

(People are incapable of change.)
triginta quattuor felonias
Emery Feine Feb 10
January 30, 2025

I will write today. I will write about something totally abstract, but the knots will untangle and form a photo of you. I will try to ignore you, I will try to not write about you, but today, I will fail.

September 28, 2033

I will have forgotten about you for many years, and on this day, when I go to write a grocery list, your name will flow out of my pen. I feel like a fire when I think of you.

June 22, 2056

I will remember you today, and I will be okay with it. I will think about you with a smile on my face, and I will be content.

June 16, 2091

Today is the day I will die, and when seven seconds of my happiest moments are flashing through my mind, I will not see you once, and I will perish with a smile.
Ego quid verus amor sit cognovi, et nunc vidi te nihil dedisse.
Emery Feine Jan 18
There is an exhausted dog following behind
Guilt seeps down his flowing mouth
He's falling asleep, he's going blind
He'll never make it down south

He whimpers for better dialogue
He begs me for energy
But I am that dog
And that dog is me
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