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I wonder if you have regrets
the "What Ifs" you question yourself
that at some point you want to find
the answers to that

I wonder if I could endure
when you find your way back
to that before
to her
that "What If"  you're already
without me
I guess I found the
to wait and see
if it's
m e
s h e
I had it...
             These Honest Feelings
But it had me...
              The wrong timing
And the moment you said
               "I'm sorry."
I knew it was the end.
The start of letting go.
   When I finally got to the last hold
      You were there standing, saying
Our story isn't the most happiest, but I will read it again with every bit of love

I had to say it back.
               "I'm sorry"
Because I can't risk another heartache
Every time you end up falling for him again.
I'm not a doctor to heal you when you're wounded. I get hurt to
• • •

You don't need someone to admire your Galaxy with all the stars and comets.

You need someone who will find the beauty in every black hole and super nova you created. You need someone who loves you in your darkest
Romans 5:8
"Stay" The word that slipped his mouth when she was walking away.

She wanted to be chased yet she chose to close the door between them.

Sliding slowly regretting he made her leave and she guilty of shutting the door.
About lovers who chose to let go when both were holding on
You said we'd be
  All the things we could've been
I said we could've been
  All the things we should be
But in the end...
  You were not mine to have
And I wasn't yours to hold
   So this our beginning
A friendship hurting both
To poetry I give my words I couldn't say
I was quiet
never spoke
Held my breath
Closed my
and yet
you looked
and you knew
I love you

My i love you has no words to tell
Stepped on the stage
Dancing in the light
Eyes on her
Spinning in the spotlight
She did her show
With rabbits and hats
A thrilling magic of trickery
Everyone in the act
But in the room
A man believed in her power
Yet the show ended with her
    Was her final act.
When it's the last time you saw her
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