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Cerasium May 2018
The light fades to gray when the shadows come for us.
Run while you can we are just prey.
We walk and talk like we are hunters,
but we all have something to hide.

It maybe just a simple illness.
Like we're sick or in pain.
But if we talk a closer look,
We see that all of us are ill.

You run around in circles accusing,
Looking down upon others.
You need to take a second to look deeper,
We may look crazy on the outside.

But if you open up your eyes and see the ones who hide.
You will see that we are just like you.
All afraid and terrified.
Yet all you do is run and hide behind fake masks.

None of you will face the truth.
For the only ones who can are labeled the crazies or possessed.
Just take a look and find it in your heart.
Take a chance,
See the future.

And find that we are all just one.
Cerasium Apr 2018
Heart strings tug
Chest feels tight
The time spent
Talking with you

Time passes slowly
Like a leaf
Flowing down stream
Caressing the waters

Time goes on
It starts sinking
It slowly drowns
In blissful serenity

Days go by
Still tugging heartstrings
Chest tightens more
Starting to fall

Fall deeper down
The spiral gap
Between the life
Of eternal bliss

Will it stay
Will it grow
Time will tell
The hearts wish
Cerasium Feb 2018
Thy solemn vow so sincere
Burning bright with truth divine
Casting shadows of faith entwine
Thy harpies gaze be herald on high

Thy sorrowed being
Cast astray
With little repents
Under twilights eye

Fear thy demons of borrowed time
Thou darkest fears do come alive
Gazing out into the dark
Feeding terrors hungry bite

Thou hearth be solemn
Thou love be strong
But alas a lifeless corpse lay upon thy arm
To which no more will be adorn
Cerasium Jan 2018
I fell
head first
Into the quiver
Of Cupid

For the first time
I feel as though I'm free
Free to laugh, smile and joke
Free to be the true me

So long have I been hiding
So long has it been
Since the sky has graced my sight
So long since life filled me

Things that should be there

All rush forward
Seeing the light for the first time
Feeling the warmth of it's glow
The comfort it brings

Eyes grow wide
As the mind comes to realization
Maybe this is real
Maybe you are finally whole again

Reaching out with a simple gesture
Grazing against such a familiar touch
Feeling the warmth grow hotter
Seeing a smile for the first time

Things long forgotten
Finally risen to the surface
The familiarity of this presence
Gentle brush of ones true self

Shell has now crumbled
Lost forever in the void
No longer needed
By this one true self
Cerasium Dec 2017
The heart
Such a confusing thing
Filled with happiness compassion and love
Yet also filled with sadness resent and hate

Once it starts to flutter
The beats can't be stopped
Time needs to flow
For confusion to end

Listen to your heart
At least that's what they say
But why listen to it
When all that comes is uncertainty

To be with one
But also grow to despise
Yet to meet another
And grow to aspire

We meet again
Feelings grow stronger
Yet hearing something from the other
Annoyance and hate only grow wilder

Heart calls out
To the one it's chosen
Yet also hangs on
To the one it starts loathing

Pulling it's strings
It tangles in a web
Hurting itself more
With just a simple beat

Til another kindred heart
Comes by to help
Shedding light
Upon a darkened scene

Finally free
No tangles left clinging
Time to follow it's plea
And chase the one it adores
Cerasium Dec 2017
I like you
Words so hard to speak
Hiding in plain sight
Yet so easy to flee

I want you
Such a nice ring
The heart is fluttering
But the mind is afraid

I need you
Such simple embrace
The want of passion
In such pleasant grace

Fear of rejection
Tightens our bonds
The words we wish to say
Never finding it's way there

Words we find so simple
But hiding they do like
For when we try to speak
Our mind says no way

These words wont do

The mind is a safe place
Words get lost
Wanting to reach out
But the fear is oh so real
Cerasium Dec 2017
That is what I've become
Use to have words flying through my mind
Now there is total silence

Mind freezes still
Heart aches
For the first time
Happiness isn't faked

Head spinning
Thoughts start to race
Pounds of the soul
Beat harder than ever before

Confusion sets in
At this puzzling action
The eyes wander aimlessly
As the mind tries to grasp

Grasping on thin straw
The mind collapses
Lost in utter chaos
To what it has become

The smiles consist
The laughs genuine
The feeling of safety
The passion of hope

Feelings that are foreign
Ones I've never experienced
Now become known
As I meet you now

Lost and betrayed
This chest starts to waver
Heart pounding faster
Threatening to break free

Confusion here at last
Fully settled in
The mind is now silent
Once again

Eyes can't stop staring
Lips can't stop smiling
Ears beg for the voice
From the one they adore

Pain starts to peek
Holding tightly to the heart
Not sure of what to do
Or what is going on

Fear rushes in
Throat tightens up
Eyes start pleading
As heart flutters deep

Yearning for attention
Craving your touch
Desperate for approval
Just a simple glance

Mind goes blank
Unclear of whats to come
Time to leave
But don't want it to end

This feeling is confusing
It hurts yet
This sensation is pleasurable
The need to be wanted
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