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Cerasium Dec 2017
Such a pleasant comfort
Void of sight
Where demons lay

Void of the pain
The loneliness
The despair of seeing reality
And bending to it's will

Blinded in life
We walk the narrow path
Hiding from ourselves
And the people around us

Our only true friend
One that presents honesty
One that never judges

The hope we get
The joy it brings
The desire we seek
It can only bring

Living in darkness
It brings such bliss
But we all have to face
The bitter reality

The bitter truth that
Darkness is fleeting
The bliss we feel
Is slowly dying

We lose that comfort
That safe blanket
We all wrap in
And gaze upon the bitterness

The sour taste of reality
One so bleak we cringe
One so dank we cry
The loneliness returns more bitter

We reach out for a bit of hope
We seek those who can help
Ones that have beaten the shock
The desire of companionship

Yet in reality out demons awake
The ones we can keep in check
With the darkness that once surrounded
Are now peering with hungry eyes

Weaving mistrust and fear in our heads
Paving a path of self destruction
We fight hard but some lose hope
Some lose the battle and become cruel

The hope we cling to
That we ourselves can fight on
To prevent such a fate
To happen to ourselves

But in the end
Few survive
The ones that do
Are tortured with that knowledge

The knowledge that they have won
That they have defeated their demons
And come out the victor
Only to see the pain of those around
Cerasium Dec 2017
The only true way to see beyond the words of another is through the eyes of a child
Cerasium Nov 2017
I am a bad person
I don't belong here
I never did

Don't you see
I'm a nothing
A nobody

An emo piece of trash
That should never have existed
I get called ****
I get called fat

And yet
I won't eat
My body won't let me
And it hurts

4 days
4 days with nothing
4 long days with crying
4 days telling myself I should go

4 days telling myself
You all would be better off
If I wasn't here

You would be
And he tried to stop me

Break downs
Not eating

I thought I was doing good
But the cycle goes on and on
And he was the only one to notice

I hide behind a fake mask
So none of you will worry
But what do I get

I play mad so you won't see I'm sad
I play happy so you won't see I'm tired

I get blocked
I get called names
And worst of all

I thought I was getting better
But I broke
So have fun

And I'll have fun as me
And my blocked life
Cerasium Aug 2017
The love
Trapped within this crystal heart
Beating it's wings of ever delight
Waiting for the freedom of flight

Shining bright the darkness passes
Burning a hole in the fiendish nightmares
Casting hope of a brighter future
While holding tightly to reality

Across the vast seas of turmoil
The hope of ones love becomes clear
Sending vibes of great fortune
From lands that are foreign

Bright smiles and burning desire
Binding the love upon the souls mast
Casting away the evil grip
Of demons from a long past
Cerasium Jul 2017
No longer am I surrounded
By the sweet embrace of Joy
But forevermore clinched
In the painful grip of sorrow

The agonizing maze of despair
The ripping tides of pain
These have come to me
And all I feel is null

The tears once shed
Have all but gone
Leaving hollow voids
And salt stained walls

Seeing through the distance
Feeling what once was
Lost in a space of forgotten
Hoping to begin anew
Cerasium Jul 2017
My head is ignoring my heart
Yet my heart screams it's sorrow
Hoping for my head to hear
The agonizing pain it's in

Yet all my head can do
Is dream of a far off place
Where there is no sadness
Pain or dismay

Where there is only forgiveness
Love and compassion
A place that is kind
And free of worry
Cerasium Jul 2017
Distance is such a cruel mistress
It can make you feel great
Or it can bring great sadness
For me it is a mixture of both

The love of my life
At such distance
Makes sorrow come alive
And take root in my soul

But the pain of my existence
At such a distance
Brings joy to my soul
And forms a conflict

The soul now in turmoil
Fighting for control
The pain slowly wins
As the joy slowly dies

Lost in thought
The head does wander
To places we must not tread
Great sorrow lives in those walls

For when the minds wanders
It gets lost for what seems eternity
Breaking the silence
With screams of dismay

Running around this maze
Fleeing from the pain
Easier to say
Much harder to do

We fall into a pit
In which there is no escape
Crying out in pain
For the love in the distance
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