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14h · 28
The Chase
I chased life

I chased dreams
I chased hopes

I chased pleasures
I chased desires
Across clear streams
And through bright forests

I lived for the future
I lived in the past
In that I denied the present

I lived on what I will be tomorrow
I lived on what I was yesterday
In that I rejected who I am today

I lived on what I will have
I lived on what I had

In all I forgot to be grateful
For all that I am

It never served me
But fed my ego
Fed my mind
Fed my emotions
Fed my insecurities
Fed my fears
Fed the notion I was not enough

I have been driven by others
I have been driven by life
I have been driven by everything around me

Now I choose to be
Driven by Theïkós
Now I choose to be
Guided by Illahi

Now I choose to allow
The soul to speak
Now I choose to allow
The soul to lead

I no longer want what they have

I no longer want to become what they are
I no longer want to become what I am not

I am no longer attached to my past
I am no longer attached to my future

I am no longer attached to the known
As I seek to find myself in the unknown

Their parameters
Are no longer my measure of success
Their labels
Are no longer my self-identity
Their conditions
No longer form my reality
Their successes
No longer dictate my purpose

Infinite possibilities
Infinite opportunities
Infinite blessings
I accept myself

Thank you for being here!
By NwK
“The Chase” is a piece from the chapter I Am a Creator from my published book RELEASE| Inner Conversations To Lead Us Home (Click here to order : ).
2d · 58
The Holy Wall
The walls of the mind
Are sacred from birth

For it can only hold
Holy words of the heart

No other words
On these walls
Hold true

Yet I have gifted all
A space to write
On these sacred walls

Insanity has become
The outcome
From every pen
Honored a space to write

I still
Naively proclaim to be free
While I fight a war
On the battlefield
Created inside
The most sacred place

An indoctrinated mind
It has now become

Hijacked by dividing pens
Not knowing
These holy walls
Were only created to be

Written upon by the
Pen of the soul

- By NwK
“The Holy Wall” is a piece from the chapter I Speak Truth from my published book RELEASE| Inner Conversations To Lead Us Home. ( Order here - )
Do not talk to me of your version of God
One that personifies God by egoistic mind

For ego by definition is Exit God Out
For your personification of God
Does not resonate with my knowing of God

The hell you believe I will burn in
Is the heaven I will transmute all my sins in

The hell you believe I live in
Is my route to heaven

The hell you believe in
Will drawn you in an ocean
Of guilt and shame

Keep your fears to yourself
I can no longer entertain them

Do not talk to me of God
When you want me to silence my soul
God can never be silenced by your egoistic minds

Let me redefine for you ‘كفر’ *
Let me redefine for you ‘blasphemy’

It is being a slave to your ideas
It is being a slave to your mind
It is being a slave to your concepts
It is being a slave to your fears

I am not here to be a slave to human minds
I am here to be a slave to my creator
His breath gave life to my body

I am not here to worship your fearful mind
I am here to worship my creator through my heart

Do not talk to me of God
When you refuse me the right
To exercise my divine gifts

Do not talk to me of God
When you rob me from free will
Divinely gifted to me at birth

Do not talk to me of God
When you rob me from exercising
The gift of freely speaking my mind

Do not talk to me of God
When  you forbid me from listening to my heart
Yet forcefully enslave me to your mind

Do not talk to me of God
When you fail to accept me

Do not talk to me of God
When you vilify my shadows

Do not talk to me of God
When you fail to see my divinity

Do not talk to me of God
When you deprive me
From the experience to witness
The limitless capacity of my body

Do not talk to me of God
When you reject parts of me
Yet God accepts all of me

Do not talk to me of God
When you fail to forgive me
While God offers me eternal forgiveness

Do not talk to me of God
When you abandon your son after he sins

For the God I know
Will never forsake his son
Nor shame him for his sins
Nor will he love him less

For the sins he does is the forgetting of self
When one acts against his self

Do not talk to me of God
When you fail to embody his love

For you have yet to know God
If you still refuse to embody his divine qualities

Do not talk to me of God
Till you reflect his unconditional love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and acceptance

Do not talk to me of God
When you sexualize my body that he has created

Do not talk to me of God
When you shame my body
For the sacred red fluid that flows out of me
The body that gives birth to his creation

Do not talk to me of God
When you separate me
From divine creations

Do not talk to me of God
When you justify killing
Yet vilify love making

Do not talk to me of God
When you normalise violence upon his creations
Yet shame the pleasures of love between his creations

We will not be silenced
By the barbaric volumes of your egoistic minds
Our divinity can never be a slave to your fears

You can not fears us into enslavement
Our divine faith runs deeper than the fears that hijacks your minds

Let us love each other
While we both try to experience God

Let us love each other
While we both try to understand God

Meanwhile I swim in the ocean of grace where hell does not exist

Thank you for being here - NwK
* كفر translates to blasphemy in arabic. This piece is dedicated to every soul that has experienced and continues to experience a force of both suppressive and oppressive silence by this world under the umbrella of any ‘so called’ moral authorities not limited to religious authorities.

Dedicated to all who feel unseen, unheard and unaccepted in any way or form. I say to you; you belong, you are seen, heard and accepted.

This world was created by fearful minds of humans. Let it not silence your heart, soul, truth and love. You are not disloyal for your choice not to conform to the fearful norms of this world.
You are not unfaithful to question all that has been told to you. Allow your experience to determine what truth is for you.
In order to perceive yourself as worthy;

How many more achievements must you accomplish?
How many more ‘wins’ must you have?

How many more followers must you have?
How many more likes must you have?
How famous must you be?

How many more characters must you create?
How many more images of yourself must you envision?
How many more masks must you wear?

How many more versions of the ‘self’ you need to create?
How many more ‘to become’(s) must you be?

How many more times must you reinvent yourself?
How many more times must you meet yourself?

How many more of your parts must you hide, silence, ignore, suppress, and crush?

What more must you consume to come to know your worth?
What more must you pretend to be till you allow yourself to ‘just’ be as you are?

There is no amount of ‘doing’ that elevates your self worth
There is no amount of sins that can ever depreciate your worth

The ‘self’ is eternal
The human’s ’worth’ is a sacred eternal gift
A gift that can never be robbed

In this acceptance
There is no longer a chase to actualise the true authentic self into this world

In this acceptance
The magnificent self emerges

Thank you for being here.

By NwK
The presence of the 'Me' is only in the 'We'
For the 'Me' is absent outside the 'We'

Till the 'I' and 'You' is united as One
Till the 'Us' and 'Them" is denounced
Tell the 'We' and 'They' is discredited

The narrative will continue as is
It is in the 'I' and 'You"
That a delusional wall of seperation exists

Validated by the eyes images of 'Us' and 'Them'
Endorsed by the minds stories of 'Mine' and 'Theirs"

Orchestrated by the ego
Played by fear
For its is in this ideology
Suffering is rooted
Pain is ignited

Truth of origin is denied
Light of soul is dimmed
Voice of love is deprived

For there is no truth found of who we are
In the physical existance of what we see
No truth is held in the body
No truth is carried in the mind
For these are tools to be used
Only to serve our soul's purpose

For the error in this believe
Constructs but confusion
Inner conflicts and outer battles

As the
Heart and soul knows its truth

Yet the
Mind and ego created its own truth

With each label we build one more bar of seperation
With each bar stands another column of fear
As we build prisons upon prisons
Walls upon walls, bars upon bars

We indoctrinate our mind
We magnify the seperation

So what we see in the streets of the world
Is but a representation of inner struggles

For we have become strangers among our own
For we have forgotten
An attack on them is an attack on us
For there is no 'Us' and there is no 'We'
For they are 'Us' and we are 'Them'
For we are 'One'

For what we are
Transcends the eyes visibility
Surpass the minds perception
For we are not created by mind
The mind will fail to know us

For the truth of whom we are
The infinite soul
Divinely connected
A representation of a miracle
Assembled of love
In physical form
That knows no boundaries
That knows no fear
That knows no seperation

And let it be known
I say this to me, before I speak it out
In the hope of upholding these words
I choose to extend it to all
With love to us all

For perfect I am not
So mistake not that spoken is
The embodiment of me all

For I fall prey too
To this indoctrination of seperation
So let us all be the reminder for us all
Humanity Is Not Political.
To bare witness to all that my eyes have seen I must voice it - This is how I choose to express it. May the universe listen to this call!

I invite you all to take a moment to call the words forward into reality. This is not a far fetched floating prayer or romantic fantasy based compilation of words. It is our truth. It is our essence. It is at the heart centre of our core being of existence. Let us not be robbed of our humanity by allowing our pulse to be politicised and monetised with the delusional tools of fragmentation, division and seperation.
The unconditional love we reject from our body calls to be accepted!
I invite you to witness my apology, by sharing with you an excerpt from my book “Release | Inner Conversations To Lead Us Home” titled ‘“Apology” - Chapter “I See Truth”.

Demands imposed on you
Expectations trashed over you

All the years I projected
All my anger onto you

Thank you for holding it
Without reciprocating it

Suppressing your sexuality
Vilifying your ****** pleasures

Imposing punishments
For every desire revealed

Shamed you with guilt
For every sin committed

I’m sorry

The cuts inflicted on you
The hits and slaps
The ****** abuse
The verbal manipulation

Held you hostage
For your survival was only
Granted in suffering

Hostility was made the norm
A punching bag I made of you

I’m sorry

I made you the enemy
Used you as a battle ground
For endless wars

Crushed your enjoyment of life
You didn’t deserve this

I’m sorry

For imprisoning you
Depriving you of all your rights
My freedom was only granted
Upon your suppression
Withholding you from expression

Suffocating you
******* life out of you
Intoxicating you with fear
Injecting you with toxic love

I’m sorry

I emptied you
And fed you with voids

Confining you in a box of labels
Shaming you for being disobedient
Trashing you for not conforming

Name calling
Bullying you

I’m sorry

For every pimple I labeled as ugly
For every mark I marked as dirt

For every stretch mark
I cursed with anger
For every curve
I labeled a disgrace
For every pleasure
I tagged as filth

I shamed you every day
Every second of the day
I bathed you with guilt

Covered you with layers of masks
Endless veils of contours
Spent fortunes to cover you
Inflicted so much pain
To change you

I’m sorry
I didn’t know better

For now I see only
Wrinkles of light
Curves of joy

Freckles of love
Pimples of stars
Hair of divine feathers
******* bursts of love

You are a piece of art
The sanctuary of creation

A miracle in existence
You are love in physical form

A divine vessel

Forgive me
I didn’t love you
As you love me

I didn’t love you
As our creator loved us

Thank you for being here - By NwK
'Every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts.’ - Deepak Chopra

If you ever doubted whether you experienced unconditional love, I would like to humbly say ‘yes you have’. This unconditional love has always been extended to us. Yet too often we are blind to see it, numb to feel it, disconnected to hear it and too consumed by physical obsessions to receive it - We therefore reject to accept it.

Our body is a physical manifestation of love and it is fuelled by an active stream of unconditional energy flow of love.

In every moment of the day, our body is constantly exerting energy and effort to fulfil our needs, commands, demands and instructions. While simultaneously, being forced to listen to our every thought. Even when it stops, it is out of love to gain our attention rather than giving up on us. This is a form of unconditional love, yet we reject to acknowledge its voice by constantly projecting our thoughts on it. The ‘thoughts’ if ever dared to be spoken out loud, will in no doubt be defined by all of us, as ‘Bully Behaviour’.

Just like your brain, the body doesn’t know the difference between a true or false thought. The body listens to every train of thought, stores it as memory and eventually responds to the thought as if, it is true. If we are to agree that our body believes every word our thoughts speak then surely I owe my body a sincere apology.

The body will fulfil your demands once you ask for its forgiveness by acknowledging the weight of the thoughts you have placed on it.  To be open to accept the body is unconditional love extended to us, we must first ask for its forgiveness. In this act we bring awareness to our false thoughts we projected on our body, elevate our relationship with our bodies and reciprocate the unconditional love between mind and body.
Sep 4 · 305
The Sins I Love
If we are to perceive our sins to be incorrect thoughts that calls to be redirected, then in the act of correcting the thought with love as opposed to shame, we reaffirm our true essence.

In the midst of all my sins
I shall not
Define myself by sin
Be known by my sins

Because my faith is
Knowing my truth

Because my hope
Is believing my truth

My grace
Is living my truth

My sin serves as
A compass to my soul

In the midst of my sins

I shall not
Shame myself
Blame myself

I shall

Accept all of me
Embrace all of me

I shall not
Discriminate against sin
Or discriminate against my blessings

For I shall love my sins
As I love my blessings

My sins call
To me to be loved

And in loving my sins
I shall love me
And love you

Thank you for being here.

By NwK
I share a poem from my published book '“RELEASE| Inner Conversations To Lead Us Home”. The book is a compilation of my inner dialogues that led to the release of self from the enslavement of ego and mind. With every layer of inner core believe released, a new affirmation was born within me, where each affirmation represents a chapter in the book: I Am Connected, I Am a Creator, I Am Infinite, I Am Love, I Speak Truth, I See Truth and I Am Home.

“The Sins I Love” is a piece from the chapter I Am Infinite.

— The End —