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 Jul 2017 Derek Tatum
I can feel it every now and again
The depth of my heart
Or where it used to be

It used to sing so frequently
Now it's lost it's melody
Now it's hard to remember the beat
Because there isn't one

When you chuck a stone into a cave
You wait to hear the echo
But if you throw one into my heart
It'd never hit a solid
For the space is empty
Where it used to sing
 Jul 2017 Derek Tatum
 Jul 2017 Derek Tatum
sometimes to stay alive
you've got to **** your mind,
cause the monsters in your head
are bigger than any in real life.
what's a battle without fear?
what's a war without some doubt?
what's a scream from your two lungs
when your mind feels twice as loud?
would you ever have to fight
without the thoughts that fill your head?
maybe your greatest ally
is your greatest enemy instead.

- b.g
 Jul 2017 Derek Tatum
Through the chaos, I caught a glimpse of you
The nightmare unfolding couldn't rob you of that glorious, warm, smile
You sent me weaving through a labyrinth of lost souls
Extending my arms to embrace you
To shield you from this broken inhabitance
This world so far lost among the shadows
And as my palms met your back
I could feel that you were empty
The one with the strong, sturdy, smile
You were trembling
That's when I realized
We shared the same nightmare
That's when I realized
The sorrow living in your eyes
But when you hooked your arms around my back
And pressed your face into my chest
When your crystal tears bled through my shirt
That's when I realized
Nightmares can end
 Jul 2017 Derek Tatum
He asks me, "Are you a danger to yourself? Do you feel you will act on these feelings?"

I was born a danger to myself.

These feelings? If I acted on them, I couldn't tell you.

And if I'm successful, it wouldn't matter to you anyway.

 Jul 2017 Derek Tatum
We used to dance with the thunder
Our stage lit by crackling lightning
The storms would always cease
and I guess our love did too
 Jun 2017 Derek Tatum
She was my kind of hopeless
Eyes tired...
No, eyes exhausted
Far past the help of coffee
Exhausted from a world bitter and cold
Exhausted from the place she's forced to call home
I don't think her hair had seen a brush in a while
It was professionally done by a pillow
A pillow with years of experience
Still, when she looked my way, I couldn't help but look away
Wish I didn't
Cause she was my kind of hopeless.
 Jun 2017 Derek Tatum
You once asked me how I felt about you, and I answered
"I love you, and I always will."
Now as I lay in my misery, plagued by nightmares and haunted by the smell of your perfume. I pour another shot to take the pain away, and repeat those same words to the spiders in my dark, lonely, room.
"I love you, and I always will."
 Jun 2017 Derek Tatum
Even as I turn a new page,
the embers are biting at my feet.
As far as I walk away, this sorrow I will carry until my dying day.
An empty vessel, I still feel.
The show must go on, even as I fall apart.
My scars are clear to see.
I wear them in my eyes, and hide them on my heart.
I've come so far and nothing will stop me now.
I've fought so hard sending hell to it's retreat.
Hear me as I say, I'll never walk away.
 Jun 2017 Derek Tatum
I don't like the feel of the moisture that hangs in the air,
The heaviness of humidity like a film coating my skin.
long and winding roads between trees soon to be cut by the hands of man,
Rivers to be violated by curious fishers and children.
It fills me with tranquility yet anxiousness to know somethting so beautiful will be destroyed.
These looming trees,
The aging moss,
The rolling hills occupied by the tall grass rolling with the wind like on-shore waves.
I can breathe but I can't,
An unveiling curtain covering my eyes as I yearn for some sanctity amongst these trees.
I feel a little lost in these mountains.
 Jun 2017 Derek Tatum
Joel M Frye
The question is not when we meet our end,
but how, and how does not mean what you think.
Should it be fought, or welcomed as a friend?
To that I say, live to the very brink
however you have lived to now.  Each one
who walks though shadowed days finds their own pace;
some stride, some cringe, some stumble, others run.
What each can handle is what each will face.
If talking seems to help, then speak.  Or you
might soldier on, clad in your armored will.
No one can tell another what to do,
just what they've done, for better or for ill.
The path, if smooth or bumpy, is your own
and should you choose, you need not walk alone.
Some days all I can do for another is pray...and at the time, it never seems like enough.  Kol tuv.
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