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Aurora RW Jan 2020
I feel the spirit of another, often with a different face.

I feel the joys of being, feeling fully and completely alive.

Something that I seem to lose in reality outside of my dreams.

The most vivid dreams are of me breathing underwater.

I feel as though I am being called back to a world unlike my own, the feeling of being alive, of being complete.

In a way I cannot express in the waking day.

Every night I seem to gain a part of myself, that I always lose when I wake.

I feel as though somehow, something calls out to me, that I cannot reach, that I cannot find.

As I wake, I am haunted by the spirit until I sleep again.

Destined to repeat the cycle until my waking life brings me the joy my dreams can no longer fulfill.

Aurora RW Jan 2020
From a man, at once he can drink

Two, three, four, five he tries to think

Stumbled into the kitchen

Thought he went fishin'

“Help Margret! I fell in the sink!”

Aurora RW Jan 2020
The fog, she listens, she waits.
A spotlight glistens a spot on the pavement
She dances, alone, gracefully
As the rain claps around her
Brava, Brava
She twirls and spins
The moon peeks from behind tempered clouds
Catching a glimpse, of a girl among the fog
She is alive, this tiny dancer,
Not stopping, not even for a breath
The hope, joy, love
All around, beating like millions of drums
The heart of the dancer in the rain
Nov 2019 · 444
-Star Crossed Lovers-
Aurora RW Nov 2019
Born on different stars
Destined to share the light in each other’s eyes
Traveling from galaxy to galaxy, for centuries at a time
Prophesized together since our world’s conception
Longing for one another, from one millennia to the next
Two souls, one beating heart
Yearning endlessly for the rest of our days
My soul, my body, my past, present and future
For the completion of my being upon every rebirth
I feel you always and forever.
Nov 2019 · 699
Stories Untold
Aurora RW Nov 2019
This poem can be read three ways, straight through, 1st line every other, 2nd line every other

Her heart is closed

In a casket of gold

Sealed by magic

With stories untold

Far beyond the moonlit sky

How will this adventure unfold?

Up and away in galaxies unknown

Her soul with scars so very bold.

She makes her way to the path most sure

To find her weapon to break the mold.

Nov 2019 · 218
Aurora RW Nov 2019
She swam by the ocean

She lived by the seas

In her heart a mermaid was she

Nov 2019 · 205
Sight with no Vision
Aurora RW Nov 2019
To have sight with no vision

To live life with no air

Freedom with no meaning

Talent with no soul

To have sight with no vision

To have light, but no love

To walk with no path,

To find no end

To have sight with no vision

What life would that be?

Sep 2019 · 564
Aurora RW Sep 2019
She sees me open
My heart to the world inside
I see only dark
Sep 2019 · 1.2k
Aurora RW Sep 2019
She was the Fae to walk the dawn,
Her eyes wide like scarlet moons.
She faced the day like no other,
She fought the sky
She fought the moon
She fought the world with spirit high,
For love, nay for life,
She was brave as was her might,
To spread her wings across the moors,
A Fae to rise and live again
Sep 2019 · 318
Silly Thing
Aurora RW Sep 2019
Feeling a presence with intensity
A connection so powerful
No distance could shatter.
Seeing one for a mere moment
A glimpse right in front of you.
A second, then gone
Closed off from their world
A connection that never dies
Distances apart
That glimpse in a moment
Seeing their eyes
The hope,
The love,
The want,
The need,
What a silly thing
To love someone so deep.
Aug 2019 · 326
Aurora RW Aug 2019
She was a kind that loved longer,
than stars shined in the night.
than the surface of the moon.
She dreamt only of him,
since her creation.
He was a man like no other
He loved her more passionately
More violently than she had ever known
Her heart was his, only his for the rest of her existence.
She gave him everything all that she is, all that she was.
She never stops, for him, not even a moment.
Everything she is, everything she was,
His and his alone.
His touch bound her to him
His kiss infected her.
His eyed seduced her
His heart chained their love together, forever.
He gave her all that he was, all that he is,
her love showed him the light.
Aug 2019 · 640
Aurora RW Aug 2019
He is like a flame that burns, brighter than any star in the sky.
A flame lit by the soul to survive a thousand winters.
A flame so delicate and so bold is cause for my restlessness.
None shall sway this flame of mine, its light too great,
Too powerful.
It can be spat on, blown on, poured on from endless monsoons.
And yet his flame burns bright.
My flame, his heart, all suffering,
All enduring.
Cannot be Shaken,
Fears nothing,
Believes and loves all.
His Flame so bold and beautiful,
Slowly causing my demise.
His flame I love with greater passion,
Stronger than Hercules,
My flame exists on hope,
believes all,
feels all,
knows all.
His flame, my flame,
Will never give up.
Aug 2019 · 188
Aurora RW Aug 2019
She can do no wrong; she can do no right.
Her heart hidden in shadows so dark and angered,
Her spirit frozen, in a time of love beyond her reach.
Her thoughts wail for attention, clawing at her every move.
“He’s real, he must be” her mind would hiss.
Of his beautiful face, tis but a made-up dream.
But her body weeps and spasms for one, for whom?
She knows not.
Her body begs and pleads to be released from such a burning torment,
But to her demise, the pleads are in vain.
For every fiber of her core believes in his touch,
his words,
his spirit,
his head,
and most of all his heart too.
What more is truth,
than the pain of lies?
She sits alone with a heart so weary,
She has become consumed by her own madness.
A madness of a made-up falsehood.
Aug 2019 · 314
Much ado about nothing...
Aurora RW Aug 2019
As love flows free beneath the trees,
Thy heart unbound eternally by love
Poisoning self with the disease,
True love knows no shame, nor bounds
Thyself is ruined in love, forever to be
Stuck among the stars,
The heart is open, never to close
In the center of this destruction
Heart is unbound, unstrung,
All hope of salvation
Lost to this consumption
She feared a most dreadful act
His lips parted and love reached his lips onto hers
Her face pale,
His eyes grew with passionate sincerity.
Aug 2019 · 208
Jane Eyrerian Lullaby
Aurora RW Aug 2019
To arms for all my heart and sleep,
My soul and body for him they weep,
A hurt in my head, a scream in my stomach,
No morsel of food to ease my sorrow,
My love in my eyes be with me till morrow,
For fear and worry hath made me weary,
Can always forgive, but never forget,
To love him dearly without fear or regret.
Aug 2019 · 243
Aurora RW Aug 2019
A world that breathes and sleeps
Deep within the depths of my soul
Yearning for power
Yearning for freedom
Infecting my essence with a desire of great fortune
Lost among the pages of the past.
Resistance is futile
It breathes life into me, this creature
It molds its character between my flesh and blood
My thoughts fall as prey to its consumption
My conscience falls to its knees before it
To this, my desire for paradise
Aug 2019 · 220
To the one in my dreams
Aurora RW Aug 2019
When I’m around him
I lose my voice
When he touches me
I shiver, a little
The heat from his body
Warms me
His kisses…
Intoxicate me
His eyes,
Is where I lose myself
With the beating of his heart,
My skin vibrates
For him, my heart burns with desire
Aug 2019 · 229
Left my heart
Aurora RW Aug 2019
I'll take my heart,
I'll wrap it well,
I will send it to a place no one will tell.
I'll hide from you,
I'll hide from me.
I'll send it through the floor,
I'll send it above the roof,
Did I leave my heart in London?
Did I leave my heart in Tokyo?
I think I left it by the queen,
Or I threw it in a dream.
No one knows how to bring it home.
Aug 2019 · 216
Aurora RW Aug 2019
The rain fell like drops of lightning,

As the bolts hit, they crashed on the glass,

Shattered, and slowly melting as they die.

The clock rung at every quarter till,

In rest, silence.

Her candle gently flicking to the exploding drops,

She stares.

She suddenly turns toward the window and feels a cold chill down her back,

But she focused herself again,

And went back to her candle.

One of my older poems I have decided to revive, I would love to see what you guys think!

— The End —