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272 · Nov 2017
monster boy 4
Atticus Nov 2017
His FIRE GIRL turned to

                                           Ash her spark was all but




266 · Feb 2019
Atticus Feb 2019
I still text you , I know it's irrational
But when it comes to you , I forget all logic
Recently  Spoke about you,  I tried my best to be like you
I try to remember the good times  when you were a whole woman
Even in your weakest  days you were still an unwavering pillar
The  IV lines and the tiny black bag that contained the chemicals that appeared  to harm you
The first time  I lost my voice  you told me not to worry  , that even in the darkest times I would find it again
Even now I still remember  the words you would say to me
When they told me you passed away , I hid under neath the covers of my mother's bed alongside my sister and we held each other
It didn't sink in that you were gone until I attended the funeral
My heart sang for you as the champagne pink, wooden box was being lifted into the black car that had sealed your fate
The man with big hands and an even bigger heart remains
I want a love like you had
253 · Mar 2018
Another day
Atticus Mar 2018
another day

i try my best

another day

i try again

another day

i tried my best

another day

just like the rest
244 · May 2019
Atticus May 2019
You told me your biggest secret
How proud of you I am

The fact that you trust me enough to spill what’s inside of you
The things that make you holistically who you are
I have seen what is nestled at your core as you have mine

So it makes sense as to why I feel sick a complete and utter sense of security when I’m with you

I crave your touch
Sometimes so intensely that a phantom burn runs through my veins like that of scalding coffee on a day where the sky cannot hold its tears in any longer because even the sky has days where the sun is but a small blinking dot
When darkness has crept in like that of a masked phantom

We understand each other
I’m a mutual relationship

But I ache for more
I ache so deeply that even my dreams are dominated by you

Your smile and the curve of your neck
Supple and untouched

Oh how I yearn for your touch
240 · May 2019
Dust Storm Hearts
Atticus May 2019
Ashen skies and dust storm heart
Departures aren't easy
They're hard
So hard

Better off they say
I don't think I can agree so freely
When the one who was your rock
And guardian angel has to die

The days get longer
The sun passes over the sky
To start afresh

I ask myself what you would do
Or what you would say in conversations or scenarios
The crumbling friendships and jeering

But I know I'll be ok
Even if today or another day I don't feel ok
Because life goes on
And it ***** but it's true

I'm just happy that I got to spend so many moments with you
231 · Feb 2018
Atticus Feb 2018
the rhythm of my heart
and the rising of my chest with each breath
anchors me to this world
that i call my own

sometimes i can hear the roaring
in my ears
and the ticking of the clock

losing my beloved rythm
the tuning fork of this world is faulty

why else would there be so much
destruction and violence

why can't people just love on e another
instead of taking their words and pelting
them like missiles
obliterating the remaining confidence and security in our souls

'sticks and stones may break my bones'  
'but words will never hurt me'

is a false statement because when those words
come from people you trust and love
it seems like nothing
can ever rebuild the cracked porcelain

that is your facade...
228 · Feb 2018
Gold Dust
Atticus Feb 2018
your touch is like
a match lighting
the fireworks
in my body
golden dust
that falls on us
in the rose garden as you
say goodbye
you leave my kingdom
not by choice
but by the cruel hands
of fate
and all i suppose i can do
is hold onto that memory
in the rose scented world
gold dust raining
down on us
a honey tinted view
of what we really were
213 · Feb 2019
Atticus Feb 2019
Who decides my fate?

I am composed of two parts

My head and my heart

Logic against passion

My heart yearns for you

You, who's laughter is a cooling breeze

Against my bruised soul

It is the fear of rejection that holds us back

Meeting your family was terrifying

You make the steaming, heaving wreckage we call society

Seem whole again

Logic overrides passion

Longing remains
210 · Jan 2020
Atticus Jan 2020




                             ­          Spiralling



  ­                                                         Slowly




207 · Nov 2017
monster boy 5
Atticus Nov 2017

                                      So h a  r  d

his heart valve went and

                                                                                                     B u r s t
206 · Nov 2017
monster boy 2
Atticus Nov 2017
The monster boy ATE her soul

And tore her I  n  t  o

202 · Jul 2017
Sea Floor
Atticus Jul 2017
Stifling heat, sheets on the floor

Muffled screams and thrashing arms

Trapped in a nightmare

Can't wake up

Breath gone from chest and s i l e n t  tears

Eyes snap open

Rising up from the seafloor

Films of sweat

Tear tracks on cheeks
200 · Mar 2018
Atticus Mar 2018
Why do I always hold on
To grudges from my life
Pick up fours in uno
Harsh words in an argument
A stone in my heart
A ball and chain on my ankle
Bitter and moody
A storm cloud on a summers day
That doesn’t belong
In an otherwise perfect scene
193 · Mar 2018
Atticus Mar 2018
oh where has the sun gone

rain and spittle and mist

ice cold to the touch

it washes away the pain

of broken umbrellas

of cliche kisses in the rain

your arms around me

our hair in sodden dreadlocks

a day spoilt by the rain
177 · Aug 2018
Atticus Aug 2018
my patches make me who I am
they cover my tears
the blisters from ice cold stares
the scars from peoples words
my patches make you who you are
they make patterns on the unblemished skin
crisscrossing and overlapping
what do you do when there's no space left?
176 · Nov 2017
Atticus Nov 2017
not many people have seen me cry
fragmented and undone
but sometimes when the war seems to much
the side that is tears
has won
173 · Jan 2020
My Best friend
Atticus Jan 2020
She asked me once why no one loved her
She told me to describe what I found beautiful about her

How could I put into words the extent to which I loved her
So instead I kept my mouth shut

The expression on her face was one of disappointment, deflated even

If I could go back now and start over I would tell her that she is the ocean, uncontrolled and unpredictable

I would say that when she bit her bottom lip jackrabbits would start a frenzied dance inside my stomach

I would tell her that I loved the crows-feet by her eyes that crinkled with joy when I told corny jokes

But I can't go back so I sit in this dark room that I call my mind
thinking of all the times where I could've said I love you and I didn't
172 · Nov 2017
monster boy 7
Atticus Nov 2017
But his FIRE GIRL was

g            n

      o                e ...
170 · Nov 2017
monster boy 6
Atticus Nov 2017
He tried to fill her with life......
169 · Mar 2018
s l o w e r
Atticus Mar 2018
cogs and bolts

turn in the space that is my brain

when someone sends a glare my way

the cogs turn

s l o w e r

who said you had to love me

who said you had to give me the world

no one but you and then

when i couldn't give back what you had given me

you left

you were done with nightmares and tangled sheets

panic and paranoia

but no matter how hard i try

i don't think i can get past loving you
168 · Oct 2020
Atticus Oct 2020
You stare up at me with those hungry eyes, drinking me in.

Those rose-bud lips parted, breathless.

I will never get enough of your honey sweet nectar.

Everytime we undress I find a new freckle, a new undiscovered place.

Tracing the valleys of your hips, your waist.

Chest heaving, I open myself for you
166 · Nov 2017
monster boy 3
Atticus Nov 2017

Thought it would make his own s o u l

163 · Oct 2020
Bloom around me
Atticus Oct 2020
I crave our touch more than I crave the fullness.

My arms reach out for you when you're not by my side.

Head on my chest, body under mine.

I like it when you look at me in that fascinating way.

Examining me so intensly

you come undone by my touch.

Shudder and bloom.

I ache for you.
161 · Nov 2017
monster boy 1
Atticus Nov 2017
There was a fire in her eyes

But then she met the MONSTER BOY

And that fire




159 · Oct 2020
Memory Dwellers
Atticus Oct 2020
What's in a word?
A touch?
A secret shared?

We are weighed down by our vices
You sleep so you don't have to think
You keep busy so that you don't have the opportunity to think

What's in a word when words are all you have.

People talk too much
151 · Jan 2020
Too Much
Atticus Jan 2020
I am a river that's flooding
Too full overflowing with unshed tears

I am a fire-damaged tree
Unpredictable and prone to falling easily

I am a dead car on the side of the road
Sapped of all energy and motivation, tiring too easily

I am a half glass of water
Both too full and too empty at the same time

I am too much for my family

Too much for my friends

Too much for myself

So I internalize what's inside
My heart is heavy
147 · Sep 2022
I love you
Atticus Sep 2022
I love you.
Have you eaten ?
I love you.
How did that assignment go in the end ?
I love you.
There’s kombucha in the fridge
I love you.
There’s this song I think you’ll like
I love you.
Did you get home okay?
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
140 · Feb 2018
untitled 1
Atticus Feb 2018

the lights flash


all is cool


make it stop


the clock tick tocks
135 · Oct 2020
Atticus Oct 2020
Look at you small lonely creature
prone and defenseless
Atticus Oct 2020
TW- ed

I was shrinking and no one saw it
I was fading into the background and no one intervened
What do you do when no one is watching you dissolve into yourself?

They complimented my body
They validated my feelings of needing to be smaller
What do you do when you no longer feel hunger?

They fed into the story I wrote with comments about how good I was for not eating "junk" food.
What do you do when food becomes a fear?
101 · Oct 2020
I open myself to you...
Atticus Oct 2020
We opened ourselves to eachother
like roses in the morning sun.

We traced the planes of our bodies
skin on skin.

You did not care about the self made valleys
nestled on my hip
my pelvis.

You love every inch of me
the good and the bad.

I open myself for you...
100 · Oct 2020
The story of us
Atticus Oct 2020
I love your hands, solid and warm but also tender like a rose petal at dawn.
Your tender touch brings the broken parts of me home.
Your words of reassurance make the darkness stay at bay.

Sometimes I question what you saw or even what you see in me now to take the first plunge into the story of us.

When we didn’t speak I turned to mush , no words, no thoughts just a decomposing peach in place of my conscious mind.
No sleep, no appetite just the feeling of consuming emptiness.

Something changed in the chemistry, the bond we had.

This is the story of us, of who we were, who we have been and who we are now.
84 · Mar 1
Atticus Mar 1
Why isn’t this healing **** linear

Uphill and downhill feel the same
Jump in

1 2 3
Feel the sting
66 · Aug 2024
Atticus Aug 2024
Life has me feeling so very hollow
Too full in need to purge the oily **** out of my veins
Carve it out
Calmer .
44 · Mar 1
Atticus Mar 1
your touch is like moss
cool and soft
evergreen and careful

but i am magma
sharp justting stones
and barbed wire fences

how is it that you voice flows like water
while mine is in all caps
25 · Mar 1
Blister and burn
Atticus Mar 1
The puckered skin is healing
it will stain my skin
like the other two
reminders of the shame I felt
the pain inside
and the war that was going on in my head
The puckered skin is healing
raw skin showing
pink in colour
soft to the touch
The puckered skin reopens
spilling its content
emptying my mind
startling clarity
The puckered skin reminds me
of days where I felt the world was against me
of days where my heart and mind were too full
filling me with a fire I could not extinguish
The puckered skin will heal
The puckered skin will heal
The puckered skin will heal
and once again
my heart will spill
ovals of puckered sin
ovals of puckered skin

— The End —