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Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
I am sorry for the pain I put you through
The shame you bottle deep down
Though you have only yourself to blame
For why I am no longer around

Yet I feel guilt within
Should've held on a little longer
Promised I'd never leave you a thousand times
I thought our love was stronger

I learned nothing is what it appears
Not feelings or words trusted the most
Let the illusions fall one by one
As they crash I am forced to watch up close

You do not care how it makes me feel
To be neglected again and again
And endlessly stabbed in the heart
By the one I consider my best friend

Hoping to be more than a backup plan
You are cruel and careless sometimes
Sunshine warning heart's together
I can't compete with how radiant it shines

All I desired was to light up your world
Be better like you don't deserve
Lying to myself, I claim I tried
Over and over exasperation stabs each nerve

Dissatisfied with abilities
I resent you, myself, and all I'm not
Trying harder to accept flaws
Failure masks the good traits we've got

I'm a hopeless romantic
Painted the sky a false shade of blue
This is to let you know I'm sorry
It is not all your fault, I made mistakes too
There are two sides to every story
  Nov 2018 Amanda Kay Burke
S Smoothie
For the times that seemed so dark and hollow

You have been a beacon of light

You've  tripped me up

You've helped  me up

Your heated touch has stung as well as thrilled

Your eyes have held disspointment

And unrivaled love

You've ripped my heart from my soul

And put it back just as easily

I guess what I know is that

The beauty of us

is in the restoration of tragedy

The righting of wrongs

The life of lovers

Tormented souls

Finding meaning and solace

In each others arms

Wrapped by the thighs

In passionate pleas

For Love to last

Forever and all the versions

In all dimensions

Of existence to last for infinity

Is after all our aeons together

The depth of our challenges

Nothing much compared to

Our infinite forever love.
Should I stay,
Knowing that you are not what I need,
But what I want?

Should I leave,
Knowing that a life with you might be chaining,
But feeling free when you kiss my skin?

Should I cry,
Knowing that things are not the way they used to be,
But try to accept anything you offer me?

Should I give up,
Knowing that we are far too different,
But knowing that we both want to be in love?

Should I?

Should I not?
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
You know I dream of you almost every night
If you stay I promise I'll try to get it right
You might weigh too much for me to catch you when you fall
I will do my best to stand beside you through it all

I never thought anyone would really understand me
You've uncovered everything I've kept inside slowly
See a future brighter now that I have you
And the sun, moon, and stars are shining brighter too

You give reasons to smile and enjoy the life I live
Now I have a light that I can share and give
Owe to you all I have to show
I swear I won't be the one to let go
Just say you won't let go
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
The one thing I cannot comprehend
In life continually questioned
Why I lack the strength to succeed
When told I have the tools I need

I'm wandering present desires
Mind lost yet never tires
Wondering what is out there to find
Path overgrown, leaving feet blind

So the day I find the inner compass I seek
Explore areas before was too weak
Breathe and know why I'm alive
I will finally be at peace inside
Why am I so far behind everyone else my age in life?
  Nov 2018 Amanda Kay Burke
He can’t stand to love,
Yet he can’t stand to hate,
Afraid of exposure,
Its vulnerable weight.
So he builds up his walls,
To protect him from feeling,
Covering old wounds,
Which keeps them from healing.
And she sees he’s guarded,
Yet tries to unveil
The past he is hiding,
His secrets to tell,
Hating his walls,
But she can’t tear them down.
Wherever she is,
He just builds them around.
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