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1.7k · May 2014
Dark Jewel May 2014
The Blue sky...
How Ashure is thee..
So beautiful.
Day and Night.

The Moon of Aurora,
Comes to life.
To call us out.
Into Those eyes.

Wild and mighty beast.
We fear none.
Only ourselves to be.

White manes,
Softened tails of rain...
We gallop within our snowy terrain.
Beneath Aurora.
1.7k · Oct 2014
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Holy angel kiss.
Knife to your throat,
A spell.

Magical powers,
Wringing out prowess.
Super nova to Spare.

Magical Being,
Sorcerer, Dark One, Witch.
A twirl of her red fingers,
Spells mischief.

Young Witch scorned.
Scolded by mortals,
Mortalities breath.

Magical Witch,
Beautiful and ****** is she.
That of a Puma.
Hiding in the sea.

In the sea of people,
She awaits her turn.
To cause a Nightmare,
To bring fear to burn.

Magical Being,
Sinead Wool.
Spreads her wings,
Tricking the Angels..
1.6k · Oct 2014
This is Love
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Thy body caressed,
By his guiding hands.
My nerves relented.

This is love,
In its own lust.
For power.

Man or Woman,
One strives more than the other.
Guiding hands,
Caressingly Hearted.

Thy kisses of fruit,
Desserts delighted.

His warmth within,
A heart pure and whole.
To heal her wounds,
Of the past Untold...
1.6k · Aug 2014
Into the World
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
Proud, Curious.
She steps forward.
Taking in the sight of the beast.

Cautious, Senile.
She growls darkly.
Alerting it's peers.

She doth take yes,
Nay to No.

Proud, Curious.
She goes onward.
Into the world.
December 18ths around the corner.. Oh boy
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Glowing white,
In the  ebony  sky.
It's face smiles.

It's scars,
Visible by the naked eye.
All creatures stare to the sky.

Howling winds,

The masters of the woods,
Look to thy moon.
Craving it's power,
That adrenaline.

Wolves of Color,
Alpha of Black,
Omega of *White

Thy pack howls,
Thundering through the forest.
All creatures run,
Caressing the hand of death.

One Beta stands out,
With eyes of ashure.
Fur of mane.

She who stands out,
Challenges the enemy.
Silver lines of worthy,
Claws of a lion.

Thy Beta wolf.
Stands mighty.

She is without pups,
Without love.

The wolf,
Almost Archaic,
To the family.

She walk's alone,
Under the pale-faced moon.
Searching for hope,
Of finding love soon..
1.5k · May 2014
Fiery Hell Raised
Dark Jewel May 2014
Able bodies,
Warm and afraid are we.

To see the fire engulf,
The home of two or three.

Transcend into panic,
Run like a lunatic.

Exeunt from thy flames,
Hell has been raised.

What Idiot starts a fire?
On a warm and sunny day?
1.4k · May 2014
Questions and Answers
Dark Jewel May 2014
Questions are mind boggling!
The key, However.
Is within the answer.
Of your mind.
1.4k · Sep 2014
Guardian Angel of Love
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Beautiful Wings,
Shining horns.
Blue eyes adored.

Guardian of the skies,
Is she who believes.
Fate and disguise.
She appears mortal,
To you and me.

Guardian Angel,
She will protect her love.
She will heal him of wounds.
Give him life,
To his lungs.

She will always protect him,
Never faltering her stance.
Even on deaths door,
She is the Valkyrie Angel.
The Guardian of her love.
1.4k · Aug 2014
What it Seems
Dark Jewel Aug 2014
As days blur,
I see the pattern...
Grazing, sealing, purifying.
All that is hideous.
To make it seem beautiful.

I hide,
Behind a mask,
A shell..
A force field.

What seems beautiful,
Isn't true for the beast.

The Beast,
That is hideous.
When she's angry.

So as the pattern lays flat,
These days turn into weeks,
Weeks turn to months.
Months turn to years..

Not a lifeline goes by,
When a monster is involved.

And when it's involved,
It seems the sands of time,
Are frozen still.
Even in the wasteland,
Of Hell..
Just a thought that crossed my mind
1.4k · Sep 2014
Answering the Call of War
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Come now,
Answer the call of war.
Answer the cry for settling scores.

Skyrim is in chaos,
War threatens strongholds.

Purify now,
Purify their souls.
Make peace,
Answer the call.

War will whether the souls,
Of the lost.
Stand together,
Whatever the cost.

Though your shield may falter,
Though your swords will fall.
Answer the call of war.
Aid your homeland.

Skyrim is in Chaos,
Answer the call.
Save it!
Thanks Miracle of sound! (Disclaimer to the lyrics from the Call by miracle of sound!)
1.4k · Sep 2016
Tevahni Aurora
Dark Jewel Sep 2016
Means thank you.

Tevahni Aurora,
Moon of ever glow.
Shining so bright.

Rays of white,
Like sunshine.
Shine the path before thee.

Tevahni Aurora,
For creating a path so vivid with color.
So extravagant to the senses.
To where a heart may reside.

My heart is alive...

Flowing tears,
Freedom of moonlight.
The call...



*Can you hear me?
Tevahni comes from Valkyrie, It is unwritten. I thank the moon everyday for my wolf howls once more.
Dark Jewel May 2015
So it goes,
Those eighteen years pass.
Being cursed.

I was thrown around,
Like a voodoo doll.
To the emotions that haunted me.

I was pricked,
By the painful needles of conflict.
Painted red by my own blood.

I was tossed away,
Like I meant nothing.
To those who held me upright.

It's a cursed path,
Living in fear.
Of the hell that awaits,
Behind the broken walls of eternity.

Even if life meant nothing.

Even as that doll,
I felt passion, love.
Though it was buried deep.
Until recently.

Naive little doll was I,
Wide-eyed and wandering.
Where should I go?
In this scrutiny?

Being cursed,
Is a ****** up thing.
So goes the thought of this one thing, "Where Do you go next?"
1.3k · May 2014
The Bright Gleam
Dark Jewel May 2014
White-Gold rings,
Gleam brighter.
When you say,
"I do."
1.3k · Sep 2014
Hail to thy Heart
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Hail to the heart,
The keeper of souls.
Hail to her,
She rules this world.

The heart is divine,
It has power.
Thy ***** of red,
Love, Lust, devour.

Purpose by equal,
Anthem of lore.
Hail to the heart,
Your very bold.

Imagine it,
The world of only love.
The world of all power,
By a single dove.

Hail to thy heart,
Hark and sing!
She will be abundant,
In all who believe.
1.3k · Feb 2015
Undecided Forest of a Dragon
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Once in a forest far away,
Undecided by society.
Living beings strive,
To protect the landscape.

Calling it home..
Majestic mountains,
Fruitful valleys..
Simply breath taking.

Desire of the King's Mountain,
Rumor has it,
That A dragon lives in the cave.

Fire breathing dragon,
Like the landscape.

Mother's tear,
The cave,
*of the scorned.
1.3k · Oct 2014
The Change of the Last Child
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Everything That you thought,
That I would be.
Has fallen apart,
Before your placid eyes.

My ambitions have changed,
So that I can see you proud,
Of your final child.

I am the last born of three,
The only Female of the litter.

My siblings have failed,
Where I can still succeed.

I've become numb to society,
The mask is all I have.
It keeps me alive.

Even in this battlefield.
I can see a story unfold.

My life,
Has changed.
The adult.

Has awakened.
This will always be known.
As the Change,
OF the last child.
Time to grow up.
1.3k · Jun 2014
Life is Fading-Valkyrie
Dark Jewel Jun 2014
Life is fading.
It streams through a sovereign breeze.
Bringing chaos above peace.

It fades,
When you stop believing.

Believe in life?
Probably not the best bet,
For a Valkyrie with child.
^No idea what's next..

Their coming for her,
The guardian of us all.
She doesn't believe in life.

It has faded from her heart.
She gave it her all.
Time to end it.
1.2k · Mar 2015
Memories of love
Dark Jewel Mar 2015
The memory,
Of our first official kiss.
Runs through my head still.

The days of you chasing me,
Still exist at will.
I can remember the hesitance,
That our bodies bore.

Our first awkward night,
The reactions of those around.
Still gives me a smile.

It just shows how much I love you,
My dear and best friend.
It will never die.

I love you.
I don't regret this one bit.
To the love of my life who has always been there since day one.
Dark Jewel May 2014
Beyond the grey water,
A light sustains its glow.
Radiating over the rippling water.

The waves,
Las Olas..
They are beautiful,
Under the blue moon.

The blue moon is known as Aurora,
"Goddess of the smiles"
She prolongs the life of the light.

Blinking over the binding waves,
Caressing your hand as we float astray.

Aurora guides our path,
To the island of paradise.
The island with the light..
The brighter it gets,
The closer I become.
To finding You.
My love..
Beyond our path is our future, With a mate for eternity's sake. Look to the moon Aurora, She guides our eyes. And will not let us go astray.. Las Olas means.. The Waves in Spanish. <3
1.2k · Mar 2015
Guiding hands for Strays
Dark Jewel Mar 2015
We all search,
And seek.
That guiding hand.

A hand that holds you,
In your darkest times.
One that will calm you,
In your despair of anger.

We all seek,
That sense of peace.
When we don't understand,
The reality.

We long for those hands,
To guide.
Those who have strayed.

To bring them forth,
Risen from the darkest corners.
Faces pale as ghost,
To be guided to a holy world.

You don't need religion,
To guide those who have strayed.
You need compassion,
To be a guiding hand today.

Guide those who have ran,
Those who are hiding.
Those who are in fear.

Bring them forth,
Rise them up.

Use your guiding hands,
To heal those.
Who have strayed.
I wanted everyone to know that there is someone out there for you. To guide you in your darkest times, to allow you to pour your heart out to be healed. It may seem grim now, but the light will brighten your heart that beats. It will save those around you, to keep them safe and alive.

To Sean,
Who has been through so much I can't even say. He guides me as I guide him everyday. I love him with all my heart and soul.

To Jessie,
Whose been through hell and back with me and will always be like a sister to me. I love you sis, thank you for guiding me.

To my Mom,
Who has guided me to a dead end.
But tried her hardest.

To my Dad,
Whose strong hands keep the family together. Who works harder than anyone I know. Who has compassion for his family and others.

To my Step mother,
We have been through alot.
I still love her like a mother and I thank her. We may not always get along but I still love her.

To all those who have given me hope,
Thank You.
1.2k · Sep 2014
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
We will reignite,
Thy love that was lost.
Thy *love
that was unseen.

Behind the battlefield,
We will find each other.
Within the ashes of the war.

Praise thy sun!
Become one with hearts.

We will reignite,
Over the sorrow.
Over the toil.

Thy beauty will commence,
Sending our souls to dance.
Connecting the strings attached.

We will Reignite,
Thy  flame  of love.
Thy sun's fire.

Our hearts will not fail,
*We will live to tell our tale.
1.2k · May 2014
Pulling heart
Dark Jewel May 2014
My heart pulls left,
And tugs right.
Between me are three lives.

Dont make me choose...
1.2k · Nov 2015
Love Flows
Dark Jewel Nov 2015
Love flows,
As hearts become one.
As souls collide.
As the beating of the drum.

Love is everlasting,
Through the dark and mist
Through death it still lives on.
In our loving kiss.

We are one,
As a whole.
Soul mates forever,
My love.

My love,
You are my happiness.
When I am down.
You are my warmth,
When there’s none to be found.

You are half my heart,
To make me whole.
The one I will love.

Forever and Always,
I believe in our long years ahead.
Filled with happiness and children,
With the love that flows.
Happy First year my Beloved Sean.
1.2k · Nov 2014
Lioness Alone
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Lions claws extended.
Hunting prey for family.
Hear her cries,
She's lonely.
1.2k · Nov 2014
Deathly Seraphim
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Deathly hallows,
Prey for light to come..
For ghouls haunt these halls.
Of Seraphim.

Only a dark soul,
Can save those of light.
That soul also lightened,
By the knight...

Beware these halls,
Of precious prisoners.
Prepare for battle,
Of Seraphim.
1.1k · Jul 2014
Ethereals Message
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
Decisions come from the turmoil of the mind. As it questions your character and self-righteousness. Choice, is the will to give your action an ending. Two kinds of consequences hover in the place of THAT choice. The Righteous consequence and the justified consequence. 
 The wise bring the righteous to the poor, they walk as lions, but herd as shepards to their sheep. Despite the unveiling indications of destruction, the time of glory will come to pass as the king.
 Our lives are not simple, we have destinys that were never heard of and rules that werent really applied. We are indeed mortal, but it does not make a fool out of the insane. A jester may jest to please his mistress, and fight a boar to please his lord, but his choice of action still stands and a question remains... Why?
 There is a simple resolution to the cause and effect. You gain important friendships to nobles and royalty, you get a whole new world of opportunities to boot. Decision... Comes from both the mind and the heart, you must choose who to follow at that time of strife.
 Young one.. My daughter. Disperse from the pride and wealth of people. Escape your past and seek true fortune from within your soul. The time of war for our kind has just begun! Mount your righteous dragon Jerusalem, he will serve you until death. Soar into battle! Now, in the heat of the moment. The battle of Rider versus kingdom commences. Seek out the Menoaya tree, uncover the truth and find victory. You are destined for greatness my dark one... Choose your path, I will love you always.. Goodbye, Kekay.
Thank you.. Sugactuahna..
1.1k · Jan 2015
Exams... Yay...
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
Today marks a start,
A start of comprehension.
Problem solving.
And studying constant.

Tomorrow marks Exams,
The test every student fears.
Wish us luck,
Here in GE.
1.1k · Sep 2014
Valkyrie's Purpose
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Valkyrie's of justice.
Serve for one purpose.

Fly alongside their beasts,
Spears shining high.
They fight for one purpose,
Their world.

They are worth nothing to mortals,
They hide in the shadows.
Serving Kings, Chiefs and Dragons.

They have purpose.
You just have to search for it.
1.1k · Oct 2014
The Kel (The Elder Scroll)
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Krosis Dovahkiin."

"The answer you seek,
Is within the Kel.
The Elder Scroll."

Staring blankly,
To comprehend thy dragons words.
I went from Dragon Slayer,
To Dragon Rider.

I was too defeat Alduin,
Saving the world.
And Sovangarde.

The Elder Scroll lies with Blackreach,
Others within Castles and Crypts.

Now to begin my journey...
1.1k · Jul 2014
Archaic Destinys
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
Thy heavenly sound,
Hath unleashed fury.
Upon mankind,
For all eternity.

Thy guidance,
Into a realm of lore,
Hath cometh to destroy,
Your true words.

Wilst thou remain?
In thy Reqiuem of hell..

Fall mortal,
*Thy serpentine awaits thee.
1.1k · May 2014
Ocean's Dance
Dark Jewel May 2014
Dance ocean,
Thy fiery sea.
Tear at the sky,
With blue wings.

Ocean you are beautiful,
When you rage in a powerful storm,
I know you well.
I call to you in the morn.

Die softly down,
Thy whispering sea.
Sing me to sleep.
Sing me your melody.
Sometines the sea inside us calm.
Other times,
It moves with you storm.
Now sleep.
1.1k · Jan 2015
For Paris France
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
Hands raised,
For the prayer today.
Paris, France.

I hear your cries.
I heard the shots fired.
I could see the blood stains.

Freedom of Speech,
Will always live on!
For Paris, France today. I heard on the news what happened and I'm praying for those who were shot down and their families. Repost this! The terrorist will be put down or cut down! It's freedom of speech!
1.1k · Nov 2014
He must know the truth
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
Traveling alone,
Down the forest path.
Fur rippling in the wind.

Putting my muzzle to the wind,
I can smell his scent.
The boy I followed.
The boy I saved.

Intrigued by his cobalt eyes,
His power to use his rifle.
I never knew such attraction,
Would be true.

Trusting my instincts..
To find him.
I howl to the sky.
Rippling the forest floor.

I will find him,
He must know..
That I was that girl.

That girl who watched him,
That girl who laughed at his jokes.
Im wolf,
*But also human..
1.1k · May 2014
Powerful Weapon
Dark Jewel May 2014
With arms of fury,
I strike forth.
To end thee!

Perish in the enchantments,
Of the weapon Thu'um.
For it destroys.
The smallest loon.

My voice is powerful,
It shutters a broken heart.
Where glass hath shattered.
It matters not.

Voice of the greybeards.
You are Dragonborn.
1.1k · Apr 2015
Walking without a Goodbye
Dark Jewel Apr 2015
As I walk,
On the black top.
Till my feet bleed.
My wings tattered,
Soul destroyed.
Fearing for my life,
From the might of your words.
You brought this upon us...
Now I leave you,
Without saying Goodbye.
Without saying 3 little words.
They don't mean anything,
When I say them to you.

Only one thing left to say,
I'm sorry,
*But this is MY LIFE.
Some issues went down and it was not pretty.. Don't ask either
1.0k · May 2014
Generous Heart, Fear of Love
Dark Jewel May 2014
Words cannot express,
The pain I feel.
When my sword is my shield.

Expressions cannot even define,
Your generosity to love me.
Divine wisdom comes,
When two hearts meet.

In due time,
You will understand.
Why I am afraid...

To open my heart again,
Would be a victory day..
1.0k · May 2014
Perspective View
Dark Jewel May 2014
Defined by the way you look at things.

What your views are,
Are very different,
Or Similar to mine.

Perceive well.
For your opinions are acknowledged freely.
But that does not mean,
That WE Agree.

What we see,
What we experience.
Is quite different from your nationality.

We do not fear this world,
Just fear what lies ahead for all.
What I see is very different from people. Use your eyes to see into the souls of others...
1.0k · Jun 2015
Somtimes Anger is a blessing
Dark Jewel Jun 2015
Anger is good.
Letting off steam is a blessing.

So you don't hurt the one you love.
In return,
Regretting because you did it.

So go off alone,
Blow off steam.
1.0k · Oct 2014
The Dark Knight- Mabinogi
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
Beyond the grey waters,
Upon the rocks they stand.
In dark robes,
Awaiting the war.

Wings spread,
Their leader stands.
Eyes perceptive,
Soul hungering to find her.

The Dark Knight,
Ruairi of Emain Macha.
He despises the Paladin Knights.
And Will destroy them,
For Triona.
1.0k · Mar 2017
Home in each other
Dark Jewel Mar 2017
Time goes by,
Fluttering in the breeze.
On the wings of a butterfly.

Gently caressing,
Smooth hair.
Red like fire.

She stares,
At her timeline.

Much to do,
More time to spare.
Less stress to be there.

Her hand in her mates hand,
They stare at the setting sun.
Looking into each others eyes,*
They are home.
990 · Sep 2014
Suffocation to Promise
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
The air,
The pressure.
It suffocates me.

It's undesirable,
As my desperation is at the core.
I long to be by his side.

Scrambling to the top,
Climbing the mountain of decision.
I chose him.
He is mine.
Now and Forever.

My eyes deceive me,
When I see his shadow pass by.
He is states away.
Yet I feel him near.

My love is growing stronger,
The craving is beginning to grow.
Growing everyday,
Stronger than before.

I believe in my heart,
Though is has deceived me,
Countless times.

He will come,
As I await for the knock.
Upon the timely door.

The pressure is consuming me,
My heart is changing me.
Transforming the beast inside.

Forgive me,
My love for you are dear to me.
You have given me this gift,
I take it kindly.

One promise,
Even if this world destroys me.
If I am a lamb,
Led to the slaughter.

I will always love you,
I will always protect you.
My wounds mean nothing,
When I know our bond is strong.

The beast will be subdued...
A poem to the one who I found earlier this year..I thank him greatly... and am Honored.
980 · Feb 2015
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
My body trembled.

I could hear the voice,
Velvet like silk.

I heard her,
The one inside me.
The beast that hides.

It became louder,
Down I went.

On fours,
One last word.

Before the mirror,
Stood an elegant animal.
Who wandered the mountain wilds.

A cougar,
Beseeching a human soul.
For my new series I'm writing.
975 · Nov 2014
Frozen Heart
Dark Jewel Nov 2014
When love lost the battle,
When naivety became wise.
I grew up,
In the frozen skies.

Eyes of sleet green,
Showering the iris once blue.
None can withstand,
That love I had for you.

My heart has gone cold,
Frozen over by a spell.
My love is gone for you,
Go to hell.
961 · Jan 2015
You Are Mine
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
You are my shelter,
My strength.
You provide love,
To keep me alive.
You care,
Even when times.
Are dark.
You love me,
All I ask is this much,
Provide love,
Keep at peace.
Hold me in your arms,
Forever comforted by thee.

You are my shelter,
In the times.
Of good and bad.
I love you,
More than you know.
Hold me for an eternity.
938 · May 2014
Sands of Time-Redone
Dark Jewel May 2014
Beyond the past,
Beyond our future.
Evolution is inevitable.

Will always be apart of,
THIS sand of time.

AS the dreams commence,
As our path becomes clear.
The treasuring reward,
Is within the crystal sphere.

One finds its true dream,
Within the universe that bonds.
Finding Thy Destiny,
Beyond the red sands.
937 · Jan 2015
Heart Beat Coaster
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
My heart beats,
Like a chain lift on a coaster.
It's rough,
When you get closer.

My mind pounds,
Down the dirt road track.
I try my hardest,
To get you back.

It's a constant game,
Cards of possibility.
Uno in your hands.

I'll keep beating that chain,
Until I'm dominant,
Over the deck in your hand.
931 · Jan 2015
Compassion Gone
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
What's happened to compassion,
When all memories have fade...
Inside a lonely soul.

Passionate praise,
Brought down by selfish hate.
Broken hearts rise.

What happened to compassion?
When all gone insane.

Insanity born,
With one single shot.
Small slices.
****** re-marked.
925 · Oct 2014
Job Lost.. Bad Weekend
Dark Jewel Oct 2014
My weekend was hell,
Always hell it tis.

Among sneers and disrespect,
A job is lost.

Frantically searching for Salvation.
I will lost money,
My lifes ambition.

I must keep going,
Torn by stupid people.
Curse you Mcdonalds!
I will find a new Job,
I swear it.
923 · Dec 2014
My god I miss you..
Dark Jewel Dec 2014
My mind stretches outward.
AS my fist reaches the wall.
Bruising the skin and muscles.

I think of him,
Dark hair.
Blue eyes..

I close my own,
As tears reach me.
I miss you...
My god I miss you...

I tell myself to forget you,
When I have forgiven you.

My heart still feels like yours,
My mind..
Is somewhere else..

Please be alive..
Live your life to the fullest..

I will see you one day..
My dark one..

Fading into sleep,
I only dream of him.
When my heart is someone elses.
Why Do I still think about him? It's making me cry because I wish my reaction to what he did was different.. I still love and care for him.. But does he think of me?
923 · Sep 2014
Engage the Soar
Dark Jewel Sep 2014
Love stricken wings,
Beat to the beat.

Soaring high over oblivion.
The great war of power has begun.

Valkyries engage!
Save this country,
From the evil rage.

Send love,
Send destruction.
Use fire,
To fight fire.
Next page