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Jun 2018 · 427
cleann98 Jun 2018
she kissed her knees
waiting for the wind
to take her slowly away.
             yet the hands of time
             were far too patient
         making her stay.
               she was in pain
    and way too
        and yet
she never wanted company
                 just the storm
                       and she
      doesn't deserve it:
                   neither the rainfall
                   nor this draught.
                         she kissed her knees
                                 and whispered
            out of new words to pray
                she barely even muttered
                                  "just take me today."
                       hands pressed tight together
     and lips trembling shut
                   kissing her
            wet and salted knees
       with her back against the wall
                facing a hard place
           a dead end
                    to a thousand feet freefall
     and rock bottom...
                to dust.
                       she kissed her knees
          with closed eyes
                   and an open wrist...
      waiting for her tears
      to slowly drown her----
              with one more
                   shattered bottle
           beside her
                      and one less
                            plea to say.
                 "just take me away."
      she kissed her knees
           and she hugged her legs.
                 all soaked in her own waste
  and her own faults
              she nods her head
      totally out of lies to
         chant herself asleep
                     until she gnawed herself
                         six feet deep.
                              she never became a
         failed adult
                   because life blew up
            in her face so suddenly
                            all she is
                                           is a shattered child
                     waiting for life
                             to spew her out.
                                          she kissed her knees...
whoop a little disturbing? sorry...
umm challenge by Sylph----- a little off the topic but still lol
Jun 2018 · 187
cleann98 Jun 2018
waking up
with nothing
challenge by sylph
Jun 2018 · 279
cleann98 Jun 2018
you don't have
to hurt
any longer.

let's just
fade slowly
My Immortal by Evanescence anyone?
Jun 2018 · 505
longest ride home
cleann98 Jun 2018
it was the longest walk of my life
          and the longest pauses
     with the longest argument with myself...
       long story short...
               i lost.
             so i'm dragging my leg
    step by step
       and i don't even need to open my eyes
                it's like
                   i'm so sure
   of whatever is in front of me
            and so sure
               i don't want
                  to see it.
                        ------or hear it
                        ------or feel it
               or be the first person
         to actually say it...
     that it's just a house
             and it's the longest time i felt
             standing still ever...
                   the porch is still there
                        but the scent of marijuana isn't
    and the garage
           still left open
       and the dent of my head
               still there on the rusty pick up.
                         and the tears mom left
                   i don't know but i smell it...
            it's the same house
               that it was yesterday
        but it's not the same...
                    all of the sudden
           allice charges toward me
           barking as energetic as ever
       and yet it feels
as if i'm not the same person
she licks on the cheek everyday
                   crackling leaves below me
             don't even crackle the same way...
       stepping on dried sticks and twigs
      don't even sound like they did yesterday      
it's like the house itself is telling me
            this is where i don't belong
    this is where i can't belong
         this is where i shouldn't be
                    yet i simply have to be
                 my grandma walked
                       even slower
                           today than ever...
                     "what happened"
                               she asked me----
                          and i honestly
                 want to sigh again
                          as deeply as i could
                    and just fall there.
                            ----deep breath----
               it feels like i don't
     even have to say it
                            the look on her face
                  feels like
       her heart is
                        already crumbling
                worse than
                           they did
            when she saw
             my dad
    and her dad
and mom's dad
                          on a coffin going home-----
        as if the same heart
       could rebreak so many times
                   i don't know
            how to stall anymore
   or if there are any
          other ways
                   to sugarcoat
                      a bitter pill
             slathered in mud
             soaked 10feet underwater
                        then buried 6 feet underground
                 "i'm sorry"
       she takes the words
             from my mouth
                      and wraps around me
          this solid warmth...
                so tangible
         so real
                     "you don't have to tell me."
    and then she whispers...
                    inaudible words----
           that smelled a lot
                  like mom's afternoon ****
and her morning omelette with coffee black
one batch
two batch
penny and
Jun 2018 · 216
cleann98 Jun 2018
She walks with lightning
Sans thunder, simply so bright...
Without fear -----just death
Sorry lol I love Dove Cameron hahahahah anyways, Dove can be a classic female name that means peace... well this poem depends on how you view peace lol hi
Jun 2018 · 293
cleann98 Jun 2018
most people
call love
a patch
of water
in the desert
that they
cannot thrive

yet for me

you are
a little bit
of fresh water
ocean surface
that even if
water is all around me
you are still
the only drop
i'd rather
live off

i can
i can never
without you
lav lol hi
Jun 2018 · 906
more things we call love
cleann98 Jun 2018
second chances
  third chances
      fourth chances
     renewed trusts
replenished damaged belief
               pride and prejudice
hurt and sadness
           fifth chances...
      making up
               making out
        waking up half ashamed
             walking out half naked
     walking off the emptiest night of your lives
                      forcing a smile
                  pretending to be fine
         pretending to be fine
                                pretending to be fine
            pretending to be fine
                     knuckling under
                                falling behind
                          pretending to believe each other
trust broken forever.
       sixth chances...
                    gnashing of teeth-----
   staring into the mirror blankly at 3am
               crying yourself up until 9
glass shard pressed smoothly
                                                     against your wrist
                                            total darkness...      
                               undoable sadness...
                      uncurable brokenness...
           -------seventh chances
       ------eighth chances
    ------ninth chances
-------tenth chances
      more 'last' goodbyes.
              et cetera
maybe a sequel to 'things we call love' ? don't know
Jun 2018 · 620
chaos theory
cleann98 Jun 2018
she was a system
i can never violate again
Jun 2018 · 384
things we call love
cleann98 Jun 2018
dense conversations after 3am      
   waking up at 9 to continue the same dialogue
                small talks
           useless talks
  smiling at the littlest things
        and laughing at the silliest jokes
                     hugs and kisses
    secretly holding hands
               hotels and lodges
                               fancy restaurants
                    cinema backseats
                            a 4-cheese whopper
that silly bucketlist that never gets filled----
           achievements       happiness
     nostalgia            melancholy  
        missing each other only a few days apart
                missing one over the other...
     condescension         pride and humility
             sadness        tears    
                           blurring vision
                 slowly turning anger
                       quickly turning hate
          pretty soon turning against each other
first apologies...second apologies...third apologies...fourth apologies...fifth...sixth...
                     et cetera
            and forgivess covered by more hate----
      and absolution...    
                                    for only minutes...
                  before pain.
         and pain               and pain
               and pain      and pain         and pain
   and pain      
              et cetera
­                      weeps
Jun 2018 · 832
cleann98 Jun 2018
in a world where
you stole      
the end days      
of my life      
and sold it back to me              
for half my whole...      
faith is a business              
for the opportunist                    
and hope for the                        
----my world----        
only a room                        
and a stage wide              
dying every morning                      
and revived every night                            
      after        ­    
  and yet still none could    
catch my fall.                      
  my world where
water is as scarce          
as dryness------                              
                     and sleep is abundant in supply            
as respite is bursting in demand            
and love is a capitalist.
lol remember vanessa from deadpool?
Jun 2018 · 262
cleann98 Jun 2018
You are my ampersand..
ampersand (&)
symbol commonly is used to replace 'and' in a list of nouns... i guess that's all you need to understand this lol by the way, do two periods mean half an elipsis? does that mean half indefinite? slightly definite?
Jun 2018 · 349
cleann98 Jun 2018
Embrace me oh love
For I know not the feeling
Of warmth
                  nor arms on my back
      Just hold me my love
               for long have i
               lost the mem'ry of
       eyes on me my love
            rest them on mine
                  that i might see care
    and oh that you might kiss me
           for so have i longed
           the sweet greet
           of grazing lips
                     so fondly
                     found only
               in minstrels sung----
      that of a swan's song.
             so if your love is
             as your tongue doth say
  so must your love be
          and shown in love's ancient way...
       demand the world to stop
       as you summon the stars
                  and let them mingle
                  in the same sky as the sun's
              oh love that you'd show me love
          that i've heard and neved seen once.
   and leave me alone then love...
      since i know not of what happens
concept by &yarry------- forget love
May 2018 · 1.2k
stop motion..c
cleann98 May 2018
staring at a window
a distance of
two inches away
        the world outside
     all i have
          in silence
                 in hushes
          your flushes
          then your smile,
              all that is left...
          no longer pleases...
like puzzles
they scattered
                          all in pieces
               so hard to place together
         yet so **** hard to supress
                   i hate it.
if she loves me
yet she
loves me not
            can't seem to fit.
         i place in
   all the moments
       one by one
       bit by bit
                in repeat.
                         every single smile
             serene in capture
      even the tone
          of her song
                    caught in record
every flicker of her hair in my mind
just like a screenshot
              and even the blink
      of her eyes
           each individual dot...
    she loves me?
    she loves me not?
                  the flashes
        in and out
  staring at the window
      only two inches away...
           listening closely------
  she loves me?
  or she loves me not?
                 the outside world
     like a breathtaking blossom
     bald of petals...
TORPE (Filipino slang terminology)----- the foolish process of supressing your feelings for someone because of fear
May 2018 · 406
one way street..a
cleann98 May 2018
..closing time..
the oncoming
silently awaiting
stretching ahead      
too far...
too long...
too wide...
..parting time..    
and a time              
to slip slowly
a ride.
i'm always    
right here
watching you          
from the side...
before i knew it----
rush hour
it was like      
the traffic was          
staring at me              
all this time                  
and i don't know
but it is trying to say something
      and i don't care                              
but i've always known what it is
whatever is beyond      
in front of me    
i really don't want            
to reach it...  
everything is moving          
around and around
well around me          
so blindingly quick
but here i am,          
standing still----            light..            
i see so many
going in circles
in circles
in circles
in circles
in repeat                
in repeat                
so tediously    
i saw memories              
in a brightly flashing light        
first came smiles
then came laughter
then there were bottles
i don't even know which ones
    and more and more bottles                  
next came giggles
and whispers
and other voices
sweet nothings            
that somehow
were never really nothing                  
slowly turning bitter      
  quickly becoming swill        
..yellow light..      
i saw memories
in quickly fading beams
yes, i saw screams                        
i couldn't tell if it was me
shouting in your face            
or you wailing for help              
then pain      
i don't know how    
but they were visible pains              
burning pain        
screeching pain
no idea how    
but they were real            
how you ached
then i'd ache
then you'd regret
and i'd be frustrated
et cetera                  
painful nonetheless...          
i saw you
just there
so close within reach                
yet so far beyond mine                
just there...
staring expectantly        
and either i will follow you
or leave you alone------
fade in
then fast forward light..            
and the traffic rolls in    
like the first second
in oncoming eternity
like crawling
one by one
by two then and to
like falling rain
and i'm just certain          
where it's all headed    
down the drain
first a drizzle
then a storm
a hail
a welcome?
  it's always been there                  
and never waiting to move...
just waiting for me.          
just one
then another    
and our memories      
and our regrets
and our hurts        
yes, every single one              
all around me----- way street..          
the traffic stretching              
all in front of me                  
so slowly
but all together
so instantly
it sunk in...                      
there was never a destination
just a long long long wait
..tire screeches..
just an abstract----challenge (traffic) by Anne Scintilla  i really have no idea what this is about, make of it what you will
May 2018 · 439
a fair tale
cleann98 May 2018
once upon a time
you hurt me badly
so i swore to myself
i'd never let you
be happy anymore

but then
i saw you
in a corner
so i made a promise
i'll do everything
to make you smile again.

and we
It's not always a fairy tale
but a fair tale is all i ask.
May 2018 · 924
cleann98 May 2018
it's like
most of the time,
it's her chat head
that's staring
glaring at me
in my screen

yet it feels like
most of the time,
was the only button
i've always
been pressing.
torpe? ------oo.
May 2018 · 320
Glass Cannon
cleann98 May 2018
i was young...
      well, younger than now----
   it was when it first struck me
it struck me hard.
          it struck me like reality...
       but more like
         reality when reality comes
    in the face of your
        all in chains...
     then, reality looks like dreams altogether;
            no not fantasy----
              not exactly a nightmare either
                         more like
      "you are a special weapon"
           "something of great potential"
        "and massive power"
              "but you only have one shot"
          mom always used to say.
                   i even once thought
                       she stashed some kind of
           deathray or sting ray or something
           in my arm----
    ----it won't be the first thing
                 she stuffed in me anyway...
              i was eight years old when she
                     finally continued the sentence.
           before total silence.
                  "make it count."
       "cause whether you hit"
         "or even if you miss..."
           "you would be broken"
            "torn to pieces-----"
            "torn apart."
                                 "so please"
                         ­   "yourself"
        ­                            "for"
                  she never taught me
                  how to use
                  the weapon
       she just fragmented
           in tears before splintering
                  tearing to shards herself
         it took me til 15
               that i was afraid
                      to yet touch
     even stare
               even think
                  i never knew
           what i was capable of
                      i never knew how
              to control
       to even activate
                 all i knew was that
i was powerful
i don't know what of
but i have to save it
           keep it         live it      nurture it
       store it               amass it                  seep it
             savor it                understand it
    study it            feel it
             polish it                         train it                      
              let it breathe
   let it sing
               i could hear it sing
    i could feel it whisper-----
          and i was so afraid...
                    all i saw of my mother was
      that she was in pieces
             long before i knew her.
         and i don't want to be that when i fire----
it wasn't supposed to strike me
      but it did, and it struck me hard
           i was 16 when i
       first made the discovery
          all at once
                and much, much too completely----       all off guard.
         it was like
                    you suddenly turned
                a blinding light
      on something that had always been
                 half a shadow
        that's how it struck me...
            that's how it shattered me...
    it's like a full flashback
           of my mother saying
      'i told you so'
                  except she never did.
               and it struck me.
      like i hit the right target at the wrong time
      or the opposite of it
          but truth is
             i just hit
      a poltergeist
           way too soon
                 and it wasn't like
        it was the wind that was hit----
    that's how it struck me,
          and that's how it tore me apart.
and it did not take me long
to realise what glass cannons we were...
          all my life
      i never tried to
         activate my strength
and when i did
              it imploded.
                               it was a long time...
and i was blinded----
         it wasn't the hit
             nor was it the miss
that tore me apart
                        it was love that broke me
     because shattered pieces
                    are not
                all that bad
      ­       one shot was all it took
        to break my heart
                    and so suddenly...
                    every part of me...
                              was a weapon
                         everyone who held me
                        ­    pained
                   they turned to anger
          then turned to hate
                            they turned to each other
                                 pretty soon turning to waste
          it was then that it struck me
               what a glass cannon is----
and it was until now that i was eluded...
                        for that long a time
       i thought shards were
       all love could offer...
       fragments were
       all romance could be
                     i met
            your father
            your father
            your father
            your father
    and your father
    all through different shards
                      until i saw what i had
                 all in shambles
                 all in shackles
     just like my mother
             that's when it struck me
                       cause looking into your eyes
              my children
                     i love you
         as a whole
                  not like with your fathers
            or like with the guys before them
        or like the guys before the other guys
                         i wanted more than ever
                    to love you
                more than
                      a few shards
                  all tainted
              with blood
          or with anger
                  or with both----
                  that's when it hit me
           and it hit me with so much pain...
           what my mother really should have said.
being a glass cannon
     doesn't mean being
          a weapon to hurt others-----
                    it means one day,
              no one knows when,
       but it will surely come
          like a thief in the night...
  and you will give your all
  even if it shatters you to pieces
               and even if you are already in pieces
       because you know love
       can make you again whole.
Inspired by one of the most famous lines spoken by the protagonist Blanche in the play A Streetcar Named Desire---- the line shown in bold and italics----
Title by Marianne
May 2018 · 409
The Scientist
cleann98 May 2018
it was almost like
    and it was painful----

we both knew
    it was love
we both knew
    it shouldn't be
we both knew
    it would hurt
we both knew
    it should matter
and we both didn't care...

all theories must be tested
all facts, proven
     nobody said it was easy
            with you,
                nothing ever is...

   we would kiss
             we'd hold hands
  we would text
                   looking into your eyes
        staring back into mine
            you'd talk to me
   i'd talk back
            you'd scream
          i'd shout
             ­               error
                                     you would walk out
            i'd chase you
                      error            error
            ­     error
                                      we'd make up
                     we'd make out
                error                                error­
                       error           error
             we'd run    error
                        i  take you    error
                 error         to my        error
                     you'd take off      error
          error               error
                            error on your               error
        my  error          error  ­whisperror
    error               error
                        error           and     error
          error      moans error   error
     error       moans      error
              moans     error      error
  error          error     moans   error moans
                     moans     erroroans      error
           moerror                     error       error
   error          error            error     error
              error                errorants
        ­ error              error    error
                       errorheavily            error
               error       breathing     error    
                          error sleep
               i wake up
                                  you weren't there
                       ­ error
                      ­      error
                          it feels error
                               error but painful
                                           error worth it...
         i worked out
            the maths
               the algorithm
     the look in your eyes
          the magnitude
       of the impending crash
             the way you bit your lip
                     and we'd surely burn
          like the way you just took of
  but the way you took everything off
                     it hurt
              and it felt so good
                   more than anything else
                  more than anything else
         therefore we have conclusive proof
              but like any other science
           we need to
                             replicate the results
                  just like a coldplay
                       stuck on repeat
Apr 2018 · 1.5k
cleann98 Apr 2018
You've always seen right through me...
It's like
I'm looking into your eyes
    and I see forbidden fruit...         
a forbidden love         
It's like
I'm staring into a mirror
trying so hard          
to look for myself    
but all I see is black.
Like a corpse---            
It's like
I give all I have
In love with you
             I give all I am          
To be with you
To let you feel      
  Who I am...
----I am a poltergeist----   
It's like
I'm reaching out
My hands open wide
Extended towards you
      and when              
you look                  
it's like                      
     you don't even see me----
We hug
and it's as if    
you could          
almost just              
pass right through me----
It's like
We love each other...
But it feels like                  
It's like I'm gone...
even if you're looking            
straight into my smile                
my smile I force myself
for you to see                  
it's like you're still looking---                
you can't see me can you?    
forcing a smile
on my face          
do you even know
      that I just smile for you          
I'm tired of you
always crying for him        
But you can't even
See the smile don't you?
----It's like I'm his ghost----
It's like
I'm a nightmare            
and I'm haunting you                
except I'm right here          
always right in front of you.                        
------always waiting to be noticed.    
Waiting for you to realize
That love is not a ghost.                    
Love is not a graveyard.                    
Love is not somewhere lost.            
Love is not sealed up in heaven.    
Nor is it burning in the void of hell.
Love is here                              
Love is waiting in front of you                      
even as you were crying for him                  
    even as you were lying for him
even as you were fighting for him        
even as you were falling for him                        
even as you were breaking over him
even as you were blinded by him                         
even as you were losing him
even as you were mourning for him...    
Even if I'm            
the only love                
you're allowed                  
to love,                                      
you've never                
allowed yourself                
to love me...                              
You've always seen right through me...
We are both alive but when we hold each other it feels like necrophilia---- there is emptiness in your eyes even if I pour all I am to fill you up daily....
Apr 2018 · 333
cleann98 Apr 2018
She held me in place
And did all to mend my wounds
She did all---- but stay.
Okay, suture is basically not a normal human name lol, it is the surgical thread used in stitching together skin. Most variations of suture are designed to be naturally shed or washed off the skin in time---- pls don't let that be someone who binds up your wounds man :)
Apr 2018 · 340
cleann98 Apr 2018
i don't know
    where to start...
          mom said
        the words
            would just flow
      she didn't tell me
         that tears would flow
    in their stead.
        clears throat
             i didn't know dad
       more than
          the bottles
             he always kept
       bringing home.
          mom said he was
          always like them
          always shattered
          always empty
          always cold.
             she said
      if i ever get too much,
          i will burn----
        i never got
        to ask if it was
        dad or beer
        she was talking about...
     so earlier
         i was looking
       at dad's stuff
             for something to say.
           there was this
                drawer i've never
       even dared to look into
                til yesterday.
           clears throat
       and i found this letter.
               you see
          at first i thought
      this house was too big
             for just one child----
         now i get it.
            'to my future daughter:'
        clears throat
         'before i say'
            'anything else'
              'do you like your name?'
         'we named you after diana'
            'not the roman goddess,'
       'your mother.'
                'we didn't even fight'
           'to find that name'
       'it was perfect.'
          'like you were going to be.'
               'i'm simply sorry.'
      'you had so much'
         'waiting for you.'
            'you were going to be a lawyer'
     'and criminal prosecutor even.'
               'you should know'
       'it's my fault.'
             'simply my fault.'
             'but your mother's gone.'
            'your supposed to be mom'
          clears throat
                     'your only mom.'
         'i have to let you know'
               'that i was the one who quit.'
i figured it out immediately
mom's name was diana but,
mom would quit on dad
before he'd ever quit on her...
             let me continue
        ruffles paper
           'i love diana'
       'i need to just outright say it'
                'since i know'
                'that you would'
                'never get to'
                'meet her----'
         'she is perfect,'
      'she was...'
'it's like mercy though, even if you don't;'
'at least you won't get to be raised by some'
'i'm sorry for sourgraping.'
'sorry for not doing anything better.'
        'honestly she'd be the excellent parent'
        'all i'd probably do is talk-----'
        'or keep you from taking up alcohol'
        'or something---- i don't know'
'i'm sorry.'
'i'm sorry.'
             clears throat
                           'i'm sorry'
                           'i'm sorry'
              tightens paper
       'i don't know what else to say, dianthine.'
'i never told diana this, but...'
           'i was really hoping to meet you'
     'but i promise you this.'
                'if it is not diana'
         'if it's not someone'
      'as perfectly fantastic'
   'as your supposed to be mother----'
              'and if its not you.'
           'if it's not as brilliant'
       'or dashing'
                'as we hoped you'd be...'
             'then there's no point.'
        'i'm sorry.'
   'i'm sorry.'
      clears throat
              dad gave me a ghost
    not his...
          i've always thought
       danthein was too weird
             for a guy's name
     i guess i was just that ghost
that haunted my dad...
i'm sorry
  folds paper
            sorry dad, but i have to say
       you may have failed
           in everything that makes
              a good parent----
you succeeded
in one thing,
it might have
been a simple thing
        but you got it right:
               you were a father.
a story of a child giving eulogy for his lost father---- fueled by the theme from the movie, Schindler's List as played by 2Cellos
Apr 2018 · 316
cleann98 Apr 2018
The colors combine,
When I'm with you.
I see red,
In love...
I see green,
In life...
And every morning,
A sea of blue---

Cause when I
Close my eyes:
I see a rainbow...

In disguise---

And as they open:
Like blood.
Like disgust.

And a world...
Far and wide---
But empty---
---without you.
Apr 2018 · 234
Half Closed
cleann98 Apr 2018
For all your
hits and misses
I'm what's left
of half a part

you were there
with plastic hearts
and candy kisses.
You almost made my heart---

And you stopped...
just at the right moment:
we barely moved from
the very start.
It's never either half opened or half closed. What you can't get through, no matter how large the gap, it's still closed.
Apr 2018 · 1.3k
cleann98 Apr 2018
I know a girl who won't give up.
The strongest woman in the world.
She will smile
Without biting her tongue.
She will laugh
Without sadness on her lips.
She will soar
She will fly
In time---

Every single night.
She pains.
She pains.
She dies,
in every single
drawing breath.
She cracks.
She wounds.
She breaks.
She scars.
Killing herself
Just to fall asleep...
Before she prays.
She pains.
She pains.
Yet she stands.
She tires.
She tries.
She smiles.
Yet still smiles.
But not painless.
She talks.
She pains.
She smiles.
She walks.
She pains.
She runs.
She's strong,
yet her strength
it needs refilling.
For she stands,
it aches,
yet still she has,
She succeeds.
Yet it pains,
walking away.
She goes home
It hurts.
It hurts.
Yet she drives.
Cooks food.
Instant made.
It burns.
It burns.
Yet she eats.
Brushes her teeth
Looks at a mirror
Seeing herself,
And yet she still
has the power
to close her eyes.
And she lies on her bed.
With all the pain in the world.
She doesn't even
have to wash off
the makeup on her face,
she just cries it off...
Before she prays.
Just to fall asleep...
Killing herself
She scars.
She breaks.
She wounds.
She cracks.
Drawing breath
in every single
She dies
She pains.
She pains.
Every single night.

In time
She will fly.
She will soar.
Without sadness on her lips.
She will laugh
Without biting her tongue.
She will smile,
The strongest woman in the world.
I know a girl who won't give up.
Challenge--- Makeup--- by Imai.
For you, or Cherry, or any girl who cries herself to sleep. Wet pillows won't drown you :) Don't be afraid to cry. You'll be able to stand proud and smile without your makeup soon.
Apr 2018 · 486
cleann98 Apr 2018
Laughter turned to screams without Her.
----request by Erza: piece about H----
Apr 2018 · 352
love me.i.
cleann98 Apr 2018
           explicit beauty...
                expressive beauty...
                    destructive beauty...
   you still look so angsty
       staring into my eyes
               sating my thirst
             hearing my cries
cold hand of abuse
         hand of love
         hand of loathing
         hand of passion
                  so many words
                  to  call them
                  but they are my hands
                  guided by yours----
                           creeping down
                           worn out pants...
          ­   your eyes
             your lips
             your chest
      i­t was never just
      your body that I liked
                      your hands...
                    ­    way you graze me
                    softly, slowly, gently.
           everything moves in flashes
                just like before---
                          how you bite your lips
                          how i catch my breath
                   how you lean in forward to whisper
              ----love me
              ----love me
                                 ----love me
                                 ----love me
                                 slowly getting
                      just like the old times----
              ----love me----
        the way i think of other things...
        just to slow down the time
        then i try my saddest to stop it...
             because i just know it's the end
                                              if i do it now.
                ­     this is where i belong
                              inside you
                   this is where you belong
                              in my eyes
                ­                      .
 ­                                     ?
                          ­            !
           ­                                                               it­ feels
                                                           ­                damp
                                       your face tells me victory
           but your cries tell me you're in shambles
           Could have noticed it before----
           ­     now it feels more like moans of defeat
                                                        mo­re than of joy
                     so this is how you felt like?
           my hand covered
           in what you slathered yourself in
                          ­    after
                   ­           after
            ­                            disgusting.
                i'm not catching my breath
                after an extreme ride in disneyland
                          it's more like taking a breather
                          after foolishly running away
        as i look the empty space
        beside my bed
        the photograph of you
        half drenched in my sweat
                 it's not passion
                                            it's just dread----
             and shame
             and pain
             and longing
             and regret
         as i walk you down the isle
         to the drawer where you belong---
the flashes would end
for the night
                       until the next
       and your ghost
       again whispers
       closely beside me
----love me.
     ----love me.
          ----love me.
               ----love me.
                    ----love me.
                         ----love me.
                              ----love me.
                                   ----love me.
                                        ----love me.
                                             ----love me.
                                                  ----love me.
                                                       ----love me.
                                                            -­---love me.
                                                             ­    ----love me..
challenge: explicitly sensual by imai; title taken from imai
Apr 2018 · 233
Unsilent Night..e
cleann98 Apr 2018
A holy night----

All the world's
Fallen unbright

      If this really is heaven
      When did you learn
      How to bite?

Amid the weeping
And the gnashing
The clashing of teeth----

A flickering faltering light

Fall to me...
      Fall in delight.

Let your mind say no
I can hear your body fight

         Every thump a thump
         First a whisper-----
         Next a scream-----
         Then a wail-----
               a blight...
  Accompanying teardrops
          Slowly falling
       Sobs. Sobs. Sobs.
          Blurring sight.

    This is our last chance
    Before you close your eyes
         and fall for ever asleep-----

        Good night.
---concept by erza*
Try to read between the between the between the lines, even I don't know what you would find :) That's the beauty of sleep, you don't know what you'd see yet you always have to close your eyes...
Apr 2018 · 330
cleann98 Apr 2018
Have you ever felt
Like you've gone too far to stop?
What if you're falling?

When you fall deeply
Quickly descending so bleak
Would you climb back up?

Have you ever tried
Climbing atop a mountain
And then miss the ground?

When you are falling
It's not the fall that kills you
It's the sudden stop.
Blanche is the man protagonist of the play A Streetcar Named Desire and a woman who lived in her delusions of reality. She continued to fall deeper into her dreams until a taste of reality made her snap to insanity in the end--- It was her fantasies that kept her sane.

Blanche is also close to the Blanca or Blancé meaning white or pure, basically empty.
Apr 2018 · 386
cleann98 Apr 2018

       We were
              two steps      
                  shy of love,          
                    first was that              
                                  I gave up                            
                            and the second:                        
                                    you made me            
                                                          stop. ­           

                                                              ­  --strangers--
Bridge the gap man, just bridge the gap.
Apr 2018 · 222
Paper Flowers..d
cleann98 Apr 2018
A friend once gave me
A paper flower,
An orange one, a dahlia
And it reminded me of you...
I know she just made it
Out of thin sheets of crepe paper
But I just can smell fresh daisies
Whenever I hold it close.
Just like how I could smell you
Thousands of miles away---

I fell in love with the dahlia
As quickly as I fell for you
Believing the make believe flower
Won't fade away like you'd do...

Hoping I don't have to
Shower it with as much time
Nor do I have to be with it
As much as I could have been for you---

I know it's my fault
We didn't last before

Yet for this one time I tried...
But how could I have known
That the sad reality is
Even paper flowers would wilt too?
Lol -----syraxx----- I still keep the flower, even if it's wilted beside my bed, maybe because I wasn't able to keep you after you faded. I actually expected neither to happen, I mean, you were even stronger than I am, how could you have first faltered before I did? And how could the paper flower act like a real one, it's petals slowly started to flop down and curl and the stem bent...
Apr 2018 · 400
cleann98 Apr 2018
Spare me your frostbite
If you can never scorch me
With your burning touch
Adell is a name that could mean nobility or an act of nobility, as a shortened version of Adelaide.
Apr 2018 · 375
cleann98 Apr 2018
There are 7.6 billion people
Scattered around the world---

        but there are twice
        as many faces...

   some are smiling    
   some are smug    
        some have their feelings
        totally swept under a rug
   some are breaking
   and some in derision
        and some still waiting
        for their salvation

Some will run
And some shall walk
    But in the billion people
  All they really do is talk----

There are a trillion faces
Infesting over the globe

       but only half of them
       are truly people.
There is approximately 627, 900, 000, 000kg of people and approximately 8, 300, 000, 000, 000kg of plastic currently around the globe. Essentially there are 13 times as much plastic mass in the world than legitemate people.
Apr 2018 · 233
cleann98 Apr 2018
Ice creams melting.
Day dreamers before they wake.

Do you know what it feels like,
To have loved,
And lost,
And to know,
Not your mistake?

Feels like
Fresh apples growing
Knowing not the scent
Of their rot.

Or like
That strange sad feeling
Of perfection, not a looming blemish
Not a tiny little speck
Not even a single spot.

It goes without saying
That the Sun will rise
And the Sun soon shall fall.
But the Sun's always there
To forever watch us all.

Yet, just, I can't help but feel,

Since ice creams,
No matter how delicious
Will sooner or later melt
If we take too long to savor.

And daydreamers,
No matter what they seek
Must always have their wake
Without resolving their endeavor.

Do you know what it's like
To fight the undefeatable?

For is it truly better
To have loved
Then lost,
Than to accept the inevitable?
Breaking the lines of Alfred Lord Tenneyson--- Is it really better to have loved then lost than to never love at all?
Apr 2018 · 1.9k
cleann98 Apr 2018
Ito na ang aking huling awitin,
Awiting sa iyo'y kakantahin,
Sa tono ng mga alaalang kinalimutan,
Kandirit ng mga luhang pinakawalan,

Sa langit, sa lupa, sa ilog, sa sapa,
Sa araw araw na ako'y naghahanda,
Sa bawat gabing aking inaalay,
Sa bawat umagang ika'y hinihintay,

Pasan ko sa bawat yapak,
Ilang galon ng alak na nilaklak,
Upang limutin ang ligaya't galak,
Ang babaeng ibang landas ang piniling itahak,

Na kahit saan pumunta'y di na mahanap,
Lumingon man kaliwa't kanan di mahagilap,
Tuwing pipikit naaalala mata **** kumikislap,
Ngunit wala ka rin, sayang lahat ng pagsisikap...

Sa ganda ba naman ng ating simula,
Sino ba naman ang mag aakala?
Na sa ilalim ng punong aratilis kung san tayo unang nagkita,
Dito ngayon ako nama'y pasintonadong tumutula?

Sa dami ng mga nangyari mula nang tayo'y nagkakilala:
Hanggang sa ika'y nagsimulang humarot,
T4ng*, di na dapat pa akong sumagot!

Upang magkabati lahat inialay,
Ngunit muli nanamang nagpasaway,
Hanggang nagdesisyon kang tuluyan nang maghiwalay...

Kamusta ka na?
Pasensya kung nasaktan kita,
Patawad sa mga galos at pasa,
Ngunit ang kaya ko lang gawin ay awitan ka,
Sana marinig mo huli kong mga nota,
Kahit sintonado kong kinakanta--
Kung maglaho na ako, babalik ka ba?
Maaari bang sa takipsilim na lang tayo magkita?
Di ko naman sinasadya...
Na ika'y bigla na lang mawala.
Tulad mo rin ba akong nababalisa?

Wag kang mag alala, makakasama mo uli ako mamaya--
Langit lupa impiyerno,
Saksak puso tulo ang dugo...

Given inspiration by a game we used to play during my childhood in Zambales, basically just 'tayaan' where the player who is 'it' or 'taya' can't tag the people who step on higher ground or 'langit'. But the people on 'langit' can't stay there for more than five seconds. I can barely remember the rules anymore lel.
Apr 2018 · 250
cleann98 Apr 2018
The moon asked him a question
In which the sun replied...

"Why are you staring at me?"
Said the moon.

"He's looking at me.
You just stole my light."

And sun took back her brightness
So he then tripped and fell
In the black of the night.

"Why can't you still look at me?"
Asked the Sun.
And he answered:

"You're just far too bright."
Apr 2018 · 1.6k
cleann98 Apr 2018
I owe lots to you:
Wet pillows and sleepless nights,
All these bloodstains too...
Cupid, in Greek mythology is the God of Desire, and in Latin could be derived to mean longing
Apr 2018 · 350
Saline Lips
cleann98 Apr 2018
Bloodshot fractures
   underneath her skin,
Cracking from inside
   breaking her within—

A thousand hairlines
     tearing her apart,
   draining away all her promises…

—unheard, unfelt, unseen—

Much like the beatings of her heart.

They were saline lips,
The lips I’ve been kissing,
Drier than the driest lips,
   stealing all my love…

     —all the long stemmed roses
    Even her warmth, missing…

   So different,
      From our start.

Then, they used to sparkle,
Then, they used to shine
     her lovely velvet lips
   painting crimson mine.

I used to adore that smile,
I used to love that laughter,
     Redder than blood—

   —No hue was ever better.
Until I saw that color,
     on the lips of another man—

And now she lays,
   kissing my shoes on the floor…

And as I lean toward her face—


   her lips are blood red once more.
Apr 2018 · 523
cleann98 Apr 2018
Pay close attention

My heart is still beating,
My heart is still alive.
It’s just our love that stopped burning.
It’s our clock that stopped ticking.
Our world that stopped revolving.

Shh just listen

I’m still hurting,
My love is still blazing,
My clock still clicking,
My world still rotating—

Over you…

My heart,
My love,
My clock,
My world,

Not over you…
For my (I can't even say her pseudonym lel)--- I'm not even obsessed, it's just my words that keep coming back to her though.
Apr 2018 · 2.0k
Medusa's Magical Mirror--f
cleann98 Apr 2018
You have only seen yourself two times.
One, taking a picture and looking at
     the lovely image,
Two, staring at the mirror and looking at
     your dainty reflection…

You don’t get to see how your eyes glisten,
When you look up…

You don’t get to know how
     Your face lights up,
When you talk about something you love…

Or witness how pretty you are,
     Whenever you laugh and smile—

You can never see how beautiful you are,
It’s kind of sad actually.

But I’ll be there.
I’ll be there to tell you exactly what I see—
—I see fissures on your lips
as you speak,
as you laugh,
as you frown.

I watch closely as flood gushes…
Storms of tears flowing through your eyes.

I look intently at your pale thin cheeks,
Looking at how they **** in.

    Every moment smaller—
    Every second slower—

Observing every micrometer of your face,
Gosh, you’re still so beautiful…
     But we both know,
That your beauty can never be mine.
     Neither it be his—

Gazing upon your face,
     One last time,
     One last chance,

Bleakly hoping I can memorise your smile…

Mesmerised one last while…

It’s a little bit sad.
     Only I saw your beauty.
          And now it belongs to the ground.
2017 August--- This poem is actually a collaboration between me and someone important: F.S. She always had homicidal tendencies, but believe it or not, the end part was the part I wrote.
Apr 2018 · 296
cleann98 Apr 2018
Satan, I'm knocking
She already said goodbye
So please let me in.
Adeana is a name that means small and fragile.
*Every Haiku I make is entitled for a name with a nice meaning*
Apr 2018 · 216
Things We Fight For
cleann98 Apr 2018
My mommy made a promise when I was young. She told me that she’d do everything to protect me, that she’d do everything to keep me safe. She swore with all her heart and strength that she’d fight for me with all her life.

She did fight with her best.

She fought with her all.

She gave it all she’s got.

She did manage to push back all my tears just before they would fall; sometimes they even climb back to hiding behind when she smiles. Even sobs turn to laughter at her presence.

Heck, I never felt down. She kept keeping me up.

She fought the winning fight. Beaten away sadness, and boxed out regret, she made shame feel sorry. I never even knew doubt, of course because I was sure she was there for me.

I never knew any counter weapon that could ever out power her smile, or her hugs or her forehead kisses –nothing could ever beat her forehead kisses.

She won ‘til the very end.

Then she lost.

I guess it’s kind of too ironic now. I hated it with all my heart before.

I hated the fact that when my protector disappeared, I was left bare for every new stranger, sadness… regret… shame… doubt…

All the tears that she kept pushing back, they finally escaped.

I didn’t even have any idea before that there’s this pool of raining kept up at the surface of my wrists just waiting to be freed—

I hated her.

I hated her for always winning.

I hated her for always trying so hard.

I hated her for fighting—

Ironic is it not? Now here I am making that same promise to you.

Seeing you cry so much, so devilishly much, I couldn’t really help it. I couldn’t help but remember all the times I cried without my mommy smiling to hush me; I couldn’t help but recall all the tears that fell from my eyes then, how I waited, crying, how I prayed crying, how I foolishly tried to fake all my smiles for the first few  months, still crying… Just vainly waiting for her to stop my tears from falling.

I couldn’t help but stop it.

It was all that I could do. It was the best that I can do.

“Cross my heart and hope to die.”

I swear that I’d do everything to protect you. I’ll do everything to keep you safe. I swear with all my heart and soul that I’d fight for you with all my life.

And, my son, I’ll never leave you alone.

I’ll never let another tear pass through your eyelids again, neither will I let another sob from your throat, no, now you’re with me, I won’t let this leukemia I passed along hurt you anymore.

This is the only thing she taught me to do.



Kiss your forehead.

At least I fought— How I hugged you managed to muffle the deafening beep of your oscillator…

I fought with everything I had.

I fought with all my heart and my strength like my mommy did.

I kept all the tears back inside your eyelids just when they are about to fall. Not even a single drop of blood escaped your wrists too. I think I was able to push back all the shame and regret and doubts in your heart? I hope I did.

I won against fear, at least. I managed to see you smile one last time but—

—I fought ‘til the very end—

Then I lost.
2018 February---- Desi, reading your most recent pieces reminded me of this work of mine... I hope you enjoy(?) it
Apr 2018 · 161
cleann98 Apr 2018
Shattered glass,
Could reflect sunlight;
Just as much as
Your eyes,
Reflected by the sun.

Cause the sun just burns
Ever so bright.
A colloid in the darkness
Alone there she lies...

Just one.

But your eyes are two,
Even shining in the night,
Far greater, far stronger, far better
Yet although together still alone---


The sun,
Just like any other star
Straight into a black hole...

Yet your eyes,
Just like any other stranger
Pulling in deeper my soul...
Title by(and inspired by) my Kouhai*
Apr 2018 · 235
cleann98 Apr 2018
In a world full
    of wishes...
Where promises,
are a currency,
     And prayers,
   worth gold:

You would be,
   my everything, yet---

---I would be:
   the richest man
      in the whole **** world...

and for you
I'd still be waiting...
Apr 2018 · 269
Your Butterfly Dream
cleann98 Apr 2018
I am a figment of your imagination,
I am your living lie.

Listless little lucid nightmares,
Lost and loveless, I’m here to watch you cry.

Realise your butterfly dream,
Here we’re sinking deep...
Forever diving slower…

All before we fall asleep.

Step one, cross your fingers,
Then close your eyes,

Feel the pain, it lingers,
And then it starts to rise.

But before you do,
Just make a wish,
Take a deep breath,
And we'll make it come true.

Tell me your darkest secret,
That's step two,
Show me your rage and your tempest,
So I can take a step closer to you,

Nearer and nearer,
Never farther,
Just laying low,
Another step taken slow,

Step three here we make it faster,
Flashing lights burning brighter,
Careless whispers from the radio,
Playing harder and louder,

It's blinding,
It's deafening,
But they don't matter.

This is your butterfly dream,
And it’s my worst nightmare,

When I’m right here fleeting,
I’m yours to shatter and tear.

I am your butterfly dream,
My chapped wings can’t break free,

And tonight your smile is all I see,
It’s my poison and your kiss is killing me.

Step four when you clench your fist,
Baby, just bite your wet lips,
Cause just as the night is nearly over,
Listen to what remains of my strength,

Your butterfly can barely even hover.

So step five start to cry,
Water my heart you’ve salted dry,
Prepare to say your worst goodbye,

It’s time to let go of your make believe lover.

Give freedom your crippled butterfly.

And just watch me up high,
Higher and higher,
Quickly going slower…
Up, up, up,
And then I’ll see your tears just shower,
And I’d begin to go lower,
Up, up, up, stop.
Down, down, down,
And in your frown I’d drop.

I’m your loveless little lucid lie,
Your butterfly dream,
And I’m here to stay another night—

Until the next time I see you cry.
2017-November--- Requested by a close cousin
Title by Lonely Poet

Butterfly effect(A dramatisation on the Uncertainty Principle) -The wind created by a flap of a butterfly's wings can generate tornadoes at the other end of the world.
cleann98 Apr 2018
Staring blankly,
All I see are glasses,
All half empty…

Chartreuse drips drop
Tip a tap a top.

Atop empty glasses,
And empty bottles,
On my empty table,
On my empty room—

On my empty house,
With no one else but me.

All I see are bubbles.


More like the reflections,
Of the sad sad face on every bubble,
Staring right back at me—


What if I’d just pop,
Whenever I’d take a drink?

Fated only of two things—
     To burst or to sink—

Staring bleakly,
All I see are shards.

Shards just mended together.
Shards made empty bottles,
Turned to empty glasses,

Reflecting the same empty face—
Just like glass shards…

Just broken.

I see that same forlorn face,
Behind all the alcohol bottles.

A spark quickly burning out…
Deprived even ash to even trace.

A fire that is melting…
Dying of thirst inside.

With all fingers crossed,
Hoping somehow beer could sate her drought—

All I see are bubbles,
So many bubbles,
But each single one just the same…


Drowning in ***,
Engulfed by *****,
Christened in whisky—

Sinking deep.
Deeper and deeper.
Down, down, down—
Always going lower,
Down, down, stop.
And then continues,
Colder, staler, darker,
Until I hit rock bottom,


2018-Feb--- A piece requested by some close friends- Title by Rose
Concept (Bubbles) by Erza
Apr 2018 · 272
cleann98 Apr 2018
Winter was waiting
For a cry of hail
Instead all she heard
Was a hopeless wail

She screamed, she shouted
Yet to no avail
"Spring has fell", she said,
"This whole year shall fail"
She should have been as cold as ice.
Instead she simply melted----
Without snow, there's only rainfall, just cries.
There won't be any spring...
There won't be any sun to rise.
Apr 2018 · 123
Sonnet 04..c
cleann98 Apr 2018
Must I say how much I will admire you
For love has always come in many ways
Shall I tell what form had you been stealing?
Shall I preach of what beauty has been lost?

For in time love has come time, love shall leave
In time love surrenders with time love fights
But you are love in the brink of defeat
Love kept a last stand in the form of you

Yet you know time as time lasts for ever
Yet time ends love, not you, not ever
For time's all it took for love to find you
And not time nor love would ever fathom----

You are beauty time lost and love has found,
Surely, time, love shall fade... but never you.
Apr 2018 · 1.1k
cleann98 Apr 2018
W                            e                        s          ­   t             a           r          t         e      d            f       a       r          a       w     a      y      f    r   o   m     e  a  c h   o t h er now wehavenowhereelsetogobutruntogether but no o n e   r e a l  i  s  e   d     t    h    a    t      w    e      s    h   a    l     l       a      l     w      a       y       s         b        e         d        r        i         f         t           e        r        s         r      u        n          n          i         n        g            t      o       w      a       r      d         w    h    a    t     l  o ve nextoffers.
Love shall always have it's directions and misdirections---- But it shall never be left nor right, not even correct or wrong, just together and apart.
Apr 2018 · 235
Beauty and the Fool
cleann98 Apr 2018
She loved nothing but her own face. 'Nothing compared!' The people shouted making her smile. But then she saw a woman in the mirror as white and fair as she and she cursed that woman shattering her apart so nothing can compare to her face.

No hair flown more elegantly nor was there any as silky as her's so that was all she cared for. But she feared the bite of her comb would hurt her crown so she cursed that brush ripping apart it's dentures so nothing can ever bite her hair.

Her body was perfect from head to toe. Even softer and smoother than any cloth on the land. No fabric can be whiter or fairer than her skin. So she took her dress and cursed it tearing it apart so nothing can get in the way of her beauty.

The people watched the beauty day and night, how her face wrinkled without a mirror to tell her, how her hair grew frizzy and damaged without a comb to fix it, how her body was raided with scars and rashes and so many more. So they cursed her beauty bringing her into tears so that none may be enchanted by her.

But a prince charming came to her and wiped the drops off her cheeks. And beauty smiled gazing into his handsome face. He promised her he'll be her mirror and her comb and her dress and he'd love her forevermore. And even though her beauty is cursed he stayed beside her keeping making her feel beautiful inside.

And they lived happily ever after...
2017--- Wrote this after watching Disney's Beauty and the Beast
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