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Kalliope Apr 2018
I hope someone can heal you,
I'm done trying.
Kalliope Oct 2018
It must be beautiful to not be jealous
To just feel happiness
And joy for others
Not that small pain
In your stomach
The little shocks
In your brain
The ache
In your heart
Help me please
Or I'll have to leave
My brain won't ease
I don't know what to believe
Kalliope Jan 2019
I love knowing what red feels like
How painful blue can be
The sting of green
Even the bitterness of jet black

I love myself on days of lilac
And question myself on nights of turquoise
But I can't visualize this empty
My heart hurts
Kalliope Apr 2018
Every time I get comfortable
Without you
You show up again.

Every time I get used to sleeping
By myself
You crawl into my bed.

Every time I fall in love
With you,
You leave me again.
The way we love hurts my heart.
Kalliope Apr 2018
I don't know what it feels like to be someone's first choice.
To be a priority.
To be special to someone.
I'm tired of aching for things
That I won't receive.
I'm tired of hurting for people
Who can't even remember
What color my eyes are.
My heart hurts.
Kalliope Dec 2020
Never will I learn
To stay away from fire
Aware that I will be burned
Yet still I crave its heat
Pass the alocane please
Kalliope Apr 2019
So I cut my hair
And changed my barbells
Switched out my hoop
And bought new clothes
Rearranged my room
Changed shampoos
But still I feel the same
Kalliope Jan 2019
You've got an idea of what life is
What your life should be
It's always been there
Since you were 8
Creating the future with barbies and sims

You turn 15
Your view changes
You're gonna be cool parents
With tattoos and leniency
Married to the guy you just met
You're so in love

You turn 18 now
You decide you don't want this life
Or any life
If it's not the life you pictured
It can't be a happy one
So you pull away from all the things that made you happy

You just turned 28
Surrounded by friends
A decent job
You're smiling, laughing
Reminiscing even
Only remembering the good
Life's weird y'all
Kalliope Jan 2021
And in times when she felt so
She had friends to fight along
Her side
Platonic love is valuable
Kalliope Apr 2018
Our good days were good but our bad days were **** near catastrophic.
Kalliope Apr 2018
****** coffee,
Sleepless nights,
Broken hearts,
And drunken fights.
Kalliope Nov 2018
Your promises mean nothing
Your words the same
Not quite lies
But never truthful
I don't know how to play this game
You've got me beat
For once I'll say it
I surrender
You win
A handful of cards I don't understand
You have one and know just when to play
Kalliope Apr 2019
I don't write very well
I can't find a flow
All over the pages
Every word goes

I don't write very well
The words don't make sense
Sometimes it feels better
To write in past tense

I don't write very well
But I need to express my emotions
And separate my thoughts
From this world's commotions
Kalliope Apr 2018
I never fully understood why you felt the need to beat me into submission when I'd already surrendered myself to you after you said you loved me.
Kalliope Apr 2018
I remember bottling up the beach for you since you've never been.
To you it's just sand.
It was more than just sand to me
Kalliope Nov 2018
I want to forget what I said
But I want to remember how it feels
Kalliope May 2018
My mother is stronger everyday
Or maybe she's always been
This way
And I'm just now paying attention.

Maybe I'm just now seeing her daily struggles
Understanding her pain
Past and present.

Just now noticing how having a baby
At 16
Changes you forever
Never knowing who she could have been.

Always knowing I ruined chances at her dreams
Not that she would ever say that
But I did.

Every day passing seeing her more tired than yesterday
Working constantly since I can remember
Always being the supporter.

Just now wondering if she ever wonders who will support her
Or how we will function
Without her.

We won't.
It took me 20 years to appreciate my mother
And I'll never take her for granted again.
Our mom's were people before us, and still are someone, aside from a mother, and I don't think we realize that.
Kalliope Apr 2018
You chewed me up and spit me out
Like the piece of gum you chew
After a cigarette.

She doesn't even know
You started smoking
Kalliope Apr 2018
You can't find love in the arms of someone who doesn't love you,

That didn't stop me from searching  
 all night.
Kalliope Apr 2018
I tried to disappear a few times,
You always found me.
I don't know if that makes me
Love or hate you.
Kalliope Apr 2018
I am not your property.
You do not own me.
I choose to stay.

At least that's what I tell myself.
Kalliope Apr 2018
I always run to your bed when I'm lonely,
And fifteen minutes later I'm still lonely but at least I'm

— The End —