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Mar 7 · 192
To feel everything,
But nothing at all.

To hear everyone,
But no one to call.

To sleep and weep
In the hours of day.

I slip into darkness,
And fall astray.
Mar 6 · 256
My lungs,
Created as two.
Yet both drown
In the sorrow of truth.
My mind,
So busy.
My head,
So dizzy.
But i’m alive.
Though barely breathing.
Mar 5 · 348
Mocking Bird
My pain,
Makes you smile.
Nothing better
Then hurting a child.

Your scolded,
Yet you resume.
Each day at school.

And you continue ,
Until shame greets you.
But you pretend ,
And offend,

Until you find someone new.
Mar 3 · 152
My vision,
Is blurry.
I’m locked in a cage.
My tears,
They hurry down my face.
My mind,
In fury,
It has me insane.
For I wish to finally breathe again.
Feb 28 · 307
My thoughts.
So dark
They can’t be sought.

Little whispers
Cloud my head.
Triggers straight to my head.

Their teachings
Into my mind.

And I,
Now fallen,

Subjected to lies.
Feb 26 · 341
Missing Piece
Am I incapable,
Of love?
No experience
From a world so tough.
No feeling
Through a heart so numb.
Yet I succumb,
And move on.
Feb 25 · 302
A Silent Plea
I plea ,
So deeply.
To stop the pain
That can’t be seen.
To stop the rain
From flooding the sea.
To halt the shame
Built within me.

To let it stray and welcome peace.
Feb 24 · 225
A Silent Passing
To rain it falls,
Gently pouring on my head.

My arms ,
Drenched in blood.

Voices ,
Come and flee.

Cold and rigid,
Like my body.

For waters,
They weep.

As do others ,
For me.
Feb 22 · 403
The Manipulator
Your superior.
And I,

A hurdle in your way,
An object on display.

A possession for your pride.
And I,
Wish to hide.

For your loving kindness
Was my demise.
Feb 22 · 197
Oh, Father.
Oh, father.
That little girl,
You met in September.

You left.


Without a trace,
Nor a track.
Left mother nothing but a heart attack.

But, father,
Dare I ask?

Is there a chance
You will ever come back?
Feb 21 · 427
Loss of the Loved
Alone again
It seems.
Visions of you haunt my dreams.

Your rigged frame,
Locked in bed.
No sign of life
Through eyes of red.

Yet I speak,
And cry on your form.

As your breath become heavy,
My heart becomes torn.
Feb 19 · 514
Can't I,
Bare the truth?

It seems that the trees
Know more of my roots.

For outside,
Is safe,
To no worries or feuds.

But I,
Must hurry,

To a home with no hue.
This poem is personal to me, as it is based on the controlling nature that some parents/siblings may possess. If you can relate to this poem, you are strong and valid.
Feb 18 · 244
A Simple Bond
Your heart,
Beats with mine.
We intertwine,
Creating a tie.

One becomes two.
Bound to the heart,

Chosen for you.
Feb 17 · 152
From your gaze,
To your taste.
Wrapped gently in your embrace.
Gifted me goods,
No other could replace.

Though your words,
Left a trace.
The soul I once embodied ,
Now trashed like waste.

As the taste I once savored,
Now soiled from your flavor.
Feb 16 · 246
What a melancholy night.
Thoughts so loud
They shock me with fright.
Whispers of aid,
Created by me.
Comfort alone,
By naked trees.
More touch I receive
From fields of green.
Wiping tears gently onto my sleeve.

For all I desire,
Is true company.
Feb 15 · 2.4k
Ocean Blues
(Mentions of suicide)

The wind caresses my skin.
One feeling to lead me in.
The tide
So wide,
I am feeling a rush.
Combined with hushed
Whispers of a spirit once crushed.
Though she thrived
In a landslide,
In the sea she is pushed.

To the deep waters,
She is finally shushed.
Feb 14 · 137
I am proud,
Little one,
For your heart has sung.
Made your own little rhythm
To your own little drum.
You have grown with wolves
But still ,
You're a cub.
Your gentle manner
Has taught you to love.
To rise above
Your lowest points.
To trudge the mountains
And reach great heights.
And now little one,
You are ready to fly.
To sadness and regret
You now wave goodbye.
Feb 13 · 217
The Butterfly
At the edge,
I sink to my knees.
Nothing to feel,
Nothing to see.

The touch of grass,
Tickling my feet.
Yet no laugh I bear
In my defeat.

But a beautiful creature
Passes by.
I catch a glimpse
With my teary eyes.
She's burnt with orange
And the darkest of blacks.
So small in size
With wings on her back.

She lands so softly
On my button-red nose.
Fluttering so gently,
Unbothered by the cold.

I hold her gaze
Until she's ready to go.
And flutter away,
She goes back home.

I should follow her footsteps,
It's getting quite late.
For her presence,
Though small,
Has encouraged me to stay.
Feb 12 · 449
Teddy Bear
I am warm in his arms,
Though no heart he bares.
Full of light and love
From soft little hairs.
No words he can speak
Yet so caring and sweet.
His forever smile
Brings purpose to me.

When times may arise
With doubt and fear,

One moment I carry is the cuddle of a bear.
Feb 8 · 198
Earth's Lullaby
To touch the dirt,
The soil,
The sand.
To feel it run gently
Through my hand.
To hear soft creaks
In the dead of night.
To hear birds sing
As they plan a flight.

Our simple surroundings,
Give solitude of mind.
For peace is rare
In this strange little life.
Feb 7 · 72
The Talent Show
I feel strange.
I was once a glory
Put directly on stage.
I showed my ability
Yet you weren't amazed.

Instead, you scold me,
But wasn't I great?

'No', you told me,
'You need to change'.
Feb 6 · 308
A weight
Crashes on my chest.
Your tears
Burn through my skin.

No escape,
No rest.
As you slumber
Soundly in my bed.

A feeling of emptiness
Swarms my mind.
Your thoughts
Knock heavily into mine.

They sit and wait
Until I break the line.
And fix the knot
That just won't tie.
Feb 5 · 116
False Thoughts
How can a thought
Become a threat?
Created strictly
Inside our head.
Tears and sweat
From ponders of fret.
False scenarios
We beg to forget.

That is us.
Tormented by upset.
Feb 2 · 67
See that little girl,
Running by the sea?
The one that feels joy
To the smallest of things.

Or perhaps that little boy,
Filling with joy.
Not a single emotion
He tries to avoid.

For these little beings,
Are a reflection of you.
In youth we still live,

As age only equals two.
Feb 1 · 125
A Day of Peace
So brutal,
So unkind,
Burning thistles in my eyes.

Thoughts cascade and haunt my mind.

What a surprise!
The arrival of peace,

My hatred has ceased from the creation outside.

I let it in,
And breathe.
And finally,
I take a moment to smile.
Jan 31 · 880
So here I am,
Learning and living.

So little did I know,
Before believing.

These emotions,
We are feeling,
Have purpose,
Have meaning.

And that I,
Right now,
Am truly healing.
Jan 30 · 216
A Weather Warning
Though sky of clouds grow,
Not all is lost,
Beneath the snow.
For the sun still shines,
When Winter is cold.
But we adapt and grow,
And learn to know,
Of changing seasons,
To life and its woes.
Jan 28 · 272
I walked this earth,
Unaware of light.
A blindfold covered my weary eyes.

From day to night,
Roaming all alone.
My skin,
Like snow,
As cold as ice.

But you came along,
To warm my blood.
Took off the blindfold,
To show me love.

I am true and renewed,
And grateful for us.
This poem is an appreciation of the ones we love !
Jan 27 · 442
The Last Touch
I wake in a sweat.

Remembrance of a night
I will never forget.

Your body was warm,
And I ,
On your chest.

Our lips,
Meet gently,
As we slowly undress.

Night fantasies,
As we fall into bed.

And your eyes,
Now wet,
While I throw on my dress.

But sleepy,
We nuzzle and nest.

As the clock strikes twelve,
I wake in a sweat.

You have fled,
Out the door,
And left nothing,
But regret.
Jan 23 · 705
You were my safety.
A shortcut to heaven,
A happiness that saved me.

Perhaps you outgrew me?
You seem different lately.
Yet your eyes,
Speak a name.

One I heard you mutter,
But with a chuckle,
And for a moment,
You stutter.

But a flicker of reasoning,
Made me weak at the knees.

She was yours too,
Wasn't she?
This poem is about cheating, I hope you all enjoy!
Jan 22 · 390
The Lonely Prince
The silence,
Is heavy.
As is my heart.

I am surrounded
With glory,
And great works of art.

I have books of plenty,
And luxuries of many.

Yet my mind,
And soul,
Are somber and lonely.

As I have glory to share,
But nobody,
To care.
This poem is about how having the most luxurious of things cannot beat the feeling of loneliness. Money is not company.
Jan 20 · 121
I Choose You.
You question my reasoning,
Yet I don't know why.

For why I have you,
At the top of my mind.

When my heart is bleeding,
You let me cry.

When you feel like leaving,
You come back to try.

But only I can see,
Your glories and joys.
You are a wonder,

And I am proud,
That you are mine.
Jan 19 · 171
More or Less
A question so repetitive,
It stifles my mind.

As the more I think,
The less I hide.

The more I speak,
The less I lie.

The more I feel,
The less I disguise.

For the more I live,

The less I am alive.
This poem is about self-conflict and uncertainty in life. Some of us feel hopeful, some not so much, some more energized, some more tired. It is a constant cycle for some, and I wish nothing more than happiness and faith for you all.
Jan 17 · 212
A Little Flower, For You
My truest darling,
I plucked a flower for you.
And fragile,
Just like us two.

You were soft,
And supple,
Like these pretty petals.
I hold it closely,
Away from nettles.

I will water it daily,
On your behalf.
No matter if this breath,
Shall be my last.

And although you're beneath
The soil and sands,

This flower,
My angel,
Shall never leave my hand.
This poem is about someone's lover passing away, but the love will never die.
Jan 16 · 392

My body,
My punishment.
This world is cruel,
And I,
The puppet.

A stabbing sadness,
Shrivels my heart.
Becomes painless,
As skin,
Becomes art.

Woes to wounds,
The sheets I have bled.
As a desire,
So deadly,

Leads me to temptation,
Jan 15 · 425
Little House
My love,
I built a house for you.
A sacred comfort,
A room for two.

Your woes and troubles,
Are mine to soothe.
The path you face
I will walk too.

And when I do,
I shall guide you home.
In the arms of mine,

You are never alone.
Jan 14 · 156
How joyous I would be,
If time would slow.
Take a breather,
Let us flow.

From hours to minutes,
They turn to seconds.
Living in limits,
Having no presence.

I deeply sigh,
For time is too rapid.
Too impatient to wait,
Too ravenous to stop it.

As now the clock,
Reaches to nine.
And here I lay,
Of a world without time.
This poem is personal to me, as I live quite a busy life (as some of my loved ones would know!) and it's difficult to take a moment when time isn't fast. If you can relate to this, I hear you and understand your difficulties.
Jan 14 · 251
My angel.
A mind so kind,
So curious.
You have rekindled my joy,
My purpose.

But now,
I can't help but feel alone.
As you walk down an aisle,
Smothered in rose.

And I,
Hold a lump in my throat.

You have finally grown.
This short poem is about parents who may be feeling a deep sadness and loneliness for their children who are now fully grown. It is so natural for some to feel that way, for their child has been with them since birth. You are happy and proud, but also sad and that is completely understandable. If you are one of these people, I hear you.
Jan 13 · 180
Life Cycle
A beautiful thing,
For the mind and soul.

From young to old,
To secrets untold.

In youth I thrived
Through actions of bold.

As I have lived
Through thick and thin.

And let my story unfold.

But all is well,
For my soul is home.
In the arms of death,

I am free to roam.
This poem is more so about the end of life and acceptance to it. Most of us find the concept of death and moving on scary, but it is the cycle of life , and it’s something that is bound to happen. Although it is heartbreaking , it is also a stage of pure peace and serenity. I hope you all enjoy !
Jan 12 · 157
Just a Kid
Just once,
May I cradle
That child I hushed.

For youth I rushed,
And thoughts I pushed.

She was scared,
And forever flushed.

An innocent heart,
And crushed.

And now she lives,
With no recollection,
Of being a kid.
This poem is personal to me, as it talks about how some had to grow up quite fast, missing out on the beauty of childhood and innocence. If you can relate to this, I hear you and I am proud of you.
Jan 10 · 507
I am Real.
What awaits,
Beyond my fate?

One cannot distinguish my state.

But you,
Of course, can,

Or so you say.

I am frail,
But strong.
Yet wrong.

I wish not to join
The melody of your song.

For I am me,
And I shall heal.
From your ignorance,
And inability to feel.
For although I am lost,

At least I am real.
This poem is about how others may interpret or perceive you in life without getting to know the truth about you. They cannot take time for others and continue to judge for no reason. If you can relate to this, I hear you!
Jan 9 · 1.1k
The Gift
I have been granted
The gift, of you.
A sweet, joyous angel,
With a heart made for two.

Your precious soul,
So radiant of light.
Beaming greatly,
From day till night.

My heart is full,
When yours is too.
For a blessing like you,

I refuse to lose.
This poem is special, as it is about someone in my life who I was blessed with months ago. This person is incredible and a true gift. If they are reading this, I hope you know how much you truly mean to me!
Jan 7 · 215
The Passing of Love
Your eyes
Speak a thousand words.
But these words,
Seem wrong.

Your voice,
Once melodic,
Is off-key
To our song.

Have I hurt you,
My dear?
Is this all a lie?
You lay by my side,
Our hands intertwine.

But your kiss,
Is tired.
Your lips subside.
Oh no,

Are you still mine?
Jan 7 · 395
I look at my wall,
It speaks no colour.
Since the season of summer.

Your soul left,
And I,
Left too.
But an idea
Came to me,
One lazy afternoon.

I looked at my supplies,
That were almost decaying.
I opened them gently,
And soon began painting.

Your favourite colours cascading
Yellow, green and blue.
The wall began drying,
As my tears did too.

For this mural,
Is sacred,
And I,
Am now feeling.
As another sun rises,
My heart welcomes healing.
This poem is a story poem about healing from a loss and making a beautiful memory of that person. I hope you all enjoy !
Jan 5 · 757
A Lament for The Lost
I am lost,
Utterly lost.
A ghost,
In my own body.
A memory,
In my mind.
A restless soul,
Breaking inside.
My joy proving to be a lie.

Yet here I am.
Barely feeling,
Yet still alive.
This poem is a short one based on the feeling of losing oneself. I hope you all enjoy it!
Jan 5 · 938
One Moment
For one moment,
I forget.
I am calm and free,
From regret.

I reset.
In the eyes of green,
I am hidden by trees,
Sitting by a stream.

Mind lost at sea,
I breathe.


For one moment,
I am truly free.
Living a hectic life can make us feel grateful for the quiet moments we may be gifted throughout the day. I hope you all enjoy this short poem!
Jan 4 · 720
Little Hero
Oh little one,
Your heart died so young.
Life can be a pain,
And you were stung.
You sought happiness,
In the arms of your own.
As joy did not exist
In the heart of your home.
Your carers,
Were made of stone.
Flashes of anger
Turned you cold.
But through this,
You continued to grow.
Be proud,
Little angel,
You have won this alone.
This poem is for anyone who struggled with a harsh childhood. You were all so brave, be proud of the person you were and who you are today.
Jan 3 · 185
A Little Lily
I am a floating flower,
Among the tallest tree.
My petals,
They fall once plucked from me.
My pollen
Decreases once ****** by bees.
My roots
Decay once ripped from leaves.
I am fragile,
Born from the smallest of seed.
Grown and sewn,
To the purest beauty.

But wanderer and ponderer,
Please let me be.
This poem is about sensitivity within us. For the fragile hearts , I hear you and see you.
Jan 2 · 768
A Crude Confession
Killing softer souls
Then meets the eye.


I am all but there.

My mind flares
With ideas
That the heavens wouldn't dare
To declare.

For life, I do not bear.

Numb to a feeling,
Born too daring.
Unwilling to sober,
Utterly uncaring.

That is I,
And I shall be until the end of time.
Where I sit against a wall,
Dimmer than my mind.
This poem is about murderers. A dark topic, but it is about the sinister reality of the mind of a murderer. I hope you all enjoy it!
Jan 2 · 3.0k
TW: Self-Harm

My flesh is my own,
Grown and sewn,
To skin and bone.

But my mind is hurt and I don't know why.

As the metal hit,
On leg to wrist,
It painted my body.

Nothing could stop me.

It was addictive,
Yet I am still alive.


From one to two,
Then some to a few.
I could not keep score,

My body is now torn.
This is a very heavy topic for a poem, but as you may know, I do tend to write about the reality of life, and that includes mental health struggles. I wanted to write this for anyone who has struggled/struggles with self-harm. If you are one of those people, you are strong and beautiful, always.
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