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Martin Narrod Apr 2014
When at first it happens I want none of it. I even say no. I discard the plane tickets, the train stamps, the envelopes of money into a safety deposit box some train station off The Embarcadero and just head East. It frightens me, I'm horrified. The potency is developing in my inner organs, I can't cough right, sleep right, I just suffer and complain. Instead of doing things differently, they've made it so you can soak right in. Just strand yourself on the side of the roadway and they've got rules for you too. The sounds are torturous, the rooms are empty, and the men grow complacent and empty. Nothing is as serious as this. Four years ago a car, three years ago a plane, now I just shuffle and complain. I search for a key to my happiness. I look for it in desktop monitors, caramel apple lollipops, new cashmere vanilla candles, consuming six or more bottles of water a day, E-Cigarettes even, even those, I use apple juice, lychee nectar, mango sorbet, and chocolate fudge sundaes. I'm 40 up on the 140 I went down with. All the miles I'd walked in a firm step, a fever, a bag full of cheap wine for a man that works the car park. 43rd between 8th and 9th. Every thing is bright lights and theater nights. More pacing, there is gum stuck to every square of sidewalk, men and women wheel around a block away selling discount drugs in the streets and outside the Subway on 44th, in the Chinese food mart on 7th. They blow blow blow in their little plastic straw tubes and for $12 a drop they ask you to reach your hands inside their pockets, "take what you like and leave the rest. No one remembers it like this, the girls laugh practically upside down, they wear sky-blue light dyed denim overalls, covering all the parts of their shoulders but exposing their ****, they have plastic bags in their boots, and cute bobby bobbing hair cuts like water crest shoots exploding in lime juice. They pace too, but their legs are shorter, their conversations longer, the horns in their heads grow slowly out from midnight. The devil put the hate on them too.

Even the children are bigoted in this bicentennial. The ******'s nook is no longer the sewing shop in the corner of the strip mall up by Deerbrook Mall. I haven't seen a fountain with change in it since the 80's. The newest thing I heard about imaginations are that, "They come out the first and last Wednesday of the month, you gotta check with Game Stop if you want to pre-order the right ones." I think we must be on number 18 by now. There were four of us riding shotgun in the boxcar up to the valley last month, now they don't even run the trains anymore. One third of everything left to go.

I'm growing quiet; if they can't tell it's not my job to teach them. If they can't spell, I ain't gotta word to word combat that's going to come down on 'em. My brain is so uptight I can't sleep before sundown or sunrise. I see legs and oil futures with every blink. I listen to the old phone messages constantly. I make up stories to go with the missed calls. Still I hope everything will work out okay, because nothing is as serious as this. It makes me sick. It makes the guy undo itself with a brass nail, the blood unclogged from the rash from last month, I find out I'm toxic to poisons, and then I'm told that they're a prescription for that too. It wasn't a ******* rumor. The time to back up or move is now. A idle figure in an orange shirt, a tapestry that moves with every hallucination, forty, fifty, sixty hours I've never slept. I may have been years. My stomach is rusting from water with nowhere to go. I feel sick. I feel woozy, but I don't believe in feelings. I sit upright because I'm uptight, I turn my head around and look over my shoulder. But I know that any friend that's worth looking at me wouldn't arouse my spirit at this hour. There is a net that they speak of when everything's gone. It's the madness that transforms nothingness when the devil's around. Whole empires are crashing. Whole bottom drawers of unworn clothing, tagged and abetted stuffed into black crape garbage bags and drove off into the moonlight. I'm sweating and soporific, living half by half two in and two out, if I had the chance I'd try to remember just which way I get out. When I check on the rumors, when I say my goodbye, I know that I'm the only one sitting in this room of cocksure spirit animals and half-plastic book casings, and that no one whispers and no one cries, not even the bereft can produce a lullaby. I am dying to figure out how to move voicemails from iPhones to iTunes, I googled it while sitting down in the city last night. Poor service. 10 months. Not even one blame the famous few.

After tired comes guilty, after guilty the shame, after that apathy, after that I'm awake. I've never been good at being better than me. But those voicemails, I want them somewhere permanently.
Inspired by a Voicemail, Written for Britni West
Miss Masque Feb 2011
I need smoke to clear my head,
to fog the brain that needs unclogged,
a draino of the mind,
snaking its way into my conscious

Past the gates of the unconcerned,
entering the territory of the learned
and scholarly,
stepping onto the path of resurrection,
reliving the life that was meant to pay

Sipping the juice of incarnation,
revitalizing the soul,
drawing a blank is not an option
as the red hot coal burns
through my ill-intentions
Alone in a blank meadow
even that night hadn't grown any shadow

Certainly I had seen
the mystic moonlight was falling on the purples of the valleys, dancing  with the sweet summer breeze

Certainly I had seen,
Her smile on the dark side of the moon,
how did she unclosed herself in an unclogged sky!
how did her glimmer attract the arbitary!
did you see her streaming  beauty anytime?

I am not a poet at all,
So I could not write an ode about her beauty,
Yeah, finally dreams were coming slowly from the wide open sky_

Slowly and Slowly,
I was mingling with her shimmering
even I could not bear her long
wild and mad looks,
such a heavy unfolded glee,
Oh! very smashing shines spreading beyond  the valley,
That only be vented by the poetess Shelley....

@Musfiq us shaleheen
sometimes beauty grabs us and it feels unspeakable but we enjoy it in our mind and soul and it grows romanticism....
Àŧùl Nov 2017
Right when it was the end of the road for me I thought,
I saw some light at the end of the tunnel so very dark,
Casually being nice and so friendly to a fellow poet.
Hugging my soul so tight in this love-decorated ark,
Enriched I am by your presence in my life,
Need you I do as my compatible loving wife,
Eternally grateful to you I will be even in my afterlife.
Dear, dear Princess bear Pooh, I will always love you.

By that Creator I swear to be with you forever,
Your days will see healthy sunrises with me.

My forever lover you are going to be,
Your eternal lover I will forever be.

Love you I do like our Creator loves us all,
Only careful I am being so I am not so fast,
Vents of oxygen that you have unclogged,
Early days of our relationship will forever last.

A surprising ray of hope you were initially,
Nicknamed you as my dear Baby Pooh Bear,
Did you ever think that you will get your Angel back?

Casually you kiss my cheeks & I kiss your forehead,
And we kiss each other on the lips too,
Righteously I care for your comfort & health,
Enhanced with your love is all my wealth.
You are a super woman, my Love,
And you are
Richened by my love and care.
Another one of my secondary acrostic poems.
My HP Poem #1675
©Atul Kaushal
Andrew Rueter Feb 2021
Once I'm no longer awake
I'm put into dire straits
by my mind state
lying to make
me crying great
until I find a gate
to my one true fate.

My mind puts me in high and hung spots
with murderous guys and subplots
or both my eyes forming blood clots
the maze of my mind must get unclogged
leading me towards the one solve
retreating to what I know best
retreating to drugs
I come down off the eagle's nest
and onto the rug
where I crawl like a slug
from the high flying bugs
who want to eat my insides
and only exist in mind.

My brain gives me visions
of the **** I used to live in
making me want to give in
to the syringe's incisions
trapped on a crashing plane
I find a needle
to silence my thrashing brain
I stab the steel
screaming this isn't real
but that's just how it feels
after countless drug deals
it's all my brain reveals.

My mind gives me an option:
to face it
or to run
I can't embrace it
like it's the sun
and I'm the one
Gatling gun
spinning spun
until the chore is done
and the war is won
so I can score my dub
and get nightmare numb.

Once I find bliss sedated
the terror will have dissipated
but when I awake this is hated
bringing back the mist that faded
and all the chaos it created.

I wake up in a cold sweat
ready to face the day
I don't know how cold it gets
but I bet it's here to stay.
(Circuit Breaker)

You read somewhere that the rich get richer and richer
and sit on the yachts with staff in the kitchen
you apply for the staff and surprised by your inbox
you made the cut as a waiter to clean for the richest.

Buy the gear, take a ride, kick back on the boat
where you’re treated like a spy with a knife at their throat
the world keeps spinning as sparks fly down wires
but you're sick of this prison, where you lie ’til you’re tired.

Bottle up and float out to ocean, the back of your mind
is still hopelessly broken, one day you snap the wrong way
while this tax dodging sociopath sits laughing and lolling
the sun hides before him, you take the tethering rope;

snapped, ill, broken and bitten you rise to the bait
and run down to the kitchen, the chef chops away
you slip in behind him, chop chop away he doesn’t
bat a lid to you routing through the draws throwing

most to the walls, you find what you need and run
to the top deck, a suit tells you to step back
but you give them the slip, knee to the stomach
they flop on the deck, groaning and hunched

they step back up, a crack of the wrist, an almighty punch
over the railings they curse, yell, and cry for the boat
but the captain is networking about his lunch
you pull out the cheese wire and stroll to the pool.

The toff is surrounded, near empty yuppies
photographing themselves perpetuating the fourth
section of sinning ‘though shall not fool yourself
that mankind is winning' with the wealth squandered

here we could afford houses for the women and children
of the war your involved in, to fund the oil sales of the one
in a billion, so they can provide you with a classier
place to abstain from the real life and ****** up system.

Run over and clear the robots of richness, tell them all
'go ahead, keep taking your pictures’ while you strap the wire
around the neck of the fattest cat in business,
they all cry in horror as your grip tightens the purple

-faced smart-mouth shouts out for help but calls his helpers
a 'bunch of ill mannered sirens’ as they step back afraid
a single one daren’t come to his aid as that glint
in your eye shows the will to die to **** the tyrant

who’s gasoline fights killed your mum and your dad
and threaten your kids, you thank god that it’s over
though the system's corrupt, this wars been reinstated
reissued so that those above, know the people

aren’t fooled by their false promised lobbying.
Your death row grin comes back at dinner
as a copycat killing claims the next victim
you were the gush that unclogged the piping.
'Those who make peaceful revolution impossible
will make violent revolution inevitable.'

John F. Kennedy
ERR Oct 2011
Skin scrubbed raw for the thousandth time
Bleach became my boy
The container impenetrable, sanitary sanctuary
I bled soap suds through unclogged pores
Exposed without the film that blurred all interaction
Flash freedom and a taste of humanity to new buds
The light stung my eyes, and I turned to hide
Hasty retreat and acceptance of defeat
I saw a doctor, and he gave me a shot
But forgot
To clean the wound
Or change the dressing
Infection claimed me and drove me mad
I ran home barefoot in a hospital gown
Dodging bats and rats and wolves
And I dove into the mud, rolled about
Bathing in soothing gratification
Caked in routine and ruminating about the choices and the fall
I watched the sky, contemplating zero or more
annie Nov 2013
save me
take me away
from my early demise

to put it bluntly
I'm freaking out
I think
I might be going insane
but it's okay
I'm just

maybe if these screams
trapped inside
would finally burst out
I would be
free of my sins
my sorrows
          to me you everyone


ma­ke me happy
make me free
All lovers past
fade into footnotes
in the book of your life.
You are the central character,
the setting,
the plot,
the conflict
the resolution.
Don't ever let
a mere footnote
take over the "your story."
It's your **** story,
and you deserve
a happy ending.
(unclogged of your past.)
Roberta Day Sep 2017
The words don’t come
Like they used to
Swimming in fears to
Get those ears unclogged
From years of silencing the self
What new Hell is this?
Purging emotion as if it’s
...All that’s left
How did I make it through before?
I do regret wishing I was happy
I still feel empty inside,
And this was the desired result
Or maybe when the moon turns I’m meant
To be reminded of my humanity
And take the world on, resting on my back
To continue to be strong
To remember the importance of feeling
So that I do not lose myself to create
An apathetic state of emergency
Then what good will emerge from me?
SassyJ Dec 2016
Inside the river beds of playful flights
counting the pebbles overshadowing
divine footsteps of unleashed corners

Touching toe tips, rushing sole slips
looking for the chariot cayote wings
as unclogged wheels rev from the rear

Drifting unbarred, glinding on ponds
grounded plodding the zodiac rods
Drafting on bars of rafted sounds

Dream ohh creature of the heaven sail
on the gates where lovers glaze arms
then fall at the dare fin of blissfulness

An angel kind with a kiss resurrected
wiping tears with a smile of sentiment
holding an exist in bed of cold nights
For an essence
Adam Mott Oct 2015
I've got a mess that's mine
Undefined and restless
Ringing out angrily
It surrounds everything
Searching for a cure
I see nothing but a window anymore

I keep looking out it, the yard overgrown and wild
I tell those outside not to wait
Keep on going, keep on up
I'll be out of here in certain time

The drain unclogged, most goes down
The big pieces were easier to clear after some pain
The little ones refuse to go down
Stuck in places hard to reach, I struggle to get by

Eventually, the light comes to aid me
Easing this restless mind
Together, we clean this house
The rest will come in time
Jaynda Apr 2020
I finally got my head out of the clouds
Made new moves and started a new life.
The painful realisation that no one could save me
Had snuck in to my home ever so slowly,
She made a nest in my life and grew.
I always dreaded and adored her at the same time.

She gave me a new job in a new country.
She gave me minimalism and sobriety.
She helped me quit smoking
And build my savings account
Regardless of me earning less.
She gave me a set of new hobbies
And a vision of my own home
With a garden and a lemon tree.

And as I unclogged the drain today
I found the residu in the pipe
Of my last home made bio scrub.
There were lemon seeds germinating
That I took as a sign of faith,
That if cultivate my life the way it's going
Life will eventually give me that lemon tree
And a place to plant it
And I will make lemonade.
Giant cottonwoods rake
the sky, slake their thirst
below dried-out creek beds.
The sunbaked soil fractures
into pieces of a shattered ***.

Octopus roots root out secret
channels underground, unclogged
by fish, debris or mythological
creatures rising from the rocks.
Trunks molt flattened flagstones

of bark, ragged chunks more gray
than brown, more a coat of armor
for battered torsos, more a pillar of steel
for massive, chipped legs. O Time! Age too
long, and bushy tops topple into the creek.

Leaves rustle like muted cymbals.
Still, there is much to celebrate in such
fearless longevity: Do not Heracles-sized
branches veer off in heroic Y’s that
claw their way higher and higher until

they burst through the clouds, free from
the world, frowning down upon it in
verdant condescension? I cannot answer.
Trees soar in silence. I scoot along the creek
bed, scrambling for arrowheads, for some sign

of human presence that shows I, too, belong among
the giants, shooting my roots underground,
rising up as an arbor above the dried-out
shadows, grasping for the sweet sap of longevity.
I shall bite off a bit of bark and bid the world adieu.

— The End —