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Nigel Finn Aug 2018
Is not equivalent to a broken leg.
Who came up with that analogy?
Someone who hasn't experienced either
Seems the only probability.

It's far more akin to a giant spasm,
Contorting your leg against your will,
And stopping it seems highly unatural,
And each doctor prescribes different pills.

Nobody has fluctuating broken legs,
Or fractured limbs that cause them to count
The precise number of steps they take,
And despair if it's the wrong amount,

Or healing bones that turn reality
Into hallucinatory nightmares,
Or make you stay awake all week,
And start berating chairs.

But the worst of that analogy
(It drives me quite insane!),
Is that broken legs are quick to heal,
And cause a lot less pain.
Another rough one- will I ever finish it? Who knows!
Heavy Hearted Oct 2024
Oh, Genocide

A nation bathed in blood-
white flags now become
a leaf shaped body bag

With faded eyes, through  screams and cries-
we sift through falsehoods speech...
Unatural Eulogy;


Turtle's Mind-Spirit

The Land,
no slave to man

From far and wide, 
 oppress those left,
We sulk, in shame and greed.
To be read with the meter of the Canadian national Anthem- what a ******* international embarrassment.
I long to hear the sounds
Of nature uninterrupted
Heard pure and clean and clear
By mankind not corrupted

I long to hear the waterfall
Flowing down the mountains face
To hear the rushing water crash
By no unatural sound disgraced

To hear the gentle winds
Blowing through the mighty pines
Untouched by unatural sounds
Be they yours or mine

To hear the falling of the rain
Colliding with the thirsty ground
The thunder as it roars
No hint of man made sound

To hear the silence of the night
That is ruled by star and moon
The sound of the great abyss
Peace it's only tune

To hear the choir of the feathered singers
Singing their beautiful hymns
Free of outside sounds
From their stage high upon a limb

I long to hear only the sounds
Of the nature that God created
But everywhere I go it seems
They have by the sounds of men been permeated

O Wouldent it be a joy to hear
Natures voice pure and true
With no sound made by man
To tarnish the sound or view
rusty shacks Jun 2013
describe to me the setting sea against the tidal suns
tell me bitter lies of why it is how you used to be
and how again it was no pain for wave to break
shore leave fantasy incredible relations between
***** muck cracked claws on diamond webbings
sin first to be last to win thirst against troubled
these times are horrid ticks against the nature
of the beast of the man un nat ural ural ural the sea
it'll be better, he said he said to me once on a sunday
hell is plane that ever plain never lands upon the shores
never leaves absent mothers mothered bothered by
and never never never ever always contradicts
by nature it is it is unatural unnatured beast of wild
a forsaken tool to best be bit by other claim in sin
the thirst is taken by the moon, a tidal blood
in throat the catchings diamond webs of spiricals
of the sunday bishop movements, ever always after
before before the time it was again begun
and and in somewhat strange obtuse pear trees
strange fruit from cocoons hatched sideways
until pear time fruitlets dropped in spheres
into the open casket boiling cracking crab like muck
of breaking waves in boiling oceans, horrid licks
you find you dunce that chasing shadows much like days
pass far too quick to grasp the nettle and be stung
and be thirsty for a placement upon the mantle up
where higher drownings laugh all about the smoke
all in shade of biscuit trees all in fade of tin echoes
empty Christmas biscuit tins sound like themselves
the hollow noise of prophecy against september
again the bland misunderstandings recalled
no pain, never ever always was in hell in heaven peace
that breaks the ocean belts the cliffs produces shame
in fingertips in felt like cat skin rugs and wigs cat hair
counterparts to breeze it is the summer storms the
bleak monsoons of rain that's ****** from mothers ****
that seen to rise in single breath of sky and fall in
grey obtuse sleets to earth made sea made mirrored sky
sage test by broken widowed insect feelers pert to thunder
hunger by the hundred lightening strikes to mass in
bleak grey ember skies, silent spiracles of sun in
shade take refuse out from heap and pile again
beneath the skins of elder hills of somewhat tainted
trousers made up of younger weeds and roots and
****** thirsting up against the garage door that opens
fast too quick too soon too much and **** dirt up
again ever never after seeing hell far too often break
up break up and smile that ocean going smile
wave goodbye with breaking helm with crack of pearls
and peal of thunder late reminder of the blinding
light against the grey now november skies
again, again, it ever never is always maybe somewhat
breaking on the steps on the path away towards
under bleak stained crab carcass shores away towards
Jack Thompson Apr 2015
I'm awake for the moment.
Lingering into forever.

I'm over tired - but in this state I'm wired.
Energy surging - unatural vigor.
Naturally extracted and abused.
This stuff it calls me and begs.
Not to be refused.

Take a shot maybe two.
Open your eyes wide.
Keep them there just like glue.
Bring you to the early hours.
Daybreak and no sleep.
No off button to the mind.
It always ends crashing in a big heap.

Coffee how you affect me.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
Eyes thick with prophecy
Things only I can see
Fire burning
No ones learning
The wind howls
Straight from hell's bowels
An unatural cold
Watching death unfold
Its spreading its dark cloak
All clouded with smoke
Simple subtraction
A toxic attraction
Flirting with death
Savoring every breath
We fear what we can't understand
Fear and hate go hand in hand
Demons rising
Supernatural uprising
Fear shall plauge the Earth
And we shall give birth
To hatred and fear
Tainting all who are near
Evil in all we see
Only wishing to be free
From paranoia rises insecurity
A wish to return to obsecurity
Evil in every glass of water
Like lambs to the slaughter
We shall turn on each other
Brother against brother
insanity shall rule
Fear is an incindery fuel
Ignition results in a chain reaction
Miley Cyrus Jan 2015
My Moms a little *****....
all she does...
i mean stop
im not even in the mood for writing
like back the **** up off me ya little *****
go get some ******* friends
all u do is worry about me
on the school website 24 ******* 7
til you "saw" a 2 hour delay this morning
its like your my roomate
like an annoying *** buzing in my ear
i try to wasp you away
but its like your their
i dont feel comftorable even when i am
and im done with the unatural feelings
if its comftorable it is
...and if its not....
it isn....
ya know i dont even know why i stress...
like why...
why i even care my feelings...
are my ******* feelings
....i do what i do....
i am who i am...
and its like?
like ya know....
like im in the shadows
but i have a big *** sparkly unicorn entertaining everyone
that either love it or hate
its like im fake as ****
but genuinly nice
but out of a sorta obligated way
like nice but ya know i dont wanna scare you off nice
or i dont want you to think im aggressive or anything nice
you feel
its weird
my mind
...its like
life tho.....
Like life right now...sometimes feels im in a play....trying to do each line perfectly..and maybe doing it or not, but always feeling like a failure, like something is missing...ya know..weird huh, life....huh
life huh huh crusade through it.....and feel outa ya try to solve your *****...and no ansuh....none...tampoco.....nada.....nunca....just no answer....and you realize that life has no intructions to living the perfect life, nor a list full of wrong **** to do, its all just you and your moment....the moment, and its really up to you if your gonna flaunt it, waste it, or lose it. good luck...cuz its hard as a *****, like i thought you could really just snap your ******* fingers....
Delton Peele Apr 2021
I obsess with unatural desire
I want to brush up against you
and run my fingers through your silkyness
be engulfed in your fragrance
Oh Hinoki Cypress
you are such a beautiful
pleasant tree
evolove Sep 2021
When a rainbow appears in the sky it appears as a rainbow. Never will you see it broken up into individual colors.  It is all the colors. Not one individual Color. Therefore it is all or nothing.
We humans are EXACTLY the same. The only way you can see another person of a different color is when they are standing in front of you. (Besides the unatural way of a screen)
Therefore the only time you have the ability to see people of different colors is when you come together. We are the RAINBOW. We need every color in order to be complete.

You disgust me
your so unatural
Refuse to adapt
just be like everyone else
on this planet.
Your so cocky
don't care if your in the basement
in a penthouse
or a castle
are the wold's
8th wonder!
And right here
at the end of the rainbow
With you'r see ME attitude
Eyes glued to your smartphone
Screaming, almost as loud for attention
as the café latte your trying to order..
******* ****
Before the shitstorm starts..
i have no problem what so ever with either gay or lesbian people..
i just don't really like humans..
Alex McQuate Dec 2018
Why does one write?

What fickle emotion caused an individual to pour their thoughts into this fickle little beach we call reality?

Is it joy?
Such a blooming emotion that sends gentle waves that lap upon the shore,
Changing the way it looks over time,
Until one day it is unrecognizable lest you squint your eyes really hard,
and turn your head just-so.

Is it love?
That soaring thing that can bring new perspective to a shore that you have seemingly memorized through years of meandering along it's lengths,
Making everything bright and new again.

Is it anger?
A maelstrom that drives into the shore with an almost unatural fervor,
Furrowing and scarring the shoreline in a single night,
But it's effect lingers for many years to come.

Is it nostalgia?
That message in a bottle that you always seem to stumble into while exploring the shore's short length,
Only to realize that the messages have arrived always just a bit too late,
Not enough to cause a noticable impact upon the beach to an outsider,
But brings new meaning to the person who finds it.
CredibleTopHat Aug 2018
Sometimes in life, there are ups and there are downs
some things can make you as happy as a clown
while another thing can bring you straight down
and force you to parade around
with a fat, unpleasant frown

But such is life
and such are feelings
sometimes they'll string us up as high as the ceiling
but also bring us down so low with no clear meaning

but, through our life we must remember
that these unatural feelings won't last forever
my hand are cold as ice
there shakeing like runing mice!

my hands are the color of the dark moon
as  it becomes dawn

as i fight the unatural
of the powefull nature

as i go into the wind
i take my last cold breath
Melody May 2020
TW: Self harm, suicide

Why is the “s” word not talked about?
Why can’t people be more aware?
Keep a look out for those
Those in despair?

Why are those who think of or do the “s” word
Judged so badly?
Looked down upon
Like something is wrong with them?

Why can’t they be helped?
Why can’t they find someone to talk to, someone who will stay, and find help for them?
No matter what?

Why are those who finally muster enough courage to tell someone about how they are feeling,

Greeted with faces of disgust and anger?

And are shown that others have no home, no food, but are still fighting strongly, unlike them?

Can’t you understand how hard it was?

To finally try and find someone they trust?

The last thing they need,trust me, is someone telling them that there feelings are unatural and irrational.

Why are those who think of doing the “s” word

Looked upon as very weak and selfish

Can you not see?

Their brain is constantly telling them

You are a waste of space, and a burden

They aren’t being selfish.

In fact, quite the opposite.

They are trying to not be on a burden on the ones they love

The feel that they have no contribution to this planet

The self-hatred constantly encircling their mind.

Hammering them till it kills them.

Why can’t you see that?

They need help, can’t you see?

Someone to tell them that they are loved, faithfully

That they have a purpose, a very important one

That once they will be gone, it’ll never be the same they will find, all along

So please, please keep a lookout

Even on the unlikeliest ones

They may need a friend, as you’ll see

They don’t like being like this and having to hurt the ones around them

So they feel it’s better to end their misery and that of the ones around them, quickly.

Please keep checking up on them to make sure they are safe

Safe at home, in a responsible place

Please take any weapons or pills so they can do no more

Comfort them when they feel that way, especially at night

Stay with them, please,

Check in frequently.

They really really need you, trust me.

If you cannot help, or give advice much,

Just listen to them please

Comfort them

Wipe their tears

Look out for certain scars or cuts, in places like the arms or legs

They can’t stop those urges on their own

Yes, I know, it seems like they are being stupid, but I can truly tell you if you were in their place, you might end up in that way too.

Please remember in their head they are not being unreasonable, but trying to make the world better for those around them

Suffice to say they know some will hurt, but think they will get over it in the end

May I say depression changes a way a person thinks, not in a very nice way

And sometimes, it may even be the little things that are big to them, that make them feel that way

They may have distanced themselves from the people they love, in order not to hurt them

Or they may have no friends, and show no signs of trying to make any at all

For they don’t want to hurt and be a burden on others more than they already are

They may smile or laugh, but when you see

The smile doesn’t quite reach their eyes, their eyes crinkling up in happiness no more

Please look carefully.

They may to stay at home and show start to show no interest

And not find joy in things they used to love

Sit quietly on their own for long periods, and rest

They don’t care about anything anymore you see

Nothing, nothing at all

And this feeling

Heavy feeling in their heart?

That they are a waste of space and a burden?

It is exhausting

It takes all the energy out of you

Drains you out thoroughly

Till you have no energy or courage left to fight

Some days may be good and some may be bad

But don’t let them make you think they’re okay now

Because they truly aren’t, and trying not to be a burden on you

Recovering is a long process

And the feelings?

They may creep up on them anytime, slowly

So I plead, please keep a lookout for them

If not help the others on a large scale, I choose to start by raising awareness for those around me


I really


Don’t want others

To meet

The same destiny

As me.

An extension:

Can’t you understand how hard it was?

To finally try and find someone they trust?

The last thing they need,trust me, is someone telling them that there feelings are unatural and irrational.

Just hug them and tell them.

"It's going to be okay,

I'm going to help you,

You did it alone for so long, and so you are very strong.

But now,you don't have to do this alone anymore.

We both are in this together.

We are going to overcome this.

And you, are truly loved, and worth it.

You,have a purpose, in someones life at the least.

So come along, rise up, be strong, conquer it, i'll be here along with you.

Every step of the way"

With truth.
Delton Peele Jan 2021
Derelict lunar phase
Lacking hope
I cope
In my blood lines' archaic
Duality ......efficiency
Meekness is not weakness .
Its likened to
Power kept under perfect control.
Picture a raging inferno driving the machine
Thats throwin the coal.
Two opposing poles forced together.
The pressure and heat so intense
Forged an unatural alliance that cannot be severed
The quickening recieved can be a mortal wound
Morally the bite  can be the mordant that
Like rabbies
Clutches you hatches and infests the  psyche
I writhe in fever thrive in the strife and love the maddness it brings
But thats just me

The triple beam
Allows me to be
The perfect friend and  gentle man
You see
Whilst staving off the rage
In the forge
I fiend
On this lunar cycle
Emotions. lachrymose to ******
The pendulum
That undulates
In the pit of me
Epitome of
A melancholy
Work hard
Play hard
Be a taker
Be a lover
Find balance
Just sayin..............

Ok so this writ is not about me being wearwolf.....
Its how to achieve balance and being satisfied in the realm of possibility and reality and are you ............
Experiencing life to its full potential.. Cause you cant do it different next time

— The End —