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Uret tikker
Tikker tikker tikker
Jeg tigger
Tigger tigger tigger
Om du måske
Beder mig

bøs bøs bøs, jeg når snart til at det bliver til en ikkeeksisterende følelse
Paul Hardwick Mar 2016
I say fell more like
getting washed down a pipe
Will she survive?

skirts covers her eyes
each step on her ****
sort of retime beat
skirt flots down
in the pink again
with brakes puts out her knees
man I hate these fancy dress *****
and this is nothing like I dreamed it
yet it was
ok if it was, i will see that that there bald man
then there he was
Dear old slappedhead
if you want tea said the white rabbit
turn your cup upside down
but down was then up
and Alice stopped
and sat down on a seat
is this a party she said
the two twins
at the fare end
sang in harmony no
and both asked at the very same time
why are you here?
at that the tigger opposite said
here, here
**** Alice exploited
her dreams
and replied
sort of fell.

Sprinkle gold dust into eyes
there the magic goes on
to feel this way
I give you Alice with a very sore ****
if conflict
we can not leave her here alone.

The Tigger put a revolver at his head
pulled the tigger twice
Klick Klick the revolver said
the tigger slapped gun on the table
and said when?
when, when, will man know?

Alice blinked once or twice
and said
know what
it was at that the pig piped up
well at least it not me this time
and flopped back into a muddy puddle there.

There is an electric kind of teapot there
try to sell back to the electrical people there
whom will have none of it
think this is not real eletricals
Alice still had a sore **** all the same
and disregarded all this
At that
polly pipped up
polly was the cook
and asked what can I slop up
What day is it? Alice asked, smart girl
then Alice said soup
polly looked at her
the sort of look
that in init's own way could ****
at that Alice's hair curled
but all the time knew
her underwear was white than white
and she bathed in breeze
but polly would not have it bang her spoon down
and when that spoon hit
it could take anywhere
so put your rose tinted specs.
If you would like more you must write me and say,
if I get more, in the future, come back to this.    P@ul.  ***.
Zachary Devitt Aug 2010
I cast my line into the water. The bobber bounced a few times and then rested on the surface slightly cocked to the side. I pulled my hat down low, just far enough to block the sun and still see the water. Everything was quiet. Tigger was running around the other end of the pond, looking for raccoons I guess. He went to the water and took a drink, then he took off into the woods. He’ll be back. I love that dog. I must have had him for 10 years now.

              I lit up a cigarette, a Marb red. God, this is the life, man, just chillin, fishin. I had other things to do. I should be looking for a job I guess. I should probably be cleaning my apartment, or taking care of those overdraft fees, I forgot about those, ****. Oh well, this is my day. The birds had started to sing again. I whistled along, Andy Griffith’s theme song, God’s gift to whistlin fishermen. I could feel the sun on my bare arms. That’ll be good for my tan. I took another drag on my cigarette, the air was calm enough that I could blow smoke rings. So I did, for about an hour.

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw the tip of my pole dip down a little, it did it again, again, and again. Finally the bobber disappeared under the water. I grabbed my pole and started to reel ‘er in. It was a catfish, about five pounds I’d say. This was perfect, I would get Tigger and we could go home and fry this sucker up, and I would drink a few brews, watch the game and go to bed. What a wonderful day. I called for Tigger, but he didn’t come out of the woods. Probably found one of those *****. So I walked around the pond to where I saw him go in. No matter how many times I called for him he didn’t come back. I searched for two whole hours but I couldn’t find my dog. He was gone.
Ann Nicole Aug 2014
Dear stranger,

How did you see straight through the lies I told? How did such average eyes witness the pain clouding my words and actions? You didn't see me as everyone else, but you accepted me like I was one of them.


Do you know how much gratitude I offer to you for not treating me like a fragile piece of glass, yet not recklessly throwing me around like a hot potato? Do you even realize how deeply this affects me, weeks later?

I wish I understood you better, I wish we could've talked longer than we were given the chance. You remind me of someone, yet you don't at the same time.

I want people to see me like I see you, but it isn't like that. They see me as Eeyore, when I really just want to be a Tigger.

But you're more than a Tigger. Your a Tigger and a Winnie the Pooh bear mixed with a hit of Roo. I admire you for that, and wish I could see you more often than not, just to feel like I'm accepted.

The girl you hugged that night, when you couldn't even remember her name
Your furry body
Resting in between my thighs
Your purrs can heal souls
Sharina Saad Jun 2013
I enjoy watching my baby boy’s drama
In his room, on his bed among his toys
What a superb imagination
Translated in a form of play...
A battle between the amazing legacy of heroes
Put George Lucas in the house of shame
With his famous Luke Sky walker,  
In Star Wars saga
Have Sam Raimi’s done his research well?
In creating Spiderman 3?
With this “genius in the making” young child
Left alone to build his creativity
I am convinced  with obvious prediction...
Hollywood superheoes  would be doomed..
Here is a 2 year old boy
In Spideman suit, Acting Spiderman,
hitting the Angry bird jet
The jet punches Spiderman back.
Then, Mama is forced to sleep with Spiderman
Forced Mama again, this time to love the Man of Steel
After the gruel some battle,
Jet & Spiderman decided to sleep together
in the pink hammock with Tigger.
The proud child is happy ,
His mission is accomplished!
A bottle of luke warm milk...
Well done! He earns his trophy
Tonight  he helps to save the world.
still keeping my son's toys.
kt Jan 2015
Your missed my pet,
I love'd you the most.
Not a complaint
from the man with the most!

You were such a dear
I have no portrait to sit near.
l miss you my dear.

I am so sorry
this place was not for you
nor for me.

I hope your well
With some gal!
Handsome and slilkly shining and well
like you used to do, just for me,
when l'd come home
and there you'd be.

You little man
great joy you brought.
Now there's no movement
within your spot.

Oh Boy l miss you so
Please forgive me
and be well pleased
where you are..
sitting with your next queen bee.
Gabriel Raines Nov 2014
Beat back the urge

Beat it back to the Stone Age
You nerd!

I got a motor mouth
A mile a minute
It's a song and dance
But I'm not in it

Bite your lip

Fool yourself into thinkin'
You've beat it

I got a tigger finger
No gun to pull
A fragile headstock
Lost my cool

I'm tic tock tic tock tic tock tickin away
I'll blast off like a rocket into outer space
You can keep it down for a little while
But soon enough you'll be forced to smile

Keep your cool

Keep it locked up tight
One rule

I got a worn out shirt
It Never fits right
I shift my shoulders
Under the lights

Yourself do better

Make it all go away
It's the weather

I'm a bit twitchy Don't touch me
I need you to love me
You're so far above and I'm so far below
I'm losing control and it's just not enough
My nerves are aching to just get rough
I'm worried what happens if I'm in freeze
I get up the itch and I need a release
There's so much to manage to do and to say
My mouth is just in the way

I'm tic tock tic tock tic tock tickin away
I'll blast off like a rocket into outer space
You can keep it down for a little while
But soon enough you'll be forced to smile
Little *****
Sco­oby Doo
Steak Sauce
roger2 Jun 2014
spewing volcanic ash over the


that cheesy bean burrito wasnt a good idea

hot springs
sooth my buttox

so does

there are 17 glorious children
4 old wives
and one balding man

we call





(rap voice)
kody brown is comin to town
wanting to turn his frown
upside down

lookin for da kids
lookin for da girls
lookin for an ice cream truck for da swirl


b a b y l o n

babylon tigger thats where ill always ben

success every plate

my last name was christ

grindin dreams



smoe quest


receeding forehead

meadows of lava spewing fro m my a s s


this is a bit of a different creative style that ive been exploring i really hope you guys enjoy and plzzzz no negative comments only love!!!!!
DaVonte' Norris Mar 2013
Your pace begins to noticeably pick up,
Your breaths are becoming shorter.
You begin to coach yourself mid stride,
"Glide don't gallop, you look like Tigger for Christ's sake!"

Eventually it washes over you,
You slowly fade into a Sudden abyss of Sorts.
You're no longer running nor jogging,
Hell you're not even moving.

You're somewhere else,
Somewhere you told your mind to take You.
It might be an altered memory of a Past victory
Or perhaps a fantasy in the near future.
Where ever you are,
You're alone.
Yet you are crowded at the same exact Time.
You're in complete control,
Yet you have no idea how to enter or Exit this state.

Before you know it,
You come too.
Back into the reality of your bodies Limits.
Your joints are aching and the lactic Acid has built in your upper thighs.
Your arms have grown heavier and Heavier.

How'd I not notice all this pain before?
Where was I?
All questions foreshadowed by this:

..What the hell do I have to do to get back?
One he was the tiger
The other, the tigger
And the other, he was
The housecat with awkward fuzz.

Somehow he had more
Than nine lives, or
This kitty was a fright
That gave Life such delight.
The Darkness Aug 2012
I've heard people say love doesn't exist,
And by some definitions, maybe it doesn't exist.
But seriously, if you look at it this way,
People take pleasure in making other people happy.
Not all people sure. Some people are wired wrong,
Sadists and homicidal obsessives, actively serve
What I would call hate. Yet they do so with seeming indifference.
But, on average, the joy of giving joy exists, on some form.
Even ego-centric actors and politicians,
Who seem to be driven by selfish goals,
But even they take a measure of pleasure,
When a fan says "Hey I saw you guys in the Meadowlands,
And you rocked, best concert of my life!"
"Senator Williams, I just wanted to thank you personally
For the kind words you said about my son,
It brought some closure to our loss."
When you have a particular person who you enjoy pleasing,
And who you know enjoys pleasing you,
Well , what do you call that?
Take it a step further, and add the fact, that when that person is hurting
You hurt. Their pain
Becomes yours.
Now, occasional petty jealousy aside,
Isn't it fair to call that feeling something?
Call it love, call it Love, call it Tigger Yum Yum,
But don't deny it exists.
Because I've seen it with my own eyes.
And I believe them before I believe silly lies.

If a monster like me could find that feeling,
And live inside of it...
Anyfuckingbody can.
Paul Roberts May 2012
We cannot all be the finger on a tigger,
a silent team in the night,
unknown heros correcting a wrong
with a long awaited right.
We have our place.
We can be the strength behind the trigger,
the pull of full support,
the welcome mat for those unknown heros,
a team that comes back one man short.
No, not all can be the messenger,
not all can bring the sting
but all can band together and let Freedom finally ring!
showyoulove Jul 2014
Forever Friend

No matter the miles that stretch out between us,

No matter how far down the road you may be,

Even though, at this time, we rightly fuss

No distance is too great I hope you'll soon see.

When it comes to a forever friend.

In such short a time that I've been given

I've learned a few things

About laughing and loving and about livin',

God fearing women and the joy a smile brings;

These I have learned from a forever friend.

To share in the laughter, share in joy and in pain

To share in the tears and the moments so tender

To be rays of warm sun in the cold gray rain

These are the things forever friends engender.

These I have done and always will for my forever friend.

When the road gets too long and your world turns blue,

If your heart grows heavy and you feel weighted down,

Remember a bond far stronger than glue:

Close your eyes, count to ten, and turn around,

And there, close beside, is the forever friend.

For it is there, in the heart, that you can find

A part of them in you so close at hand.

Something there is; a connection of the strongest kind,

No distance, nor time, nor any other thing that cannot be spanned

By the love shared between forever friends.

And like Tigger so acutely does say:

Not good bye or farewell but TTFN

Its "Ta Ta For Now" until I see you again

You are never so far that you can't brighten my day

It makes me so proud that you are my forever friend!
My bedroom is empty,
With just me in my bed,
I can hear you breathing,
But its all in my head.
I can't relax, it's as if,
My pillow is made out of lead.

Nothing to hold,
Tigger doesn't hug back,
I spread my arms,
You're warmth I lack,
Your touch I desire,
I feel the lonliness attack.

If I did nothing wrong,
Then why do I feel I'm to blame?
Like we were a candle,
And I blew out the flame,
But you held the gun,
And my heart, you took aim...
Ottar Sep 2013
She walked a
slow march,
feet in blocks
of, heavy booted,
cinder.  It was like
she was stepping
on the bottom
and drowning
in her own life,
no air bubbles,
coming to the surface,
for anyone
looking for
signs of life.

But know, one was.

                                                           ­                 The gray wet mass,
                                                           ­                  in the gutter,
                                                         ­                    the dog and I about
                                                           ­                   to walk by the
                                                             ­                 road ****,
                                                           ­                   the injured rabbit
                                                                ­              raised a head
                                                            ­                  front legs tried to
                                                                ­              drag itself in the
                                                             ­                 pouring rain across
                                                          ­                    the very boulevard
                                                       ­                       that taught hard
                                                            ­                  the lesson, in the
                                                                ­              early morning rain.
                                                                ­              The spine was snapped.
                                                        ­                      The beauty and the ugly
                                                            ­                  was showing through,
                                                        ­                      pale white foot bones,
                                                          ­                    where fur once was.
                                                                ­              I had a towel and held her
                                                             ­                 close, my dog was beside,
                                                         ­                     herself to get near, to the
                                                             ­                 gray wet mass, with eyes
                                                            ­                  wide with trust, not fear,
                                                           ­                   sorry friend rabbit,
                                                         ­                     where are Pooh,
                                                           ­                                        Piglet,
                                                         ­                                          Tigger,
                                                         ­                                           Owl,
                 ­                                                                 ­                  Eyore,
                                        ­                                      as I am no match for
                                                             ­                 Christopher Robin,
                                                          ­                    and your injuries are
                                                             ­                 too real, so rest a while,
                                                          ­                    I am right here, when
                                                            ­                  you are able or want
                                                                ­              to go,
                                                                ­              let me know,
                                                                ­                       or show,
                                                           ­                                           me where
                                                           ­                   rabbits go to eat the grass
                                                           ­                   that is always green,
                                                          ­                                  and always grows.

                                                         ­                                                                 ­                
                                                                ­                                                                 ­           Her fingers unsteady
                                                        ­                                                                 ­                   till she grips the
                                                                ­                                                                 ­           pencil crayon
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                 lightly with a heavy
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                heart, does the colour
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                 flow both ways, onto
                                                            ­                                                                 ­               the paper and into
                                                            ­                                                                 ­                her face, her smile,
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                  in a way nobody
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                  knows ,
                                                               ­                                                                 ­             in a way nobody
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                  sees,
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                 unless you look
                                                            ­                                                                 ­                beyond the mask.
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                                                
                ­                                                                 ­                                                         The Picture?
                                                                ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                     
                                  ­                                                                 ­                                           It is a ribbon, and
                                                                ­                                                                 ­             vine with thorns a
                                                               ­                                                                 ­              rugged cross, four  
                                                                ­                                                                 ­             yellow roses too.
                                                            ­                                                                 ­                                             
                   ­                                                                 ­                                                          There are few,
                                                                ­                                                                 ­             too few things
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                   that speak of true
                                                            ­                                                                 ­                 friendship than
                                                            ­                                                                 ­                 yellow roses.
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                 
                                                                ­                                                                 ­             There are few
                                                                ­                                                                 ­             too few friends,
                                                        ­                                                                 ­                     who remain.
                                                         ­                                                                 ­                     Yellow roses
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                    all around, petals
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                     sprinkled on the
                                                             ­                                                                 ­                  ground as she
                                                                ­                                                                 ­               details the green,
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                     leaves, the brown
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                    as rugged as the
                                                             ­                                                                 ­                  rocky earth,
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                     so she would never
                                                                ­                                                                 ­                be alone, there
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                     is no friend,
                                                         ­                                                                 ­                       none truer on
                          a wet stormy Sunday morning where three strays, all let me know, how to love.
RIP Bugs 22092013,
Three excerpts of frantic writes today, tried to tie them together.
The ending could be tricky to read. "the how to love" is part of the third excerpt and sums up all three

From the first one "But know, one was" could equal "But no one was."
POEMS Apr 2015
Beat back the urge

Beat it back to the Stone Age
You nerd!

I got a motor mouth
A mile a minute
It's a song and dance
But I'm not in it

Bite your lip

Fool yourself into thinkin'
You've beat it

I got a tigger finger
No gun to pull
A fragile headstock
Lost my cool

I'm tic tock tic tock tic tock tickin away
I'll blast off like a rocket into outer space
You can keep it down for a little while
But soon enough you'll be forced to smile

Keep your cool

Keep it locked up tight
One rule

I got a worn out shirt
It Never fits right
I shift my shoulders
Under the lights

Yourself do better

Make it all go away
It's the weather

I'm tic tock tic tock tic tock tickin away
I'll blast off like a rocket into outer space
You can keep it down for a little while
But soon enough you'll be forced to smile
All day I hear nothing
From flat above;
Not a footstep,
Not a thud.
All’s silent and then,
With dread,
I wonder if they’re still alive
And hope that they’re not dead!
And pray that’s not the reason why
I never hear them move
Across the floor above
In thumpy-thuddy shoes.
To take my mind off
Thoughts of death and blood
I imagine that
The flat upstairs
Is home
To one gianormous slug.
Who never makes a sound,
Because he has no feet
And doesn’t need to go outside
Go to the shops or walk down the street
Because he’s filled his room with lots of houseplants
So he can just stay in to eat.
But safe to say
I’m reassured
At night when I try to sleep
I hear the very lively sound of
Noisy stomping feet
Then sigh happily that they’re alive
And smile, glad that I can still use salt.
Without the fear of dissolving my landlord’s tenants
And it being all my fault.

Night after night
I would hear heavy feet prance
In the room above
There was so much clomping and
Loud stamping and clobbering
That I’m pretty convinced
They’re teaching elephants
how to riverdance.

Because of cause elephants cannot naturally jump
So they teach them to dance
in an effort to (metaphorically) Thump
mother nature on the nose
And say ‘look at these elephants bouncing
Like pros.
You’ve seen Tigger spring about Winnie the Pooh,
But check out what these here elephants can do’

So that is my explanation to the noises upstairs
And I understand why it’s only at night because
To teach elephants in the daytime
Well, that would cause a whole lot of
Unnecessary affairs
And a lot of fuss
From the press
Who would publicise the classes to the world
And then elephants from everywhere
Would travel in their droves
With their hearts set on
Being able to one day skip and hop
And not have to sit down at the discos
Everytime they heard music for the jive or the bop
And the RSPCA would back it cause
They’d say it’s only fair
That elephants have the same opportunity to
Learn how to jump in the air.
And then there’d be a problem see because
There would be no space for all the elephants
To fit in a small, town house room
And expect to have space to river dance;
Well, what a stew!
So that’s why they hold the lessons at night,
In secret,
with a class of perhaps two,
Maybe three elephants at most.
And then they’re silent in the daytime because
Dancing wears you out
So they sleep until the night falls
And then they dance and prance about;
Very, very noisily
While those sleeping
And those trying to sleep below
Gradually doze off to the sounds of
The future elephant Michael Flatley
Upstairs practicing for their first dancing show.

Well, that’s one explanation
My alternative one is
That the flat above is home
To a nocturnal giant
Who likes to tap dance.
But that doesn’t seem quite as likely.
Written in October 2013.
Odd Odyssey Poet Mar 2021
really where's the vibe?
Prefer to party inside,
in the subtle chaos of my mind.
Maybe I just want to stay dreaming,
it's really a chilled day outside.
As troubles of the weekday still lingers.  

For this day I'll tell you a story.

A nostalgic kid,
Saturday morning waking up to the screen.
Wonder what adventures are playing?
Wasn't a teen,
yet watching four of them as a kid.
Always snapping while watching four turtles.
As were feelings amid,
watching reruns of TMNT.

Flip the channel to younger days,
still much a Rugrat.
Swept under the mat,
wonder as babies did we have reasons to chat?
Wishing I could hide away from family,
hidden away in my secret laboratory.
I wouldn't be vexed,
not a little to live like Dexter.
My advantage is, I don't have a sister.

I found courage as little as I am.
In a world sort of like Eustace Bagge.
I had to become a man,
proud with what was my imperfection.
Where would I be without The X-Men?

Life was always a mystery,
from home to school.
Wish to unmask it all like ****** doo.
Wished to be armoured,
let them call out my name.
A quick watch of Visionaries and Hey Arnold!

Later go save the planet,
all life does matter
Especially those living on it.
A Captain of the show,
earth, wind fire, water and heart.
And my addition would be mind and soul.

The run around of this life,
chasing it only for a prize
A cat chasing a mouse before the mice.
As the world seems to be ******,
tune into the crazy till the afternoon.
Living a flightless life as a Pingu,
I hope it isn't as true.

My list could go on,
but I don't have much of the time.
Neither any of the energon,
how do I then Transform the time?
Is this for me, the Prime?

I must find new adventures,
as like Winnie The Pooh,
An often jumpy tigger,
how so am I rude?
I grew up shy as a piglet,
with a list of all the shows I grew up to.

My life seemed to be a Saturday cartoon.
TigerEyes Jul 2014
Daddy: I did not know you well/except for the suits you wore
they were always well tailored in the color blue
would it be okay if I told you how much I miss you...?
You always smelled of Black Jack gum
I remember running up to you
when you came home sometimes you smelled of ***...
n' I was barely four
but I remember uttering the words, "gum-gum"
Daddy, I loved you so much...
why did you have to leave/why did we lose touch?
I loved the letters you used to send
when I left for college
I thought my life would end...
but you wrote humorous lines
about long dog your wiener schnitzel pet...
you always made up stories about some guy named "Chet"
I'm so sorry I didn't get to say goodbye--
I wished and wished...
the day I found out you had died...
it was a bad joke/a terrible lie...
I love you Daddy...if you can hear me up there
I hope Tigger n' Lion's are fly'n everywhere
just like the stories you told me every night...
before you tucked me in bed with my baby bear...
n' you brushed my hair...
you always said, "Papa loves you...
Tiger, you sleep tight...
now you just  go...
n' let your dreams take flight"
I'm screaming in my head and crying in my heart,
I'm ripping myself apart,
Sure my face seems to tell you "I'm alright",
But the truth is I cry myself to sleep at night,
And its all because I miss you so,
Oh why did you have to go?

I kneel here at your grave,
Crying, praying, watching, waiting,
For some kind of sign,
For some kind of signal,
That will tell me you're alright,
That will help me sleep tonight,
To put my heart at rest,
And my mind at peace,
To tell me,
Why you had to go.

As I lay here in my bed,
I can't seem to get this in my head,
The loss of you puts my heart in pain,
Without you life won't be the same,
I hug your Tigger tight,
As I start to cry I think,
"why did you have to go?"
This was written because I lost my aunt who was very close to my heart.  This goes out not only to my Aunt Tressa but to anyone ** has ever lost someone near and dear to the heart.
R.I.P Tressa Johnson.
L S Tesler Mar 2015
jeg kunne skrive lange breve, sange og digte om dine hænder, der altid er blødere end mine, når jeg lader mine fingerspidse kærtegne dem. dine skuldre, som jeg lader min kind hvile på, når du holder mig i dine arme. dine små mørke krøller, der kilder din nakke, og som kun jeg må lade mine fingre glide igennem. og jeg ved jo godt, at det er åndsvagt og tåbeligt, men når dine læber beder mig om at gå og dine øjne tigger mig om at blive, falder mit indre sammen i små stykker og salte dråber løber ned at mine kinder. jeg ved jo godt, at du ikke mener det, når du siger at jeg ikke kan blive i dine hvide lagner for evigt, men dine ord trænger alligevel ind i mine inderste kamre og lukker op for alle tænkelige smerter som mine årer kan rumme. jeg ved jo også godt, at jeg ikke kan blive ved med at kysse dine fløjsbløde læber indtil ingenting gør ondt mere, men når dine brune øjne kigger på mig og vores næser er en millimeter fra berøring, vil den evige længsel ikke tage ende.
Frustrationer med et snært af
Partiløse vandringer uden
For hverken hoved eller hale
En drømmeåbenbaring om alt
Og intet
Et skrig fra barnsben af
Hold nu din kæft
Jeg kan ikke rumme
Jeg kan ikke holde
Tøjler kan ingen binde
Kæft NU!
?jeg er træt?
Nej jeg lytter ikke
Hold din
For drømme måske
For mig og for dig er
En drøm?
Du skal holde din kæft
Der kontrolleres af andre
Strunge sagde
?lort nok
?jeg siger
Hold din kæft
De kæfter alle op
?jeg hører
De skal holde deres kæft
De synger ikke godt
De holder aldrig kæft
Jeg beder
Såmænd bestikker
For at i skal holde jeres kæft

Jeg holder sgu aldrig kæft.
hentaiporno og ikkeeksisterende skod systematikker
Aniq Ahmad Aug 2018
What comes to mind when they say "Disney"?
All the mysteries and Mickey in my epiphany

Aladdin got stuck in the cave and found the lamp
Huey, Dewey and Louie all are out in a camp

When daffy is about to lose control for daisy
Goofy woke up and walked like if its all hazy

Pluto never knows it has a planet on his name
Still it doesn't leave Mickey even being all lame

When Cinderella lost her shoe and ran away
Rapunzel meanwhile got her hair taken away

Timon said "Hakuna Matata it means no worries"
When Simba found Nala, Timon got insecurities

Peter Pan came from Neverland and saw Wendy
Seeing them fly together in childhood was trendy

Hercules got Meg and showed off his muscles with a wink
Hades made her pawn and Hercules found it was a fling

Canine Superstar Bolt thought he was the real deal
When camera stopped rolling,he began to squeal

Pooh with honey and Christopher on journey
Tigger bounces and Owl pretends to be an attorney

A witch with Poisoned apple got her sleeping
On seeing, the dwarfs couldn't stop weeping

Alice got over her fears
Dumbo got used to his ears

All the Kids got mesmerized by the fun
Its Disney, from which you dont wanna run
WickedHope Dec 2014
Why are you my lion that shies away like prey?
Your doe eyes have taken this too far.

The bounce in your step has made you Tigger,
And I'm your Pooh bumbling after;

I'm the coyote continuously trying to catch up,
But you hit the ground running and you won't stop for me.

Oh, shooting star, I'm the one burning out it seems;
I'm jumping through wormholes, tearing myself in more than two.

In this garden you're the rosebud and I'm the thorns
Climbing my way up, only to never reach you.

If you're the life of the party, then I'm the death at a funeral.
Tragic how I can never quite seem to catch you for a moment.

You're the arctic wind whistling, calling me to you,
Though it seems my whole life I'll be stuck swimming with penguins.

My crazy little snowfall has become a blizzard,
But darling I was built for your sunshine.

The way you bring out my stars has made you my new moon,
And I fear I'm the uncommon eclipse consequently making day dark.

I'm the words and you're the melody;
I'm humming you all day, but you refuse to say my name.

I didn't know it was a crime to love you, I can't be caught now,
Can't stop, can't turn back, for it seems I've already committed my offense.
I'd love feedback on this one.
- - -
Not really about anyone specifically, just a reoccuring theme in my life.
listen to chopin and mahler
eat instant noodles
stitch your feelings away on an old pair of jeans
wear sunglasses
appreciate the fact that people like donatella versace have spent their lives creating clothes for people like me and you
rewatch the tigger movie
bake a whole cake and eat it yourself or go on the street and feed strangers
tell the ******* the bus purple definitely is her color
change your hairstyle
draw or scratch your anger away
call a distant friend
ask your little sister what her day was like
walk around your neighbourhood at 12 am and make up stories about what people are doing
embrace chocolate as your lord and savior
remind yourself you no longer look like you did in 6th grade
be grateful you have what you have and be grateful you don't have it as bad as some do
remember that every time you thought you couldn't go on, you did
understand that you don't need anybody to approve you
never forget that you have about 25 billion white blood cells in your body who are protecting you with their lives
be happy for that couple you saw in the park
pet any animal you see, animals are breathing antidepresants
get more sleep
don't say "it could be worse", this brings bad luck; but be glad it's not, after all
Her last words stung
She told me to f#ck off,
Hanging from the end of her rope
I couldn't reach out,
To lend a hand
Save her soul,
I had failed to see the signs
Amused in my own world,
She pounced tigger-like
Into it and splashed around,
But under her light demeanor
She limped like a hurt creature,
Sometimes her eyes deviated
Something lurked; but I,
Thought it fleeting;
Merely an abstraction in my mind,
We always seemed to laugh
I wondered if we would ever cry
Together; helping leaning into each other;
Striving against the currents
Against the crashing waves of life's emotions,
I wish I could tell the world to f#ck off...
© okpoet
June 9th-10th, 2020

In the House on Woodland Road – Love Weaved in Many Molds
It Came when Two Little Girls heard a Woman’s Voice Announce, “I Have a Surprise for You,”
And Sitting on the Fireplace – there was a Videotape, and it Showed Tigger’s Smiling Face
The Tigger Movie had Just Arrived, much to the parents’ surprise
It Came Again when the Girls Looked in the Cookie Jar, the one Topped with the Smiling Cartoon-Cookie Man
Inside was a Tower of Oreos, Waiting for the Girls to Pull Apart and Lick
Love was there by the TV-set – Shown with a Stack of Madeline Tapes
Love was even by the Bookcase – with a Bing to the Brim of Hardbacks Neither Child could Understand
Seated on a Shelf’s Corner, there rested a Crayola Box – Filled with Crayons to the Tin’s Tip-Top
Love was in the Bedroom, with Crayola Crayons Stockpiled – and Sitting on the Closet’s Ledge
Love was on the Rounded-Rug Below, as the Child Played out a Tick-Timing Clock while Laying on their Back
Love was by the Twin Seat Cushions, as the Girls Bounced from One to Another – and Played Leap Frog Between Each Other
Love was in the Garden’s Grass – seen when one of the Children Pulled Apart Presumed Pickles from the Tree, and Sprinkled them all over her
Love was by the Cats’ Food Bowl, Awaiting a Stray to Walk in and Take a Bite
Love was when the Child walked into the Family Room, and took out the Classic Game Candyland
She Played with her New Puppy till he Crossed the Finish Line, and Declared him Champion
Love was there as the Children went for a Walk in the Backyard, and Saw all the Birds and Conifers
The Birdfeeder Hung, and the Bathwater Rippled, – and they awaited its famished and filthy Aves
Love was there for many years, long before the Children Appeared
And then One Day, the Children came, but all the Love had Died
They Noticed the Dust, and the Cobwebs, and the Chill Attached to the House
They Noticed the Trees Chopped Down, and their Smiles were Lost
They Noticed the Change, and it Made them Very Sad
The House had Lost its old Charm, the Children Fell into Monotony
and the Gems that Once Gave the House its Glow – Would Never Again Come out and Show
Dark n Beautiful Dec 2018
Goodbye vanity
I was never in love with him:
Oh, no you departing fading days,
When would I see you again?

Your morning sunlight, your evening breaks
I long for summer days once more,
Stress, depression and the holiday’s mood will fade
The aching heart will adjust,
As it reject the love of a mortal:
I will love myself more, and more

But, like a child on Christmas morn
Tigger and I would be glad when Christmas is over:
We relived it through the eyes of our
Offspring: every year as it comes,
Another sibling to cherish,
Another moment to say to a stranger
Merry Christmas, seasoning greeting,
The happiest wouldn’t last

But the tears will rolled,
As the sun goes down on Christmas Eve
And yet and yet and yet another mistletoe
And where are we?
Back to square one…
It hardly matters to the man of letters
if you hear him,
wins anyway, ten to one
on the track today and
what way do you matter

Twenty-one thousand four hundred and nine
and what a waste of my precious time counting them in
let us begin
but we never end
send me a Kelly,
machine gun
some jelly
and blow, but
we know
men and letters
much better than I
live to let die
and I ask you why we
I ask
but you
never answer me.

In this trophy room
groomed and dressed
wall mountings are best
although Tigger carpets
the floor,
I want more than
a glimpse,
the reality limps
away from me
I abscond
fragile into
my own fantasy,
the man of letters knows better
and says nothing.
Doren M Damico Aug 2016
So what if my last words to you were something like “whose turn is it to wash the dishes?” — would you have regrets like too much sugar in your coffee or maybe always perhaps think about me when you were washing the dishes — like that’s a place to anchor a memory — or will you always argue with yourself about whether it was your turn or not — was it my last slimy red twist in your ear — you know the thing you hate most about dead memories — i tried on the tiara and couldn’t get it off so you gave me a wig for my birthday — what if I didn’t really tell you my real birth day? -- it’s things like this that make me want to spit up the curdled cream and toss the sugar over my shoulder — what if bad omens are just twisted memories like salt and pepper shakers — you know like when you forget which shaker is the pepper and you hate salt — did you ever wonder about that? — and i took you in when you were drunk but you forgot you promised me a trip to Paris — let’s go go got to go — did i tell you i hate Disneyland — that it’s Tigger and princess ****? — eep eep — so what if i didn’t — couldn’t you guess when i got so drunk i was so hung over that i slept in the hotel all day — it’s high time we got that straight iron out of the cupboard and burned that wig with the doctor’s prognosis — nothing like ice cream in the winter — but you couldn’t get up to get it and i wouldn’t stop the movie — it was sweet and sour when the bride ran away and i laughed but you were just about to ask for my hand — like a blood diamond has any interest ‘cause i still have holes in my hightop converse — paint under my fingernails — chemo blue orange wigs— wait, what if i forgot to wash the dishes and asked you so you wouldn’t be mad that i left you with a sink full of rot — i know i burned the turkey but it didn’t fit in the microwave and Leeloo taught me how to eat — you know: chicken! — so when you finally get a dishwasher don’t bother to invite me over anyway — besides the fact that i’m dead by that time there’s a lot more to breakfast than cereal and watching tv — but what about love? — there’s a lot more to dinner than meat and potatoes and a lot more to lunch than sandwiches and a half hour break from wage slavery — what if all i ever wanted was a ******’ piece of sourdough toast with my coffee but you were too busy to fix the toaster — and anyway it’s been harboring cockroaches for so long we might as well just invite Speedy Gonzalez to the table — the cats shed fleas like hair but at least they land on their feet — what if the dogs next door eat better than we do?— i hear that horse meat is sweet and PKD lived off of cans bought from the pet food store when he was writer poor — oh **** that’s a timeless thing isn’t it — and i’m a vegetarian but i may have to forego my principles before i’m discovered — what if the best part about dying is no more dishes? — that’s why i don’t want to get married
A Poem in the Style of Shelby Cook, Boxed With Dashes (Except Shorter) aka “what if for dinner”  For more information about Shelby Cook, check out this blog post:

— The End —