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Kewayne Wadley Oct 2018
This isn't a love that can be
Put on speaker phone.
We're far too silly for that.
Easily saying the first thing that
Comes to mind.
One moment to the next,
Stunned slience.
Phone etiquette thrown out the window.
This isn't a love that can be sat down.
Kept between an ear and a shoulder.
The amount of time it takes for someone to leave the room.
Conducted in civil manner.
Attempting not to shout,
Completely losing train of thought.
Not sure of validation,
Our voices raise a bit.
By now you should know we shouldn't have to limit ourselves like that.
Denying a freedom that connects us to whom we truly are.
Our quirks, general weirdness.
The crazy looks from those around.
The laughs that get funnier each moment that passes.
By now you should know that we are the complete definition of crazy.
Often appearing in person,
Before one of us can hang up.
Laughing hysterically,
Continuing the conversation
At any given time or place.
This definately isn't a love that
Can be placed on speaker phone
If we have to applogize for what we say.
Afraid to be who we really are.
Isolated from who we truly are
florence Sep 2012
Its the words that we hear, the life that we seek that makes us impeckable.
I listen deeply to your soothing voice, cherishing each word you tell me.
You used me.
Broke my heart.
Than dated my best friend.
You made us fall into a gab, made us hold on to the past for dear life. Things will never be the same all because of you.
She said she was sorry, but sorry doesn't mean anything when you can't accept it. I lost you. Than I lost her. The two most important people in my life.
I lost hope. I tried to converse with my peers but all I ended up doing was bashing her. The one you stole from me. They got tired and stopped trying to make me happy like I once was. Like I was when I was with you.
Each day, I would walk the halls to see her with you. My anger would boil in my vains, and all the memories between us would hit me like bullets. All the times you told me you loved me. All the times you held me close, when you never let me go. All the times you wishpered in my ear how much I changed you. All those times were gone, forgotten, like a gust of wind, you forgot about us. But I could never forget, even the countless times I tried its too hard. You left a whole in my heart, one that can never be perpared.
Than I see you. See you with her. I feel the pain once more. The urgeing sensation to graspe you from her grip and make you mine once more. To be able to call you mine once more.
But that can never happen. Or so I thought.
The days pass by that your with her. That you are caught up in every aspect of the one I used to call best friend. Now I only call her words that are beyond my reach, ones that I regret the moment they leave the tip of my lips. But I stay loyal, I never spread her secrets. Nor do I hope she will fail. Instead, I wish her luck with you; the guy who made my heart bleed with hate, you changed me. Some might say its for the better but all I can say is you changed me in a way that I can never be pepared again.
The sun sets, the moon rises and the stars are twinkling in the dark sky, when my phone rings. I see your name. The name I spit on with hate. I let it go to voicemail not wanting to hear your voice, scared that if I do the tears will start again. I wonder how that's possible, since I wasted all my tears on you but yet I'm proven wrong its possible.
Your voicemail is cut short. I hear your voice, its strange at first but then I fall deeply in love once more with the way you pronouce my name. Full with love and admiration. I'm falling for you once more. Falling slowly, and slowly. But when the end is near I think of you and her. The pair who made me suffer all those nights, the ones who made me cry myself to sleep.
Then I fall full speed into the whole, the rocks crashing on top of me. I scream, and scream untill I realize I am stuck. How much I try to push my way through there is no use.
I am stuck in your wrath forever.
5  years. 
5 long years filled with related concepts always bringing my thoughts back to you. 
I tried to forget. Belive me. But somehow its like you are carved into me like wood. I could never forget you. 
Its been 5 years since I last saw you. I wonder each morning when I wake up if you changed. Or if you still have that charming smile, and that flirty personallity But the thought that comes across me the most is if everyone falls for you as hard as I did or it was only me. 
You made my heart bleed that senoir year. You made me fill endless emotions towards you, and all I got in return was a wink and a "hey baby we didn't say we were exclusive" 
Those words burned through me. Leaving me with only hate to deal with. I made a vow with myself I would forget you. But it was impossible. Every where I turned I saw your flawless face within my reach. Your pulmp lips wishpering my name soothingly making me fall only deeper in love with the fake you. I made a character out of you. One which loved me with all its heart and cared for me endlessly. 
I tried to believe it was true. That there was such a thing but once again its only a fantasie. Soon I will be brought into reality to see you with her. She who shall not be named. 
Its the day that changed me once again. A day which you made me choke and feel the emotions you cast on me once again. My phone vibrates, for a moment I belive its a dream as your name blinks on the small screen. I feel the anticipation arising throughout me. Why would he be calling? I thought while picking on my nails. My hands shaky, I picked up the phone. And once again I fell beneath your spell. 
"Florence..." I heard your voice say. The world spinning around me I was almost lost in your voice. Snapping back into reality I prayed my voice wouldn't brake, that it would be stable but once again life is against me. 
I cleared my thraot, the curses I was getting ready to say formng in my mind. All the things I wanted to remind you of ready to come bursting out of me. But at that moment only one thing came out. One word. "Jake....." I heard myself say it. The way my voice said it, it was as there hadn't been 5 years between us. And we were just back on that night, in senior year, when you held me close and wishpered to me. 
I didn't realize it was quiet untill I heard ask me if I wanted to delete this message. I saw I had a miss call from you. You of all people. I was gettng ready to blast you but all I could think was if I should call you back. But then my phone rang, and I saw your name once more. 
One voicemail. That's all it took for me to rush to the phone and want to hear your voice again. I picked it up, feeling the nerves arising beneath me, the goosebumps starting to form on my arms. "Hello." I breathed into the reciever. 
"Florence?" I heard your voice ask. The same voice that I heard on the voicemail, the same voice that you had over me the years before. 
I tried to compose my voice, trying to make it like I forgot you. But in reality it was the exact oppisite. 
"Yeah, its me." I said in a strained voice. 
Suddenly slience struck upon us. None of us said a word. Just the dead selience between us. The tension high. 
But I didn't mind it. 
For what was there to say to the man who destroyed any ounce of belief I had in me? 
To the man who left me when everything was wrong. 
Now he calls me, I know what I must do. 
But in the end love does a funny thing to you; no matter how much you try to lock someone out, deep beneath the depths the right guy always finds the key. 
You foiund the key, opening the door slightly I heard your voice. Looking around me horror crept into my whole body, making me frozen in place. "......I was a **** and idiot...." You trailed off on the reciever. Barely listening to your words I was too caught up on the way you made me feell, the way you made everything appear perfect.
That night, the night you barged in and put me under your spell once more. Compelled by you I acted like your puppet, mimicking your every movement, following your every order. The distance between us fulled with tension. The anxiety of seeing your face again, uprising beneath me, while I took each step cautously to the Diner.
The Diner.
The place were everything had once been perfect between us. You would play with a stroke of my hair, I would giiggle in apparation as your gaze would be locked on mine.
Everything completely perfect.
Now, as I step foot into the diner, the goshtly images of us by our daily table, the one in the back corner. For a moment I could swear I saw us giggling and smiling at eachother. But as I look back the figures are gone and all that's there is an empty chair.
I walk in, immidently I am greeted by a middle aged waitress. Awe shown on her wrinkled face. "You here again?" She squels in delight. I looked at her puzzled.
"Your a legend here." She said, her eyes gleaming. "You don't remember I had been your waitress everyday when you guys would come. Your love so pure and magical it made me believe."
Suddenly the images were flooding back into my head. The ones of the giddy waitress we used to make fun of. The one we thought had a crush on you. We had laughed it off, you would remind me how I was your only one. But now it all fit into place. She hadn't been watching you, she had been watching us., mesmerized by our love that's what she had been doing.
If only she knew.
If only she knew that our love had failed, that you had cheated.
Our love had once been a blossoming flower, now all it was was a distant memory.
A gust of wind pulled me out of my daze. I noticed the waitress had been stareing at me all along with questioning eyes. I knew I should have been nicer, more apealing but this went along with all of the things I wish I was.
The sound of an schreeching door being opended caught my senses, everything hapend so quickly. I saw his face. That face which had haunted me all these years. The one which appeared in my dreams, day after day, I would wake up sweating, screaming his name for help. The hysterical cry I wouild scream, but he would never come. Nor would he answer my calls.
The anger boiling up in me once more, I swiftly forgot the love I had felt for him earlier this day. I wanted to remind him of everything. All the hurt he caused me, the tears shed on his behalf. I hated him for everything.
For the way he made me blush when he would wink at me.
For the way he caused me to act in sivere ways.
And for the way he made me love him so deeply that I had to make myself angry at him.
You were a few feet away from me, enough for me to reach out my hand and touch you. Everything around us was silent. It seemed as though all eyes were on us. I could hear the distant sounds of a cricket and I was definite you could hear my loud breathing or the accleration of my beating heart. Pounding against my chest, it acclerated with each cautous step you took.
I could smel your chlonage, your famillar smell rininging up the senses which have been held hostage for so long. Your aroma taking up the air, ******* out all the oxygen making it hard for me to breathe. Taking deep breathes, I couldn't help but feel compelled for a moment. I would have done anything you wished.
The awkwardness hit upon us. All we did was stare at eachother. Unable to speak I was hoping you would start. My mind blank, full-speed I tried to skim my brain for a word, anythjing. Everything seemed forgien to me. I felt useless. Parralyzed.
But I couldn't help but realize you were stareing at me with the same baffled expression as I was to you.
A word escaped your mouth. Your voice sounding like bells, having a musical ring to it. It caught me off gaurd, causing my heart to skip a beat. Just like the old days.
Looking around me I noticed the cracked wholes in the wooden walls, the hardwood floor beneath us, dusty with names carved into it. While you stared at me waiting for a response, my eyes skimmed over the floor beneath us, desperatly searching for it. That one thing that would remind me of what you did. So that I wouldn't fall for you once more.
There it was::
'Jake&Florence-F;&A.;' But starein
g at it closely, I noticed the one thjing I had been looking for. The word 'Florence' had been crossed out and replaced with 'Nicole'.
My best friend which you stole for me.
Bringing my attention back up to you I fought back the tears which had been trying to force there way out.
"Save it." I spat, not before letting the heel of my shoe dig into the wood earasing our names from the hardwood floor. Forever.
florence Sep 2012
Its the words that we hear, the life that we seek that makes us impeckable.
I listen deeply to your soothing voice, cherishing each word you tell me.
You used me.
Broke my heart.
Than dated my best friend.
You made us fall into a gab, made us hold on to the past for dear life. Things will never be the same all because of you.
She said she was sorry, but sorry doesn't mean anything when you can't accept it. I lost you. Than I lost her. The two most important people in my life.
I lost hope. I tried to converse with my peers but all I ended up doing was bashing her. The one you stole from me. They got tired and stopped trying to make me happy like I once was. Like I was when I was with you.
Each day, I would walk the halls to see her with you. My anger would boil in my vains, and all the memories between us would hit me like bullets. All the times you told me you loved me. All the times you held me close, when you never let me go. All the times you wishpered in my ear how much I changed you. All those times were gone, forgotten, like a gust of wind, you forgot about us. But I could never forget, even the countless times I tried its too hard. You left a whole in my heart, one that can never be perpared.
Than I see you. See you with her. I feel the pain once more. The urgeing sensation to graspe you from her grip and make you mine once more. To be able to call you mine once more.
But that can never happen. Or so I thought.
The days pass by that your with her. That you are caught up in every aspect of the one I used to call best friend. Now I only call her words that are beyond my reach, ones that I regret the moment they leave the tip of my lips. But I stay loyal, I never spread her secrets. Nor do I hope she will fail. Instead, I wish her luck with you; the guy who made my heart bleed with hate, you changed me. Some might say its for the better but all I can say is you changed me in a way that I can never be pepared again.
The sun sets, the moon rises and the stars are twinkling in the dark sky, when my phone rings. I see your name. The name I spit on with hate. I let it go to voicemail not wanting to hear your voice, scared that if I do the tears will start again. I wonder how that's possible, since I wasted all my tears on you but yet I'm proven wrong its possible.
Your voicemail is cut short. I hear your voice, its strange at first but then I fall deeply in love once more with the way you pronouce my name. Full with love and admiration. I'm falling for you once more. Falling slowly, and slowly. But when the end is near I think of you and her. The pair who made me suffer all those nights, the ones who made me cry myself to sleep.
Then I fall full speed into the whole, the rocks crashing on top of me. I scream, and scream untill I realize I am stuck. How much I try to push my way through there is no use.
I am stuck in your wrath forever.
5  years. 
5 long years filled with related concepts always bringing my thoughts back to you. 
I tried to forget. Belive me. But somehow its like you are carved into me like wood. I could never forget you. 
Its been 5 years since I last saw you. I wonder each morning when I wake up if you changed. Or if you still have that charming smile, and that flirty personallity But the thought that comes across me the most is if everyone falls for you as hard as I did or it was only me. 
You made my heart bleed that senoir year. You made me fill endless emotions towards you, and all I got in return was a wink and a "hey baby we didn't say we were exclusive" 
Those words burned through me. Leaving me with only hate to deal with. I made a vow with myself I would forget you. But it was impossible. Every where I turned I saw your flawless face within my reach. Your pulmp lips wishpering my name soothingly making me fall only deeper in love with the fake you. I made a character out of you. One which loved me with all its heart and cared for me endlessly. 
I tried to believe it was true. That there was such a thing but once again its only a fantasie. Soon I will be brought into reality to see you with her. She who shall not be named. 
Its the day that changed me once again. A day which you made me choke and feel the emotions you cast on me once again. My phone vibrates, for a moment I belive its a dream as your name blinks on the small screen. I feel the anticipation arising throughout me. Why would he be calling? I thought while picking on my nails. My hands shaky, I picked up the phone. And once again I fell beneath your spell. 
"Florence..." I heard your voice say. The world spinning around me I was almost lost in your voice. Snapping back into reality I prayed my voice wouldn't brake, that it would be stable but once again life is against me. 
I cleared my thraot, the curses I was getting ready to say formng in my mind. All the things I wanted to remind you of ready to come bursting out of me. But at that moment only one thing came out. One word. "Jake....." I heard myself say it. The way my voice said it, it was as there hadn't been 5 years between us. And we were just back on that night, in senior year, when you held me close and wishpered to me. 
I didn't realize it was quiet untill I heard ask me if I wanted to delete this message. I saw I had a miss call from you. You of all people. I was gettng ready to blast you but all I could think was if I should call you back. But then my phone rang, and I saw your name once more. 
One voicemail. That's all it took for me to rush to the phone and want to hear your voice again. I picked it up, feeling the nerves arising beneath me, the goosebumps starting to form on my arms. "Hello." I breathed into the reciever. 
"Florence?" I heard your voice ask. The same voice that I heard on the voicemail, the same voice that you had over me the years before. 
I tried to compose my voice, trying to make it like I forgot you. But in reality it was the exact oppisite. 
"Yeah, its me." I said in a strained voice. 
Suddenly slience struck upon us. None of us said a word. Just the dead selience between us. The tension high. 
But I didn't mind it. 
For what was there to say to the man who destroyed any ounce of belief I had in me? 
To the man who left me when everything was wrong. 
Now he calls me, I know what I must do. 
But in the end love does a funny thing to you; no matter how much you try to lock someone out, deep beneath the depths the right guy always finds the key. 
You foiund the key, opening the door slightly I heard your voice. Looking around me horror crept into my whole body, making me frozen in place. "......I was a **** and idiot...." You trailed off on the reciever. Barely listening to your words I was too caught up on the way you made me feell, the way you made everything appear perfect.
That night, the night you barged in and put me under your spell once more. Compelled by you I acted like your puppet, mimicking your every movement, following your every order. The distance between us fulled with tension. The anxiety of seeing your face again, uprising beneath me, while I took each step cautously to the Diner.
The Diner.
The place were everything had once been perfect between us. You would play with a stroke of my hair, I would giiggle in apparation as your gaze would be locked on mine.
Everything completely perfect.
Now, as I step foot into the diner, the goshtly images of us by our daily table, the one in the back corner. For a moment I could swear I saw us giggling and smiling at eachother. But as I look back the figures are gone and all that's there is an empty chair.
I walk in, immidently I am greeted by a middle aged waitress. Awe shown on her wrinkled face. "You here again?" She squels in delight. I looked at her puzzled.
"Your a legend here." She said, her eyes gleaming. "You don't remember I had been your waitress everyday when you guys would come. Your love so pure and magical it made me believe."
Suddenly the images were flooding back into my head. The ones of the giddy waitress we used to make fun of. The one we thought had a crush on you. We had laughed it off, you would remind me how I was your only one. But now it all fit into place. She hadn't been watching you, she had been watching us., mesmerized by our love that's what she had been doing.
If only she knew.
If only she knew that our love had failed, that you had cheated.
Our love had once been a blossoming flower, now all it was was a distant memory.
A gust of wind pulled me out of my daze. I noticed the waitress had been stareing at me all along with questioning eyes. I knew I should have been nicer, more apealing but this went along with all of the things I wish I was.
The sound of an schreeching door being opended caught my senses, everything hapend so quickly. I saw his face. That face which had haunted me all these years. The one which appeared in my dreams, day after day, I would wake up sweating, screaming his name for help. The hysterical cry I wouild scream, but he would never come. Nor would he answer my calls.
The anger boiling up in me once more, I swiftly forgot the love I had felt for him earlier this day. I wanted to remind him of everything. All the hurt he caused me, the tears shed on his behalf. I hated him for everything.
For the way he made me blush when he would wink at me.
For the way he caused me to act in sivere ways.
And for the way he made me love him so deeply that I had to make myself angry at him.
You were a few feet away from me, enough for me to reach out my hand and touch you. Everything around us was silent. It seemed as though all eyes were on us. I could hear the distant sounds of a cricket and I was definite you could hear my loud breathing or the accleration of my beating heart. Pounding against my chest, it acclerated with each cautous step you took.
I could smel your chlonage, your famillar smell rininging up the senses which have been held hostage for so long. Your aroma taking up the air, ******* out all the oxygen making it hard for me to breathe. Taking deep breathes, I couldn't help but feel compelled for a moment. I would have done anything you wished.
The awkwardness hit upon us. All we did was stare at eachother. Unable to speak I was hoping you would start. My mind blank, full-speed I tried to skim my brain for a word, anythjing. Everything seemed forgien to me. I felt useless. Parralyzed.
But I couldn't help but realize you were stareing at me with the same baffled expression as I was to you.
A word escaped your mouth. Your voice sounding like bells, having a musical ring to it. It caught me off gaurd, causing my heart to skip a beat. Just like the old days.
Looking around me I noticed the cracked wholes in the wooden walls, the hardwood floor beneath us, dusty with names carved into it. While you stared at me waiting for a response, my eyes skimmed over the floor beneath us, desperatly searching for it. That one thing that would remind me of what you did. So that I wouldn't fall for you once more.
There it was::
'Jake&Florence-F;&A.;' But starein
g at it closely, I noticed the one thjing I had been looking for. The word 'Florence' had been crossed out and replaced with 'Nicole'.
My best friend which you stole for me.
Bringing my attention back up to you I fought back the tears which had been trying to force there way out.
"Save it." I spat, not before letting the heel of my shoe dig into the wood earasing our names from the hardwood floor. Forever.
Neuvalence Aug 2023
We wither like embers adrift the winds
With dreams set to depart eastward
Packed bags carrying rations, hopes
You sought to venture:
The beds of roses, bustling lands to scour
Enter the crowds' billowing cheers

In the city's grandeur, eyes glaring upon you
There at the centre, you stood:
Empty in mind.
Your flame roused.
A Silence that could sink you into a grave
Turbulence beneath the weight

Locking yourself into the burrows
We become pale peeking boarded windows
Counting passers-by like sheep
Conversing with them—only in mind
Have you become friendly to the Silence?

I share a dream on a warmer night
To know your docile embrace
And willingness to return
There’s only so much space in the dark

A vision or a memory...
You stood at the pavilion with broken thoughts
Still ready to quell your fears and set it ablaze
And rest yourself into the fissures

Will you miss the Silence when you leave?
I hope to see the flames in my slumber.
I'm back again
Julia Shaw Oct 2021
What is Silence?
By Julia Shaw

Silence is snow falling outside your door
Turning the world into seamless white
Covering up all things ugly and impure
Quietly caressing the earth through the night

Silence is a mime telling stories without words
Using only features by his face recorded
He's understood perfectly though his voice isn't heard
By all that see him he's greatly adored

Silence is a window through which one can look
Seeing wondrous things, but not hearing a sound
Silence is also realized in an interesting book
Where exciting stories can always be found

Silence is sitting and thinking thoughts alone
That no one can know really understand
But thoughts make up what your life has sown
In your silent thoughts, I hope they are grand
WiltingMoon Aug 2016
The violent whispering steps of the girl that walks the moon, and swims among the stars.
Shall forever be the lullaby that sings me to my curtain closing sleep.
Before I hear my own steps echo through the abyss of the unknown universe...
Albero Centrale Apr 2014
The Ocean
On the surface

Her bare feet meet the tide running up to her
The burning words
from them stuck in her head
Telling her she wasn't worth it
Her head now submerged
Silence filled the empty space around her
And then it was black.

-Andrea Christine
Jon York Mar 2012
She will be open
and yet mysterious and concerned
but not really very serious
yet she will have class without pretence
and style without offense .

She will be able to  laugh
but will be somewhat serene
and she will take the time to dream
yet will sit in slience when there is nothing to be  
said and she will talk about her freedom
that she lives everyday.

This is the women that I look for  
and I wonder where are
you are hiding my love
because I have sought you
for so long.

I will care not whose you were
or even whose you are
because when I see you
and look into your eyes you
will know that you
are mine.

Each day without you
will never come again and I wait in hope
and sorrow thinking that maybe
you will come tomorrow
and connect with my soul.

Love was before birth
and love is after death and the emotions
that I have explored here
are very near to my heart
and I hope that I have expressed
them well.                

These were my thoughts
and emotions when I met her
but she stayed for only two years
and now now she is gone.

I sit here knowing that another
will come soon and I will try again
to make my dreams
come true.                           

I have to remember
that people live and die but
I know that there  is a place for me
in someone's eye...         Jon York        2012
jg Oct 2014
It was a moonless night, The sky was dark and sad, just like her eyes
She's been a victim of all those memories and all those lies
But still remains so beautiful
I still can feel the touch of her hand
Her cold touch against the heat above my skin
Deceive, confused and speechless
Slience speaks when words cant you whispered
It was a moonless night, but it was a beautiful one
We promised each other as the stars shone above us
that we are left to keep the memories of what we felt and what we were.
Rachel Giudici Feb 2014
All Of ME
written: july 8th, 09 Wednesday

broken desire,
unbearable pain,
haunting passion,
white room dreams,
all equal secret insanity.
all equal me.

your skin
your lips
your eyes
your tears
temptations that possess me

i still dream of you
and it pushes me over tha edge
as i scream in slience
and i hear you voice in my head
suductive and kindless

taunting me
haunting me

just illision
i'm delusional

i want you so badly
you make me forget
the regret
and the incurable infections of my heart

you can call me selfish
i am
but your a insure desperate man

paranoid thoughts,
deprived imagination,
isolated pride
and sweet desperation

you and me and our bodies
you and me and our bodies

as i breathe in your name
and my lungs hurt with tha pain

something i can never have
i tasted the sweetness and i want it bad

your magical sin
giving impurities  

now you have all of me
Dakota Schmidt Jun 2010
Would you chase me down
If I ran from your gentle eyes?
Would you keep your promise
Of never having to say our final goodbyes?

Would you hold me in your arms when
I need you most?
Would you be there for me when
I need you close?

Would you take my hand in yours
And tell me you love me?
Would you be there to slience my
Loving plea?

Would you help me every time
My control would stray?
Would you be by my side
Every step of the way?

Would you try your best
To ease my pain?
Would you be there to
Make me sane?

Would you still be there when I
Believe I am a lost cause?
Would you still love me for
All of my flaws?

Would You?
Alex May 2021
Bitter sweater weather full of ice and broken heart. Haunting thoughts, hunting you with a mind of memory. Memories Gilles with laughter and those pearly, white smiles. Flashes of that yellow hoodie, I remembered how perfectly it was fitted to you. Flashes of yellow hoodies, and warm hot chocolate we drank to **** the frostbite. The taste of sore strawberries, turned spoiled, as footprints along shore, marked the exit. The one you used when silence drowned, the one you used when my face drowned you.
allein May 2019
My eyes are tired
So is this heart
I've talked to Him
I really did

Actions of the Enemy—
It became so loud
Poundering my very being
Blinding me from the light

Walking straight to the end
Pavement—dead end
Eyes wandering
In a dome—closed set

Mirror mirror on the wall
Can't you remove the wrong
Replace what's pleasing to the eyes
Bring relief to this heart of mine

I was made by the Master Potter
I know—every word
I know—it won't ever change
But people, people—

I beg of you
Might as well kneel before you
Your words line up in a cue
And here I'm thinking there's no cure

To such mouth
Nasty—too sharp
Sheering my covers,
My layers, my being

Let time reveal
Is that it?
Show that you can fight
Is that it?

I can't think straight
I can't love myself as of now
Not the way I used to
Let time pass by

And maybe,
Peace will be
In this heart of mine—
Tunnel of a mind
let thy words speak to you
S Smoothie Feb 2018
The midnight moonlight strained through the veils that hung either side of the old house's glass soul garners beset in lead white painted frames; trickling  onto heavily treaded, rich walnut boards. It was an inviting tease, but seemed so far away than it did last midnight. The clock hadn't quite struck the hour, but sensing it was close began anticipating when...

A tiny draft nudged the curtains ever so lightly, elegantly. The darkness of the last days had taken their toll. Everything seemed to protest the efforts funneled into escaping the swallowing coverlet of the bed. But the moon beckoned and its call was a sadness  too  loud to ignore. A moment  of resolve had the tenses at readiness and just as the final vault was about to be taken,  the chimes heralded the hour.

Startled, the vague  sense that a third chime had resonated, releasing its self into the night and melding with the walls into silence. Senses finally consorted themselves into some less vague awareness.  The clock's official count had begun...4...5...6...7 ...8 - a beat as always on the ninth, a quiver 10... 11...12... a delicate fade for 12th's swan song . the hungry serpent slience, quickly swallowed the room once more.

It's hard not to think in the deafening silence. It seems to breed thoughts from mere dust particles, like those captured by the moonstreams  pouring  through and making rivulets between the textures of the worn grains of the heavy wooden boards.

Staring at the glowing, gently suspended swirling particles, lit and extinguished as they dipped in and out of the pale blue-grey filems. They seemed so happy elegantly dancing in the moonlight. Envy struck a renewed a determination to bathe in its entrancing soft light.

Desperate muscles fired and the old bed protested from such a vigerous rousing and flung its squatter into the abyss! Suddenly  falling to the floor helplessly in an unexpected motion. A frozen moment spent an eternity registering its self in the senses. A blink and acknowledgement. A second blink confirming the ridiculous state of affairs! Lying like a broken puppet waiting for some other source of mobility as the mental strings were tugged one by one working its way around asertaining possible movements that would not further confound the tangled mess of limbs.

Slowly a plan emerges. Gathering the strings drawing up limbs propped against the still protesting creaks of the old bed. A final heave and a somewhat vertical slant, gave way to vertigo. Wafting centrivically left to right anchored by arms clutching screaking posts. Pressed Darkness from obedient lids offered a slight repreive.

The  moon waited paitently, peaking under and over a bevy of clouds. Heartbeats counted down the long voyage to the land of respite. The beauty called hauntingly, telling of a wanting so powerful, so necessary,  that eyes and moon ached in symphony.

The  whole house seemed to want to urge on the meeting of moonbeams  and iris. The cool air coalesced around uncertain feet placing invisible wings upon ankles. One foot drawn slightly past the other slid on cool waxed boards.

Enforced  Blindness seemed to be fitting as hands reached out for the window seat. An endless push and desperatte fumbling finally succeed in finding the hard ledge and once heaved up by protesting muscles onto the fitted cushion with the throw wrestled awkwardly and finally drawn up and over, a deep breath took in the fragrant night air.

Sitting quietly for a moment, listening to the faint fllutters of the winds secrets. The moonlight gently pressing into the translucence of thin eye lids urged sweetly to be admired with a sincere promise of exceeding the glowing return. Slowly, unable to resist such gentle persuasion,  a readiness creeped through gathering momentum and eyes slowly flickered open absorbing the beauty. The warmth of relief welled up.  The moon, appreciated so, shined its best!  Having been so lost in quiet symbiotics, the ambience was suddenly pierced, as a solitary chime brought with it, the reminder that one is alone, like the moon in a sea of stars.

Some things are worth it.  Appreciation is a lost art left to those who are happy or dying.
Semihten5 Jun 2017
empty streets
do you know to slience

difficult questions
the diagnostic unresponsiveness

cheap ways
try to sneak

into the abyss
look a little

a bitter song
listen all day

in the heavy rain
it get wet so

everyting gains
each experience
Semihten5 Jul 2017
deep speech
meaning in eye
not any supposed know
in a short time zone
it is believed as life long

because it moment the meaning of life
Anndreana Brooks Jul 2018
You locked me in a box and  hid my screams from the world
You told me I wasn’t **** and destroyed my sphere .
You ******* stepped on my left hemispheres.                      
you left me in the dark .You  ******* left me 4ft and confounded, you ******* left me in the dark without the truth
Slience anger and madness you locked me in a box
Rashiyrah Jul 2018
There is a flower
That blooms at night
Once a year
Petals open
A spectacular performance
Of movement
Of unfolding
Of sensitivity
To light of moon
To sound of slience
To touch of breeze.
For the one
Who remains sentient
Who has anticipated
The movement
The unfolding
The sensitivity
To light of eyes
To sound of breath
To touch of hand
The rare experience lingers
Leaving residue of beauty
Of addiction
Of want
Of conflict
In mind
In heart
In hand
In movement
Humility begat awareness
Awareness begat patience
Patience begat contemplation
Contemplation begat hesitation
Hesitation begat eagerness
Eagerness begat boldness
Boldness begat movement
Of gentle fingers
Manipulating petals fully open
Caressing guards put down
By light
By sound
By touch
The Queen of the night
Chocolate daisy
At four o'clock
The evening primrose folds
Upon the sound of the angels trumpet.

Semihten5 Jun 2017
a vase
fell to the ground
refraction of sound
the cat got scared
a moment's slience
the pieces scattered

the next day

a vase
it was  standing at the table
Semihten5 Jul 2017
he passed the desert
distant gaze dry
bad blood from autumn
thirst from the scorching summer

he seen a nightmare
therefore his insomnia
his fears since-childhood
his  recession comes from own within

he was haul
unbearable fatigue of the body
from the wild waves

hoarseness of voice from shouting
he dressed in black
the intesity of grief on his face
weeping eyes
slience from the pain of his heart
Alie Sep 2018
Dont talk anymore
All i need is slience
Wont you smile at me
No one can be my friend like you can

Leave it alone
Everyone says things like that
All i need is to get through it
Voyage this long journey with me
It will all be over soon
To say good bye is all i want
To bad im already gone

Monique Sep 2022
Ever felt at ease when being around someone? Ever felt fearless and safe at the same time..
We sit in slience but our minds wonder through eachothers souls, no need for communication.Words are still thoughts,
yet already understood.
Astra Aug 2020

None of them can fill the slience
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2020
In a world of frequent terror
And no ultimate hope

Slience and basketball
Is how I cope

— The End —