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Kara Jean May 2016
Tightly forcing her body against the clay
Scraping her tarnished skin, on its unforgiving stones
Unhinged, narrow thought became disturbed
Intention, soaking the soils energy
Becoming one with nature
Persuit, rapid decaying
No trail of life
Evidence faded
Secluded mountain peak
30 miles in, her only goal accomplished
Her pocket knife she holds over head
Pretending to cut the fluffy clouds in half
One fast Stab
She lays in her vanishing grave
Mallow Jul 2015
Misty gaze, jittered breath
Sun burned skin ironed to stop the creases.
The fly never ceases to change direction
it follows mightily close.
Boxed into a shadow, one which no one else can see
How can that be?
Claim the sights as mine or ours?
Leave to follow mans created hasty pursuit
Chasing the everlasting scent of the poisoned flower.

The big man has too many sayings, creates etchings with his words
Repeatedly lost in the background of distasteful play,
All numbers numerate to a phantom deal
Answers long slipped under broken tables.
Open fields are searched like space,
Meteors fly spitting fire with gunshots
Shining towards an illusion of a finish line.
Crawl westwards some will say, crawl right, or jump and hit the explosive beckoning.
Toulin Hussein Nov 2014
A desire , a crave we look among it as if a dream and till this day I ask myself why?
What drives this desperation towards such an simple thing, what leads to the hunger and deficiency  to what it may bring .
What is this prodigious desire that even the rich cannot even admire.
What is this delectable delight, that makes the eyes of those who seek it shine like stars in the night ?
What is this mending enchantment, that cannot even be attained by the most powerful commandment?
I ask you now do you possess this heavenly thing? If you say no I will tell you it’s nothing but a broken string?
You desire but it is there , you crave it as you pull on your hair.
It is a small fire, a burning splint getting smaller it becomes a hidden glint.
You have the ability to make it shine, all you need is a little wine.
You have the ability to seek it through, with the love and kindness that comes from you .
Beneath the confusion outside, there goes on a battle between two wolves inside a seclusion of your brain but the inclusion of your heart.
Wolf evil, he is Anger, jealousy ,greed, resentment, lies and ego he feeds on your weakening fire like a weevil he feeds on your desire.
Wolf good, he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility and kindness . he is weak at times but he has the ability to create inside you a beautiful thoughts that ring like chimes.
Do you wonder which will be defeated and how this battle will sunder?
Like happiness it is simple. The one you feed is the one that grows.
So wonder, think, which wolf inside you do you feed the most.
TJ King Sep 2012
I will die in this forest of gray.
Growling, craving,
gnawing on callused hearts for their heat.

Appendages clawing,
reaching to the point of breaking for the

soft floating seraphs

that hang in the sky
like slats of meat,
left for the beasts to salivate
and hunger for the meat of their own.
SRS Jan 2015
In a world of black and white
I am grey
striving for perfection
as I wake up each day
isn't that what they want?
perfect grades
so theres something to flaunt
because the person I am
Just isnt enough
so they label me
but they label me wrong
so I'm expected to be
someone I'm not
yet they still wonder
why kids fall off
the face of the earth
with their heads in the clouds
like some kind of bird
deformed at birth
falling from the sky
because theyre taught they cant fly
glued to the ground
like statues
perfectly sculpted
to do as they're told
robots, with blood in their veins
not zombies
because we still have our brains
they've simply been washed
cleaned out and drained
then rebooted to believe we're all still sane
and whose to blame?
for disrupting the natural flow
all these rules and regulations
just let me be free
there's already order
how much more do we need?
I forgot how to breath
amidst these trees
which are written off
as property
and sent through factories
that make and create
a paper thats green
that rules our lives
in a world of greed
its always want
but what about need?
are people so blind
that they truly believe
cash is the key
in the persuit of happiness
we all reach to achieve
This is my attempt at spoken word, I want to present something for my schools talent show. I would LOVE feedback. :)
Objectual attachments to material things
cars and gold and shiney rings
The less you have, the more its apparent
that these possesions leave you incoherant
Unresponsive to change
comfy in ignorance
humans are quite strange
Externally subtracted
its a fatal attraction
Internally is where we thive
looking through the minds eye
Over and through
Im done with the lies
pluralized and despised
making money that makes you cry
When you dont have enough to get by
it can be really tough
trying to eat like a heath food nut
Real soul food is love and trust
and the persuit of Happyness
from a life lived with less.
Lettie Hammond Mar 2013
Dolphins once free in a vast ocean
wild intelligence captured in Taiji Cove
after hours of exhuastive persuit by men in boats
Desperate families try to shield their calves
witness to blood bath slaughter
for the meat trade
Others to be penned and starved
when broken and hungry they learn to eat dead fish
are then sold around the world
to travel in tanks by road
to fly hundreds of miles
to be condemmed to a life captive
doing tricks for less intelligent humans.
Dogs made bad by dangerous owners
condemned to death
under the
Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Act 1997
passed by dangerous men.
Work in progress
Ollie Nov 2018
Picture a screen
All black
All dark
All something
But not nothing.

Life and creativity is what you are
But we hide that.
You hide that.
Who are we truly if nothing is so binding to see.

The black screen.
The darkness.
The evil.

We censor our true being.
Controlled by a society where happiness is the only persuit.

Look closer at the spark in the Forest
It's you.
As we get closer, the light begins to fade.
As people watch the light turns to nothing and blackness begins to crusade.

Embarrassed by what others might think,
We close our mouths and say -nothing-
Judged is ours to believe.

What do we do?
How do we stop the pain of others?
The perception of being nothing Isn't as bad as you thought.

But listen to me,
You are you,
And I am I,
We are us and
Everything is nothing

As cracks of light appear
-We should no longer see,
eyes opened to darkness fading into light.

Believing in -
darkness and nothing

  No faith.
  No life.
  No being.
  Eyes open.

I looked up,
I saw the meaning,
The meaning of me
The truth,
The inspiration,
The creativity,

I looked down
and back up
To see the darkness.
The black screen.
It was you!
Trying to acknowledge the pressure people feel when trying to express their creativity; realizing that the things stopping us isn't from the societal pressures but from one self.
Simon Quperlier Jan 2014
we've been in a hot persuit with sorrow,
tempted death with playful beckons,
not fearing of tomorrow, as we instigated war between angels and demons,
then compared pumpkins with melons,
the art of a dedicated farmer,
who only begged for his seeds to grow,
day in day out during summer,
we scampered at the beach then ended in the dhow,
the consquence of a missing skill,
then some of us wept under the moonlight,
with brokenhearts that never heal,
i remember i was hounded by a fright,
as i read the 4th line of this poem,
something beyond my physical potential,
a performance you cant even mime,
then politics, business and anything commercial,
a mere embarassment, traders were mean,
and just to rest the case, 2013 is over,
we have mobilized better schemes for 2014,
we are the movers and shakers.
Sa Sa Ra Feb 2017
She was on her way
she was bad
she made promises
she was addicted to guilt
she always made good in her promises
in the most horrible ways
i suppose they were lies
you knew better
on one hand
in retrospective
me, you and no one
is exception
just 3 words
in the english dictionary
i didnt read novels
i, if empath
did not learn the wares
in books, no where

no one i suppose is born into a full house
we only come from one
it turns out inherently
and only a matter of time
and we all have some strange words
the ones of faults we are not acute to
we've plenty our own

you know when your played
you know when your vulnerabilities and defenses have been
pushed to walls, come tumbling
more so crashing
as the perfect strorm
of all manifestation

she was on her way
you journeyed along
your paths were mighty
she said they and i
were wrong

it took so little time
the death pangs
so long
from light
to darkness
that swallowed

Dark Star
You knew, speaking for myself
Had it been a twist of fate all along
is that what life was
was this another spiral
pilot lost control
to save some empire
for some lost little girl
from the other side
you knew better of
there were no questions
no not really

Only confidences
in your manifest journey
of existence still
Dark star
break on through
the other side

Was it the rabbit hole
i didnt read that either
but know enough by now
if but for
upside down, inside out and backwards
was there some of that..

where logistics of love, life
liberty, justice, the persuit of happiness
simple decency, respect, recognition of another life
that was not an extension toy of your own whims and will
for some phony battle of arrogance
phony, epic, relentless
you know, senseless

from impossibilty twice
two entwined in impossibility
once again


She was beautiful
she was bold
well, well rooted
on the perfect spelll
of perfect earth
broad lovely branches
of every unique alluring curvature
every necessary size shape and placement
well leafed
in a perfect summer
perfect solace
back bracing shade

She was the tree of life
Whom came of love
Of course

Just three steps away

I can never forget her
She has not withered
no not a bit in rejection
She has more beauty, strength
and every lovely attribute
even more so still
of course on one hand
amazing grace
thee other


Just three steps away
Is life


I tried to refuse
to wake from this dream
By this morning
Two days I tried to
Escape from possibility

To understand the tragedies
On Valentines Day
'tis the day

It was the Sun
Both of them
Just yesterday
Twin Stars

Is it once again
Or always

Can one be
If not for another

To be or not to be

Twas, is not a question after all

For both must
And at Once

All Else


Yet I can't get over this thang
Not here, not by oneself

Not for long
Bless this earth and kiss the sky

And you have just admitted to the curse
We all carry in coins and purse


I still believe
And want that greater thang

I want it again, again

Begin again, again

For what I know
I have none of doubt
No one does

But what is so crucial
Is what it is about


From what I know
All is
or comes from love
Dark and Light

An infinitely deep
passion play

Keep it Love
Keep it Lite

A Heart that floats
Or be crushed

by the Light


Today again I tried not to wake
For I cared completely
Simply still


And here are we still
Not one

An extension
Of Another's will


No vice,
no *******

No choice
of poison
or pills

Love is life
Does all else ****


Bending, twisting, amending,
taking, faking, breaking
shading, fading

Another's will


Does Love not have willingness

Inherently shared
Can't be too far

from the beautiful tree of life

What is mine
What is your's


Twas it a question

An Illusion
Don't ever give up no matter what you wake or go to sleep with.
In my heart, mind being a parallel perhaps here...
Looking at the lyrics more so than catching some other vibe.
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.

Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.

Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.

And it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune,
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long,
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
rixons24 May 2018
Is love hard to find or are we lost in space
I guess money is all we've decided to chase
I do have qualms with such an unfair race
I think both here items should be in one phase

I know money is important but ur soul is too
Your soul needs to be fed as your pockets do
So in the hustle for that mula throw in some love-fu
even money has a way of saying "I love u too"
G Fairbairn Mar 2013
Planted seed, growth deprived
winter ground, barren, hostile
frozen peace.
Elements kind
nurture inside wholeness
Broken rainbows whispers
invite sorrows morrows beaten
Way of Being
spoken delights
spirit renewed horizons
Theodore Dec 2012
...fl0wers thr0w their petals at her feet f0r she be w0rth the seas0nal bl0om,her radiance be eternal that like a new born sun...a new light that burns bright...bless the eye that lays eyes 0n her...a true blessing t0 the gift 0f be thy name

All in the persuit to make your heart grow fonder of me...
Kevin Deering Jul 2015
There is not a measure exists in world, that can examine the mysteries of the heart that loves you. I did not know the depth, the vastness. That if one was to dive an everending fall. There are seasons to this world, the summer to the month of may, the cold and ice, come christmas. I am around when everyone sleeps. When those that want dream, and the steps to the sky are clear to the naked eye. I watch and tell sweet stories, now and of past, of the former and propper ways of a world unknown, And witness growh. Growth of an unknown kind and fall of a told kind that goes unnoticed.
My time is silent, clouds move across my head and face. Whispers of something I wait to embrace. I am not alone, I know this from the warm that approaches.From that which beats of pureness, a glowing that expands past reaches of understanding, beyond discovery. There is no conceavable end to your love and beauty. This time that I exist sees things that move Without the want of eyes to see, move slowly then quickly then again I am far above. I see alot of things and cannot speak. So I spread my arms, wide and hope I will not go unnoticed. It hapens now your time is approaching. I admire you daily. Time stands still around you, wishing to freeze itself. You rise, eyes open and gaze up longing to be near you. You have a glow so bright.You stretch around the round, around the figure that I surround. It motions, it moves things drop and fall. They do not understand but they try. You guide, your given to see the hope that is inside. To feel not alone, but one. The night and the Sun. We meet sure yes on the streets. While I lift my veil I glance knowing you will always be there, while hurt upon a flower your flame would burn to close. You see, you look up as you create your pressence, and move away me, the night. They will always look up knowing that you are there. Why does it rain? To bring moisture to all the pain. I tried to bribe the clouds you see, I promised them somehing in a far off place. But you are there no matter,because they see where they are going. You are the persuit of a greatness that will last forever. Nohing overwhelms. You know me and yes you love me. While you go down to sleep I will watch over and keep. Keep for you the sun, the things that you have won. When seasons change you effect the growing. Things move towards and not away. You are wanted, you are loved. I cannot speak and you are the sun. Forever we shall dance and know that we are one. We will know that without the other no longer we exist. The last, these few words, few gestures I promise it will be well. We are married to one cause. To contain and to inspire.For created I am endless and you the entire. Entire hope stilled upon the end of a pin. A point to prove. I see you, you see me now let us on the horizon be
Nina Campos Feb 2015
When you’re an artist you’re taught to critique masterpieces.
“What could you change about this piece?”
“Can you identify the medium?”
“What is the artist’s message?”
I’ve gutted dozens of artworks.
I ran through the lists identifying the
flaws and pin pointing the meanings.
But then I was struck with a piece
so beautiful that not even God
himself could view it for too long.
I searched for any flaw, I looked for the medium and was unlucky in my persuit. Though my peers could easily critique the piece, I could not.
The more time I spent with this art
It became even harder. So I started
searching for a meaning.
What was evident in my search was to stop looking. I figured I needed this piece in my home, but the price was far too high for my income.
I saved every penny I had, but with he competing bidders the price just rose and I fell short. Plagued by grief I finally realized that when you crave something so wonderful and unforgettable, you must keep trying to hold it dear.
From that day on I have not critiqued another piece, I’ve found my job unsatisfying.
I’ve been given a choice to let the piece go, but how could I let something so angelic fall into the crevices of hell?
more of a story
Sorry, my phone doesn't have internet and isn't a smartphone, I don't get your emojis and don't get your links, I try and I wish I could be there for you, yet i rush away as soon as i feel down, knowing i need you, i still run way i try and push, but, i cant..break.. away, i run and i hide from my problems all day, im not a true man i... just... can't.. takeee ittt.... but now that I've met you i try and fight them just as their human, i run and i fight instead of running and hiding, i bring the fire when i feel cold, i fight my own battles as just as show, youre the only person knowingly that stays right by my side, im sorry i cant be there just all of the time, i push and pull yet you seem so far, im breaking the barrior for the walls that are hidden in the corners just waiting for you, to behind yet just a random one while i continue my persuit, i just keep running and searching for truth and on that one random day i found you and fell for my heart, not knowing the feeling i asked for help, all of a sudden im making you blush, im making you laugh and feel emotions, i try and push for me to break our sadness knowing i can onllyyyy fix myy seellfff~
I wrote this for someone, it means a lot to me, sorry im not using a poem style font for this, I write storys more then poems
Let me go turn me down
go *******
       your just a clown
Your the source of the problem your employed to effect
         go *******
don't want your check
Act like you give a **** but I don't even care deny every try as if u care set me up for failure but I'm already there

             So go *******
while i **** on
Thank god for drugs or I'd be
     bbb gone
You people make me feel insane  like why **** do I play this game of I can't win and you don't try it makes  no sense I'll just get high at least then I can float away and live my **** some other day since it won't go I can't stay so up in smoke I go away if you look real close from every way you just may   find there no ***** forgiven today
When you let go of what hurts you everything starts to fall into place just gotta have the Faith  and the will to reach the persuit of happiness
Sum It May 2014
Sometimes when we cross
each other these days,
I almost forget
we are no more the same 'us'
But still we smile
talk, drink coffees
chating, mumbling, teasing
you talk about your ex
I also talk about you
And I wonder what is so funny
But in persuit of Living the Moment
I laugh with you
And nothing ever changed
We just lost each other
Must be the beauty of 'us'
With you at the opposite corner
All my memories of tragic aftermath
I hardly remember the frustrations
Its been so long.
Just so, we are nomore chained
and as we part, .............................
(Please let's spend all day together)
Rachel Dyer Aug 2016
Time has blessed this place
It has left it un-ravaged by the relentless persuit of progression
The future is bright and beautiful and blessedly far away here.

The grass sways with the thousands of ghosts who march through the fields
The sun puts on the same play millions have watched for millennia. As they sit on the grassy slopes still quite present.
The tress bend to carcass me the the way they have to countless others across my sacred history.
The very earth sings here in the language of time and blood.
Grounding you pulling you through the history that seems to fertilize this very place. This country shines green with time.
Kenric Wee Jan 2020
The roads have gone so long and wide
I did not know where to go
The mere thought of you blisters my mind
Nothing left for me to show

The pain that hurts me inside out
I cannot sleep through the night
A mind full of thoughts and doubts
The root desire fogs my light

Again I say, I may think too soon
The picture of you I try to erase
I try my best to stick to my tune
And yet again, I've lost my pace

I knew my days would come to an end
A lie I've been trying to hide
Something I knew I could not mend
The law of journey I cannot abide

Pain again, and again it seeps through
I gave up everything just for you
But leaving me is the happiness you'd want to pursue
Have made me so ever sad and blue
Khoisan Jul 2018
You play an integral part in the
Blueprint of creation
From the beginning until the end
God is relentless in his persuit to
Bring you back to him
Never mind what you do
Right or wrong
The only thing that God won't
Interfere with is your free will
To choose.
Forever under the shadow of his mighty wings
You are all included in
God's Infinite Bucket List
There is no greater love
Sirenes Feb 2017
There she sat across me calmly and sternly,
The kind lady who recruited me.
I had no words left to speak out.
They had disappeared in to the cubicle
I used to occupy.
I had kept quiet for the past weeks
Hoping that would soothe the boss
And her relentless persuit of me.

Not once would I regret the things I said
In my poor defence of problems
She caused and the blamed on others.
It wasn't her, I was just not smart enough.
It wasn't her inprudence and a software can't malfunction.
It was never her.

Sure I'm not perfect...
I willingly admit to that any day.
But I wasn't the first one
...and you won't be the last one
She attempted a smile
And said she'd call tomorrow.

But didn't it bother you

Yes but it wasn't worth quitting over

The truth is probably between the lines
And the enthousiasme of a Silverfox
A sweet man who never learned to lie.
Not even about the things
That were never introduced in words.
Or even a touch.

It all seems so unnecessary
But then I remember how she smiled
As he adressed her
And I realised my mistake
And what she was a victim of this time.
But it was never her fault.
I simply walked in to her territory...
Maria Williams Jun 2016
So glad to see you think I'm doing well.
But honestly,
I've been in a living hell.
You still resonate in my mind
Reminiscing on the times
Talking about time.
Talking about perceptions of perception.
A euphoria in listening to you rhyme.
How are things going?
Have you learned the same lesson a second time?
Are you in that same box as before?
I understand love is what made you go back to her.
I guess everything is about the persuit of happiness.
The light is bright at the end of dark tunnels.
Living color blind.
I'm in a bind.
The same vines that used to consume you,
Are now holding me back too.
And though I don't think either of us will ever be free,
I guess it's a life lesson.
Times three.
Mohd Arshad Jan 2019
The ship moves on to harbour,
At the mercy of the waves;

It's a persuit of goals,
At the current of passion.
freakysmind Mar 2018
the reflections i see
are not of me
they are of thee
misguided souls
misplaced goals
the persuit of happiness
when its found within those woes
weighed down broken in some parts
not knowing if one day it'll fall to pieces
broken by the fear of no sequel.
Vilene Joubert May 2019
The mind has it's own Faith
And in itself can make a Hell or Heaven

War in heaven was about
What caused Lucifer to turn against God

Fallen Angels who could not choose
Were forced to walk the earth
But neither group can leave this world
Because of one of their own
The rebel Angel rejected both sides of the war
God & Lucifer alike
All in his persuit of Human Love
So all remain on earth till he chooses a side in the Only war that has ever ben waived
The war we still see every day
Raging all around us

If the Risk is Worth the Reward.. Then why not just Go for it??

It is humility that makes men as Angel's & it was Pride who turned Angels into Devils ..

I'm tired of listening to everyone's twisting religious fables to fit their Own Believes!
You tell this story as if Love was just a choice ...
& with True Love ~ You do not get to Choose?!
I am a rage room,
Expliots of yesterday tumble within,
They see no shore,their voice goes thin,
They pry ,they seek this anger bashes them meek,
I trace these walls with a tender persuit,
To veil the blood that I ensued,
I'm these walls of flesh in an out,
Escape is clutched and dissolves within,
For in this rage room death is a sin,
I admire and then retire to these braided walls,
So perfectly aligned yet in all odds,
Rose i have never come to see,
Since when did beeding from the thorns become my destiny?
Bright koketso Aug 2024
Vanity of vanities! a persuit of wind,
What profit hath a man in his toil!
All is vanity! Life and death rewind
Dust thou art, and thou return to soil.
All flesh is as grass—Isaiah 40: 6
As the flowers of the field fadeth;
So was Abel's wither within six verses!
Flowers fadeth, likewise grass withereth!
We brought nothing in this world,
And it is certain we can accumulate non￾
All things are wearysome and wild,
There's nothing new under the sun!
Tomorrow is unknown, nor promised!
Life is as vapor, appears for a while
And then it vanishes in the mist!
All is vanity! All is scripted in the bible!
Trust no Future, howe'er be pleasant!
Let the dead Past, bury its dead!
Act, — react in the living Present!
Let your hearth within, God o'erhead.
Vanity vanity under the sun
Alone she left him dying as if a thousand daggers were there .
Alone he felt her breathing but he knew she wasn’t there .
Alone he stood as if for hours wondering where she had gone ?
then realised it must have been the flowers ,
O where did he go wrong ?

A single candel stick now lies flickering upon a lump of wax ,
where there once was a table and on that was a cat !

But the cat left when in hot pursuit of a mouse ,
which kept him thinking where on earth did she go ?

Now the dinner Theodore had set before her covered the room ,
from head to toe .

So Theodore as charming as men go ,
set off in hot persuit of the woman who he loved ,
through the door ,
she left her glass slipper on the floor ,
down the steps ,
and galloped away .

So to this day he still could not find her ,
and that was many moons ago .

So if you hear horses hoofs and neighing when you come to stay ,
Just remember Theodore isn’t far away .

— The End —