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Shawn Jul 2012
i swear that rain,
tasted sweet from that sky,
as if kissed by the sun,
spun like cotton candy,
to melt on my tongue.

i swear the wind,
speaks more than silence,
the calls of the distance,
echo in its grasp.

i swear that smile,
seemed to stretch further then,
across your face,
when in my vicinity.

i swear the chill,
of winter, common,
burns now like icy toothpicks,
on skin.

i swear that grasp,
tight, never fleeting,
felt impenetrable,
a barricade to outside blows,

i swear the pain,
overfills the brim of comfort,
leaving one lost,
maps, compass in hand.

i swear that second,
of breath, in sync,
heartbeats, identical,
fingers, interlocked,
mouths, pressed together
with perfect pressure,
ticked slower than time
could allow.

i swear these hours,
of moments, recalled,
eyesight, scattered showers,
breath, short bursts,
concentration, struggling
to find continuity,
time's course runs slow,
just as before.

but i swear that rain
tasted sweet from that sky
as if kissed by the sun
spun like cotton candy
to melt on my tongue
Denel Kessler Dec 2015
Best to absolve
the guilty
to hold pain
overfills the vessel
perpetrator and victim
awash in the same
liquid shame
spill this sorrow
let it become
a drop
in the vast
addy henderson Oct 2014
My cup of joe drank with woe
that you know
we all know
the nostalgic taste of bitter sweet presto

Problems pour
fill my cup
until i'm up

Down the liquid quickly
before it overfills
poison that's more sickly
when washing down your pills

Learned to cope without that cup
departed that rope
with my face up

Morning shattered my window
I fixed it
keeping it closed
but the day doesn't quit

I've come to understand
light is inevitable
a snap of the hand
at a beeping nightstand
Day Feb 2017
i am lying in the center of the universe, far as the eye can see
every planet, star, constellation all lying in the center of me

my breath ,moon dust, swirling in the oxygen i consume
,even filled with all of existence i will still make room

my heart overfills and spills the light of all the stars
yet, his space compares to that between the earth and mars

i never believed in heaven, but maybe a  celestial place
till a star fell from the sky and i looked upon his face

him and i, are nothing special, nor above the rest
but somehow the universe lies between his and my chest

we are lying in the center of the universe, far as the eye can see
every planet, star, constellation all lying at the center of him and me
thanks for all the love guys
sam h Aug 2015
i'm in an abyss
a hopeless sea
my tiny vines have escaped me
they reach to strangle
they reach to be
their reaches fail colossally
weeping grapes surpass their will
and release a stream that overfills
it kills the natives
it kills their foes
their drowning bearings decompose
the matter fills the deepened gorge
the water slowly is absorbed
i struggle to refrain my sick remains
from losing what i must sustain
Michael T Chase Mar 2021
A differential equation really tells me that reality can be examined by as many factors with as many changes over as many dimensions as imaginable.
And that orthogonality, tangency, surface area, and volume are basic orienting points, along with rates of change, and that I can transfer this data into a set that is much like a map.
However, it tells me only of concept and not the world, or only basic geometry of the world.
It tells me a lot about space and the symbols and numbers that represent such concepts.
Yet language tells me of my mind, and this math only points out that any change, volume, space, or objects in a dream can be seen with numbers and symbols - that spaces can be exact.
Which may say something about the future, but it can never tell me of the afterlife.
And that spirit/soul even in my materialistic theory means very little when confronted with a new universe.
If I go to another universe, universe B, from this universe A, then even with the transposing of *** and evil into companionship and innocence, in my understanding, these two changes would make the rest of the universe differ greatly.
Thus, the thought of the afterlife will always empty my mind of this universe, leaving me with no real full knowledge of life as I have yet to even use my senses in the next one.
I then always return humble while the atheist considers this universe to be eternal already, without prediction to experience anything greater than its synchronicities.
I have to give them a hand as I imagine this universe overfills them and are forced to deny the spirit rising beyond our cosmos, but rather affirm the spirit that is the totality of this one.
It sets no stage for memories, unfinished karmas, or meeting with the peoples of history.
Therefore, it places a great significance on today, a great significance on love that exists now, and a great significance on the works our forefathers left us.
I would say that this is superior for creating a sense of progress, a sentimentality for others, and a need to experience an openness with all this universe.
Above all else to check off everything on my bucket list.
3 AM
Sally A Bayan May 2016
Have You Ever-

felt the blazing sun too hot, it ****** your skin?
then, suddenly, falls a downpour of raindrops so thin.

Have you ever
seen steam rise from hot surfaces doused by the rain?
have your hands, ever
let go of a hot plate, or a hot pan due to burns and pain?

Have you ever
stopped to think and wonder
when so inspired
your flow of rhymes
in midstream, suddenly dies?

Have you ever
reached that point, where
the minutes, hours,
days, weeks, months of each year,
where...every breath you take,
is wasted waiting? And for your sake,
every drop of manage to imbibe,
and then you fight, every struggling second in your life.

Have you ever felt.....a brokenness
a spreading...widening blackness?
numbed you in the heat; in the cold, you almost froze
your lips do bleed...but no one sees, til they're too close
because, you cover them with bright colors...for show
you bear no signs of belligerence      
your pained moans and screams of resistance,
and get lost in a dark abyss...a  huge hole open your mouth...
and, like a wind that shout,
in that immeasurable depth, your voice glows, like embers,
yet, nobody's you, who always remembers.

You, are soaking wet...tap water continues to pour
bath tub overfills with stained, pained water all over the floor
the anesthetized edges of your brokenness, now cooled...softened,
go down the drain, and there, they get to be unfettered,
they flow out of your system, these bottled feelings;
even a brief moment of break...of freedom,
should be appreciated...

Have you ever thought of gratitude?


Copyright May 21, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
(by Creedence Clearwater)

Someone told me long ago
There's a calm before the storm,
I know; it's been coming for some time.

When it's over, so they say
It'll rain a sunny day,
I know; shining down like water.

I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain
Coming down on a sunny day?

Yesterday, and days before,
Sun is cold and rain is hard,
I know; been that way for all my time.

'Til forever, on it goes
Through the circle, fast and slow,
I know; it can't stop, I wonder.

I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain
Coming down on a sunny day?


I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain
Coming down on a sunny day?
JAC May 2017
A laugh bounces through the street below
Followed by that laugh's friends
A happy neighbourhood
Even this far into the evening
The sun was visiting elsewhere
Leaving a dull blue-grey
Spread over the sky.
A loop of those favourite songs we all had
Stumbles from second-hand speakers
You don't really hear them
Or rather, you don't hear them like you did
When you loved them.
This remedy-less loneliness
Is temporary
But you wouldn't know it to see it
It pulls you nowhere
And drags you into bed
It makes effort difficult
And overfills your head
With nothing it should be full of.
Spicy Digits Oct 2023
White notions of superiority
Blessed under white lights
Souls sold
Between punched holes
Ring binders brim-full
***** overfills
Scripted words
Meals of rotten platitudes.

Here is my grateful smile
Here is my pleated skirt
Here is my servitude
#work #equality #life #society
Adam Mott May 2014
The love poems
They come and go
Every last one meaning more and more
With motions of to and fro
The literary babes begin to grow
Through smiles and laughs
The glass of love overfills our bath
Sounds of joy, signs of life
Our home bright and warm
The hearth burning bright
Remember these images,
Remember, from the dawn of day
To the eve bridging night,
I love you more than you know,
For you, I will carry a pulchritudinous little light
So that we may relight the hearth
On the most frigid of winter nights

Take my hand, be that light
Let us love this time
For, we will be more than alright
It is but a bit of penance we pay
In order to love with such might

I love you baby girl,
With all possible might
For her, as always
Ottar Nov 2013
When you realize it was meant for you,
Do what comes natural to do,
Express your joy with hands above your head, open
hands, move your hips, your feet or
add a wiggle instead,
In your happy spot,
In your happy place,
let the joy shine from your face,
Let movement cast your message for every eye,
The rich emotions will not let this time pass by,
Space and spot, that you are unable to stand still
Happy, Happy, Happy, until you get your fill,
If it takes music turn it loud,
Blast 'em and Bless 'em with the joy that overfills
Share it because I know that it is true,
to receive,
and right now there are those around you,
that have forgot what joy looks like,
so Dance,
I said DANCE
in that happy spot, in that happy place
go on you tube, but don't hear me say
you have to dance this or that way,
it is the spot so play with your dance,
take the moment, take a chance,
to be too happy!

Cold night air got to me...
All are meant to dance,
all are meant to create,
all are meant to experience joy,
but somehow when someone
says we don't know how,
we believe them when our
heart, yea deeper our soul
says Dance, Create, Write,
because you were made to share,
the gifts the talents the learned skills
with others whose inspiration has become a
victim of desolation, and unkind spirits.
And Lies Dormant.
spacequeen May 2024
I fall in love with strangers
Admiring them as they are

My heart overfills with enjoyment
And I don’t know where to pour it all.
Descovia Apr 2021
There are many endearments
very pleasurable to listening ears
overfills the heart with abundance    
gives me life to receive and blessings
to revitalize my sorrow consumed soul

It puts a smile on my face
when my lover addresses me as


A male role model or sister figure calls me

"Hermano.  Brother."

You know what feels
better than having control over
all the riches in the world?

Having a small part of your love
blossom into a the most beautiful accomplishment
whom resonates with your essence.

What is the meaning of life to me?

Hearing him call me "Dad"

My placement as family, lives in the graceful hearts
and enlightened minds of unforgettable people.
It is truly meaningful to me.
One of the many things
gives me strength to expand
and continue like the sky

I swore on my life to provide.

I swore on my life to protect.

For my babies anything is possible.
Jean May 2018
Is talking a normal thing
families do at meals?
Is there something more to bring
Other than knives and forks and silence?
And does that silence often reveal
Something along the lines of defiance?

As we clear our plate
We talk of null
Only what we must restate
And once we sit a quiet fills
every seat of the table
No words left and so silence overfills

We sit and eat
Yet silence always feels like a threat
I must wave defeat
With a white flag of surrender
But can one do as much to forget
To not cry or even faltar?

Because when you dare
to speak aloud
to let words grace the air
You are only met with the feeling
That your words are not to be avowed
They are only meant for nothing

— The End —