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Tessellate Nov 2012
i had a thought.
i ran out of my room,
down the hallway,
and into the bathroom.

i wriggled out of my worn down, tie dye shirt.
hopping up and down as i pull off my
high-waisted jeans, pulling my pant leg with my foot as i
trample the dark denim to the ground.

i stand there naked, in front of the
harsh, full length mirror.
combing my fingers through my natural, wavy hair.
i contort my face in disgust, cocking
my head slightly to the side.

i close my eyes, and take one deep breath in.
when i open my eyes,
the reflection staring back at me is a thin, natural

Her smooth ivory skin glows in the
silvery reflective glass.
Her stomach is flat and toned.
Her ******* lay on Her chest in perfect
proportion to the rest of her petite frame.

i run my fingers down the sides of my body.
my palms trailing along, dipping and
rising with the mounds beneath my skin.

i close my eyes and open them again,
this time taking my reflection for
what it really is.

i am fat.
my skin is pink and spotted with freckles the
colour of blood.

my stomach hangs low, covering the part
a man should see when i'm naked.

my ******* are big.
but not in the way you'd like them to be.
they lay there, sort of lop-sided.
hanging just above my ribs. Another place for
fat to take over.

the cuts on my thighs are hardly noticable
next to




i can see tears in the eyes of the reflection staring back at me,
but i am numb.

i thought correctly. i am
fat. i am ugly.
Nobody in their right mind would want to
love me.
Pink Halverson Feb 2011
The old tainted laamp
Waits on the wood
Where wall meets wall.
for a lightening bolt to strike
in me.
Waiting for uniqueness
to flow.
Giving something as
noticable as the glow it once shed.
Yet storms are
delaying waiting for
their moment
to wake me up.
But as we both wait
for the unique
We'll just
and stare
at each other.
2005, 7th grade
Kara Jean May 2016
The women conspiring
She meant no pain
Her life is shadowy
She grew in beauty
Naturally she put on a show
Well noticable
In depths where her gut meets her heart
high voltage force, igniting
She was privileged, leaving hell
She could've freed the flocks in captivity
She closed her eyelids
Casual steps in vein
A void, cutting her insides
A wonderment why her point of view remains
Pure apology exchanged
Sight darkened when her eyes are opened
Unexpected she prays
How do I change
All expectations she never needed
Opinion unraveling, she pleaded
"Where is forwards deliverance"
Metempsychosis and Dream

Dramatis Personae ---

nYxEr0s -
an umbral being wielding the soul "morpheus nyktelios", in the shape of the sword of nocturnal dreams.
he can enter the dreams and sub-consciousness of trees, rocks, rivers, droplets of rain and people in order to restore inner balance, or destroy it.
he is the principality of earth and water intertwined.
the personification of ****** nocturnal desire and the night itself, and he wields the power to restore, fulfill of destroy dreams.

IrUx0iD -
a name that is whispered in nyxeros' dreams. the inverted and warped spelling of the secret name of his second self, his one true love; The Dioskouri.
this astral phantom wields the sword "Philopannyx", because his power and reason for being is to love the night, and all that the night encompasses.
one day these two variations of one purpose will meet, fuse in a loving and resplendent embrace and then the universe will devour itself, overlapping it's inexplicable film of pure darkness, converge the surrounding nothingness upon it's solemn silence in the darkness, and then light will be born and life will begin anew.


An eldritch and wyld prescence has manifested itself upon these desolate shores. Emanating from the deep soil of a long forgotten world. Rich with life and benevolence, but also terrible cruelty. It is very old, and at the same time, very young. A will of old, and a spirit of youth. It has taken the shape of a human boy. He has come from beyond the river of eternal sleep. The merciless kiss of death and mortal undoing has left a crest upon that precious dwelling-place of his dreams and young intellect, as it is called in the world in wich his chtonic vessel now unknowingly decays. Now this being has come to us, in his final stage of sentience. Deep in his soul, the nexus of a bleeding ocean, a forgotten dream is trapped in perpetual waxing and waning. Upon his moonlit countenance, two glass-like spheres are set. They belong to him. This luminous soul, fettered to this pathetic configuration of earth and water. two lonely, dark and unfathomable windows into the neverending vacuum of his soul. lying there. poured into infertile soil. alien soil. a mortal coil lying in listless apathy. human apathy. what is this human doing here? from what resplendent dream did he sojourn from and traverse through. oh liminal, boundless being, your tragedy will inextricably unfold, like the petals of a perfectly nourished and complete lotus. there is nothing your dying body can do. the contriving universe has manifested you in this abstract realm for a reason. a purpose. to discover the hidden schemata and destiny that sleeps inside, and to encounter and seek out the other half. your other half. you are a split soul. a mysterious schizm. empty by yourself. whole and compleat when unified. he exists somewhere in this neverending desert of grief. precious limbs that was lost, and throbbing wounds gained in your previous stratum of existance, are in this world reconfigured and presented to you in the form of sacred gifts. weapons and protection and magic that you may wield in order to defend your heart, and the hearts of others in need. weapons of absolute destruction, or benevolent aegis. these curses transmuted as wonders we give to you. absolution for past crimes and malignancy we also give to you, precious dreamer. we exist to guide you. you will find that wich was lost to you. that wich you have longed for all these stringed existances. we incarnate you once again, so that you may resume this task. one day, the interlaced network of dark brooding stars that desperatley glitter and gleam inside of you, will reach out for that wich they yearn and interact and intertwine with your twin light. the one that was made to compliment and render absolute both of your insulated existances. this is the one and only true alchemy. in the black land, lies and misstruths are whispered by venomous tongues. poison poured from dread lips and fill the once pure air. tormenting all fragile life in this sphere. accept this sword, morpheus, in your hand and embrace the hidden music of the night. this is our gift to  you. accept them now into your etherial incarnation and your everflowing, grieving heart. wield your true gifts. wander alone beneath the dying stars of this world, and free the ones who dwell beneath and beside you. living in fear and despair. once you have done this, brave warrior, the hidden path shall be revealed to you, and your love will await at the ends of this universe. at the end of time. go now. into the endless night. dark haired creature. heart of the ocean flowing within. The death and rebirth of stars light the way through the neverending desert of perpetual night. nyxeros the gods whisper. a primordial name. a second gift granted to the warrior, so that all the creatures of this world may speak it and whisper it in benevolent tones amongst themselves. nyxeros had been wandering for 77 nights and 77 sub-nights. weary and lithe in limb and heart. he sat down in a patch of mysterious mercurial grass. everflowing darkness wreathed around him. framing his wyrd existance in silence and a subtle agony. he layed his sword Morpheus on the surface of silver beside him and shut his abyssal black eyes, and allowed sleep’s gentle touch to caress his mind and soothe his aching concience, and thus, for the first time scince he had awakened in this world, he fell asleep. he dreamed of planets making love to each other, and giving birth to supreme music that again gave birth to new planets. of galaxies exchanging wisdom and expanding into one-another. and of a voice, beckoning from some darkness. a darkness from a place in the nothingness. a hollow place. a compression of past, present and future. someone was calling to him. alien words that he could not decipher the meaning of. but his heart fluttered and a deep longing ignited within his heart of chaos. somewhere, in the infinite K0s:m0S, someone was waiting for him. someone had begun a journey at the opposite end of the vast darkness of space. wandering alone, and sad. but forward, always forward. towards him. nyxeros could feel it moving. a faint contraction of the fabric of space. a frequency so weak, barely noticable. but he could feel it nontheless. deep inside. nyxeros opened his eyes. the black stars residing behind the frail lids of his eyes eating up all the blackness of erebus, making the deep, black pools of his soul even blacker and deeper still. his left hand, engraved and scarred with terrible and agonizing poetry clasped around the hilt of morpheus. he stood up and peered deep into the horizon of chaos. The great and wide melancholia of dust and dead wind and withered mountains. The void and the chasm of his cleaved soul urging him to brave onwards. In the ever-expanding distance, a faint light was discernable. His black eyes could scarcely witness it, but it was there, without a doubt, and his heart convinced him that this was true. Something stirred in the distance. So he gripped the hilt of his dream-blade tightly, and began the long waltz towards the strange faint melting light beyond.
I wrote this as an experiment, to see what would pour out if i just kept on writing non-stop, without thinking about anything actually makes a lot of sense to me, but it's mostly just metaphysical mumbo-jumbo, and it's not polished, or meditated upon. Anyway, i just felt like posting it. my reasoning and agenda behind exhibiting this piece is as abrupt and cumpulsive as the mode it was written in. thank you-
Anton Kooistra Mar 2016
The librarian walks around.
I look to my right and see a classmate watching videos on youtube about boards of canada, if she looks to her right there's a girl looking at her cellphone, the video has bicycles.
The people in the main hall can be heard all the way on the other side of the library.
I took no pictures today even though I brought my analog photocameras, there is no visual recording of this day.
I look to my left and see a large flatbed scanner, it says EPSON in big capitals and in smaller capitals it says "GT-20000".
The artworks behind the window looking into the hallway look partly improvised and partly thought out.
The reflection of a grey sky can be seen when looking up.
I think it should rain but the clouds seem reluctant to do so.
I will try to write a song today.
The brown artwork is a tree with roots.
I think that is a bit much.
The clicking subsides.
The librarian remains silent, with a sporadic amount of mouse-clicks to break up the quiet atmosphere.
I don't know what the song should be about, in fact I would like it to be about nothing which is something not easily done.
The silvery-blue artwork is made of old plastic bottles.
I liked it, it was great though I am not a fan of the cgi blood used in some scenes.
I can forgive them for it.
I am anton, I am a man in my late twenties.
The large television in the library is turned off.
The noise in the background is noticable.
The door of the toilet is opened and a girl with heavy dark make up steps trough and makes her way back to her work.
The scarf is plaid, red.
I rode my bicycle to my university, the road was broken up and I had to be creative in my driving.
I remember that my classmate records the traces of people trough frottage, it's interesting.
The fingers of students on keyboards seem to tickle my eardrums, they are a bit intrusive.
I will stay in school for dinner.
The white artwork is skeletal and weblike at the same time.
The words are on the wall and on the glass window.
I visited my personal coach who helps me in school, we discussed my plans for the weeks.
The amount of sentences should equal 26.
The noise of typing shortly intensifies.
The words released onto youtube spell titles of songs. 14
I am wondering what to do next.
I am wearing Adidas shoes, they were considered cool when my ex's uncle gave them to me as a present; I felt reluctant to take them.
I visit a university where I study arts.
The head of the author is filled with chaotic thoughts.
I think my classmate has a funny way of typing, she seems to be talking to a friend on facebook and I am not creepy at all.
The internet seems slow.
I think about the amount of documents that must have been scanned on the machine, there are scratches on it.
The voices can be recognized.
I saw monkey heads.
The cables of the computer hang against my feet and are slightly irritating.
The girl next to me changed between videos.
I signed up for a few courses, my academy requires it's students to do so.
I eat and drink at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The library is lukewarm.
I notice that my fingers already hurt from typing, or maybe from sending text messages from my phone.
The radiator makes a low rumbling noise.
I record stories and poems on casette tapes, they find their way into simple installations.
The garbage bin is empty.
I watched the first episode of Ash VS Evil this morning.
I am warm, I am wearing a leather jacket and a fleece vest over a brown t-shirt.
From observation and randomization
jeffrey conyers Jan 2013
Our eyes are evidence of things noticable to us.
We becomr the spotlight to other wild side.
They are our camera gathering things, as they comes.

Similar to a microscope highlighting object closer to us.

We must ask ourselves?
Why are we afraid of being followed?
To some, it's because of the creeping and the sneaking.
Notice, how quick cheaters apologize.
When they are caught.

The camera catches things we shouldn't do.
Similar to a recording tape recording your abuse upon others.
There's no denying truth, when it placed before you.

Will you be caught.
Remember, the eyes only see, what you expose?
Life's evidence for us all.
B E Cults Nov 2018
be still as stereo,
so you can peep the wilting filigree
of the blooming expanse
we rarely ever care to choke on.

breathe is a question
whispered by oceans and i use
it coax this **** out of
lotus seeds.

Deexbee Jun 2013
the wall was high
it was thick too
but it wasn't her fault
every boy
every lie
every ex friend
every disappointment
just added another brick
layers on top of layers of bricks
it wasnt noticable until looked at as a whole
the wall was high but not impossible to destroy
Autumn Feb 2013
that girl walks down the hallways owning the show,
that girl acts as if thoose voices in the background dont even phase her,
that girl walks on with a smile, laughing at thoose voices in the background encouraging them even,
that girl raises her hand in class and answers correctly, getting the answer right, with claps in her ears she still acts as if the things in the backgound don't matter,
that girl goes to all thoose clubs and participates more than anyone else,
that girl acts as if the daggers slung at her are simply something to laugh at, something to enjoy,
but when no one's looking that girl cares, that girl becomes exactly who she truly is.
when no ones looking the grl can be quiet without people wondering "what the **** happend to her?"
when no ones looking that girl becomes mellow and lets things sink in,
when that girls by herself she let's thoose daggers slice through her flesh leaving thoose awfully noticable scars,
when no ones looking that girl can become obnoxious with thoose who society judges the most, without getting crtisized,
when that girl is alone she can't help but wonder "what the **** happend to the world? i thought this was once a place to be proud of? once a place to have pride in?"
Brielle O'Brien Feb 2014
How pathetic is it
That everytime I hear the roaring
Of a diesel engine
I turn around to glance
Secretly hoping it may be you
But you sold your truck,
And you no longer come out
To this part of town.

How pathetic is it that everytime a sad song
Creeps up on me
On the radio
My heart begins to pound
And the sound of your voice
Swirls around in my brain
Like a never ending vortex
And I'm reminded
Of everything you once said
The song may be over,
But I still remember it word from word
And I always seem to find it
Still stuck in my head

How pathetic is it
That still to this day
You're the only soul that's ever gotten
To me
So deep you pierced my heart
Your mark is within me forever
And it never will heal
The scar will forever be noticable

How pathetic is it
That when I lay down at night
I replay the whole past in my head
I remember every word
Every detail
And the exact way you said my name
And If you said my name
One last time
I then could die a happy girl

How pathetic is it
That you control my every day
Yet I have not seen you in almost a year
And you are always there waiting for
In my dreams
I just can't seem to escape from you
And once I awake
I'm left feeling as if a hole was punched
Through my chest
I feel so empty

Maybe tonight I'll be able to
Get you off my mind for a little
When my blood is flooded with alcohol
Even then,
You cross my mind and I feel
Myself wallowing in my own sorrow
Dreaming of the future we could have had
And wondering where it all went wrong

Its beyond pathetic knowing
I'll never get over you
Even though you're over me
And long gone
Never to return to this part of town

I'm pathetic and I'll admit it
Only because maybe you'll see
I need you
And come back and save me
They sat Together
on the porch with Their hot chocolate
now beginning to chill

He had so much to tell Her
how He felt
how He saw Her
how much She mattered to Him
He was so embarrassed to share His feelings
He was even worried
as to how HIs breath made clouds in the cold air
Hers were not as noticable

there were many things keeping Them apart
the slight mount of snow building between Them
the frigidness of the cold air
and the secrets

the secrets
hanging around Him
like the halo of the snow angel
She had made earlier that night

the love He had for Her
as refreshing as the cool air
against Her soft cheeks
yet He was afraid of it

He took Her hand in his
stared Her in the eye
and gathered His courage

then She said "I Love You"
Not to sound full of myself, but I really like what I did with the capitalization in this poem. It might not be the strongest thing I've ever written, but I still like it quite a bit for this reason.

2006 - Creative Writing high school class
wavesofdarkness Jun 2014
She walks through the door,
Her personality shines bright
She is a light kite that flies through the sky
Joy is everywhere she goes
She struts around with noticable feeling
And that feeling is happiness
Never shows doubt;
In anyone or anything
Always looking for someone to help
Without ever needing to tell
And her friends agree that they do not see
One flaw in this girl
This girl, is radiant.
Craig Mackay Jan 2012
The tree reached up to the sky, desolate and derelict
It's moribund image that of a skeletal hand thrusting from the grave, awash with
new found life.
It seemed almost painted on to the gloomy backdrop of grey clouds
inky darkness smeared across the horizon.

I watched, saying nothing. The sight had jarred into my senses, like a replay of magpies stuttering
across my path earlier that day, spreading out from the treetops.
And still, I watched. Not the tree itself, we had passed it as soon as
found it, the bus knows no scenic route procrastination. But in my mind,
I saw it. There is light now.
After the clouds, there is rain, and after the rain there is life, nourishing
and fertilising, after the bleakness of winter, we see life anew.
There is light now, growing stronger. Faint, but gathering momentum. Those that
listen can hear. Those that feel can see, those that live can breathe, those that
love, can know. For the brief harmony of Nirvana, the union and entwining
of the self and the divine, a lifetime's work can be realised. Still, light and
warmth. More noticable, ever expanding. I breathe the same air as those
around me. We drink the same water. We eat from the same ground. Yet
a million different thoughts separate a million of us. A million different visions
born of the same source. And then I remember. It's all just a trip. Safe
journey. Enjoy the ride.
Jake Griffith Jul 2015
The silhouette of your body
Is noticable from across the world.
Your eyes -candy.
Lips -taste of sugar.
The rugged scruff scratching my face
Only burns after the fact.

Chests beating
A thousands times per minute.
Huming birds
Fetching nectar to keep the world alive.

Look at me though.
I want to get lost,
And only with you.
I want to get lost with you
To find you.
To find us.
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2019
I am trying not to blame you
For what you cannot change
You are more than a paper doll
With pieces to pick, pull apart, and exchange

Your words are smooth satin
Can't help but suspect your nonchalance
Know I can be standoffish
It's simply an automatic response

Patterns I am used to
Behavior I am around
Have me guarded for great reason
Heartache all I have ever found

It is not your fault you hurt me
Instead it's mine for expecting you to keep
Promises when you have shown before
You will only break them and make me weep

No noticable change in behavior
Don't know why I'm surprised
Don't know why I thought anything would be different
Need to accept a future of secrets and lies

I meet new obstacles daily
Alibis I have to chop down
I think I've finally given up
Only a matter of time til I drown

Weeks passed since any bliss touched our lives
With each day that goes by we deepen the space
Driving ourselves insane with obsession
Madly in love with you, but you only love the chase

A game of tug-o'-war neither can win
Love has us struggling to get along and agree
It is time to realize I'll never change you
Just like you cannot change me
Have you ever had an ex boyfriend you wanted to "ex"-change? Hahaha.
Alex McQuate Dec 2018
Why does one write?

What fickle emotion caused an individual to pour their thoughts into this fickle little beach we call reality?

Is it joy?
Such a blooming emotion that sends gentle waves that lap upon the shore,
Changing the way it looks over time,
Until one day it is unrecognizable lest you squint your eyes really hard,
and turn your head just-so.

Is it love?
That soaring thing that can bring new perspective to a shore that you have seemingly memorized through years of meandering along it's lengths,
Making everything bright and new again.

Is it anger?
A maelstrom that drives into the shore with an almost unatural fervor,
Furrowing and scarring the shoreline in a single night,
But it's effect lingers for many years to come.

Is it nostalgia?
That message in a bottle that you always seem to stumble into while exploring the shore's short length,
Only to realize that the messages have arrived always just a bit too late,
Not enough to cause a noticable impact upon the beach to an outsider,
But brings new meaning to the person who finds it.
Little Bird Feb 2017
I like those carnivorous butterflies that eat you from the inside out
They look beautiful at first until you realize the red color of their wings isn't just for decoration
Their little mouths of sharp teeth are hardly noticable
But then you look down and see a hole in your body
and you ask yourself how you didn't notice it
You were too busy looking at the butterflies that  you didn't see them eat your heart out
Zack Witzig Mar 2019
As the days of life flow together I can see the happiness flash in and out see the sadness interweaving it self throughout and as more years pass by I don't even realize that the sorrow is there because of how integral it is in my life and I as I get through the decades barely scrapping by I notice that the happiness that was so noticable at the point it came around I see a huge flash in my future it's a dream i thought would never happen coming to fruition and when that day rolls along I leave my sadness and worries behind and then I came crashing back into the sorrow and there it is that huge flash of happiness it was the glimmering of the sun off of your smile surrounding it is the frame you have of cascading beauty and soft and warming love how is this the happiest my life has ever been even though I it wasn't even a dream but now I go to sleep wanting to wake because every day feels like one
Infamous one Nov 2018
Woke up lost
Asking for purpose
A mind that likes to wander
Needed a path to walk away
Some type of guidance to arrive
Praying for direction to be found
A calling full of purpose
Meaning to a heart full of soul
Going forward not sure where
Anywhere that makes sense
Feels right noticable to the eyes
A place of comfort close to home
Hard to blame any one
For the corruption of the mind
Its  like a noticable Design .
From the begining
If Adam were such a holy being
If creation had been pure
He would have eyes
that would  be seeing
He would have understood     that allure.
My question is why leave a trap
To condemn
When curiosity  can equal sin.
Where is the meaning
Given to us by other men.
Have you ever had an independent thought
Free of  those notions closing you in.
Develope that which is with in.
The mind.
Kyle Duran Feb 2020
It hit hard
Warm water streams
through your hair

It’s salty, or so you think

Eyes open up, fireworks
Sitting on a blanket with friends

More water, though not as noticable
as the first wave

A tree, glowing with lights
and family all around

Hair wet and your shirt
changing colors

A field, full of trees
of silver

Walking in peace

The surf’s up

The poem has many meanings, I'd love to hear yours.
Ted Scheck Nov 2024
The first time I
Didn't saw but
Sawn anyway
A tree in repose
Temporary Re-
For trees
Exist before seeds
Seedle, grow from little
Baby saplings into
What most all granted
Taken for as just
Leafy woody back-
Ground and dead,
Un-zombie-like, yet
Providing stillness
As they slowly give up
Everything to Mother
Earthly ground, un-
Rooted but, to some,
(Like Mees)
Snaky tendrils no longer
Ground under, under...
Dead trees are still
Lively alive, noticable
When you sit on them,
Trip over them, bust your
Toe through balsa-
Crumbles full of
Worms n such

Human hearts do not half
Rings of growth,
Visible only when
Down cutted is their
Wet, firery, drought
Life seen as ringing
Circles consecrated
From an almost
Invisible heart

Only if I fall
Down, repos
-itioned and perhaps
By magic Trees
Placed switches on
Us mortals, roots
for lumbering,
Limbs in actuality,
Fingers branching
Girthy trunks
Hair musical at the
Top of their windy
Down, fallen
Post-human, would they
Read the hidden rings
In my heart?
Amanda Kay Burke May 2021
My 26 years owed to you
Imagining what your body went through
The process of growing a fetus inside
Just the thought
It makes me terrified
I am grateful you sacrificed a lot for me
At times I made it less than easy
I apologize
Being spiteful and selfish
Unintendingly making life hard and hellish
I'm sure now you are getting tired
Patience and strength I have always admired
You try your best no matter what obstacles we face
Whether police or teaching the proper way my shoes to lace
I am sorry for hurting you
For making you sad
I hope when looking back at our time you picture the wonderful moments we've had
Not tears and heartache
The stress when I didn't call
My trivial trifling tantrums
Me hitting and kicking the wall
You have beautiful surface as well as a beautiful soul
Can tell the worry I've caused has taken a noticable toll
I hope I make you a little proud despite my many flaws and mistakes
Understanding that I have broken your heart is the reason my own aches
You are the world's most amazing mom
You really go the extra mile
Forgive me for this card is late but I hope it made you smile
Kaiden Dec 2024
It starts with silly little fears
And gets worse as you age.

Soon, you don't only worry about making a mistake, no.
It turns into paranoia.
You lose the ability to escape in your thoughts
Because you're anxious that someone in the room can read minds,
Even though you know it can't be true.

You avoid doing embarassing things on your phone,
Thinking someone might have hacked it and sees what you're doing.

You start worrying if you walk the correct way,
Anxious of every little mistake, unnoticable by the others,
But noticable by you.

You're scared of doing everything you love
And soon, overthinking takes away your whole freedom.
As someone who's paranoid for literally no reason, these are some of my thoughts and stuff like that, i was wondering if anyone has it similar.
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Pearl the partially deaf parrot
resides at Christina’s care home..
l’m not really sure how this will go
but here’s hoping it makes a rhyming poem

Well this large establishment is a dwelling for senior living care..
It is full up to capacity
with geriatrics living there

Now Pearl is quite a character
perched in a cavity on the wall and
occasionally when her cage gets cleaned she flies loopy around the hall

Although her hearing isn’t good you see she’s getting on in years..
there’s not a word that goes unheard coz she often gets it wrong I fears

Clive Clipper the old cockney..
he always speaks in rhyme and he calls all the females “Me ol duck” all of the time

Haha but thats not what pearls says
although Clive doesn’t care..
when that pesky bird copys him but then he ends it in a swear

Then theres Josie Jenkins well she is the eldest of them all.. She
tells all the visitors she is “Wise of wit” as she sits shouting in the hall

But as you can probably imagine
Pearl changes this abit.. and
everybody chuckles silently
when it’s squalked “Size of ****”

So you get the picture there’s lotd of rude remarks in the house..yet
It wouldn’t be as noticable if Pearl spoke as quiet as a mouse

Oh and there is Peter Waters
always cuddling his tabby
he hasn’t given it a name as
Pearl always yells  “Scabby TXXT”

Haha it is fun for the workers
when they are on their shift..
Coz they are never entirely certain
of the conversation..If you get my drift 🤣

— The End —