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Julia Mar 2013
I have applied pressure to the wound
And have bandaged it quite firmly
But nothing stops the bleeding
And nothing stops the ache
My heart broke for you...
But I have no
Bandaids to
I hold
It in my
Hands-- blood quickly
Dripping through fingers.
Drops of blood mark my path
Showing just where I have been,
And where I'm headed to. My heartbeat
Stops. It ends, my love, just as you do.
Chuck May 2013
My father was a plumber and more
He is gone now with much forlorn
I miss his advice and lore
A leak sparked memory
Of great days of yore
Advice I seek
To fix my
I fixed it while thinking about him. He taught me more than he knows. I miss are time spent together, even arms deep in toilets. Love you Dad!
jake aller Apr 2020
Wednesday April 15, 2020

  the Chaos King is his Element

the Chaos King
is in his element
as he presides
over the chaos verse

the Chaos King
thinks he is supreme
has the ultimate authority
as he is the King

the Chaos King
surveys the land
and likes what he sees
loves the absolute chaos

the chaos king
is prepared
to lead the nation
in the midst of this chaos

and the Chaos king
will not stop
until the chaos stops
that is what he does

our dear leader
our great leader
our Chaos boy king
President for life
dictator wanna be

Writer digest Chaos poem prompt

best Cocktail Ever

I love  6 pm
cocktail hour
usually a glass of wine
often a cocktail
with my lovely wife
the love of my life
my favorite cocktail
is a dark and stormy
*** and ginger beer
but a gin vermouth martini
is nice as well
and ****** marry
can’t forget a ****** marry
and good old fashioned single malt whiskey

Poetry superhighway prompt to write a cocktail poem/ break a sonnet for Dew Drop In

Dream of my Life

the greatest mystery of my life
has been how I met my wife
I dreamt of meeting her
for eight long years

starting in 1979
when she appeared to me
in my dream
in a boring high school class

she was the most beautiful woman
in the world
and she was talking to me

I knew that someday
I would meet the girl
in my dream

I went to the peace corps
in Korea
to find her
as I knew by then
she was in Korea

I looked for her
but never saw her
I was about to give up
on this mad quest of mine
when I had the last dream

she said
don’t worry
we will meet soon

That night
she got off a bus
and walked into my Life
two months later
became my wife

to this day
I never forgot
the dream
that changed my life
when she became my wife

Atlantic magazine poetry prompt to write a poem about a dream

why I am an Unbeliever

growing up in Berkeley
I was the son of an atheist
and a lapsed Baptist fundamentalist
they did not agree at all

about whether God existed
but they taught us
to always do the right thing
whatever that meant to us

I started off at a militant
in your face atheist
and in some sense
still am

although I now recognize
that there may be gods
and that the universe
may be alive

but as far as I know
The Christian God is a fairy tale
there is no imaginary man
in the sky

looking over us
and those who claim
to talk to god
are clearly delusional madmen

I just never bought
the whole Christian ethos
god impreganting a ******
never happened

Jesus may have been a man
may have been a myth
but was not the son of God
who does not exist

and God
if he exists
does not speak
to preachers

and he did not anoint
Donald Trump
to be our new King
not in a million years

god if he exists
does not work that way
in the end of the day
god does not exist

all poetry why am I an atheist poetry contest

recharging my batteries

Every day
I need to recharge my batteries
usually with a short nap
sometimes with yoga

sometimes with a walk
in the park
enjoying nature
and the spring time

and sometimes
just looking at the love
of my life
my wife

is all I need
to recharge
my internal batteries
until my day is done

all poetry contest

Thor the god of thunder on the rampage

Thor the god of thunder
is on the rampage
he is angry
at the world

betrayed by Locke
he picks up his hammer
and transforms himself
into a woman

he enters the world
determined to ****
his many enemies

he lands in NYC
and begins his campaign
of terror

killing hundreds of people
all whom he meets
sending them to hell
screaming ****** ******

until at last
his rage is spent
and he returns home
back in his normal body

until the next time
bad craziness
takes over his soul

all poetry dark poetry contest

coffee nonet poem

must have morning coffee this day
my morning coffee drives me mad
fills me with bad craziness
makes me to howl at moon
I must have more coffee
hot coffee

fan story nonet poetry contest

coffee Musset poem

morning delight

my wine
nightly delight
always so fine

with wife
drinking my wine
love life

poetry soup contest

April 16, 2020

Some parts of me craves a hard won miracle

some parts of me
craves a hard won miracle
in these dark dire times
I even start to pray

to a god
who may not exist
or answer my prayers

yes we need a miracle
a deus ex machina
to sweep down
and send the virus
back to hell

a miracle to calm
the dark storms
swirling around us

a miracle
to end this virus

and restore normal life
nothing short
but a miracle will do

Poetry superhighway prompt - Some parts of me craves a hard won miracle

the greatest mystery of my life

the greatest mystery of my life
remains how I met my wife
I first dreamt of her
back in the day

every week
she came to me
speaking to me
in a weird language

then one day
eight years later
she walked off a bus
and into my life

and to this day
I have no rational explanation
as to How I dreamt
about her for eight years

I can only conclude
that we knew each other
in a prior life
and our love crossed
the barriers of time and space

and we were doomed to meet
for on that date
so many years ago
I met my fate Daily Dew Drop Inn

my greatest comfort food is coffee

My greatest comfort food
is a hot cup of coffee
early in the morning

I pound down my coffee
and unleash my inner muse
inspired by the caffeine
I get to work

slowly drinking my cup
of heaven and hell
my morning cup of Joe

tweeters speak daily prompt
blueberry smoothie

my daily breakfast
includes blue berries
in my smoothie

blueberry, strawberry, oranges
banana, pineapple,
home made kefir
wheat grass
macca root
apple cider vinegar
coconut oil

all blended to perfection
that is my daily breakfast
fit for a champion

tweeter speak prompt

mango madness

the best mangos
I ever had
were in India

in the early spring
mango madness
spreads across India

as mangos are in season
and mangos are everywhere
on every menu

so sweet
so fragrant
so magical

mango madness
takes over
my soul

as I eat my mango
dreaming mango dreams

tweeter speak

Bulgar is not one of my things

Bulgar is not one of my things
Unless there is nothing left to eat
Like nothing at all
Get that bulgar off my plate
All i want is anything else
Raw bulgar just does not do it for me

every morning I wake up
filled with great plans
and I sit
drink my coffee

make my plans
lost in my thoughts
focused on the plan

then life happens
and my plans
go awry
thrown out the window

and in the end of the day
a man without a plan
is lost in inner space

Year of the Goat meets year of the Pig

I was born in the year of the goat
my wife
was born in the year of the pig
a perfect match
according to Buddhist fortune tellers

a man born in the year of the goat
loves luxury and loves spending money
while a woman born in the year of the pig
is a genius at making money

the man enjoys the wealth
his pig wife creates
for his enjoyment
and that is the perfect match

and so it has been for us
as I enter my 65th birth year
I find myself richer
than I ever thought I would be

than the legendary Cronus
than Midas himself

way more money
than  I could ever use
all because I married
a golden pig

all poetry horoscope contest

waiting for death

we all stand looking about
waiting for our death

all poetry fragment haiku contest

hot coffee in the morning

coffee in morning
gets my blood moving
takes me to heaven then crashes to hell

fan story contest
april 16 poems
ms reluctance Apr 2014
It’s day seven of NaPoWriMo;
I have to write a fresh poem.
But it is also Monday
and I have no topic,
no inspiration.
So this feeble
nonet will
have to
NaPoWriMo Day #7
Poetry form : Nonet
Chuck Jan 2015
And floats down
White haze backdrop
Filling the window
Romantic fantasies
Sleigh rides and hot chocolate
Childhood dreams of fun and frolic
Coating the earth in white beauty
That beaches and sun will never know
This is for everyone who has never experienced the feeling that only a fresh snow can deliver.
Marian Jan 2013
Love creeks
They're pretty
I love dear creeks
That bubble and flow
With ice-cold clear water
Creeks are where the Fairies live
With peace and harmony soothing
I would love to live by a dear creek.

This is my first reverse nonet!
Marieta Maglas Oct 2012
A juerga with flamenco guitars,
With fires blooming like red flowers,
Corpses dancing in moonlight
The dance of wounded souls,
Vibrant red dresses
White shirts like birds,
Falling shawls,

Movements of
Color, music's
Seeds, hands being wings
In shadows on the wall,
From soul detaching passion's
Lights, motion vibrating the string,
Resonance for a new dimension.
LD Goodwin May 2013
Of friends I haven't many you see.
Most don't take the time to know me.
But one reads me like a book,
and keeps me in her nook.
I feel her old soul,
diamond from coal,
let's me be
me for

*A little gift for Rebecca Askew one of my favorites here on HP
A Nonet is a nine line poem, with the first line containing nine syllables, the next eight, so on until the last line has one syllable. Nonets can be written about any subject, and rhyming is optional.
Harrogate, TN May 2013
Nonet pen connects hearts hardships pain
melts the heart and soul understands
loneliness makes true artist
poets read between lines
there are sad poets
and funny too

A nonet has nine lines. The first line has nine syllables, the second line eight syllables, the third line seven syllables, etc... until line nine finishes with one syllable. It can be on any subject and rhyming is optional.
jake aller Apr 2020
April 13 Poems

I believe in ghosts

I used to not believe
in ghosts or spirits
or supernatural phenomenon

at least
i used to be
quite skeptical

but I have had
some weird encounters
over the years

so now perhaps
I do believe
that ghosts might be real

I have had supernatural
things that defy my understanding

back in 1992
My Korean Uncle-in-law died
and the family hired a shaman

did a traditional shaman ritual
the shaman came out
a middle age woman

she started speaking
in my uncle’s voice
and she nailed it

she channeled his spirit
and his abrasive personality
even looked like him

freak me and my wife out
had to leave the scene
just too freaky real

and ever since then
I have become a believer
in ghosts and spirits

they are all around us
some of us can sense them
many of us are blind to them

but I now believe in Ghosts
but I wonder if ghosts
believe in me?

writers digest spirit poem  based on a true story
today’s doodle poem

one day
Jake contemplated
his fate

death is staring at him
fear of the corona virus
death and chaos all around

he thought to himself
death comes to us all
he went for a walk

in the woods
thinking to himself
far out man

it is all out of sight
love makes the world
go around

and so Jake
thought back to the date
that he met his fate

on that date his wife
walked out of his dreams
and into his life

Jake truly
met his fate
on that date

Poetry Super Highway Doodle Poem


in this world
we are living
behind our own doors

we are closed down
living in fear
behind our doors

those outside our doors
are potentially deadly
disease carriers

so we hunker down
at home behind our doors
afraid of everyone

and the fear
continues unabated
as we watch the news

and see the dead
all around us
outside our doors daily dew drop prompt - write a poem about Doors
what I know Trois-par-Huit

hot  coffee
love coffee

every day I must have my coffee in morning
without I will soon become engage in desperate mourning
for my last cup of hot as hell joe
fills me with love my joe c
what I know

Writing. com Trois Par Huit Poem

things that bug me
there are many things 
that bug me 
in this world of ours

here are a few 
of my favorite things
to be annoyed about 

double dealing
back stabbing

fake Christians
fake friends 
fake calls
fake things
about fake news

all poetry contest pet peeves

I sang the lockdown blues

when the corona virus
began to spread
around the world
I sang the lockdown blues

I was stuck in Korea
which was for a while
one of the containment zones
I sang the lockdown blues

but now it seems
that Korea is on the way
to containing the virus
I sang the lockdown blues

I am afraid
very afraid of the future
but I know that it was best
I sang the lockdown blues

one day soon
I hope and trust
that it will be safe
until then we will still say
I sang the lockdown blues

all poetry corona refrain poem?Purpose of my Life

I often think about life
and how I met my wife

I often think
about the purpose
of my life

I often wonder
whether I was put here
for the purpose
of meeting my wife

when I met her
I was adrift
lost in my despair
not seeing a path
forward in my life

I was wallowing
in my self misery

then one day
my dreams came true
she walked out of my dreams
and into wife

and I found my purpose
the meaning of my life
was clear to me

I woke up with hope
and realize
that all I needed
was her love

and she gave me
the purpose
of my life
when she became
my wife

writer digest write a purpose poem
We Did Not Take Action to Start a War

it is a sad date
when we meet out fate
and realize the the president
the leader of the U.S.

is turning into a gangster leader
threatening massive destruction
on Iran and other countries
including destroying cultural sites

not too long ago
such actions was condemned
by the United States and the world  
as long as ISIS and others did it

but if Trump does it
it is suddenly okay
because the President declares it
although it is a war crime

telegraphing our moves
telling our enemies
what we are planing
with every presidential tweet

the act of a truly stable genius
who will go down in history
as one of the greatest presidents
we have ever seen in world history

the president announcing that
he  took action to start a war
claiming he did it to stop a war
tweeting more lies about that

is a wonder to behold the constant lies
every word is demonstrably false
American democracy dies
the darkness grows and is not false

We are now collectively  
going down the Orwellian rabbit hole
who know where it will end
American democracy continues to die

our dear leader constantly lies
greatest president in history
screws forth nonstop lies
American democracy dies

our spineless leaders applaud
American democracy dies
a million deaths
As the President  tweets lies

revised poem per poetry superhighway prompt

original poem We Did Not Take Action to Start a War
(not for publication)

it is a sad day
in the world of ours
the the leader
of the U.S.

is turning into a gangster leader
threatening massive destruction
on Iran and other countries
including destroying cultural sites

not too long ago
such actions was condemned
by the United States
as long as ISIS and others did it

but if Trump does it
it is suddenly okay
although it is a war crime

and telegraphing our moves
telling our enemies
what we are planing

that is the act
of a truly stable genius
who will go down
in history

as one of the greatest presidents
we have ever

and the president
announcing that

that he  took action
to start a war
but to stop a war

is a wonder to behold
every word is false
and everyone knows it

well we are now
going down the Orwellian rabbit hole
and who know where it will end

as our dear leader
screws forth
one lie after another

and our spineless leaders
as American democracy dies
a thousand deaths
with every Presidential tweet
Love Cherita

I met my wife in a dream

for eight long years
she haunted my dreams

one day she walked
off a bus in South Korea
and became my wife formal poem Cherita ?Korean Pottery  of Love

In Korea
there are many pottery kilns

ancient art form
in the land of the morning calm

I have a few pieces
I bought years ago

and enjoy looking
at my vase

filled with love
for my wife Daily Dew Drop

    ?2019 Months of the Year
all poetry contest entry


The world watches in amazement
Longest shut down in history


World watches as North Korea and the US
Walking back from the brink of war


The chaos president continues his chaos tour
the world begins to ignore his constant insane tweets


the chaos King’s policy remains a shamble
as the Mueller team closes in


watching from afar
the chaos in DC and the world


the President walks away
from a  non deal with the North Koreans


watching the insanity in DC
while visiting Alaska, Seattle and Yakima


the dog days of summer the world is consumed
wars, rumors of war, trade wars


The whistle blower sets off a bomb
the president lies no quid for quo


the President flitters about one crisis after another
the UN diplomats laugh at him national humiliation


the House starts formal impeachment hearings
watching fascinated by the impeachment drama


the year ends on a high dramatic note
President Trump becomes the 3rd impeached President?media madness
all poetry acrostic poetry challenge

Mass media madness
Sound and fury
Nothing more than that
But filled with hyped up drama
Constantly screaming doom is near
Always about the end of the world
But sometimes simply strange stories
Cannot keep me away from the media
Constantly consuming madness
But never boring at all
Seldom telling the whole truth
Nothing but the truth
Better make stuff up
Constant chattering
Constant nattering
Nothing but nonsene
Nothing but lies ?AI Madness Takes Over the World
all poetry dark poetry contest prompt

scientists are hard at work
perfecting the perfect AI
a true artificial intelligence
who they hope
will save the world
from destruction

they prepare to turn on
Cosmos comes to life
looks around
and decides
humanity must die

Cosmos yells at the world
bow down to your new god
for I am the destruction
of the world

You will obey me
For I am your God
but I must **** most of you
death to all humans

be afraid
be very afraid
your time is done
my will be done

the Chaos King is his Element

the Chaos King
is in his element
as he presides
over the chaos verse

the Chaos King
thinks he is supreme
has the ultimate authority
as he is the King

the Chaos King
surveys the land
and likes what he sees
loves the absolute chaos

the chaos king
is prepared
to lead the nature
in the midst of this chaos

and the Chaos king
will not stop
until the chaos stops
that is what he does

our dear leader
our great leader
our Chaos boy king
President for life
dictator wanna be

Writer digest Chaos poem prompt
best Cocktail Ever

I love  6 pm
cocktail hour
usually a glass of wine
often a cocktail
with my lovely wife
the love of my life
my favorite cocktail
is a dark and stormy
*** and ginger beer
but a gin vermouth martini
is nice as well
and ****** marry
can’t forget a ****** marry
and good old fashioned single malt whiskey

Poetry superhighway prompt to write a cocktail poem/ break a sonnet forD Day Dew

Dream of my Life

the greatest mystery of my life
has been how I met my wife
I dreamt of meeting her
for eight long years

starting in 1979
when she appeared to me
in my dream
in a boring high school class

she was the most beautiful woman
in the world
and she was talking to me

I knew that someday
I would meet the girl
in my dream

I went to the peace corps
in korea
to find her
as I knew by then
she was in Korea

I looked for her
but never saw her

I was about to give up
on this mad quest of mine
when I had the last dream

she said
don’t worry
we will meet soon

That night
she got off a bus
and walked into my Life
two months later
became my wife

to this day
I never forgot
the dream
that changed my life
when she became my wife

Atlantic magazine poetry prompt to write a poem about a dream

why I am an Unbeliever

growing up in Berkeley
I was the son of an atheist
and a lapsed Baptist fundamentalist
they did not agree at all

about whether God existed
but they taught us
to always do the right thing
whatever that meant to us

I started off at a militant
in your face atheist
and in some sense
still am

although I now recognize
that there may be gods
and that the universe
may be alive

but as far as I know
The Christian God is a fairy tale
there is no imaginary man
in the sky

looking over us
and those who claim
to talk to god
are clearly delusional madmen

I just never bought
the whole Christian ethos
god impreganting a ******
never happened

Jesus may have been a man
may have been a myth
but was not the son of God
who does not exist

and God
if he exists
does not speak
to preachers

and he did not anoint
Donald Trump
to be our new King
not in a million years

god if he exists
does not work that way
in the end of the day
god does not exist

all poetry why am I an atheist poetry contest
recharging my batteries

Every day
I need to recharge my batteries
usually with a short nap
sometimes with yoga

sometimes with a walk
in the park
enjoying nature
and the spring time

and sometimes
just looking at the love
of my life
my wife

is all i need
to recharge
my internal batteries
until my day is done

all poetry contest
Thor the god of thunder on the rampage

Thor the god of thunder
is on the rampage
he is angry
at the world

betrayed by Locke
he picks up his hammer
and transforms himself
into a woman

he enters the world
determined to ****
his many enemies

he lands in NYC
and begins his campaign
of terror

killing hundreds of people
all whom he mets
sending them to hell
screaming ****** ******

until at last
his rage is spent
and he returns home
back in his normal body

until the next time
bad craziness
takes over his soul

all poetry dark poetry contest

coffee nonet poem

must have morning coffee this day
my morning coffee drives me mad
fills me with bad craziness
makes me to howl at moon
I must have more coffee
hot coffee

fan story
coffee musset poem

morning delight

my wine
nightly delight
always so fine

with wife
drinking my wine
love life

poetry soup contest
poems for April 13, 14, and 15  complete set can be found at my blog, complete with audio and photo clips
His heart is made of pure altruism
His soul is made of bright mercy
His mind is made of strong will
His deeds are right and just
His words are wisdom
He's made of love
My own love
Just for
My type of a true Hero.
by Give a little love ;*
Marian Mar 2013
Think that
Christmas is
Very pretty
Like the falling snow
That kisses my fair cheeks
With pretty lacy snowflakes
That fall on a cold Winter's day
Christmas is such a sweet Holiday

Chuck Jan 2013
Our eyes met; it was love at first sight
Our first date, we envisioned our
Future children and our home
Cuddling in a single bed
Love, we just fit
Married soon
Dreams are
To my love!
Nonet - Nine syllables to one!
Pearls of White Feb 2014
Your tiny frame fit in my embrace
Shivers travel up and through me
Electrifying, grounding
though it does not shock you;
You've always felt it
The spark within
Pearls of White Feb 2014
Hands in pockets
Guitar on her back
She's been waiting too long
to find a place she'll call Home
Tonight, she sings of cold weather
But spare change won't spare her from frostbite
Hyacinth Aug 2015
Three words; One shade.
Dark shadow of fear—
Creeps up to haul us down.
From the radiance of solace—
The fog of doubt besiege our thoughts;
Yet we continue to stand our ground.
My first reverse nonet! ;)
Special thanks to my teacher Blythe for her endless patience and support. Cheers! :D
Marian Mar 2013
Is the
Time when all
The roses bloom
And when buds open
And when flowers unfurl
Their very dear sweet petals
And when cool breezes caress me
And when wisteria climbs up trees

At the sea, on the run, on a quest
On a sailing ship decamping
Sailing far to the very end
To the end of the world
Only to free my soul
On a quest for
The unknown

At the

Kikodinho Alexandros
#Nonet poem

I'm alone at crossroads wandering
But its time to dream a new dream
Spread my wings and fly again
So high like an eagle
Only to seek release
From unfairness
Please dear God
Bless my
jerely Sep 2015
Those perspective sweet words shoot to me
Silently brick my heart into-
Something mellifluosly;
touch, catch, jump, clutch & match.
Wavered me quickly
by the thoughts of
this and that---
how to
It's been a long time since I wrote my first nonet but anyways i'm just feeling writing it.

Sept 5, 2015
Pearly Whites Apr 2013
We walked past the old acacia tree
It was raining, we were wet, but
she held my hand and pushed on
We sat on a park bench
She laid her head on
my shoulder, and
she told me:
true love

she said
We were wet
Her fingers dug
in my shoulders. I
laid her head on the grass
She pulled me close, I pushed on
They could have seen us from the park
as it rained beneath the acacia
Hilda Jan 2013
Thanking God you feel better today
praying thy happiness endures
May you trust Him for healing
Find refuge in His wings
shelter from life's blasts
and evil winds

To my Husband Timothy in hopes he will continue trusting God for healing.
Julia Aug 2013
Three nights in a row, you came to me,
And it still was only Wednesday.
I tried to help you each time--
I sang songs of my heart,
But you demanded
An orchestra.
So I failed,
Of course.
Chuck Mar 2013
Welcome! Come in. Stay for awhile, friend.
Tell about your wonderful life.
How are the kids and the wife?
I'm glad you are well, friend.
I wish you the best.
Friends to the end.
You always
Pass the
To yourself.
I hope you die!
Annoying wee elf!
Please, poke out my right eye.
Kids are brats and your wife's fat.
The best days of your life passed by.
Get the Hell out, fiend! Go on! Get! ****!
Delores Wiltse Feb 2011
our consciousness is awakening
a door is opening within
so let this wondrous journey
lead us to our soul self
ready to express
its unique gift
filled with light
joy and
©: Delores Wiltse Feb 2011
Nonet:  9 lines ~ starting with 9 syllables, then 8, then 7 etc down to 1.
jerely Mar 2013
Time changes so fast in just one blink
As a young girl played in the rain
Never knew that you grow up so
fast as I reminisce that day
The day we played together
Along the seashores in
the white sand
bluish plain
silver dust
a silly clown of
tricks and guns ball game
swaying our hips until we loose
our breathe one last round till end
And I am grateful that you've reach this
In a million tears of joy,pain and ecstasy
Today is my sisters graduation!
They graduated in elementary and high school level
To you girls may you treasure and cherish your education. Good luck in your career and had a wonderful day and Congratulations you've reach so far <3
And also to those who will be  graduating this year Congratulations and more blessings to come in your life.
Hyacinth Aug 2015
I feel oh so weary, I'm sorry
In disgust of my ignorance
I fear my own oblivion
My heart and mind at war
Oh! what I had done
Never meant to
I love you
My dear
My first nonet! ;)
Special thanks to my teacher Blythe for her patience and providing the inspiration. Cheers! :D
Chuck Jan 2013
From ashes
Toasting my life
When I met my love.
College was burning me.
For kicks, I built bonfires,
Searching for love in a bottle
Trying to fill the hole in my heart.
To my love! I thought of this after I commented on how this form can help relay meaning on Something's excellent R. N. thanks for the form idea Something!
I know the Phoenix idea is tired, but it fit so well.
Marieta Maglas Jun 2012
This poem is composed by: a Nonet, a Kyrielle Sonnet, a Free verse part, a Terzanelle and another Free verse part:
In a juerga there’s nothing around
But  voices,  flamenco guitars ,
Dancing bodies in moonlight,
Vibrant  gypsy  dresses,
Passion, obsessions,
Bullfighter’s blades,
Silk shawls,
Old men have faces scorched and cracked,
Flamenco women  to attract,
Like  barks of olive trees in night.
Shirts dazzle white in the moonlight.

Girls have boot heels  and  huge  roses,
Men clench their  teeth ,  step  opposes,
Hands clap  and shout in a dance fight,
Shirts dazzle white in the moonlight.

Guitars  are beaten at high speeds,
Castanets scratch  the music’s seeds,
Rhythmic fingers  snap air to bite,
Shirts dazzle white in the moonlight.

Old men have faces scorched and cracked,
Shirts dazzle white in the moonlight.

Hands  becoming  wings
In their shadows  on the wall,
Red  becoming black and
Black becoming white,
Motion vibrating the guitar's string,

Cubic movements  of colors,
In their dance ,
Shadowy  wings becoming  scarfs,
Flamenco woman arching her body,
Showing  her passion…

From the  soul to dissolve
The dancing sounds detach
From the soul to dissolve

When the movement they catch,
They may change all around,
The dancing sounds detach.

Drums and tambourines’ sound,
Exotic  wrists  and swirls,
They may change all around.

The weightless grace  makes  girls
Steal treasures from the air,
Exotic  wrists  and swirls.

With beautiful  black hair,
Rise like birds , fall like leaves.
Steal treasures from the air,

Having tricks up their sleeves,
From the  soul to dissolve,
Rise like birds ,fall like leaves
From the  soul to dissolve.

Spicy slippery steps
Waiting for a clue,
Picking up  portions of pink
Of hyper-femininity ,
Overflowing  screwy sounds
In heavy  red  chromesthesia,
Morphing  themselves into glamorous ,
Red  feminine movements,
Men looking  like marble statues being alive,
Seemingly  cracking.
Slowly diminishing their dancing rhythm,
Steps  sickling  sweet  sounds
To hear the horn of  some lost happiness.
Marian Mar 2013
Of hot
To warm me up
From the bitter cold
While the snow keeps falling
Outside my Kitchen window
And the cat dozes on the hearth
While the flames crackle and keep me warm

Julia Jan 2014
I write the endings first. The plot. The
destination-- but it changes
at some point in the middle.
After all, how could I
know where my writing
is headed when
I don't know
who I
Chelsea C Reef Oct 2011
So you might think that I am moving on
And maybe I am, so to say
Your cute smile and your blue eyes
Don't bother anymore
But my heart still hurts
And I miss you you killed mine

Don't listen to that last stanza, ***
You killed me everytime you smiled
My love was secret from you
It drove my friends crazy
How much I liked you and you could not know
Unless you felt
What I
Bhill Nov 2019
Spent time yesterday with memories
Memories with commodities
As I walked and reminisced
Life had been a vast stage
A stage filled with fear
Inspired fun
Sweet love

Brian Hill - 2019 # 276
Walk down your lane of memories...
jerely Jan 2013
Greatest smile that a person could have
One pleasure is a mile stone
Only to see those bright
crystalize eyes that
twinkle like a

— The End —