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Michael Hill May 2016
washing the blood off my hands
as it flowes down into the sink
i watch as the last drop falls
my hands are finely clean
what have i done
my life is gone
there's nothing left here for me
i grab my things and head out the door
to try to get freeeee!

I'm broken now
my soul is gone
there nothing left of meeee!
now your gone i can not believe
that you've been taken from me
my love is gone my soul is bare
why did this happen to meee!
i'm walking out the door
i'm not looking back
i have to get free

As i walk i try to picture
the way things used to beee!
we used to laugh and sing
kiss and tell how our future would come to be
then just like that you were gone in a flash
god had taken you away from me
i can not believe this happening
i wish this was just a dream
my soul is gone
the person i once was
has been taken away from me

I'm broken now
my soul is gone
there nothing left of meeee!
now your gone i can not believe
that you've been taken from me
my love is gone my soul is bear
why did this happen to meee!
i'm walking out the door
i'm not looking back
i have to get free

the day you left io still regeret
not asking you to marry meee!
i could not believe this would ever end
i thought we would die togeather in peeeace!
as i held your hand and we began to dance
we didn't want this moment to end
but then you froze
i heard your screeaam!
you dropped to the floor as you squesed my hand
as tears ran down your faacce

I'm broken now
my soul is gone
there nothing left of meeee!
now your gone i can not believe
that you've been taken from me
my love is gone my soul is bear
why did this happen to meee!
i'm walking out the door
i'm not looking back
i have to get free

as i lay her to rest
i say my goodbye
as I begin to walk away alone
my head held down
my tears are falling
my life is no more
for I will walk this road until i'm taken
to be with you once more

for i walk this road
no where to go
my life is at the end
you were the keeper of my soul
the love of my life
i will continue to walk
until i'm back
with you by my side again
Odysseus struggles needs to prove to himself world he is talented painter determined to achieve recognition goes from art dealer to art dealer seeking support one dealer says Schwartzpilgrim stop changing settle on 1 style you can be known for what you’re doing now is good stick with it call me in 6 months with 300 drawings just like these another dealer says Odys you must learn great art is a **** beneath bed sheets another dealer says Modigliani knew how to paint flesh paint like Modigliani you need to learn more about painting Schwartzpilgrim you’re too young inexperienced another dealer says thank you for your interest in our gallery we’re not taking on any new painters at this time Odysseus knows there are people so much more talented better looking than him he feels inadequate intimidated

thinks to himself sister Penny is right female wish list is curse Bayli haunts she alone always be my ideal until i met Reiko Lee now Reiko Lee Furshe holds me captive i long for her voice eyes shoulders wiry delicateness crazy outrageous humor fiery ****** appetite i need to tear apart wish list leave myself open need to learn to seek inner beauty let anatomy fall where it will need to cultivate new standards it’s difficult to see with different eyes i am so biased how do i do this?

Odysseus muses with Reiko’s ghost 6 months since separation lights candles burns incense opens bottle of red wine pours glass for her and himself sips watches her glass while he makes toasts speaks elaborately of her beauty charm cites reasons why each of them does not need the other why couldn’t you have been the one? what is it about me you didn’t like? what did i do wrong? pours another glass begins talking louder ending in rage why aren’t you here? why? what went so terribly wrong? i love you where are you? how come you’re not here with me tonight? looks at her glass sees she has not even taken sip feels slightly drunk fearful he has sunk too deep  gets up staggers to bed sniffs blanket for traces of her tonight is their anniversary his only excuse

telephone rings sometime in late july hi it’s me Reiko how’ve you been Odys? he questions Reiko Lee? uh yes Odys it’s meee your stray puppy Reiko’s voice sounds playful tender Odys are you there? what’s up? let me come over **** and ******* please he speaks into receiver Reiko Lee is dead hangs up wonders if he has done right thing paces room writes a woman like that you tell yourself you do not need  ignore her deny her let her pass because if you admit how much you want her you become fugitive in chains running from dogs men with guns a woman like that is all you need a woman like that is motive seed chance of a lifetime a woman like that takes chances at twice your speed a woman like that keeps you guessing hoping waiting a woman like that leaves you destitute you cannot have her because she possesses you a woman like that is a wanted woman

decides to move finds new place blocks away apartment on lill street changes telephone number in his heart he knows nothing more thrilling beautiful than joyous girl yet he attracts women who seek abuse because they see themselves in him because he lets them try to mend his abused mind because he misuses them so well reaching finding joyous girl looms impossible breakup feeds venting bitter fires

the most dangerous woman eludes meall other women are too attainable chinese green tea gestapo limousine it doesn’t matter that you don’t understand that is the line darling dangling darjeeling your lips bleeding your ***** on fire imagine i am running sprinting in relay race just up ahead i’m about to pass baton this is life expectancy of poet indonesian cigarettes made of clove leaves i held your wrists pinned your fragile body to floor strummed you like guitar while other men looked on i knew one of them would take you next

miranda comes out on verandah with lemonade on hot summer day hair blows free in breeze leans back against beam softly hums inside time bomb ticks somewhere fly caught in room knocking itself against window ricocheting off corners  buzzing crisscross ceiling floor miranda sips just enough so lips are wet eyelids flutter like butterfly wings ******* swell in heat of midday sun she calls to us with hand stirs more sugar in lemonade late afternoon when fly is caught entangled in spider’s web buzzing is muffled ice has melted lemonade watery we are dozing in hammocks rocking chairs miranda is changing dress perfuming thighs crafting character in mirror screen door slams she looks up recognizing it is only wind sun is sinking orange ball spider crawls fixing aim grabs thread swings in for **** we are passed out in grass at dusk lights around verandah beam on miranda appears wearing low-neck dress with one strap down breath heavy with anise invites us inside giggling shyly as we follow timeless newsreel vision men hard at work war room spins as fly ***** desperately spider opens legs miranda lies arched on bed eyes weaving

he gets drunk loudly sings she must be some kind of witch flying in the wind she must be some kind of ***** to dig this grave i’m in he rhymes it was just another **** stunt forgive me for speaking so blunt she was just being a lady no need to get crazy it was just another **** stunt he scribbles she gets ****** hair styled eyebrows plucked nails done walks out new woman miss fox Mrs. G. Fox madame de faux meeting the girls for lunch wearing her pearls writing her name in swirls talking up a storm pack of women is worse than pack of hungry wolves wolves stop at carrion women carve combs out of bones

Cal is driving Odysseus sits in passenger seat heading to pit & pendulum for cocktails it is raining down hard Odysseus looks out beyond sweeping windshield wipers sees red cowboy boots the ones they found together at flea market there she is Reiko Lee Furshe arisen from wasteland Odysseus tells Cal to stop car turns to see her she is running across street his hand reaches for car door handle what’s happening? Cal demands are you there? i can’t stop cars behind me! this is crazy Odys what’s going on? i’m not stopping! Odysseus stares through rear window frozen watching her disappear behind red brick wall in pouring rain

ghost girl it’s difficult to write in comatose passage apart i am in theater of mirrors with empty seat beside me black hole inside me itinerary of fears i’m seeing dancer but haunted by you look in your eyes smell on your fingers clonking up stairs of your wooden clog shoes feelings we dared plans we knew might never come true la laahh la lay la lay dee la lady of shady lagoon weeping willow pisces moon like India ink you’ve left indelible stain i fumble in dark of empress’s tomb like necrophiliac i grip onto memory stroke ashes of you lantern licorice amethyst bone you are gliding in your canoe cutting through mist swirling whirlpools that untangle themselves behind you dancing nearer to flame la shady lady does pirouettes in rain
Steam from a hot drink,
Immersing the nose
With sweet, foreign scents,
Dried ‘neath distant skies.
The night thrives outside,
Slipping outside walls,
Through open windows
Comes moonlit breezes.
Outside, owls inquire,
In soft, solemn tones,
‘Who, who.’ A question
Without an answer.
Though insects cry out,
‘Me meee, Me meee,’ like
They wish the bird spoke
Exclusively to them.
And I sit inside,
Listening to lives
I’ll never understand,
Made aloof by the day.
Dylan Lewis Aug 2015
The walls we built together back in 63 are now covered in concrete and steel beams, I remember sitting on top your lap as you made the gold for the entire city but that was back in the 90s oh god that was back in the 90s TAKE ME BACK TO THE 90s IM SITTING HERE WRAPPED IN A BLANKET ON TOP OF A MOUNTAIN ITS A COLD TEXAS WINTER... ITS BEEN 16 HOURS SINCE I SAID MY LAST GOODBYE! I PICTURE YOUR FACE I PICTURE THE WORDS THAT YOU TOLD MEEE. This house is not a home
This house is not a home  
This house is not a home

A couple months have passed since I dropped a rose by your tombstone, the house is turning to mold, I'm trying to hold it all together but Weeds are growing, roaches are swarming, the pool is turning black, there are skeletons forming and I'm not coming back.

This house is not a home
This house is not a home

I know this site is for poetry but these are lyrics for a song I wrote, I am quite proud of them. And can't wait to preform it.
Julie Artemov Jun 2014
Before I even brushed my teeth,
I stood for a while and stared,
At my half-asleep reflection,
Eyes widened, eyebrows raised,
I scared myself as I cried,
"Love me!"
I yelled at myself,
Then I continued with the morning.

When I stepped into the sun,
I heard the street cat purr,
Loooove meee...
He hissed and stretched.

Neighbor comforted her baby,
It wouldn't cease screaming,
"Love me, mama!"
It squealed with wet cheeks.

Each shadow faced girl,
On this cobblestoned road,
Whispered "love me"
Through glossed red lips.

Old man wilted on a bench,
With cane close by,
Grunted, "love me, love me"
At each faceless passerby.

I reached the library,
Quiet like a monastery,
"Will you love me?"
Titled every book.

Quickly I exit the back,
With my book in hand,
"No you love me!"
Man argues with his lover.

I got on a crowded bus,
And pushed my way through,
"Love me, love me, love me"
We all sang and hummed.

I entered my school,
With teeth white beaming,
With each insecure smile.

I finished my loveless day,
And returned to my home,
Love. Me. Love. Me.
Clicked each step.

As I shut my eyes,
Falling fast into sleep,
My lids spelled love me,
Until the morning light.
ShamusDeyo Jul 2015
On a visit to London I got to go, to one of London's Famous Music
Clubs. I was enjoying The Pints Of Guinness, and the Beautiful
and Lovely London Ladies.The Euro Techno pop was Blastin'
British Bums in an ocean in motion. All in All an amazing Night, soon
it was time to hit the loo as they say.I grabbed a Stall and Sat down and
settled in to take a dump, when OUCH!I felt a Jab in my ****
I looked between my legs and didn't see anything. *****
I wondered I started in taking my Dump and felt another
Jab in my But OUCH!! I finally Rolled a Hip up... and
there was a tiny British rocker with an electric Guitar
Standing at the edge of the Bowl, he Yelled out don't **** on
meee... startled I asked what he was doing there. He
Told me he had a Gig in Dublin and after The Bar Closed
he grabbed a Lepreuchan by the Scruff of the Neck...
thinking he was Hallucinating, the Leprechaun begged to be
let go offering to grant me one wish, I told him, thinking of the Band
" I want a Grand Tour," Being old and hard of hearing he thought I
said a Ground Sewer and my life has Been **** Ever Since.......

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
:registered:SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
Flash short story 250 is a story 250 words or less I ddare you Mot to Laugh lol
Larry I Jones Aug 2014
There once was a dog, as happy as a lark,
With one small defect: he couldn't quite bark!

But one fateful day, and we're not sure quite how,
That dog met a cat - who couldn't meee-owww!

(People say they're a quiet couple.)
Aa Harvey May 2018
The Best Plan Ever

I’m never gonna leave you, I’m never gonna say goodbye,
Because today I had a thought and it changed my mind
And it changed my life
And it changed my mind
And it changed…my…liii-ife.

I’m going to be with you, for the rest of my life.
I just didn’t have the time to work it out before now;
But this new plan of mine is to make you my wife,
Because without your love in my life I will forever feel down.

I like this plan, of loving you forever;
It’s one I’m gonna cling to, it’s a tie I’ll never sever.
I love this plan, of loving you forever;
It’s the best plan ever, it’s the best plan everrrrr!!!.

And it feels like the best plan ever.
The best plan ever,
The best plan ever, this is a bond I’ll never sever.

And it feels like the best plan ever,
The best plan ever,
The best plan ever, this is a bond I’ll never sever.

I’m gonna love you more than you ever thought I could.
I want you to know that with me, anything you could become.
I have a master plan on how we can beat the traps set by love;
We’re gonna stay together longer than anyone ever said we would.

I love you, and I know you love me, my love bomb,
So let’s go show them exactly what our love is like.
It burns so bright that their jealousy can do us no harm.
I’m gonna love you forever, I’m gonna make you my life.

I like this plan of loving you forever.
It’s one I’m gonna cling to; it’s a tie I’ll never sever.
I love this plan of loving you forever;
It’s the best plan ever, it’s the best plan everrrrr!!!.

And it feels like the best plan ever.
The best plan ever,
The best plan ever, this is a bond I’ll never sever.

And it feels like the best plan ever.
The best plan ever,
The best plan ever, this is a bond I’ll never sever.

One last time I must tell you I love you,
Because I know you truly…love meee…tooooooo.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Martin Narrod Aug 2017
I want to see your blue hole
That little spot of misery that you process alone. I jump out of my bed and come after you, you turn your head, this isn't something new, when I shuck off your clothes, just to get at your little blue hole. Some times we can't escape our peace, we can't find relief, I reopen my eyes just to see your face, my mouth works so hard, my hands beating against your legs, while we clamber back into your bed, and like the graves kept my monsters and thieves, there's not an acronym of you I'm not chasing after hedonistically. I'm that heathen for you that you've been grieving for me. And I'll take you down, to a little place outside of town. Where no one we know has been. Don't forget me. Don't forget please.

Tuesday at sundown we awoke by the beach, on a colorful blanket I'd stole from Walgreens. "I might throw up! I've got bubble gut, and period pains. These mosquito bites are driving me insane! Won't somebody shoot me?! Shoot me in the head?! Make the itching stop?! Take this nausea away?! Just don't forget me....don't forget me!" If it's been twelve hours I'll take my sublingual please. Can we look for rocks? Agates, Jaspers, and things? Maybe some green sea glass we can use to make ourselves some rings? "You're taking off?" No. I'm flying steep. It's the reason my eyes grow wide, the reason I'm sweating. If my imagination is a game, our true romance is my campaign. I'm winning right? I'm getting points, I'm swimming right? These furry limbs are all over me, just when you shout and remind me, to stop moving-

We climb back to the bed, and cuddle instead. I wrap my hands tightly around your head, and whisper soft. I whisper to you, "Please don't leave to go into the little blue hole too." "I'll never leave you." "I'll never leave you, you say." "If we're real lucky we'll die on the same day." I hope it happens that way, just don't die on me first. Otherwise I'll totally go berserk. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me, or forget about me. Don't forget about meee-e-e please.
mori walts May 2016
when i look @ youu
i see you are li-ek meee
u'v seen enough of loooonely time
to have an appetite to keep appreecitaaating
times i'v seen your smiiiiiile
inside the silence that we keeeeeeep
i know the times are different than wheeeeeeeen
the silence kept me under sheeeeeeetsss.

can you blame
for the turn
over rate
of the thoughts
in their brain
life is pain
life is pain

iii lllooovvveee yyyooouuu
for smiiiiiiii8iiiiiiiilin
iii lllooovvveee you
for smiiiiiiii8iiiiiiiilin
iiilllooovvveee you
i love you
for sm88888888lin

can you blame
for the turn
over rate
of the thoughts
in their brain
life is strange
life is strange

iii lllooovvveee yyyooouuu
for smiiiiiiii8iiiiiiiilin
iii lllooovvveee you
for smiiiiiiii8iiiiiiiilin
iiilllooovvveee you
i love you
for sm88888888lin

can you blame
for the turn
over rate
of the thoughts
in their brain
life is gr8
life is gr8<3

its the courage
to fail
and the courage
to change
its the thought
it entails
and the silence

^_^ ~*

while smiiiiiiii8iiiiiiiilin
while smiiiiiiii8iiiiiiiilin
read at:
the speed you scroll through sites that constantly pull up old content the further you go.
not meant to be read at literacy speed but impression speed.
don't worry your brain will tween between the keyframes of word and concept recognition *~_^
Graff1980 Aug 2016

I sleep in in pools of sweat, awakened regularly by nightmares. Body clenched tighter than a rusted vise. Still, the nightmares are more pleasant than my waking hours.


It is late in the afternoon and I finally have a second to jot down yesterday’s nightmare, sleeping and waking. The dream began with a strong feel of reality to it. I was lying in the trench half asleep; my body folded awkwardly in the dry dirt corner that I had cleared for myself. My journal pages were scattered all about. Many discolored, some with dirt, some with blood, and others simply with the wear of time. The ink on each sheet was blurred to the point that I could not make out any of the words.
The only disconcerting thing was the quiet. I could not recall this much quiet ever, at least not for many months. There were no explosions or tinging of bullets bouncing off our make shift metal trench tops. I heard no one making lewd jokes or screaming out their night terrors. My voice had been stolen as well but I had no clue as to how or why.
I looked around and found no one, not even Billy or Captain Owens. At first there was a sense of panic, but I finally relaxed. I was alone. There were no machine guns or artillery firing, no one screaming orders. I could sit here and read my books in the sweetest solitude anyone has ever known. I gathered the unbound journal pages around me, and put them in their proper place and order. Then, I pulled out and old copy of Grimm’s fairytales.
Without warning I felt hot hands pulling on my, shirt. Hard fingers crawled struggling across my back and chest trying to pull me down. The harder I struggled the more their grip tightened, pulling me down faster and faster. My body was slowly being swallowed by the earth. The dirt consumed me inch by inch, stealing every breath I had and replacing it with clots of mud. I could feel worms trying to burrow their way into my skin. I coughed and sputtered in horror.
Despite my terror, I thrashed against the earthy hands. My eyes were clouded dark brown. I could feel fingers clawing at my face. Then there was a sharp slap stinging my cheek. I clenched my fist to punch the earth. Even so, I was still unable to see anything or breathe. I raged against whatever it was.
Then I heard Billy shouting, “Get up you idiot, it’s a gas attack.”
I scratched at my face struggling to find the air, until I finally realized what was going on. My face was covered by a gas mask, and Billy was yelling at me.  I fixed the mask properly to face and took stock of the scene. Everyone in the trench was either struggling to get their gas masks on or helping other soldiers, who were stumbling around blinded by the green gas cloud, attaching theirs. One man was even putting a large strangely shaped mask on a horse. Panicking, several of my compatriots rushed over the top and were mowed down by enemy planes. Amidst the chaos I stood stupidly, still not helping at all just coughing and wheezing. I turned to look back at my spot and in the foggy haze I saw dark brown dirt arms receding back into the ground.
A part of me wished those hands had strangled me; a part of me still does.


Dreaming darkly, I dared to climb some jagged precipice. My hands were dusty with gravel and moist with sweat making, each grip harder than the last. Barely a foot below my feet the sharp stones began to crack and shift. A section of the mountain started to move rolling into the shape of a clenched fist. The sound of stone scraping stone stung my ears. The fist pounded upon the side of the cliff shaking loose rocky bits, then larger bit of rock as well. Grey and black speckled stones pelted my head dangerously fast. Foolishly forgetting my current task, I raised my hands to protect myself. With no secure footing on the rock my weight pulled me backwards and I fell straight into the sharp stone hand. The monstrous hand shook me side to side.
Then I heard a moaning. At first I thought it was me, certain that in some concussed manner I was making noises without meaning to; however, I was not. Even though, I was hanging upside down by one leg, I could still see the face of the cliff very clearly and very literally.
One rock eye opened, up then the other, blinking rapidly as if they had not been opened for a thousand years. The irises were grey and jagged like cracked stones, but the pupils seem to be like a mirror. Inside I could see two reflections, one overlaying the other. The first was a young man, clean cut and shaven with warm hazel eyes and a smile. The other was an older man. His face was much leaner. The hazel eyes were bloodshot with bags so deep under them that you would swear he had been punched in the nose. His hair was now worn recklessly, and thin **** covered his face.
Staring fiercely at me but with a tinge of pain the mountain cried “my arrrrr ou hirtming meee?”
Without thinking I laughed. The indignation was obvious. The mountain’s eyes glared at me. Then another stony hand exploded from the rocky formation. Clenched in a fist the new limb violently pounded its own face, clearing a clutter of loose rock and dirt away until an orifice could be seen. Then it repeated “why are you hurting me?”
Before I could stop myself, I laughed again. Infuriated, the mountainous creature shoved my left foot in its newly formed mouth and bit down hard. I screamed in agony. Then I woke up. My entire body was pulsing with pain and my lower left pant leg was wet again. I tried to pull the fabric from my skin but stopped when an intense pain shot up my leg. I was bleeding again. Where the hell was the medic?
I was no expert but, I was pretty sure my leg was not supposed to smell like rotten eggs. I tried to stand but stumbled. Angrily I pushed off against the side of the hole and managing to rise again, only to wobble and fall face first in to cold wet dirt. Chewing on a bit of blood and mud I shuffled around in the dirt for a while trying to get up. I spit out the dirt but was too afraid to call out for help. Suddenly, I remembered why. I was the only one left.
      Last night we all went over the top. Captain Owens held the barbed wire back as we rushed over the rough incline. Bits of brown earth exploded around us as we pushed forward. Most of my mates moved faster than me. Billy was blasted and fell four or more yards from my feet. I pivoted around his bullet riddled corpse. Screams of rage and terror sounded in the darkness. I think, I managed a couple more yards before a bullet cut clean through my calf.  Even with a bullet in my leg, I managed to make it a little further until I slipped on some blood slicken grass. I tried to brace myself but fell face forward into a lump of warm sticky something.
When I realized I could not stand up, I began to drag myself backwards. The enemy’s bullets sounded a strange earthly percussion around me. Inch by slow agonizing inch across the cold, ******, muddy earth I managed to drag myself back down into our dank hole. I found my corner and decided to wait for help. I am uncertain if someone will come to help me.


This morning as the sun was slowly rising, I managed to pull myself up just enough to see the barren landscape. The grass is gone, the trees are gone. The earth is a massive wound, scattered with bullets and ****** bodies. Thankfully, the gas attacks had robbed me of my sense of smell, or the stench would have killed me. I think, I was slipping in and out of consciousness.
     As I was trying to pull myself out of the hole, I saw a red wolf running through the dead earth. A sharp spasm of pain set my whole body a spark, and I cried out. The wolf turned his head scowling and growling at me. Even though it was many yards away I could see it eyes. The irises glowed forest green, piercing me with an almost accusatory stare, as if to say this is all your fault.
We sat in a holding pattern for several minutes before it realized that I was no threat. Then it slowly sauntered over to the nearest corpse. After a few carefully placed sniffs the wolf began chewing on the face of the corpse. Even though, I should not have been able to, I could hear the crunching of the bones and the squishing sound of flesh being gnawed off the dead man’s face.
I closed my eyes for a second, and everything changed. There was no wolf, the chewed up body was nowhere to be found. In the distance I heard the sound of several wolves howling and running towards the ****** battlefield. I lost my grip and slid backwards onto a thin line of barbed wire that ripped my shirt and tore strips of flesh from my back. I would have screamed but all I could muster was a soft whimper and a moan before I passed out again.


I don’t know why I bother. It hurts so much. My lips are chapped, my skin is fevered fire, and the blood I have lost. I should be dead. I would have shot myself, but apparently in that mad dash I lost my bayonet and pistol.
Last night, or was it this morning, whatever that last time I passed out was, I dreamed I was sitting in an open field. The earth was quiet growing and glowing with lush green foliage. The clouds were cotton ball cumulus forming a white, light blue, and grey chimera. There was a shimmering pond of pure blue water. Not clear but blue water. Inside the water I could see a distorted rippling version of the sky.
Within the watery reflection a black dragon danced in and out of the cloud. Its scales rippled silver, grey, black, and green as the beast twisted and turned with more grace than a world class contortionist. Its sinuous body straightened as it burst through another batch of clouds, dispersing their massive puffiness into tiny little puffs of white, grey, and light blue smoke.
I turned my head from the pond to see if I could spot the monster in the sky, but it was not there. My gaze found its way back to the pool were the beautiful beast was getting closer and closer, but when I looked back up it was nowhere to be found.
Again my vision returned the blue body of water. Ripples began to rapidly form on the surface and collide with a loud and thunderous crash. The dragon was closer in the reflection but still nowhere to be seen in the air.
      I could feel its breath at my back and see its teeth in the reflection. Its long snout curled in a viscous grin.  The mouth dripped steaming acid drool burning my skin. Two rows of teeth filled the top and the bottom of its mouth.  The outer rows were jagged and yellow, while the interior rows were dark brown and flat.
By the time I realized that I should, run it was too late. I felt the fierce face of the famished dragon envelope my torso and chomp down. My body convulsed with burning agony. I screamed, as I felt the furious beast chewing and swallowing me. I awoke to the sharp stench of sweat, ****, *****, and ****. My pants were stuck to my body, and I could not stop shivering. I manage to find another pair of pants. Painfully I struggled to remove the contaminated britches. Switching out the ****** and ****** pair for a slightly cleaner pair, I sat mute.


The sky is dull grey with no clouds. It’s just another dreary day, so if this is anyone other than myself. Then let me say hello or goodbye. It’s all the same in the end. We come and go in such a rapid succession that it seems almost pointless. I do not know the exact whys and how’s. I am starting to think there is no rhyme and reason. These dreams waking and sleeping are no worse than the horrors of reality.
It could be real or not, I am uncertain. As I write this, I feel I may die soon. Which means that it is up to you to figure out what all this means. Because, I am tired of struggling, searching, and hurting. I am tired of the bullet, bombs, and bayonets. I am tired of seeing my friends bravely face down a gruesome death. I am tired of the darkening of my soul. My spirit is too heavy with the horror of it all, but most of all I am just plain tired.
Blair May 2014
When I called for you
I didn't expect you to turn
You don't love me like I love you
I've come to learn
I knew it was over that day
when you came to me
Like a tyrant, just glaring at me
And every word you said after, oh so mean
Suddenly you don't want us to be
Suddenly ''this'' wasn't meant to be
But come on this is me!
My darling this is meee
The same you claimed to own your heart
The same you told we'd never grow apart
Am I hearing you right when you say
Your love for me has blown away?
Tell me, was it ever there?

You get up and so you're off
Not caring to turn back
I say yes, walk on
Forget that when your back was weak
I carried your burdens
Forget that when ''friends'' stuck knives in it
I tended the gashes
And yet today you're turning that back towards me
Today you're the one killing my heart
After I nursed your wounded one

Tears streaming down my face
I called for you
Silly me still needed you!
I should've known you wouldn't turn
Because since we were
Your love for me never was
Now this
I've come to learn
The voice Jan 2015
I have been meaning to write you a letter
but I cannot find the right words
I tried to begin with hello
But it simply felt to sudden
I tried dear, but dear who?

"Well, here goes,
Dear Mr. love of my life"

Yeah that was try number 100
and it gets worse after try number 1000

"estimated Mr. ..."
"Good day"
"I am" meee

How to I tell you what I feel
where do I start,
what words to use
to show the importance of my letter
What words to use
to show the love and need I have for you

"Dear you, " but then what next
"sincerely, me"?
I love you

Yes that is the beginning
"I love you"
I love you
"That phrase is a little overused,
simply because it is the easiest way to express
a feeling, a thought, a part of life"
Ok, there it is.
Once the first words are on the paper
the rest come as if following the leader..

"I bet it got your attention. I love you!
I love you"
But I love you is used tooo often

"I cannot let the words I Love You do the work alone
I love you with all my heart
all my soul
all my life!!!
All of my dreams are shared with you
All my fears are murdered by you
All of my future, has you in it"

Yup, there it goes. the words on the letter
the letter to my one love
my one love will forever be with me

"I know there are others, I know I am not the only one
but I prefer not to think about it,
I know you love me, I know I am yours"


"but only because you loved me first,
only because you saw me first
only because you held my hand
and led me through the darkness
and into the brightest light of your presence"

Oh how amazing your presence was

State the purpose:
"I write this letter to extend my admiration,
to thank-you for the times we have spend together,
to ask for your forgiveness when I wronged you,
to reach out to you as the only one,
the only one I could ever love and be loved my truly. "

State a reason, claim or preference:

" I want you too..." NO
"I need you too never let me go,
to fight by my side,
to never give you back to me,
to fight my pride, my anger, my hate,
to never make me forget who you are
to fight for us to be together always"

"I need you, I must have you,
I cannot see myself, living without you
I cannot imagine a life without you
I cannot find a path if you do not lead"

"I was lost, and now I am found."
"I was alone, and know I have you"
"I knew not love, and know I know you,
The way
The truth and
The life"

"I want nothing else but to be with you
I want nothing else but to love you
I want nothing else but I forever fight for you!"

"Lord, oh God, Savior, oh powerful lamb
take my hand, and take me
through the pain
through the tears,
through the rain
through the fears
I will walk beside you
all the way to heaven"

"I love you"

"These words are overused, that it why I say
I will love you, until the earth is no longer round
Until the sun looses its light,
until we are the only two in the entire universe
until the universe is gone
Until light no longer shines with you
until I die, live again, and die again!
I will love you, until the way I can no longer feel no more!
Until I am dry and no longer be able to be alive!!!
The way you have love me first!
Vanessa Gatley Dec 2014
Last Christmas I gave "him" my heart
     But the very next day
  He ignored me ,,,
Why does this haveeee to happen to meee
       Thought I was someone special
      Special Lalaallalalalalalalallalala
          I'm hiding from you cause you don't feel the sameeee
           Wayyy Oh nooooo
         lalalalala      Oh lalalalalalal
        I thought you were someone to mee
       Like a friend that I knew
          I guess I need a shoulder to cry on nowwww
         Who could that beee
                    That nice person for meeeee
             I'll  never give anymore gifts (arts and crafts)
That time of year when I thought I could be thanked for but I guess not
Delton Peele Jun 2020
There is no doubt in my mind
That Jem and Scout
Lived during a simpler time
On the other hand
Atticus and Boo ? the melting *** we live in today
I cant say they would share that point of view
Does that mean they would better off today ?
Lets ask the wise old owl...........
He would say
Who .....Could ssssssay this would
Or could not be true
A more simple era?
If you have proof
That one exist then i will answer you
Until then remember youre childhood and youre best friends
Summer vacations
Remember the first love then
Re-live the loss the pain the peer pressure the ones who ...........
Who child
Who was it who influenced you?
Should i ssssssay shame on them ?
Or should i sssssssay
Shame on you?
Sssssshow me child ssssshow meee
WHO is the only one Who
Can answer this question for you.
To **** a mocking bird is still one of my favorite reads , the tumultuous past full of a plethora of deplorable discrepancies depicted in a sleepy little southern low tech town in a simpler time  ,yet more violent and full of deceit ,nowadays things don't seem so simple but should balance as more peaceful and open BECAUSE of technologies ,but really ?seriously?turn on the tv shat do you see?
Angry protesters doin bad things? Seriously . Tell me it is not ok for what they are doing! Tell me ! I dare you !what happend;? Ill tell you that inescapable un-right-able outward deplorable in plain sight 'entitled breach of inalienable rights
HAPPEND ......................
Now whats happening ?
angry protesters ?on tv ? Is this what the fuckwe fear here . ***......and *******
This isnt the way it works
But it does .we live in the mundane of day by day paycheck to paycheck in black and white !!!!-!!!!!seecwhat im sayin they dont want any gray
Our kids shouldnt play with theyre we slowly devolve they use tragedy to keep us from unity and solidarity please look inside and understand this .
If we rise up they use the other to pull down.
If we rise toghther  there is no unmoveable thing
It starts all the way back in preschool with competitiveness
That is encouraged at the risk of sounding .........i wont say it .
*****\\\**\//^%%/[/SPLATTER THE FRONT PAGE WITH CRIMSON *\//€*\/\\
Then quickly turn the page and lets watch how they behave and pick the best one to display how not to behave .WAIT *** TURN BACK THE PAGE....NO

TURN BACK...T.H.E.PAGE.................NNNO
How bout shame on the police ? How bout shame on the news ?how bout shame on the media? How bout police murdering your daughter ,grandpa,sister,lover,you're dad ,husband
And then all the news is about you cause you're not behaving right in they're eyes and its all because they fear of loosing a grip on society?
Who taught you who influenced you who who and you know these are taught things but did you
Know that they are learned things. Who taught you ,why did you learn it why do you keep it?thats all i was tryin ta say
Think about it
People have panic attacks every day ,from anxiety we also have violent attacks every day out of stupidity AINT anxiety and prejudices the same by definition
twinklinginblue Jun 2021
And now I am here, standing in line, in front of a big gate.

A person in white or in black, always shifting between form and color,is talking to a woman, holding a giant piece of paper.

I look around and see some more gates and tunnels, caves and holes, stairways going up, stairways going down.
One line starts where it ends and the people in it just take a step forward in a circle.

I can barely see another crowd, not humans but dogs standing in line, paper sheets between their teeth, talking to a golden retriever with glasses and a pen.

"You are next" said the ever-shifting person and as I step forward it turns more into a image of a person.
Nose, ears, lips and warm eyes as well as hands and a barely visible human body covered by white fabric.

It turns out to be a woman but a part of my mind knows that my imagination make it to  a woman.
Whatever this is.

"Hello" I said.
"Hello" she answers.

I am standing there, quite a bit nervous as I had the urgent feeling to fill the silence.
My eyes look upward, not focussing on anything special, just avoiding the person in front of me.

I start to swing back and forth on my feet, just like I always did in situations like these. Getting into trouble, avoiding conflict, school presentations. The presentations were by far the worst.
As I swing I realise that there are persons in line, waiting to stand here and I look back.

No one is here, no humans, no other ways, no dogs.

This would be a lot better with a dog on my side, I am thinking, as I look around in this white shifting cotton world.

A light fresh breeze is going through cotton world, swirling the clouds around.
Something is scratching in my hand and I realise holding a giant paper in my hand, looking like a Post-It from my refrigerator.

- first heart beat:       check
- first walk:                check
- riding a bike:          check
- driver license:         check
- school graduation: check
- getting married:      check
- ....

The list goes on and on, kids, friends, family, the small things and the big things, every note in my life, some with a concrete condition to get checked.

- first walk (while every kid learns to walk)
- driver license (while everyone in school learns to drive)
- pass that one math test in 4th grade" (to get good grades)
- wear that one label t-shirt (to be like the cool kids)
- get in a relationship (so no one can judge)
- work overtime (so no one can judge)
- ...

The majority of other points just got the note "because they told you so".

Some points put a smile on my face: drawing flowers for my mum, get to the next level in my local boulder hall, taking time for my dad to chat about tennis, ...

I wonder where the things in my life are that went unchecked but they are not listed in here and I can't remember a single one by myself.

Anyway I am proud of myself, so many to do's checked and done!

With a good feeling, I hand my paper to the woman. She looked at me, read carefully and let the paper slide through her hands. And as it lightly floats to the ground, like no paper this size should do, it starts to flock and fall apart, until it turns into the white cotton around me.

At first I felt anger, then a sudden shift to a more calm feeling and then acceptance. It's gone, who cares. But my confusion was still high and so I asked: "Why?"

The woman smiled at me and starts to explain:
"You are caught by conditions and confront with rules people create for you. But there is only one "you" and these people are not you."
She looks above and so do I.
"These clouds are all To-Do's and important things we had to do in a urgent feeling of relevance. As you could read by yourself, most of these points are not really written by you, but marked by others on your mind and soul. And all that trouble that comes with it fades in the end."

"So nothing really matters?" I asked. (hearing a little voice in my head singing "tooo meee")

She looks me in the eyes and I realize that she is blind.
She says:
"I think you always knew what matters in your life.
Remember the things that comes in your mind.
The things you are truly proud of, the things that make the people around you feeling joy and love.
Take your time in life to enjoy it."
Take your time :)
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2019
Tower of Silence - Track 6

Verse 1
I think I just don’t recognize it
Or maybe I’m just prone to disguise it
Either way I fight it
I use to let the eyes in the dark
Creep in my conscious and part my heart
Staring up at the ceiling, hardly breathing
The fan circling, my life in loop
The weight of my demons, it’s time to regroup
Staring at the waves, but it’s just that ceiling—
Beams are the things with no balance—as far as I’m reaching
I have instances in my reality
Where I stand and hold my breath cowardly
I have a voice inside me, disguised
That says I’m a mad man and lies
I have moments that tear me down
So I fall and drown
I’m desperately pleading, my fear is screaming
But still I’m sleeping, my soul is freezing

So I would write to rid a mind of wrong
But as it turns out, the eyes would read along

Verse 2
I don’t know why
Some days I decide
I’m better off stay quiet
Lock myself in another room
As I will enter a state of gloom
I like it
I’m ignoring your eyes, I’m deserting your fight
I don’t know why, I like to make you cry
As you watch the being inside of me
Becomes the thing it doesn’t want to be
Trying your hardest to make me feel, to fill my well
Can’t I just claim that I’m being real?
I can’t just lose the voices I know so well
But I can’t just stay in that room
Otherwise I’ll think too much
In the silence, I’ll think of fears and sorrows and such
I must distract my mind with something
In fear of the thoughts the silence may bring
You have a life, come in and see
So take this pen and do as you please
But in time, please remember Me

So I would write to rid a mind of wrong
But as it turns out, the eyes would read along

Verse 3
So still I stare into the crimson eyes
My emotions hyped and the darkness vamped
And I give into the call of the neon lamps
Bruised but compelled not to say goodbye
I have a God who fights my battles
But still my head spins and rattles
I’ve developed a tendency to do my own doing
And that’s why my fears are moving
They move through the night and out of sight
But in reality my hope is never losing
I must avoid those eyes, give You the key
You are my hope and again I see
I give my life to You, do what You do
And show me what it means to believe, and follow You

Help me breathe, help me breathe, help me breathe, help me bea-eathe
Help me breathe, help meee breathe, help me breathe, help me breathe!
Help my brea-eathe, help me breathe, help me breaaathe, help me breathe
Help me breathe.

Verse 4
I believe many people would say nighttime is not their best time
Because after nine lives our crimes are realized
But when the sun sets if upsets and regrets progress
Our interests are shown from beneath the surface, but from the surface you won’t learn this
Because my nonsense makes your contents look non-violent
So we digress beneath the mess, but putting on a mask to disguise our lies
But for me I find it’s the day
Because by the time I reach midday, my faces hides and I put on a play
In hopes the night will fade away
And then my mind will walk astray, in fear my thoughts will stay this way
But then the surface will start to decay
And then I find the truth behind, that you and I are not so different—keep that in mind
Because when the sun rises, it reveals what’s common inside us
But for some reason we hide this and put on our disguises
Honestly, it cures my insanity
It pleases me to find people like me
Because, truth be told
We are not so different—you and I
Do we all just ignore this great blue sky?
Because by the time the day reaches noon, we all know night will he here soon
Then another day will be haunted by night’s nihility
So to reach our comfortability
We hide behind our mask to please the lie
The lie we find so common inside
Thinking as if it will keep us alive
But the truth is—it’s dead, alright?

— The End —