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Psycho ONE Aug 2015
In the universe above all the stars
there is only one star placed in the
rosy garden of heaven .
People named her the victorious one,
but i called her LaToya
what do you call her ?
shaqila Dec 2013
Race relations is bad all over the world worse if you live in the GD U.S of A. People here don't give a ****** about other races unless you say something bad about they own race.

1. Blacks got kidnapped by whites from Africa in chains and worked at picking cotton and crops, tending for masters babies while master made more babies ****** black pretty slave women who did not want to have *** with them.

2. Master beat black slaves until they were bleeding or dead until black slaves learned to speak broken english like white southerners.

3. What southerners laugh at how blacks speak but they are the ones who beat black slaves ***** until they learned to mimic how white master spoke broken english.

4. White master tip toed down to slave shacks and ***** and ***** getting black slave women pregnant making bi racial slaves. Light slave pretty ones got to live in the house and let master **** them any time he wanted. Dark slaves babies of master worked with the slaves in the field.

5. Black people can't find their roots thanks to being kidnapped from africa.

6. Some blacks hate darker skin and bleach it like Michael Jackson and Latoya Jackson. Some use lye on hair to make it straight and color it blonde like Boyonce to make herself look more white.

7. Blacks were promised 40 acres and a mule for being stolen from africa but government lied to them and they keep lying to them we have a black president but people still call him a ****** and show him no respect he the president.

Repeating this here part.
Race relations is bad all over the world worse if you live in the GD U.S of A. People here don't give a ****** about other races unless you say something bad about they own race.
LaToya Martin Nov 2020
You knock and knock
But I can’t let you in
My home is unclean
There's mountains of clutter from head to toe
I constantly stand in filth and dust
I hear you knocking
But I'm too ashamed to let you in
Why do you continue to knock?
Why don't you believe no one's home?
Aren’t you tired?
You have stood there for so long
So I finally cleaned my cluttered home
And I answered my door
And there stood Jesus
Patiently waiting for me to let him in

                          -LaToya Martin
LaToya Martin Jun 2021
My skin settles with the evening skies
It dwells in the darkness of night
In the morning time, it awakes
Still in its beauty

-LaToya Martin
LaToya Taylor Oct 2013
There are days I want to stay and days I want to go
Then there are days my heart hurts so bad I pace to and fro
I don’t want to eat; I toss and turn cause I can’t sleep
Wondering if you are faithful to me; I pray, I think, I weep

Sometimes my heart tells me yes, then other times it’s a definite no
You tell me I am the only one in your life, but I guess I will never know
All these questions floating through my mind – alone, no one to help me
Do I trust, do I leave, do I love, do I believe…

Fears surround what I should do – afraid of making the wrong choice
Loud emotions screaming through my mind – confused by all the noise
What happened to our “forever” – I ask through tears in a shaky voice
Friends have little advice to offer except “girl you know boys will be boys”

Been here before, seen these signs and refuse to travel this same road
“It’s different now, trust me, I have changed, I promise.” All lies that I am told
Yet the idiot inside me still believes because I’m gullible and so in love
So I accept the blame for the position I’m in, no more complaining I’ve had enough

No more waiting around for my eyes to dry from the tears I cried all night
I will pick up the pieces and mend my heart cause I am going to be alright
No more listening to lies and fake alibis saying that you had to work late
Good women like me are hard to find and for your love I can no longer wait

No more wishing I had your love or your arms around me at night
No more feeling lonely, stressed and depressed from all of our senseless fights
No more sacrificing and accepting less just to hold on to you
And despite my fears No more living here, I found a house on Park Avenue

I know my worth, I know who I am, I know I deserve to be happy
So I am leaving you to start a new life and this time I’ll focus on me
I may shed a tear for each and every year I wasted dealing with you
But with each passing day I will smile and say “I’m stronger and I will make it through”

Through the tears, through the hurt, through the lies and deceit
I will rise ‘cause no weapon shall prosper against me
Through Christ I can do all things so I’ll keep my faith steady
Knowing one day God will lead me to my handsome prince to marry

I will stand, I will heal, and even learn to love and trust again when I am ready

He will love me passionately, kiss me softly and live to see me smile
He will adore me and not ignore me all because of my **** style
Until that time, I will happily spend my time loving myself first
I am proud to say that I have moved out now because I know my own self worth

LaToya Martin Nov 2020
I love you
But yet I hate you
You are the hope of my future
You were my guidance in my past
My father despised you
But my mother adored you
You were her will to live
You were a constant guest in our home
You were the scent my mother wore daily
She neglected me for the happiness of you
She confided in you
But your greed took her away
After all the hurt and pain you caused
I welcomed you back into my life
But now you are my foundation
I finally see what my mother saw in you
You helped her cope with her wounds
Even though you helped cause them
My family doesn’t understand you
And honestly nor do I
You’ve ruined my past
And I have acknowledged
That you have ruined my future
You are the end of my tunnel
My Whiskey Bottle

-LaToya Martin
shaqila Dec 2013
I am Blasianic(black, asian, latin mix) part 3
Race relations is bad all over the world worse if you live in the GD U.S of A. People here don't give a ****** about other races unless you say something bad about they own race.

1. Blacks got kidnapped by whites from Africa in chains and worked at picking cotton and crops, tending for masters babies while master made more babies ****** black pretty slave women who did not want to have *** with them.

2. Master beat black slaves until they were bleeding or dead until black slaves learned to speak broken english like white southerners.

3. What southerners laugh at how blacks speak but they are the ones who beat black slaves ***** until they learned to mimic how white master spoke broken english.

4. White master tip toed down to slave shacks and ***** and ***** getting black slave women pregnant making bi racial slaves. Light slave pretty ones got to live in the house and let master **** them any time he wanted. Dark slaves babies of master worked with the slaves in the field.

5. Black people can't find their roots thanks to being kidnapped from africa.

6. Some blacks hate darker skin and bleach it like Michael Jackson and Latoya Jackson. Some use lye on hair to make it straight and color it blonde like Boyonce to make herself look more white.

7. Blacks were promised 40 acres and a mule for being stolen from africa but government lied to them and they keep lying to them we have a black president but people still call him a ****** and show him no respect he the president.

Repeating this here part.
Race relations is bad all over the world worse if you live in the GD U.S of A. People here don't give a ****** about other races unless you say something bad about they own race.
LaToya Taylor Oct 2013
“The definition of life”
What’s the name of that place between confusion and utopia?
Oh yeah, Ignorant Bliss
I CHOOSE to believe all the good in life,
to see it with rose tinted eyes

My only dilemma is this
People are flawed, and even with the best intentions,
Disappoint, But that’s none of your concern,
Still you must push on

Keep settings your sights high, don’t be afraid of the fall
Expect the unexpected, entertain enthusiasm,
Hope for hope, allow expectations
Because these moments are your life - created by imagination

You decide how to handle these times,
your decision – not their’s or mine,
But keep this in mind,
your actions are yours to own,
when you look back at
These moments that defined your life
Written by
LaToya Taylor
shaqila Dec 2013
I am Blasianic(black, asian, latin mix) part 3
Race relations is bad all over the world worse if you live in the GD U.S of A. People here don't give a ****** about other races unless you say something bad about they own race.

1. Blacks got kidnapped by whites from Africa in chains and worked at picking cotton and crops, tending for masters babies while master made more babies ****** black pretty slave women who did not want to have *** with them.

2. Master beat black slaves until they were bleeding or dead until black slaves learned to speak broken english like white southerners.

3. What southerners laugh at how blacks speak but they are the ones who beat black slaves ***** until they learned to mimic how white master spoke broken english.

4. White master tip toed down to slave shacks and ***** and ***** getting black slave women pregnant making bi racial slaves. Light slave pretty ones got to live in the house and let master **** them any time he wanted. Dark slaves babies of master worked with the slaves in the field.

5. Black people can't find their roots thanks to being kidnapped from africa.

6. Some blacks hate darker skin and bleach it like Michael Jackson and Latoya Jackson. Some use lye on hair to make it straight and color it blonde like Boyonce to make herself look more white.

7. Blacks were promised 40 acres and a mule for being stolen from africa but government lied to them and they keep lying to them we have a black president but people still call him a ****** and show him no respect he the president.

Repeating this here part.
Race relations is bad all over the world worse if you live in the GD U.S of A. People here don't give a ****** about other races unless you say something bad about they own race.
shaqila Dec 2013
I am Blasianic(black, asian, latin mix) part 3
Race relations is bad all over the world worse if you live in the GD U.S of A. People here don't give a ****** about other races unless you say something bad about they own race.

1. Blacks got kidnapped by whites from Africa in chains and worked at picking cotton and crops, tending for masters babies while master made more babies ****** black pretty slave women who did not want to have *** with them.

2. Master beat black slaves until they were bleeding or dead until black slaves learned to speak broken english like white southerners.

3. What southerners laugh at how blacks speak but they are the ones who beat black slaves ***** until they learned to mimic how white master spoke broken english.

4. White master tip toed down to slave shacks and ***** and ***** getting black slave women pregnant making bi racial slaves. Light slave pretty ones got to live in the house and let master **** them any time he wanted. Dark slaves babies of master worked with the slaves in the field.

5. Black people can't find their roots thanks to being kidnapped from africa.

6. Some blacks hate darker skin and bleach it like Michael Jackson and Latoya Jackson. Some use lye on hair to make it straight and color it blonde like Boyonce to make herself look more white.

7. Blacks were promised 40 acres and a mule for being stolen from africa but government lied to them and they keep lying to them we have a black president but people still call him a ****** and show him no respect he the president.

Repeating this here part.
Race relations is bad all over the world worse if you live in the GD U.S of A. People here don't give a ****** about other races unless you say something bad about they own race.
LaToya Taylor Oct 2013
life is so fragile and then there’s death.
you live your life til there’s nothing left.
you never hear the call though it’s so near
now the trumpet sounds like it’s right in your ear
that can’t be for me, you say to yourself,
it has to be for someone older, someone else
I’ve barely lived my life, no warning at all
some one should’ve told me not to drive to the mall
I guess death is inevitable, no way around it.
not me, not now, I don’t deserve it.
I see the white light, where can I hide.
is it too late for me, have I already died?
my heart pounds, I feel my body jolt.
a figure’s coming out the light, there’s no more hope.
it looks like my grandmother, is she coming to get me?
from this nightmare, someone please set me free.
I need to wake up, for my kids, I have three.
I think my life is over, how can this be?
my heart pounds, my body jolts again.
please Lord, forgive me of all my sins!
I repent right now, and if you help me I vow,
To live my life for you God, the best way I know how.
I hear voices yelling, “stop Doc, it’s too late!
I know it’s hard but you can’t change his fate.”
then he walked over and next to my bed he stood.
“his life is gone, you did the best you could!”
God this is my last plea, who will teach my kids the fear of you.
when they grow up and have troubles what will they do?
the bright light faded, I was in a white room.
doctors all around me, but they gave up too soon.
my heart started back up, but at a rapid pace.
The blood on my tongue I could now start to taste.
My wife’s at the window with hope filled eyes,
Then I take a deep breath and she started to cry.
The doctors stand around looking shocked and amazed,
But the head doctor was first to snap out his daze.
Check his bp, pulse and other vitals,
Then of the saline and codeine I want three vials.
A deep voice in my ear said to me “remember your vow.
It’s because of your promise I’m letting you live now!
Teach your kids about me and help them to see.
The only way to get to heaven is truly through me.
By the way the three kids you have now will be,
Four cause your wife got pregnant on your anniversary.
He will be a devout preacher and keep people from hell
Or he’ll be the biggest gangster in and out of jail
Teach him, guide him and help him through life
Spare not the rod but praise him when right
Just remember it wasn’t the doctors who saved you tonight
It was I, the only way, the truth and the light”

Written by LaToya Taylor -
LaToya Taylor Oct 2013
If they ask who am I?
I’m a writer with an undying desire to experience the world with the ink from my pen
And when my hands flow gracefully across the page my imagination’s free to soar again

If they ask you about me,
don’t paint me as a drop of water forced to blend into the sea
because it has no true definition and no real identity
I’d rather that you say that I’m eccentric and strange – personality untamed
And that my curiosity often gets the best of me

LaToya Taylor

Illustrate me in bright hues of gold and paint my face purple
Make sure you give me 3 feet and 6 toes
Draw me with surprise in my eyes with my head held high
Proud and unashamed of my life’s story untold

Stain me in animation and build up the anticipation
Until the time that a masterpieces can be revealed
For now, I’m not ready so continue to create me
And when you’re done, color me creative
LaToya Martin Nov 2020
He went on and on about his childhood
About how he walked miles to school barefoot in snow
Oh how we chuckled to his many stories
Grandpa spoke about where he and grandma first met
He rambled about life
And how the news was so important to watch
How saving money was mandatory
And material things wasn’t
I remember the smell of his homemade biscuits
baking in the morning
Long before the rooster crowed
He attended his garden faithfully as if resting was a sin
Grandpa’s words were heard miles away
Even if he spoke in silence
As a child he didn’t have presents for Christmas
So he explained that we should be thankful
Even if nothing was wrapped with a bow and given as a gift
I remember as he sat in his recliner
And his gray hair shimmered under the lights
And how all of us kids would laugh when he and grandma argued
This year will be different
Now it’s our time to reminiscence about him
He has decided to finally rest
Because Grandpa won’t be here this Christmas
                                           -LaToya Martin
RG The Visionary Mar 2015
I hoped you were the one but you wasn't
When you wre alone
My phone buzzing
Other then that we barely tlk like distant cousins
You were fronting
Which made me do the same
Till I grew up mentally didnt want to play those games
So I stepped up but you stepped out
You figured I was lame
Or wasn't ready to think of baby names
So from then it changed
But little did you know I was getting my self in order
Ever since I had that dream
Of having a little daughter
figured I oughtta
Make my self to be the man that my father wasn't
And hopefully shed be rich and spoiled like warren buffet
But when half of these girls trynna have a baby by a baller like Latoya luckette
It gets way harder to trustem so I'm like **** it
Only worried bout me until that time comes
And to think you'd be the reason why I run
from relationships
Can't deal with it
they never go in my favor
so now I'm serving every girl around like a blind waiter
My Savior will guide me through the danger
That may wager
my life
Like a bet
But none of it will ever matter
Cause since I was born I knew I would never get that silver platter
But you I thought was my first success
But dumby me never second guessed

See as Andre put it together
You were my prototype

The girl I thought I would never lie
Now forever ever I'm
Paralyzed with fear of this word called love
Cause ever since  I used it its been a disaster
but I seem to have mastered
the art of repetition
Of being in a mission to get a girl that feels the same way
But every time I swear I dig my own  grave
saying I love you and the response you gave me I never understood
Till now so that word is cut out of my vocab
Cause these emotions that get stolen never find its way back
I need LoJack
*** I loathe that
But you know that
And still those
Words sprung from your mouth
After the fact
My response I had none
Her face froze
She was appalled by it all
She said it again I pretended
That those words didnt
Affect me
Till they really didn't
LaToya Taylor Oct 2013
How can this be, you and me
Here, alone, together
The world is gone, our past are done
All we have is each other

One touch of your hands, now I understand
How two people can become one.
No more you and me, but us we be
Until God tells us well done.

Now the pastor is in focus and people behold us
As you gently ask for my hand
You tell me you vow to do the best you know how
If I will just let you be my man

I tell you I surrender (as you slide the ring on my finger)
My heart body and mind
No matter how hard I try if I search ‘til I die
No better soul mate I’d ever find

You said your I do and I said my I do
We’re now one, no longer two
Nothing else matters, not sisters or brothers
Cause we’re here, alone, together

Written by LaToya Taylor
LaToya Martin Nov 2020
Gardener, why was I planted here?
What did you see?
The gardener replied, a little **** from the earth standing with nobody
But the sun burns, said the ****
When the rain pours, it hurts
At times I am buried and feel unwanted by the dirt
Don’t you see I’m weak?
Many thoughts but can barely speak
Oh, gardener, I beg you, please release me
I’m not clothed in beauty or appealing to see
Wait! Don’t walk on by
Don’t you see my pain?
No strength, no roots, much loss, much shame
All I ask is that you release thee
So I can stand with the weeds
Who once stood by me
The gardener replied,
Oh, little ****
So well-spoken yet quite demanding
I will not release thee because
You are withered and burned
But yet still standing

                         -LaToya Martin
Latoya Bethune Feb 2020
I wonder what it’s like from above.
When God looks down on the ones he loves.
As they destroy his priceless creation;
without a proper form of explanation.
With souls of grey and a heart that’s cold;
another innocent soul gone with a story untold.

I wonder if my life mattered.
Or was that the reason why my life you shattered.
I wonder if I wasn’t good enough.
Or was the thought of my existence making life tough.

On the clouds my spirit lay.
Watching my helpless body being ripped away.
From my silver eyes  to my golden feet;
each part goes with a fading heartbeat.

A carnival of guns loaded with fears.
Soldiers of sins surround me holding their spears.
Despite the hurt, frustration and endless pain;
In knee city, for you I hope and pray.
Though on  my heart you left an irremovable stain,
my wish is that  the others behind me get a chance to stay.

By Latoya Bethune
the above poem is based on the religious perspective on abortion. the persona used imagery to depict the cruelty of abortion
Tyrone's mother was Michael Jackson's ½ step-cousin & looked just like LaToya, ½ like Rebbie & ¼ like Janet. She had musical, as well as architectural, talent. Her thumbs were made for strumming banjos and her legs were dreams come true. Her ******* *** was prettier than our cold moon was when Neil Armstrong sat on it. She had wilderness ******* that no bra dare tame & a heart of pure gold that leaked. Tyrone's little ½ bro' Myrone (he was a ½ bro' because of dwarfism) was no perfect stranger to militarized police action. Full prisons equal excellent policing. Everyone was down with that. Myrone couldn't reach the ****** with any part of himself without Tyrone's gentle-lifting action. Now Myrone was eye-to-eye with the porcelain receptacle. "Well?" Tyrone asked. "Well what?" Myrone replied. "I can't hold you up for long," Tyrone declared. "True," Myrone opined, "and I can't take a dump from this trajectory too good neither."
Tyrone's mother was Michael Jackson's ½ step-cousin & looked just like LaToya, ½ like Rebbie & ¼ like Janet. She had musical, as well as architectural, talent. Her thumbs were made for strumming banjos and her legs were dreams come true. Her ******* *** was prettier than our cold moon was when Neil Armstrong sat on it. She had wilderness ******* that no bra dare tame & a heart of pure gold that leaked. Tyrone's little ½ bro' Myrone (he was a ½ bro' because of dwarfism) was no perfect stranger to militarized police action. Full prisons equal excellent policing. Everyone was down with that. Myrone couldn't reach the ****** with any part of himself without Tyrone's gentle-lifting action. Now Myrone was eye-to-eye with the porcelain receptacle. "Well?" Tyrone asked. "Well what?" Myrone replied. "I can't hold you up for long," Tyrone declared. "True," Myrone opined, "and I can't take a dump from this trajectory too good neither."
Those who would compare LaToya, and the other Jacksons,
to a pen of mangy, lice-plagued gibbons could never be
acceptable guests at festivals that honor monkeys.

— The End —