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Austin Heath Jun 2014
Fireworks that spray paint
brain matter and bits of tongue
like obscenities in a bathroom stall.
Spray paint everything yellow.
Own everything. Burn everything.
**** everything. Invade it;
infect it, vivisect your name
as an iron-on patch into it's guts.
Stitch it in close to something necessary.
A little bit of everything dies.
Anything that can be possessed,
umbrella of oppressions.
You'd make me cry just to see if it's possible.
You'd push me off the edge to see how close I am.
You'd push me off the edge to see how fast I fall.
You'd step on my fingers to see if they bleed.
You'd stomp in my teeth to see if they crack.
You'd spit on the corpse to see if it hydrates.
Anything abrasive, anything slightly toxic,
something disgusting to indulge in.
**** the gardens, **** the rivers and lakes;
Died in a boar's den,
died in the stomach of a volcano,
gave it three days and decided
death suits one just fine.
stuck between your toes.
A rainbow in violent undertones,
the ROYGBIV of slashing motions.
Tax exempt.
A little bit of everything dies.
Jason Drury May 2019
The etchings,
of a dreamer.

Who's quill he,
quibbles with.

Grasping at an idea,
that he hydrates
with ink.

In wrathful vengeance,
he abuses parchment,
with a sharpened wood spear.

Drinking his creation,
tweaking the taste,
that's almost bitter.

Slash, ****,
cross out.
He is vexed,
about the ending…
Amanda Shelton Dec 2017
On Midnight Delights

“Into the night we find beauty where darkness finds comfort.”

“a love or preference for night, darkness.”

But my heart soaks up the light,
enough to survive.

I am more than this moonlit creature,
I am made up of stardust, flesh,
and bone.

Yet not like the rest,
I reside beyond your wildest dreams.
Where day and night collide
is where my heart loves to hide.
I crawl up into the moons beams
to cat nap on its streams
of leftover shimmers,
as I watch you surf my dreamers.

I then roll you over my tongue
pushing you out as a poetic format.

You are my passionate rose,
blooming for me, and my love
hydrates your plumage,
as my poetic heart feeds
your dreams with my rooted logic.

Time: 12:00am

© 2017 By Amanda D Shelton | The Weathering Poet |  The Moonlight Rose |  The Dark Poet Eats The Night | Gothic Muse 1.0
Ndolo Jun 2018
I haven't written in a while
The time it takes to swallow your thoughts and let them stew in your belly?
The only thing that'll come out is **** and ****
I'm so tired of being evocatively inspired and not have the words to say what I'm feeling accurately enough
I keep swallowing, swallowing
My words stick in the saliva that hydrates my lips
Cracked every time my tongue can't bathe them
swallow, swallow
till I can't anymore
till I can't fight anymore

A swallow flew over head
Harry J Baxter May 2013
The morning is serene
sober shafts of light
filter through the trees
which were planted
lining the streets
to make the city seem
just a little less man made
and it isn't too hot
and there isn't too much wind
only a light breeze
and a gentle wash of

Mornings are holy times
times of reflection
times of rekindling
the spark
of the spirit of humanity
and I'm not a morning person
so I'm graced with these moments
much too rarely
but they are my best moments
and my favorite moments
easy summer mornings
when the birds chirp their loudest
and the sky is the cool blue
of the pacific ocean
morning for the usually dreary
hydrates the brain
better than any cool
glass of brita filter water
the morning is the birth
of a new day
Elena Feb 2019
I miss you every second I’m away from you
My heart can’t help but fill up with envy
For the people who get to rejoice in your presence
Every second of every day
Passerbyers who get a second glance
Of your beautiful golden locks twirling around with every step you take

I start to envy inanimate objects
That serve your every need
Napkins that wipe your bottom lip from the stickiness of lipstick
Mirrors that reflect every one of your perfect stances
The water that hydrates and gives you life

I obsess over you maybe too much
Maybe I just have too much time to think
But even in my busiest moments
Your image replays in my mind again and again
You’re a flash flood that takes ownership of everything it touches
for my gf
Ashani Dunwell May 2013
I dream that you are able to find love in the way the sun's warmth sets the sky on fire after it has gone.

The way hope dangles from burnt out stars and even the darkest places glow in the moonlight.

In the tide that kisses your feet, drowns your worries and hydrates your soul.

In the wind that whispers a song of peace as it waltz's through your hair and gracefully across your skin.

The unadulterated dawn that tip toes into each waking day as it spills its water colors through out the sky.

Don't wake the dreamers.

I hope that you are able to recognize the world in all it's luster and prevailing beauty. And most of all, how it reflects in you.
TyRon Straughter Sep 2010
When the sun rises I know that she’s alive. Because her smile is the sunlight to my eyes. That means she got a shine equipped for my eyes. I stare into that light knowing that I will not go blind

Not to mention she the air that I breathe. Tell me what you would do if your air was to leave. Love and air are in the same category to me. Cuz both are needed to live and to transparent to see.

But what I can see is how her eyes go deep. When I like at them they are a ocean like a sea. So basically she’s the water that hydrates me. And that cleanses my skin and cries with me.

She’s also the flame in my heart The one keeps me warm when it’s raining and dark. But a fire opposite of most flames that I start Cuz when I’m burning with rage she extinguishes the pain in my heart.

Plus she the earth that I’m standing on. I mean where would I stand if my land was gone? Or if I came from above and I landed wrong? With her as foundation my building stays standing strong.

So behind all the mirrors and the powder. She’s there with me every second, minute, hour. I love how she’s somehow always around me this girl is my mother nature what would I do without her.
Vernell Allen Aug 2015
I love you.
You are water that hydrates my soul
and yes, it is a dry, vacant wasteland
longing for your touch.

Tell me you want me as much as
I need you.

You are sweet nectar for a healing heart.
Hold my hand. Pull me out
of the darkness. Wrap me in your
embrace and I will smile.

This isn’t right, but it is a spell
I cannot break.

You steal the air from my lungs with you glow,
and I am born again.
Whispers dance in our streets and slip
in the cracks beneath us.

Words I should never speak erupt
and burn your ears with heated passion.
Your lips are sewed shut in surprise.
Compressed truth is pressure I no longer feel,
but I am numb because of it.

I long for you to whisper sweet nothings back,
but this love is forbidden.
Nicole Aug 2021
I can feel myself melting
My skin sinking in
My heartbeat is nauseating
And my thoughts fall like lead
Everyone's questions echoing
Their thoughts highlight the obvious
If this air burns my lungs
Why do I keep breathing it?
If this fire scorches my feet
Why keep taking steps?
Maybe I love the sweetness of pain
Maybe it hydrates my soul
Maybe chaos is so familiar
I built it's home in my heart
Like a dark wine, intoxicating
This joy is but an illusion
One taste never enough
To reach satisfaction
If I know I can be good
Why are the choices so difficult?
Why does kindness feel like pain
And pain feel like home?
Tashea Young Mar 2017
You see
I have the tendency to fall in love so easily
especially with a kindred soul,
but it always seems to end in a catastrophe.
Maybe because I preconceived it in a manner Viewed only religiously.
And search for it in people, The Sun, the moon, the stars, and the infinite galaxy but I always ended up feeling empty.
Until the day you came my way and opened my eyes to see only to be blinded by your truth
you leave me vulnerable and as open as a room without a roof.
Its Like I'm thirsty for something real and your  living waters hydrates me to quench  the parchedness of my desiccated soul.
For I was the driest desert until you poured upon me Your showers of cascading rain.
You are my shalom and joy in the middle of my most excruciating laboring pain.
You are my momentum, You help me maintain.
I hope that these words I Write Will uncover the expressions of what I can hardly explain.
Now I'm hungry for something more than what I am currently experiencing and your vibes nourish my psyche. And the times when I felt alone and worthless I felt your powerful presence surrounding me. Your energy embraces me with open arms. Your spirit speaks to me. You comfort me both knowingly  and unknowingly.
You see straight thru the physical me As if I was an image of transparency. Apparently, when you look at me you see my hidden identity, My true colors, my passion, The Awaken me, the Conscious divinity, The God in me.  Your deep  Still voice is soothing.   Your words are comforting. You captivate me intellectually.  I cherish thee for you are many of the written pages in my diary. You Motivate me. You inspire me. I'm in crave for you.  My father the Most High.  Who knew my soul before it arrived, before I was even a twinkled light in my mamas eye. Before I became a caterpillar that morphed into a spiritual butterfly. And Yet and still, my brain cant even Begin to fathom the various reasons as to why. Why, your love for me is unconditional and is as endless and beautiful as the powder blue and cotton ball sky?
More the reason to ask you why?
Why, have you saved me, saved me from my sinful nature of iniquity?
Setting me free from the shackles of wicked principality.
Exposing my lies to face the Realness of reality.
You made me a Valuable Commodity
Becoming A product of Grace, authenticity, And honesty
You are shaping me into The woman you have predestined me to be. Yahweh I Thank you ever so graciously for guiding me on this spiritual journey. For It is you who leadth me.....
Hello my dear,
Where have you gone?
My heart holds fear
That you won't be back by dawn.
I've been watching out the window for you for hours,
But still, you have not returned.
In my eyes, I see showers
The sunshine turned to rain, and now I'm concerned.
Did your love for me go away?
Why did you run from me?
I remember when together we spent almost all of our days,
But now, I'm sifting through my heart's debris.
You let me go and left me alone,
And now I can't function.
All week I've stared at the phone,
You never called, I pretended it just malfunctioned.
But deep down I knew, you just didn't call.
You didn't think of me.
From my eyes, the water falls
Why is this how it has to be?
Did I misunderstand your feelings?
Did I do something wrong?
This pain isn't easy to be dealing
Especially when I thought our love was so strong.
Remember when we'd fall asleep together?
You told me you waited all day for those moments.
I thought we'd make it through any weather,
But now I'm just broken.
I remember the way you used to look at me,
You looked at me like you were so in love.
So if you loved me, why did you flee?
I thought we had a love worth bragging of.
But now I'm alone, with nothing left of you but your sweater.
I curl up with it at night, wishing it was you.
I can tell you, life has definitely been better
But without you here, what can I do?
Being with other guys makes me realize,
My heart doesn't work unless it's you.
It's you that revitalizes me,
It's you that gives me what I need to get through.
Your touch hydrates me,
Your kiss keeps me sane.
Can't you see?
Without you, I'll surely go insane.
The memories are haunting me,
There's not a moment you're not on my mind.
With you is where I should be,
But you're so hard to find.
I crave your touch, I crave your smile
I crave your lips and just you in general.
You and me, we never go out of style.
You and I, the value is sentimental.
If I could love you again, I'd do it right
So please be gentle and come back to me.
No more crazy, no more fight.
I'll be everything you need me to be.
Andrew, I love you with all of my heart
And I can only pray you still feel the same.
In my life, you play such a huge part
And you're my muse, you're my flame.
This girl loves you, and this girl needs you.
You're the one I want to spend my life with
I hope you still feel the way I do,
So if it's true, let's stop being a myth.
Come back to me my dear, you belong with me.
Your arms are where I belong.
You make me the best person I can be,
Without you, my life just feels wrong.

Hello my dear, as you can see I feel strongly about this.
Please come back to me, in one piece.
You are something I dearly miss,
And until you're returned to me, I won't be at peace.
You asked me if I’m
Too shy to eat
Truth is
Your energy feeds me plenty
& When You Speak Kind Words
It Hydrates My Soul
You keep me full
Without even knowing
You give me all I need
To Survive.
Ceeam May 2016
The RAIN knocks on my window
WATER patient to get in
Travelling from CLOUDS up high
And OCEANS far away
Transported by RIVERS
Or flew as VAPOUR
A TEAR rolls down
Salty MOISTURE slightly
HYDRATES my eyes
Staring at the STORM
While the CURRENT inside me
Seema Jan 2018
This rain
Washes my pain
Cools my head
Hydrates my brain
Dilutes my tears
And drains my fears
We no longer together
It's been many years
Suddenly he shows up
With his coffee cup
And my scars open
To bleed with sorrow
As if there's no tomorrow
I walked away unrecognized
In the rain, I disguised
He followed to apologize
But I failed to recognise
This rain helped me
To let go of my past
From where it all began
Time just went too fast*

It has been raining heavily since yesterday. So just weaved on this FICTIONAL write.
Concoxide Jul 2017
it's just a phase..
this face that i must fake..
yes, the cake is a lie..
that only you and i recognize.

i am a scar..
though i ask of you, look hard..
for the compartments left departed
are only vacancies of an exhausted heart.

i have issues deep in tissues..
ink stains in the pink flesh I've misused.
a subtle twitch in this left eyelid..
reminiscent of where I've been.

my aim, to wipe a slate clean,
and further, to electrify like lightning,
hydrates a sane mindscape..
that I've made my end game.

so please, go easy on me.
i needn't reload those leavened loaves.
I'll leave it be 'till kingdom come.
just watch and you'll see, I'll overcome.

just dare me to go barreling
into life like a stunt man's staircase.
I'll take the risks even if it means splints
as long as it benefits those around me.
its water hydrates
hosts the Kenai birch mushrooms
mineral rich birch
Everlasting Mar 2022
in fields of roses sweet, I swirl
the petals soft, caress me so
yet often times, i bleed

i bleed.

the thorns are thick, my skin is thin

i faint.

the sun awakes me nonetheless
the rain hydrates me, I could care less
these clouds opaque my view, it seems

in fields of roses sweet, i swirl

i bleed.
Amanda Shelton Sep 2018
He whom we call Lord
cultivates and hydrates the possibilities we crave.

He is the Gardner of our lives,
always watching and protecting
our future.

He is our cultivator and
friend, he gives us provision
and guidance through this
sinful life we are rooted in.

God gives blessings and peace
to those who welcome him
into their lives. So welcome him
with open arms and mind's.

© 2018 By Amanda Shelton
The elements amazing.
They are numerous and infinite.
They affect everyone and everything.

There is water.
Water washes away.
Water in a pure form hydrates.
We are all made of water.
The world is 70% water
Water is use in cooking.
Water is where we all come from.
The tears of the sky bring life from the earth.
Hot water burns.
Drinking too much water can be deadly
Breathing underwater is called drowning
cold water below freezing turns into a solid form
Freezing is the easiest way to get frostbite
In spite of it all, I love water.
I once told my mother I wanted to be a mermaid.
She told me my father wasn’t a fish.

Next there is wind and air.
The air is invisible.
With air, we live.
The weather changes by the wind.
The wind cries
The carries the smell of life
The wind swirls and moves.
The wind destroys everything in its path

The wind throws things everywhere.
The wind is my brother.
We talk from time to time.
I asked my mom why I couldn’t fly.
She told me my father wasn’t a bird.

Soon there is earth.
The earth is where we dwell
The earth brings life from seeds
Earth is ever-changing
Sand can become glass
Lots products in life come from the earth
Dirt is sometimes hard to wash out.
The Earth spins on its axis around the sun
The Earth is very old
The earth shakes violently
The earth falls from high places
We return to the earth at death
I love to run my bare feet through the dirt
But I have to be careful not to catch cold.

Followed by that is fire.
Fire burns
Fire brought forth ingenuity
Fire makes the world run.
Fire is used to control the world
Without fire, people would freeze
Fire burns in the hearts of people
Passion burns like fire
Blue fire is super hot.
Fire is the core of the Earth
Fire is dangerous
“Only you can prevent forest fires”
Fire is used in smoking
Fire destroys all in its path.
Fire is my zodiac element
I love to play with fire
As a child I played with fire dangerously
My mother punished me to play safely.

Finally, there is static and electricity.
Lightning exist in nature.
Electricity makes life easier.
Computers run on electricity
Static can **** computers
Men are more likely to be struck by lightning
Love is electrifying
Water and electricity don’t mix well
Too much electricity is deadly
I’m sensitive to static electricity
It makes me uncomfortable in high doses.

These are just a few of the elements in life
Without them, life wouldn’t exist.
But each is a destroyer in its own right.
This is one of my UA poems. Written 9-30-2010.
benedict Nov 2021
******* i'm a fool
for thinking that drinking those
cups of coffee
would **** the swarm of moths
that are living in my head
the coffee
it hydrates those bugs
they grew and flew out of my mouth

"******* i'm sorry for assuming that
you would want to hear about my day"
those moths forming words
will tear at your fondness
your reassurances remind me of the times
i slapped bandaids on gaping wounds
it won't make it better
but at least you don't have to look at it

******* turn off your lights
i'll turn mine on and they can flock
around me
i don't care if they eat my clothes
as long as they don't eat yours
they rip at my self worth until
i'm stripped to the bones
pour me another cup of coffee, will you?
slows signs of aging
potent antioxidant
hydrates skin, quandong
Amanda Shelton Oct 2019
Our shadows rest under
the trees as our memories
soak within its roots.

Love knew where to find
us, it found us when
we needed it the most.

Like the seasons it
changes it grows, it
hydrates our lives.

When its roses weather
and droop, instead of
dying it morphed into
you and I for our love
soaked into the roots.

Forevermore you and I,
like the roots of a tree
it digs deeper to survive.

Love and life together

© 2019 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton Oct 2022
I’m hanging on the tree of shade,
my shadow lowers to the roots
to drink the mudy waters soaked
into the earth from the rain.

Secretly its my tear’s from year’s
of mental abuse.

I’m like a fruit not yet ripe
for picking.

My shadow lurks hiding my face
for my mirror image is not what
you see, but to me is monstrous.

A reflection of hair, bones and
teeth; sharp like fangs and weeds
for bands its a choking hazard.

I’m hanging on the tree of shade,
my shadow lowers to the roots
to drink the mudy waters that
drips from my pain.

It hydrates depression and anxiety
it grows like black mold.

Depression is deep, anxiety is
bleeker. Together they are blacker
then black, deeper than deep and
burns cooler than the flames
I desire.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
Writing is the best way for me to deal with my depression and anxiety. It helps me to express my suffering in a safe environment and to release it so it doesn't grow. These are my roots my plotted moods and tree of shade. Here I hydrate and leave my depression and anxiety so I can live in peace. Please if you are suffering don't be silent. Get help! The internet has great resources. Also, I have the link for the crisis hotline. Talk to someone now! Phone number is 1-888-628-9454 you can also text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by texting 988. It is the crisis hotline in the USA. There are recourses for all types of people with disabilities and no disabilities available on the website too. It's free. I have used it before. It's the reason I got help. They directed me and I followed. You are not alone. I love you guys so very much. 😘
Amanda Shelton May 2021
This is one of my blooming
thoughts from creativity
I have been cultivating
for some time.

It’s become rooted in
ideas and technology.

Yeah, I have a story to tell,
a word painting dripping with
blood and tears I’ve collected
over the years.

Suffering hydrates my poetic garden, of blue wildflowers and yellow oceans of daisies; they lay deep in the plots of my mind.

The roots try to sacrifice
for pain, suffocating my
creativity but it explodes
into blossoming lines of
expression everytime.

Without poetry I would have
exploded with emotional stress, and silence would have
killed my ideas.

This post would be empty and
nothing, without my blossoming expression’s.

©️ 2021 By Amanda Shelton
mike nortrup May 2020
It’s Mothers’ Day; and we all share

A “Thank You!” for the love and care

You’ve given us throughout the years

Mere thought of that brings me to tears

Without your love, where would we be?

That love hydrates our family tree

Warm tears flow through my loving wishes

And tomorrow, you can do the dishes.

— The End —