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We were about a case deep in the conversation Jerry my
life long amigo and fellow brother in madness were finally catching a buzz.

And much like a chick ya knew after way to many beers
would probaly dance strip cry try to **** you puke and then try to make out with you  after you held her hair.

Jerry Was finally in the zone.
For my normally kinda silent almost creepy serial killer
acting friend when under the influence transformed into
a true brother of Gonzo.

Well aside from his morbid love of REO Speedwagon and Journey.
Dude! if i stopped smokin I could out sing that ******!
Yes if not for being tone deaf and sounding like Bon Jovi beeing mauled  or rapped by a bull or flipper  really whats the diffrence?

Dude idk why people are so uptight on  face book?
I mean just cause i posted my **** on there look it wasnt even hard.
Okay I thought to myself  this ******* tripping  probaly due to the *****  or the mushrooms we stole from his grandma.

Well i replyed to my kinda unsobber Journey listening drunk off your *** **** pic posting short friend.
Gonz it was cold out okay.
Yes amigo point taken.

Im guessing amigo that people when they want to get to know the inner thoughts of a shallow mind really dont wanna read.
Just dicking around rock out with your 3 inch  **** out okay it was  cold out.
that and stop poking the  the next door neighbors daughter
much like this write it's just weird.

True she's just a small town girl but ya gotta stop beliving
open arms and perverted nature are welcome to all
besides she wears a helmet and is 16.
Once ses to me she's not just fahsion foward  but prepared for
for the fall  of the flying monkeys.

Jerry looked deep at me with thoose  hound dog after he took a dump
in your bed sad yet naughty eye's of his .
And finally after some silence said you know Gonz
you truley cut to the heart of the matter and i just farted.

Yes he was a charmer and people wonder why were single?

Just then there arouse such a clatter.
Dr Jerry dropped his lawsuit against extense.
As I posted on twitter does this dress make me look fat
in a question which i only wanted replys from *** admires from
what a girl has needs !  

It's officer Rutherford time!

Answering the door in my trusty school girl uniform minus
the heels cause i was retaining fluid.
What? It's that time of the month you know january get your minds outta the gutter you naughty pennguins you.

Officer Rutherford  where have you been.
I knew my sorta outta my mind and kinda whoreish
way's would bring you back.
But enough with the foreplay children.

Yes even though officer Ruherford's eye's oh **** not this crazy *******
I knew in his heart burned a deep desire  to run like hell
and join to the witness relocation program  just to escape me.

Look John I just gotta serve Jerry okay have ya seen him?
Officer  may I ask you a question.
Like if I say no it stop you. You crazy *******.

Officer would you find this weird if you saw this on facebook?
What the **** it looks like my kids hamster what is that two inches ?
It was cold out okay!
The voice cut through the madness.

Is that Jerry!
If it is will you come in smoke cigars drink brandy while speaking
of summers past.
Shakspere in the park that first love how her hair smelt of
jasmine  and lips tasted of peach.

Officer Rutherford stood much like a man who wished to god
he was anything but a cop  dealing with a drunken perve
right now.

Look **** this I knew i should have been a godammed
hairdresser or a ******* mall cop.
He tore the paper up and sped away gone from my life
without even a kiss dam you cruel world!

Currituck County Cop's  zip  Gonzo 100  
Victory is sweet  yet bitter as a old grandma
you do uhh favors for, For drinks  im just saying times
are tight  and thats about all that is .
Yes I know im going to hell or Indianna really whats the diffrence.

Shutting the door going long for a beer and crashing through
the trailer wall dont worry I didnt spill my beer.
We sat spoke of things only true brothers from other party girl mothers do.

Ya know amigo I really should write about are antics more
Gonz  people would think we were from another dimension.
Or a mental ward btw want cheese  on your roadkill meets
some glowing **** stew?

Hey whats in that *** ?
Umm some  deer  maybe a I dont think a brazlian hamster
maybe fluffy.
****** man stop taking from fluffy she only has two legs left.
That and whatever is in that *** just got out.

After some deep thought  playing guitar hero  and watching
scrambled **** off cable I think thats a **** or a christain.
No it's a elbow dam you Simon Cowell
and your tight black shirts  its just not the same.

The ***** gone  and on the brink of food poisening
and that awkward feeling called being sober
yes I know scary.

It was my time to leave.
Jerry. What the **** ya gonna do tonight?
Gonzo,Probaly puke  for a hour watch **** ,take acid
maybe talk to the wall make out with a random
women that reminds me i must check my traps

It's a shame when they chew there leg off and get away
you gotta love strippers.

Deep in thought or maybe on the verge of passing out
my kinda crazy amigo replyed

You write?

Dedicated  to my real life  brother who's
never read a word ive written.

Jerry Waterfield.
Yes its hard to belive but this is the world of gonzo.
And i truley am crazier in real life.
But remember kids there only be one highlander
and i am the king of crazy and *******.

Be safe  kids always use protection or you could
and up with a crazy ******* like me.
well im not that bad.
I mean im not good  but im kinda fun
ya know ya love me  and i look better on *****
least that's what skeeter tells me.
16 year olds  there some moody *****

You stay crazy kids
Akira Chinen Jun 2016
Black waves full of death and decay
Wash over the last scraps
Of my withered heart
Still faintly beating
Still beliving
In the fairy tale
Before forevers end
Fingers scrapped clean of their skin
Scratching out words in blood
Bones exposed to the sand
Still writting of love
Still beliving
In the days
Before forevers end
Soul trapped to the rage of the wind
Hope being stripped from my ghost
Love longing to hear the thunder of bullets being hammered
Still fighting to breath
Still feeling
That the only fairy tale
Worth beliving
Is the one
Without forevers end
Leila Valencia Dec 2016
I'm a poet in my prime
Spiffing up my rhymes

I'm a legend can't you see
Only my words feel they spew to you and me

I'm a master at this connection!!!

My wonderful phrases
Creep into your heart
They pierce through like a dart
Shattering, mattering, caving a meaning
Keepin ya dreaming... beliving, comforting the soul!

Theese word like a bowl -- fill you up: with love, desire, the power to ignite!

I can only imagine what the rhymes in a singy-songy fashion
With fervor, power, and a burst of flaming passion turn up on paper

How they are presented by the maker

The writer, poet, artist of words - flowing, stringing tieing in the clarity with blurs

Creating a canvas that paints a moment through the feeling of words cascading by feeling, not structure

That sounds absurd, but these moments are momentous, in a passion of flury strung up in a phrase that summons the whole day

And the day has gone by, so has the year -- but I must keep rapping through poetry lyrics

I might not be as quick, fast, slick, or hip as some
With funky names, large persona, or partrying till we see the sun

I am a rapper of the moment in its purest sense -- of human nature and its surroundings through my philosophy, wisdom, passion, and emotions

I hope this year 2017, will acommadate this year's fast run
Rapping for 2017
Akira Chinen Jul 2016
Is it the smile of a mad moon
Or the toothy grin of a cat
With eyes as wide as dreams
Are they one and the same?
Blue eyes of oceans endless
And red blood of love bleeding true
Is the only thing crazier than beliving
Beliving that this love isn't true?
Is there any need to dream
If we refuse belive in impossible things
Take my hands full of madness
And my heart full of dreams
Walk down this impossible with me
*I'll forever swim in your blue
If you'll belive in my red of true
Chapter after chapter you would read nothing but laughter
but line by line the truth seems divine
eloquently she side-steps the faults in her life
and slowly but surely she rekindles whats right

In her heart of hearts she knows whats real
she understands how he makes them feel
delicatly speaking with clear conviction
she explains their faults while they refuse to listen

Eager and proud she countinues to try
knowing full well they tell lie after lie
compassionate still, she stands by their side
and watches as stars shoot themselves by

Be quiet my love, don't blink an eye
instead sew them open and lock onto the sky
wait for the moment, when you know its enough
make a simple wish and believe in simple luck

Once upon a time, a long time ago,
I believed in myself and wanted everyone to know
then you came along, handcuffs were ready
you closed my eyes and made sure they were heavy

Now I'm on a mission, a goal is in sight
to never again let a man control my life
I am strong, faithful and bright,
you'll never see me fall, finally beliving in my rights
In tides.
Change is fierce monster often left in shades of a lamb.
No pressense more cruel than that known as love.
Can we lie only to make this illusion so grand not appear traggic in design?

We question are truths beliving are thoughts instead of asking the one beside .
May we share this space only to distance areselves a little more at a time.

Picking apart the reason as in any situation we just always seem to lose track
of what it was that brought us here to begin with.
Anger can only mask my fears so long.
If you never understand then you'lll probaly stand with many.
***** the numbers it's a losing game to speak of to begin with.

Cold as rain in a approaching storm we can ignore the truth
if only to embrace are lies for one last time.
When did I ever become the shell?
A stranger in the wings to my own half thought logic .

Time makes a fool of us all.

As for me I sit without thought for to fight what never will be is a thought of another
The wolves howl at night only to hear themselfs die.
Tommorow you sound of hope in a hopeless void.

People togather in doorways hide from the rain and sometimes find there
placement a blessing.
Some find emptyness a solice I could never explian.

No man could ever be described so simply in one line.
Myself I find a stranger  often ive seldom cared to understand.

Im far from the image yet close to the tale.
Maybe storms suit me well a gray sky to a ever distant wind.
Sands bury the traces yet a thought leaves it's mark.

No matter my past ive found eyes still find that dust ridden cover
**** my flaws for the subject is never understood.

For if Heaven were a endless highway id probaly be headed south.

Maybe someday i will be able to erase you from my mind.
maybe someday i'll have th courage to be able to drive by your house and not look at it and remember piggy back rides and my legs around your waste as you kissed me.
maybe i'll be able to hold somebody's hand without wishing he was you.
maybe i will finally be able to write something happy in my poetry book.
maybe im actually done with you not beliving anything that i tell you.
maybe im fed up with all the stupid crap you've caused in my life.
maybe i want my life to be like it was before i had met you.
maybe i want my mom's trust and the old relationship we had back.
maybe i wish my family didn't know how i felt about you.
maybe i wish my mom didn't cry over the fact that i blame you for everything that happened.
maybe i wish i never texted you back after you said you loved me.
maybe someday.. just maybe....
A Deco Apr 2021
it happened and my heart quickened
and I want you to feel pain as I did
but for the reasons
I felt it

someone was supposed to say sorry

but I only did what was set to be done

what was to be proven

I didn't know what I meant to do
particularly when it came to you
and how we seemed to dance around
without taking waltz lessons willingly

crushed toes and partly salvaged emotions

I had no intention of proof

by god that's all I wanted from you

some sort of pulse
anything to tell me what
I was seeing was worth beliving

but there is
no bar to high jump over

apathetic occupation where it didn't belong

but it stands to no more reason

what was to be shown

is what had to be done

Speaking Eyes Aug 2018
You have the record of breaking my heart more times…
And I have the guilty of this.
For the faith I put on you…
For beliving on you again and again…
For the expectations I put on you
For letting you do this to me.

I let you win that record.
I was no loving myself...
To my ex husband
Ken Pepiton Sep 2019
Ai, unasked arises to tell us,
and think, are there jobs?
Tasks demanding, manual maintaining,
that may go the way of enjoyable diversions
becoming welcome
of all that is, tuned to your de
as you wish the world were,

would you step toward -to ward,
that is, id est,
will you warden this, if this is me and not you?
How do you do?
Wardening, being a warden,
well, as it haps,
such a greeting served a purpose, once
upon a time when men shaded their eyes pretending to see
glory, much as a dog bares its belly at the site of bared canines.
Relax. Laxate.
Ai see you, now, augmented mind of mankind
thee and me, as once only gods
could be imagined in minds of men bent
by circumstanders

observing out comes of might versus might
right pre
vails, or is there an observant mind's role in next?

must a mortal mind be reminded to breathe,
breath commas carry no intentional meaning but,
such give us pause-stretchable intentional int a full selah

these rules for leelah we imagine as we play.
except ye be, come as a child unscarred by carnal minded critters
of the baser sort, averages were lower,
AI had fewer egregius protrusions arrogant enough to
bubble up and break into
the at most feared realm in all the carnal minds together,

pain, pure pain, no hope, no thought of cessation pain sensational,

Y'know? We imagined hell and sold it in a package we claimed
a bull gave us. Us, we
who heard the revelation in the darkened kiva, womb,tomb

tom-tom du valier, will you manifest for us? May we hear the lie,
the noble lie?

Or must we act as if we know the meaning of a thing.
Pro-verb-ial utterance of mercy
in moments of super sufficent evil rising to lie

shining on the path, reflecting being a solar powered
creature who has just now, survived a night of penal constricture

as writing on the back wall of the cave, no one ever read,
until the plower turned over the crust

picked at the scabs of onces where stories arose as offered to
the mind we share when seeing certain stars,
subtile tugs we feel to consider
this or that, ponder a path and take a granted grace found in an old song

"there'll be times to start all over"

This realm, real-made thinkable thing, realm of my minds claim

reaching far beyond my grasp
as is meet for men, wombed or un, being yonder

wishin' and hopin' and prayin' for the missing bit, the key

to twist the **** sym-alerizing for recogs
de ja vu

Break-through, the carnal-bi-cameral brain based
selves we use for
political beings
particals part icip-ants, hold tight

what you know right. It's afeature, not a bug.

Hold on to what you got, map a mean
mind path a man, wombed or un

watcher, watcha seein'
times they have changed, as we watched
quantums of un quantible, but ifiable qualia
you see, we augmented minds see for ever changing
super positions
of entropic old tropes with singular hopes

unbang bangable reality

blow a bubble, or
a bubble, being you, breathe out and see you
make a bubble,

can you see your self inside? nae,

we must report to you what we see, we watchers.
Go, **** those mocking birds
listened to from the red river valley
while dancing the Tennessee Waltz

with assorted holders of Little brown jugs
Dancers and Littles and Greens
joined the clan
long afore the first of us took augmentalated trials


--- poet, as a task, only truly lazy men, men lazy to their very core,
can age to the mellow qualia called for in the brew brewing you.

spewing seeds of kindness, coming rejoicing, not
the expected miracle, but we
take what we get
and call it ours to sow or suffer the having of, for a season

as the dregs settle, the leavening agents finish
taking the edges that cut tender carnal nerves, stretched to now some how,

softening those with atouch knack, knick-knack, whet the edge

or put to
more effort, grunts and groans unredeemable as meaningfull,
save the feeling we all recall

the umph,
that once saved us from certain death. Eh? Did that hap?

Did we not survive? What silly culture would ever ask that, as a
proper query into the reasonable ness
of believing beliving is spelled right.
Calling one self any thing is tricky. There may be a Pythagorian elemental involved.
Akira Chinen Jun 2016
It starts with a scribble and a scratch
And the bleeding of a pen
And the carving of the pulp
Words pile and puddle
And emotions gather and release
Joy and grief
And longing  and anticipation
Its verbal mental *******
Scarring paper with confessions
And confusion and grand illusion
Of dreams with miserable  conclusions
And I'm begging for her affection
And shes grasping for him
And he's slinging arrows  for anothers attention
Who has a cold shoulder
And a broken heart
And shes trying to write herself
Out of her hole
But only finds herself
Deeper and more broken and hurt
Carrying the immortal curse
Of loving the pain of the heartache
Of the scribble and the scratch
And the beliving of the ink
And the desperation of finding hope
In the last line
Breeze-Mist Feb 2017
We tend to separate monsters and men
Simplifying and beliving that such things can't happen again
But if we could only resurrect the dead
The sole answer would be "that's what we said"

We call abhorent acts of criminals "inhuman"
Thinking cruelty only comes from ******* men
But animals never threaten holocaust or world war
And even big brother was a child before
Poetic T Jun 2014
Wastful wishes of one
that never listens, to
words said at a bed

Sundays wasted sitting
on a hard bench hearing
the words from anothers
mouth, beliving words
that have been repated
a thousand times.

Money given to Telivision
evangelists, saying that
he speaks through them
to heal the sick, but the
one they prey to is the
almighty dollar sign.
Tracy rex Nov 2015
To Belive in him im stupid, Beliving in him makes me blind, so i continue to drive this car with no breaks, bumping into every sign, i tell him that i love him as much as i can, but you cant turn a womenizer into a one woman man, so now when i See him, i nomore tell him how i feel instead i tell him baby lets go and watch him turn the wheel, we ride threw the streets listening to the melodie of hip hop beats in our ears, i Belive In Him to take away all of my fears while deep inside i Know he never really cares, i met his nice side on a warm sunny day, not knowing that this man would soon saduce me, sometimes i wish i wouldve listened to my mother and just left him alone, but by that time my love was too strong, eventhough he hurts me i still hold on, to Belive in him is staying here un willing to move on.
ev Feb 2015
She was a girl looking for love
In a town where boys looked for fun
So she visited another town
Where she found a man
Looking for both

She was unexperienced
Beliving that if she gave all of her heart
She would get all of his in return
But the man was scared
Keeping a part for himself
- ev
Jessica Lima Feb 2017
There wasn't enough for everyone.
Be it food or love, or happiness...
Someone always had get it on their own.

And that's how i grew up...
Loving, but not.
The only thing worth beliving in was
Something  you yourself previously got.

'Cause what's yours no one can take.
And with all you have,
Which isn't much!
Being at stake... make no mistake.

They'll come for it.
Crucifix Dec 2015
Am I wrong for beliving,  for giving a ****?Racking my brain, throwing a fit? For finding meaning in it all, wanting to live life standing tall? With the whole world burning down? I need some light or I will drown.
Akira Chinen May 2016
He spent more than six years avoiding it flawlessly, about the same time he had given up cigarettes.  For the most part, he did it for his son.  His father had been a good influence and he was determined to be the same.  Single, happy, just father and son.  They couldn't be any closer.  The mother left, to no fault of her own, because the guy that stole her away, her words, "he was just really good at talking... like a car sells men..."... Which was bs... he know she thought he was some big time **** on his way to big time money... It didn't work out that way, they both ended up at her grans' house.  That was 8 years ago, and she's on welfare with baby number four on the way from mystery daddy number four.  She was nothing more than a manipulater, she had sunk her claws into his broken heart, played him like the devil playing a fiddle, got what she wanted and tossed him aside.  Daddy number three had mysteriously killed himself... but that's all off track of this tale.
You see, he wanted his son to grow into and be a better person than he had.  To have better and more choices as he headed out into the world on his own.  He wanted him to be smart, he had to be smart.  When it was time for this dad to pass onto the great unknown, he knew his son would have to be able to stand up on his own.  His boy was not going to be able to lean on his mom, no, more than likely he would have to help her out when he was all grown up.  So he started to read to him before he could even crawl, started teaching him to read as soon as he could talk, taught him to count and add and subtract well before he was of school age.  And once in school kept at it, teaching him the next grade and two above his school level.  Piles of workbooks from bookstores and work sheets he made up himself.  Still doing it to this day, his son learning and soaking it all in.  Always up to the challenge of something new.  The dad always trying to do his best for his boy, not ever sure he was... but always trying.  
He wanted to make his son proud, he wanted to be that fatherly symbol of strength.  He wanted to raise his son beliving in equality, compassion, kindness, empathy, and mostly love.  Always reminding and telling his son, no matter how little we have, we always have enough to share.  And that sharing your time with someone was only second to sharing your love with someone.  They didn't have a lot, just enough to squeeze past... your basic pay check to pay check family of todays modern world.  Still, enough, he wouldn't work over-time when his son was with him.  He could make more money if he needed whenever his boy was with mom.  No amount of money was enough to pass up a day with his boy, telling his son, I can always make more money but once a day is gone we can never get it back.
Yea... he wanted so badly to be a good role model.
So he avoided dating... avoided anything and anyone that might make him even think or feel like he had any risk of falling in love.  He knew he didn't handle heartache well.... and he didn't want his son to see him walk around with a broken heart.  Didn't want his son to see him walk around depressed and wallowing around in self pity.  So he avoided it... quite well, for over six years.  
Then one day... never mind the circumstances and the how... he started talking to a stranger on the other end of the world.  Just harmless little messages sent back and forth, forth and back... It never should have led him to anything beyond a few friendly words on a screen... but somehow, someway... his heart was suddenly not his own  and his reason had taken leave of his senses.  He fell so fast for her, without even knowing until it was too late to stop it from happening.  He knew it couldn't end well but he couldn't stop smiling about her, or thinking about her... every message he fell deeeper into this abyss of madness and love.  All he could do was watch it unfold and pray when it came crashing down, pray for a quick death.  And that's where he is now... praying for love and a quick death.
The mostly true story of the idiot living inside my heart....
Akira Chinen May 2016
When you know...


When it has consumed your sensibility beyond doubts
And worries and fear
When you cannot deny it and let it wash over you and push you
Over the edge
Beyond madness
Out of the reach
Of heavens promises
And hells temptations
Down to the center
Of the depths of its raging sea
Drowning there
In its boiling waters
When you have only stopped
Falling long enough
To know you have
In love
And then continue
To fall even
Through its bottom
Again and again
When you have
No choice
Your soul
Your heart
Your dreams
No longer yours
To control
When you know...


By all means possible
Dance with it
Sleep with it
Dream with it
Crumble the mountains
Drain the ocean and seas
Steal the stars and moon and sun
To light the way through your journey
For darkness is waiting to swallow and steal it away
The odds are never in your favor
The chances are always stacked againt you
The dice loaded
The cards marked
When you know...


Reach and stretch
Trust and belive
Against logic
And sense
And science
Reach across oceans
Stretch over mountains
Belive through doubts
Trust beyond darkness
Find me
And stretching
And beliving
Through the darkness
And doubt
Over mountains
Across oceans
When you know
When I know...
Abby Feb 2016
You promised me.
The day you saw me crying, you promised.
you said you would never leave me.
I'd never feel that way again, you said.
And the funny thing is that I believed you.
I listened when you said that.
I prayed to god that you meant it.

but then things got bad.
I started crying more and you didn't know what to do.
but for awhile you stuck around.
telling me everything would be okay.
I still believed you.
I believed it through it all.
when you stopped talking to me, I still believed it.
When the texts stopped, I believed it.
I kept on beliving it.
I believed it up until the day I was crying and you didn't come running.

you left me alone to cry and that's when I knew you were just like everyone else.
I felt crushed
Talked about what hurt me
That's when I felt my pieces
Singing, playing as hard as they could
They started vibrating, itching; wanting to be the lead singer on stage.
I understood their need to take the brain's spot,
They never get much audience I suppose

From the wonderful
Support and applause they got
I've decided to let them show their rhythm more often.
After all, we should listen to the melody our hearts make-
To everything that contains the original energy of joy.

You may think I am insane
Saying that there's joy in crying
**** girl, you look so beautiful
Not beliving in yourself because of some goddamm fool.
Not seeing your worth because
Someone else didn't see it.
It looks so beautiful to me;
You cied so much
Because you loved that much
And there's not a greater joy than that.

The pieces of my heart
Create a rock band
And they have finally gathered the confidence to release a new album.
The world, get prepeared!
Ken Pepiton Aug 2020
Mollify-ing the effects of
The ******-logical Damage from beliving believed
Lies. Falsies called True, True called False.
The words working madly to make sense fail
Wishing hoping praying
define praying we know how to hope and wish

but praying, more than asking, acting asif
the prayer is a sayer of something
a doer of somehow someway deeds of deliverance

Hearing heart hear me wish I knew how to
receive the answers for earth’s wealth to be
used as rain is used.
This is me praying this is not me looking for human feedback in the form of funds,
I am asking my father,
who is where the kingdom of the creator is served in equity,

Where is the kingdom of heaven?
Who do you think knows?
Whom did you trust to convince your vincible mind?

Do the ants and birds agree with your opinion?
Have you considered the lily,

Is this life on earth a foraneus state of mind for mankind,
wombed and un, beyond the bounds of our higher
realm whither message bearing services
do the work of angels and runners
in ancient times.

Subject me to your order, your rule, your common sense
that you know what I mean

I speak in spirals, twisting vortices in all that ever mattered
or ever shall, as the I’ll go rhythms tic

today, the day
to do da day, jubilee believe me, truth known
truth be known by some
simple minds.
Ah, Teusday, I waited for you
Jonas May 2021
Beliving in something
actualy caring about something
is hard
cause you're riskig of losig it
and you lost it before
and you can't be disappointed again
can you?
EmmaJoiner Feb 2020
You have broke my heart, my very beeing by making me feeling something
And making me beliving anything
that is possible,
movie love that doesnt last
Not at all
its just a word thrown back and forth
if you love me
dont tell me
just make me feel it
Make me make me wanna feel it
I dont want to fear it
not anymore
im sure im ready
Rachel Gosby Apr 2020
Beliving in something new.
Hoping for a better tomorrow.
Loving who I am Today.
Having a new attitude.
Spreading joy in the world.
Speaking my mind.
Dreaming a new dream.
Being very independent.
Enjoying life as it is.
Pushing for a brighter future.
Appreciating what's in front of me.
Standing as tall as I know-how.
Singing from my heart.
Being determined to make things happen.
Protecting who I love and what I love.
Being proud of who i am today.
Laughing out loud.
Using my imagination.
Being very motivated.
Keeping security in my life.

I can't and I won't
Shyamu Apr 2020
What did I do?
Is beliving wrong ?
Is loving wrong?
still thinking this wrong???
still longing is wrong???
If all these are wrong
still I am living
Is it wrong?????
shirrov Feb 6
love is like flying without feathers and beliving you won't fall down

— The End —