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Wandering soul Jul 2014
You got me smiling for no reason
As I sit on the edge of my bed
You got me thinking of every word that u ever said
And everything around me has a happier hue
Becoz everyday I fall more and more in love with u
And now the love songs all seem related
Becoz even a life time with u would make me feel insatiated
And everything around me has a happier hue
Becoz baby I'm in love with u
Philipp K J May 2019
Imaculee Ilibegiza
Dear I couldn't tell ye because Oh!
We wanted ye take flight sudden
The river of family to flow
Through ye our Compassion-ed maiden!

As you darted into darkness of night
We plunged into prayers on our knees
Holding the cross to our ***** tight
Way of the cross brought in us peace.

We know the enemy will come
Will ****** us all sparing none.
We were preparing our souls to numb
All the while praying for you brave nun.
Imaculee should flow eternally
A river of love and forgiveness.

Our hearth didn't fire since you left in fear
We burn in prayers as we hear
The enemy drum beats as it nears
Our dear home to put us to fires
But be calm dear, we are not in  fears.
We are in the power of our lord
We believe death cannot defeat
Let it trample under its dark feet.

Safe hands of god is with you we know
My friend is of enemy tribe though
But only to Lord does he subscribe
He will guide you safely somehow.

The enemy's blood stain smells the air
Hark, dear, every corner death lurks
Searching blood of innocent tribesmen
Women and children they  don't spare
Infants too they **** as kids of snakes.

If the most learned of them boasts the crime
Sure the devil had owned man this time
My child, Lee, I want you to flow
As the river of our family,
Flowing with forgiveness and love.
My love and deep kisses to my dear
Any time they'll tear us into pieces
But we are with our all time Jesus
We know your love will join the lord
And flow as the river of the word
Flowing eternally with love and forgiveness.
Hark! The enemy knocks at the door
Imaculee Ilibegiza
Dear I cant tell ye becoz.. Oh!
Shrivastva MK Jul 2015
If the time stop when
     You are with me,
I love you more than that moon
    plz believe on me,

How will i tell you that
     I can't live without you,
You are my life &
     My life depends on you,

My heart beats only for you
       Its my promise,
I love u too much and
          i like u voice,

When the waves crash on the shore,
I lose in your memory and without you i feel very boar.
Jasmin jazz Sep 2018
I can't explain it..!!
Loneliness is so deep..
We'll think about a lot.
May be of future or past.
We may hear so many sounds,
'nd realise it is not real.
It makes us bold; reminds
us that we are not coward.
We spent it with our hobbies.
Being alone is awesome for me.
Coz it's the only time that
I could see the real 'ME'...
I can cry aloud or laugh.
Makes me strong and hard.
It gives better mental training.
If you like to know it; just
sit alone and enjoy the silence...
I love to be alone becoz
I can see 'who I am'!!..
My best friend is my mirror image becoz it cries with me when I cry and it laugh with me when I laugh. We share each other becoz our emotions are the same
shaffu shafiq Jan 2016
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
Like a bear or like a deer.
Without drink of bear.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
Just to see a dream.
Floating like a sea bream.
Catching one another.
Playing together.
But it is in sleep.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
In my mind your fancy.
Collecting thoughts in frequency.
With you I will walk.
And happily we will talk.
For that I will sleep.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
If you will be sad.
I feel bad.
Never hit you.
Never become mad.
To your rejoice.
I will become your choice.
Becoz we are also frnds so deep.
So I have to sleep.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
Your anger mood I can study.
Oh my love and my friend buddy.
I know I will persuade you.
It is confirmed and due.
You are my life I already it knew.
For you I will bring a lamb of sheep.
Whom you will feed.
Wipe your tears which will seep.
Never give you chance to weep.
So I need to sleep.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
Need you attention and heed.
When my peoms you will read.
Come in my dream with slow speed.
Now i want to sleep.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
Preparing myself here.
Oh my lovely dear.
When will you come?
I am always stand with a big warm welcome.
It is all truth not lies.
Now I have to close my eyes.
Dizzy and so tired.
May be I slip and gets down mired.
Blow off my lamp's light.
Good bye and good night.
Feeling faint and sleepy.
Now it is my time to sleep.
Sleep sleep sleep.
I am going to sleep.
For me , my life meant nothing .
Until you came and become my everything..

Yes , I know I won't die in those lanes.
Unless you leave me in vain .

Sometimes stupid more than babies.. Sometimes cleaver more than archimides... Sometimes childish more Than his sisters.
Sometimes my everything becoz of affection

But it all changed..
Now you're gone..
You left me alone..
I'm not dead nor I'm alive.
I'm like a fire in the dark moonlit sky

From miles aparted We are  indeed..
... But hearts are actached toward a dream..
. I'm there everywhere when u feel lone
. I'm yours indeed for a long
For ever .
Even you left me alone.
It's a Collab
Jenny Jul 2015
A pale fragrance lingers as she thinks back to last night.
The sheets of her bed cry and scream for attention.
Her bed yearns for action as it is succumbed to being shoved into the wall countless times.
Night after night..
But on this night she summons up the explicit scenery planted her in sub-concious mind.
The one thing she's been trying to run away from.
So she comes back to reality and realizes that she's hungry,as she sits in the depths of her despair.
She leaves her apartment.
And the only things comforting her are the soles of her feet, becoz...
when she walks the ground speaks.
She leaves her heart in the dump
Because she knows that it isn't worthy enough for the night.
She has long died on the inside
So she swallows her pride
And Gives the last man a joy ride
Not long after she's found next to the dump on the street side.
Atleast she was left next to her heart :)
Molantwa Mmele Dec 2015
I Can right de way I want
Bcoz I tok de way I WANT
TeLL me I’m rong
I ekspress my fillings through poetry
I can rite about everything
Without feaR
Poetry daznt allow me to supress!
I no this is not kompellinG
With eras in my spelling
Don’t ASK mi y
Jast REED my eras
I’M taryard of yu piple
Traying to tell me wat to du
End wat’ not 2 du
Kontroling mi lyf
While yours is folling apart
Eye don’t really liv mi lyf
To pruve piple’s perseptions
.Write or rong
Abawt my lyf
Mind yo own business
End liv mi lyf alone
Kip quet and read Mi eras
Is rong
Im eva rong to you
NoTHing beautifull;
Yu eva tell about me_
So suit yourself/
(End reeD mi erAs
people won't appreciate you for who you are
they will always talk when you do good and talk when you do bad
its simply how life is
carla goldie Oct 2015
Ye u ***** just up an left us without a second look,u call urself a mother asif u couldn't give a ****! U didn't give 1 thought t what would happen to r lives, how ur actions would mess up how we become parental guilds,we'll let me tell u stranger what is Goin on rite now,how im struggling with my daughter to b a mother I don't no how,where the **** were u when I woke up through the night how alls I ever wanted was 4 my mum to hold me tight,the hate I feel 4 u it runs Tha deep to far to see,the hurt it leave behind emotions twisted inside of me,it's ur fault all the mistakes Iv made u turned me bitter an cold,I swear ur gunna listen becoz it's time the truth was told,don't matter how u put it wa ever way u try explain it was u who up an left us ur the only 1 to blame,an as I sit here writin this my heart is achin 4 a mum, Mayb Id b different mayb there's sumthin she cud av done. But **** I'll never need u iv bun just fine here on my own it's bin years since Iv even thought of u im more than fine t stand alone but believe me when I say this coz I can almost guarantee karmas gonna make u pay 4 wha uv done to me...
Wandering soul Jun 2014
You find yourself day dreaming
Every chance u get (nd not becoz the school work is so boring) just want to make him/her happy (might embarrass yourself while doing so) suddenly get a lot more liberal with your allowance (with chocolates and or flowers in question) start listening to the songs he likes and like them too or reading the book she reads trying to find parts of her in it

5.just the sound of his name gives  u butterflies and his voice gives u a smile (even on your most terrible day)

And I'm madly deeply irrevocably in love
The line between love and insanity is obscure.
Mr X May 2014
That night we went out for a long drive.
Me and my beloved.
We exchanged sweet words and melodies.
We knew we were the best buddies.

Suddenly there was a blazing light.
And I saw a truck comming for our lives.
I knew it was too late...
I clutched her hands tight.
And then, for the last time
She looked deep into my eyes.

I got up from a deep slumber.
Feeling numb, feeling nothing.
Then suddenly her body crossed my eyes.
She lied there in a pool of blood so bright.
I stood up in an instant and went by her side...
And then to my horror I saw my body lying beside.

I tried waking her up.
I attempted to take her hands into mine.
But my fingers passed through her hands so divine.
I shouted my lungs out...
But all I could hear was the silence of the night.

Then an old man...Perhaps God himself
Parked his car and took her to the hospital.
I walked beside the car which ran at infinite speed.
The next day I knew it was time for me to leave.

She slept on the hospital bed...
And illuminated the room's thousand corners.
She was the divine goddess
And I was the sinful Ghost...
She was the brightness of the lights.
I was the darkness of the shadows.

A few days later,
She was rendered physically fit.
But her heart was incomplete.
Coz during one of those good days.
I remember her giving me a piece of her heart.
For me to keep it safe and protected.
I wanted to return it.
But they didn't allow me to come down to earth.

I always knew I am a sinful man
So why did heaven take me in.
Then I remembered its becoz'
I loved her so deep.

Years pass by
And I watch her toil deep within.
Her diamond-like tears
Wet her bed every night,
And she keeps talking to me
Without getting any reply.

One day I decide to defy the heaven's rules
And walk down on the earth so beautiful.
They punish me to die everyday in hell.
But how can that be as this heaven is my hell!

I visit her during her sleep
And before returning the last piece
I kiss her forehead
And get a taste so sweet.
The next morning.
I see her smile return.
I see the girl who is jolly and fun.
She notices a locket on her neck.
A heart shaped one...with our pictures on either side.
She takes it off
But keeps it safely beside the white roses.
I am a memory now.
A beautiful memory.
But only a memory
Nothing more than that.

She soon leaves for work
But on the road she stumbles and falls.
First I run but then I stop.
A tall young man helps her up.
First she hesitates, but then takes his hand.
I smile and stand still behind.

Now she has a happy home,
And I walk the roads of hell alone.
I have gone out of your sight
And you've me out of your mind.
Thank you his beloved for forgetting me.
Thank you his beloved for saving me.

shaffu shafiq Jan 2016
Here is the deepest secret.
Nobody knows.
Looking into your eyes.
Some secret shows.
Turned back to see you.
By Shyness your head bows.
And just slightly blushed.
I like your black veil.
Lips so red.
It makes me dead.
with black goggle.
No words,me just boggle.
Glow Smiling face.
Shining teeth.
Dashing eyes.
Enchanting me.
Believe me or my eyes.
It is true not a lie.
Really it is you.
Dazzling girl.
I become dumb and mute.
Becoz you look so pretty and cute...
Wandering soul May 2014
I am bursting to find out
What you would say
What you would look like
What you would feel like
What colour your eyes would shine in the morning sun
What would your lips would taste of..
(Mint and Chocolate like yesterday hon?)
The firmness of your hands
And the sharpness of your breath
The way you smile
Is better then watching the sun set
The way your heart races when I touch your hand
The way you play with my hair
Oh god , even the way you stand
Baby I can't wait to find out
Becoz everything still feels new
And after all this time
I'm still very much in love with you
carla goldie Aug 2017
God forgive me if ur listenin 4 wa I'm about t say,but 4 a moment can I b honest becoz I'm really not ok
I demand u give me answers,I refuse 2 let this go,
My dad meant more than anythin but this I assume u know.
I'm angry at ur selfishness do u consider those left behind,
The blessing that r dad was is rare an hard 2 find..
R dad had fought the world he'd even been 2 hell an back,
He loved with all his heart,
Had a presents tha others lack,
He forgave the unforgivable,he loved all those hard t love,
He was r sun,the moon the stars,
R amazin gift sent from above.
But the day u called him back n left us just with memories..
We need ur angel back t mend the broken hearts just left 2 bleed,
Dad I hope ur listenin I hope ur proud now we'll b strong..
I hope ur watchin ova us at last at peace where u belong...***
Drishty Chopra Jun 2014
u r d one in my hour of need..
u r d in my every deed..
u stood by me, when no one bear me..
u r d one, whom my world mean..
u taught me to fall and rise again..
u taught me the price of pain..
u taught me how to make someone smile..
u taught me d real value of life..

u taught me dat love is blind, becoz u fell in love wid me..even before seeing me..
Rocky Mar 2014
There she lives far away in the universe.......
She smiles a little knowingly and grins a little movingly,
but she knows the future so she doesn't worry.....
And the fact that she doesn't worry makes me fall in love with her.

But she lives far away in a far away universe.....
while i live here with the bridge and the river,
But i hope our universes bridge or hers i discover.....
But i dont really care becoz i also equally love the river.
Zoe Sep 2019
I cannot explain what love is
But can anyone say why?
The star twinkle at night
And there is magic in the sky
Or why river rushes to meet the sea
No more I can explain
Just becoz you mean too much to me
Your my life and my happiness too
I just know I do....
Shrivastva MK Feb 2018
Plz don't hurt anyone,
Spread happiness becoz if u spread happiness then u will get double happiness..

#dont hurt anyone
Love to all n help the needy..
anshika gehani Jul 2017
Huh I am sorry did I just pinch u
I am so sorry let me do it again I  will just see if it really hurt
Oops I guess it did look I told u it had hurt why did u allow me to do it
U r so dumb but that’s fine coz girls are dumb arent they
Coz they all have a disease known as feelings and emotions
Beware it may spread
And it’s not a stereotype that uhmm girls cant do anything
I swear its real becoz look u failed in that exam and u remember u just fell down
U know all u r meant for is that piece of wrong stuff and u r made for it
Oh I am sorry did I just abuse girls
No no I don’t mean it unless u r one of the kalpana chawla or oprah winfrey
If u r one of those then believe me u r worth everything
But if u rnt
Well then I guess hell is ur place
Train u as a housemaker
And send u to a diff place at the age of 20
But how does it matter
Girls are dumbs they will mess up there too
So they arent even happy there
Oops have I been abusing
No no that’s fine even if I am coz u r dumb and u don’t deserve good
U don’t deserve anything not even respect
So u can thank me later for abusing you
But first you may kiss my feet and pray me
Coz I am a guy and I owe you
I am perfect
Even if I make mistakes
Society forgives me along with my parents
Nobody punishes me
God also loves me coz I am a guy
I can live, dress, eat and do whatever I want in my ways
But u girl better behave
So now u know why girls don’t deserve it coz they are dumb and so r all those feminists
Shrivastva MK Aug 2018
Love u beyonds ur imagination,
U R my heart u R my Nation,
Sometimes I got totally scared,
Thinking about ur separation.....

U R my life u R my breath,
U R my believe u R my faith,
I can't live a single second without u
Becoz I wanna to be urs in every birth,

I'm a white paper u R my colour,
Without u everything looks blur,
Never think that u R alone my dear,
U R my life parterner u R my care....

Love u a lott dear sweetest dear....
Zoe Sep 2019
So tell me where should I go?

To the left?

Becoz there is nothing right

Or to the right?

Becoz there is nothing left

In the crowd of the city

The Sun will set soon..

I am Waiting for my sunset

So I can have my moon..

Everybody ask if I am ready,

How to say I am little unsteady 

Time is running ,rushing like sea

I know he has made one for me

Soul mate,stars, 

moon and fairies 

All is a dream,

To be in dairies 

Dont want to wake up and stop the dream

This is all I have ..please let me dream
suhani Mar 2018
u turned my darkness into light
u made everything right
u picked me up when i was down
u turned my life around
if i didnt have u,wat would i be
a blessing is wat u r to me..
the world is full of many people,its true
but there's only one of u
u fill my heart with luv
u r a god sent gift frm above
if i didnt have u,wat would i be
an angel is wat u r to me
lost and alone i will no longer be
becoz i know u r here with me
if i didnt have u,wat would i be
a soulmate is wat u r to me..
radz Jun 2018
Where we stay,
Is becoming grey,
All the landforms,
Even the angry landlords,
Are here,
But one day our planet might disappear.

Take good care of it,
If not, you'll need to admit,
That you'll quit,
And leave the planet.
Becoz of more Carbon Dioxide,
As Oxygen dies.

Global Warming is increasing,
And Ozone layer is leaving,
Then there's a Super Nove explosion,
And the Earth's erosion,
Then we will fly in a rocket,
Leaving our rocky planet.
radz Jun 2018
The secret of life is to have fun,
N not to be sad when u haven't won.
The secret of life is to laugh,
N to be in both halves.
The secret of life is to forgive,
N also know how to give.
The secret of life is to pray,
Becoz it can be a Lord's day.
The secret of life is to obey,
Or u might be in a situation of dismay.
The secret of life is to smile,
N live every part of ur life.
radz Jul 2018
We need to struggle,
Even if it's a trouble.

We need to struggle,
To get a little crumbled.

We need to struggle,
Even though it gets daily doubled.

We need to struggle,
But don't unbuckle.

We need to struggle,
Becoz, it's a success tunnel.
Prem Dec 2024
Standing in the moonlight
Waiting for someone
I don't know why
l was waiting for him.

In the rose garden
It looked so pleasant
That I can't hold my breath
So I was standing still
In the corner of the garden.

Visiting all the beauty of roses
which I can't resist.

The fragrance is so cool
That I yearned for it
So unique as extracted from thorns
Which receives hatred but
Leads to the throne.

It lifts me up to the sky
High as my heart will burst up
With the pressure of the atmosphere
Still it does one more thing
It drowns me down to the ocean bed
Which is filled with love of eternity.

I have no control on my own heart.            

Still dreaming in the moonlight
Losing hope for someone
I know that he won't come back.
I am waiting for him, though.

Because ,

I still have some hope.
That God might send him
Back again to our world of roses
Where,we used to meet every day.

But now,
He's gone too far.
So far, I can't hold him.
Becoz he's no longer in this world.

Though I don't feel sad for him
Coz I promised him that
I won't be sad for this lifetime.
I still see him in my memories.

He's still alive in my heart.
Running through all of the
Corners of my heart,
Making my heart beat stable
Coz I can't stay alive without him.

But I should stay alive for
Caring for all these roses, in which
He is still in~
I still can't hold my breath.
Prem Dec 2024
We were in love since our seventeens
Got married secretly at our twenty fours
And our children left us alone at our Fourties
Now we still have each other at seventies.

Let our heavenly home would get filled
With the gallery of our own memories
Let me to bring us a pen drive and
Get it field with the sweet series of our past.

Let the keys of the piano get played
On it's own for a lovely duet on our floor
Let the scars on the walls of our hearts
Go away with every blink in our eyes.

We would hangout with a long drive
And halt the car in front of library
You read to me the love novels then
Travel back together with words.
Watch a romantic movie in the theatre,
Have a cup of tea with the saffron suns,
Our love never fades as the count of stars.
Our transparency of Glass stays in still.

Let the children of ours, move off from
Us, no need of them, becoz we are there for us.
And let me bring a basket of roses
To accompany the candled dinner light.

Then let me write to you the sorry and love
You notes,if you're ever upset of me.
Let the strings of the guitar vibrate
To reply to our songs singing with mild sad.

But never and ever shed your beads of
Blood from your eyes for our gone children.
I will be there for you until death.

— The End —