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 Dec 2018 Jonathan Poole
Writing on paper is easy - fast and visible.
But paper tears, paper is thrown away.

Writing on the soil is easy - fast and visible.
But it can be erased, by a simple flick of the wrist.

Writing on water is hard, invisible and impossible.
Or so it seems.
To write on water, you must submerge something into it. A couple pebbles or sticks will be fit.

Live your life to the depths, never let it to brought down to be torn or erased. Submerge yourself in it, and it will always bring you to the top,
 Dec 2018 Jonathan Poole
Treating happiness
like it's a
r a c e
is the fastest way to
c r a s h
into misery.
 Dec 2018 Jonathan Poole
by: MissPine

Once touched by a fairytale's immense,
But rather be hostile and the truth I sense.
Things happened, both fun and intense,
Yet I stayed low for life has always a hence.
These velvet dreams of tomorrow
are positive and bright
Tomorrow is going to be amazing
And sleep is for tonight
Tomorrow will be unforgettable
And sleep is for tonight
Tomorrow, Tomorrow will be mine
And sleep is for tonight
 Jun 2018 Jonathan Poole
Sometimes you have no reason to stay,
and realize that's a perfect argument to go.
And that taking an entirely new way,
is the sore but single method to grow.

If you're washed-on abeyance's bight,
and you feel decision's heavy heft:
To choose the left where nothing's right,
or go to the right where nothing's left.

Remember it matters not where you proceed,
or which mountain you want to ascend.
It does not matter whether you succeed,
it is the journey that matters in the end.
Amidst the smoke and light and laughter
Along the smiles and cheers thereafter

A sound is bled, wrung free from strings
It bounds and treads and wholly sings
Inside each song, a secret’s moved
Not right nor wrong or frequent proved
The message dances from bow to ear;
A coded trance of love and fear
From left to right the story rings
Of death and light the Cello brings
The covert tale engulfs the room
It vibrates truth to those who loom
The Cello knows for why it’s played
Its secret lost, both gone and stayed

In the smoke and light and laughter
Music lies and cries thereafter
It's 3am

I'm on the phone
No one's awake and I'm alone

It's 3am

The radio's on
Songs are played on lonely station

It's 3am

I'm in my bed
My eyes are open and sleep has fled

It's 3am

I'm on the balcony
The sky is dark and just quite scary

It's 3am

Some windows have lights
Could they also not sleep tonight

It's 3am

I'm still awake
When will life ever give me a break
Insomniac nights are the worst. And it's been going on like this for quite awhile.
Sometimes all that we see and all that we do
And all that we have done seems like a dream
An endless dream whether good or bad

If only I have a genious brain like Einstein
a brain of relativity and amazing creativity
a brain relative to time and space

Then I would know if everything was real,
and not just another incredible illusion
of here and now, of this place

And as I'm quietly thinking of this and I ponder
I imagine the poet Poe would laugh and say,
'Tis a dream and nothing more
Since Parkland Florida many are taking a stand
against senseless violence, and such
Yet I still wonder,
When are parents going to start being parents,
And securing their guns
and weapons?
When are parents going to start taking
responsibility for their actions?

When are parents going to begin
making things right,
And teach their children to use their brains,
and solve their differences
with communication,
and if all else fails
never bring a gun to a fist fight?

When are parents going to start being parents?
Cause last time I checked being a parent was more
than just kissing a child goodnight
Being a parent meant being responsible
and taking responsibility
for all the wrongs a parent needs to make right
Of course there are many wonderful
and responsible parents in our society
As well as some who need to work
on their parenting skills
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