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276 · Sep 2019
Sally At The Bar Limerick
Logan Robertson Sep 2019
At the end of the bar, Sally sat
Eyeing the mice like a big bad cat
Her lone eyes beckoned like cheese
Drawing a catch to her knees
Fortuitously she caught a rat

Logan Robertson


Logan Robertson Jun 2017
So Far He's Landed A Handshake

The year end school bell rings
as a young boy's heart sings.
His high school drought is over,
now he's off to sweet clover.

The innocent youthful summer ahead,
as a bamboo pole rises from the dead.
Sultry sun shines on his bed of tackle,
a hook, line and sinker she'll cackle.

He skips a stone on lake tops,
fish rainbows with his props.
Should he hunt, and find his first dear,
a date he sights with a cheer.

In the forests of his woods
lil dears preening for his goods.
Their poker eyes peek behind trees,
faking the wool over his glee.

Dreams she'd be riding up on his wings
pockets filled with Trojan kings.
He'd give her a poke on the river bed
but this fantasy is in his head.

Sweet overgrowth of her triple treats
living so large under his sheets.
His ******* spurts all over
the raw youthful hands discover.

So a young boy still has his blue *****
save for wet dreams and accidental calls.
Maybe he'll meet his dear soon
and give his cheer on her crescent moon.

Still there's a gleam in his eyes
of short skirts dancing in his blue skies.
As college life lies around the bend,
blossoming terrains can be a godsend.

Logan Robertson

259 · Apr 2019
The Dragon of Notre Dame
Logan Robertson Apr 2019
I can't help but think
Of a dragon blowing flames
It's tongue
And eyes
Imposing it's will
On Notre Dame Cathedral
On the church, landmark, history
Veiled in its ugliness
The beast of burden
Improbable yet denomic
A page out of a bad dream
Ravaging it's relentless head
Flames spewing from it's mouth
Stretching in maddening red
Hell touching the Heavens
With angels everywhere
Crying, praying, willing
Blocking it's path
It's destruction
A timber roof
A spiral
Now layed to rest
In view of it's last rites
I can't help but think
Fictional this dragon in my mind
And people of all walks of life
Ethnicity, denomination, lot
From the nearby streets
To those viewing across the globe
All watching in horror
Emotional  and impassionate
Viscerally pulling the dragons tail back
With hopes, chants, bonds
Disposing of this dragon
From rearing it's ugly head further
I can't help but think
It wasn't worse
Notre Dame Cathedral
Long withstanding adversity  
It's foundation resolute
Strong, with a lions heart
And a stronger will

Logan Robertson

256 · Nov 2019
My Little Witch Of Where
Logan Robertson Nov 2019
My little witch of where*
What happened to the air*
We were one loving pair*
With untapped rhyme and flair* Then your eyes and nose flare* The fuse lighting our fare*
The last I saw you stair*
Up up and away, where*
Lost a twitch in despair*
And gave an itch to care*

Logan Robertson

255 · Aug 2017
Babe, I Look At The Moon
Logan Robertson Aug 2017
Babe, I look at the moon
And see your silhouette
Your largess strewn
Your presents beset

You have a gift in store
On the very top shelf, you
Between us the rain pours
The face of the moon blue

Still, inside the box I yearn
Past the ribbons of tears
To where your heart burns
Embers smoldering with fears

My heart wants to take you home
On a wave that curls forever
Among ebbs and tides foam
The good and bad weather

My eyes look up at the night sky
Darkness cloaks the ambient light
Your silhouettes escaping my eye
In eerie silence I sat that night

Was my mind playing tricks on me
On a crescent, I imagine your echo
Becoming smaller and smaller  to be
Your shape now a dot that let go

Many moons have pass and I cry
Lost sparkles you brought to my eyes

Logan Robertson

247 · Nov 2020
Sally's Vote For President
Logan Robertson Nov 2020
Sally cast her vote true, onto what lies
To the best candidate that meets her eyes
She wants a truthful honest man
A president with a proud plan
Sally checked none of the above applies

Logan Robertson


Tomorrow's US Presidential election between Trump and Biden leaves Sally conscience pure, and free. Tomorrow she will pray for her country, for all the honest people and that the next great leader surfaces in the future.
229 · Jul 2017
On Closed Doors
Logan Robertson Jul 2017
he fed the kitty
a little fish
she expressed pity
for such a small dish

wheres the beef
her tongue curled
preening in disbelief
as her eyes hurled

his heart sank
at her prissy mood
drawing a blank
he said its only food

take a bite he coaxed
it surely wont hurt
a palette stroked
for this little squirt

she feigned a headache
laying hoax for fish
her wills in need of beefsteak
leaving his shriveled wishes

on closed doors
his saddened heart pours

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Jul 2020
Sally girl's a packing to splash the beach

With the tiniest tong that fills her peach

Her orchards ripe for some suns

With little thread on her buns

She cues men's peAks sunning self in their reach

Logan Robertson


My dearest Sally can make a cloudy day on a beach sizzle. And that what I like about her.
225 · Jul 2017
His Ex
Logan Robertson Jul 2017
Her critic tongue blue
dances over his campfire
like rouge mosquitoes

Logan Robertson

220 · Sep 2019
Sally's First Time Limerick
Logan Robertson Sep 2019
Sally's nights in highschool wet a dream
She'd open doors for boys on the team
The nights on a carpet rides
Magical the zipper slides
When she awoke, awestruck by the stream

Logan Robertson


That first time. The place, time, when, where, who I'll never forget. Twelve at the time, a sleep over at the neighbors. The sleeping bag weathered a storm.
Logan Robertson Oct 2019
Walking the sidewalk
His eyes caught good sight
Of the throes of stalk
Hustlers of the night

He wanted a crutch
Someone to lean on
A women's soft touch
For his love has gone

As the satin dears
Rose at every thorn
His eyes filled with cheers
As soon his star's borne

He picked out a peach
For his picnic fares
A stroll at the beach
Without any stairs

Lust the price be paid
Two Franklin's calling
Such wishes he laid
For a brief balling

It was quite a show
Her a Barbie doll
Dressed down for his dough
Taking care of his roll

When it was all done
His whistle's alive
His meat had some bone
Men's crutches she'll strive

Logan Robertson

204 · Jun 2017
Perfect Match
Logan Robertson Jun 2017
match to
candle brought
a flame so bright
shining a warm glow
in couple's eyes
lighting a

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Jun 2017
Sharks Have Vulnerability To Trojan Horses

Red herrings feasted on the sharks in the poker game
Clever deceit took a bite out of the chip eaters fame
Fishes at the table were the sharks
Viet Nam shadowed the US hallmarks
David felled Goliath, too, with a good slingshot aim

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Jul 2018
Jack's corked desires bubbled his rooftop
He eagerly took his Jill to the bunnyhop
She tripped the moon
He came way too soon
She went up the hill to fetch a pill he pop

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Sep 2019
Sally's has a soft spot for bad boys
Those filling her playground with big toys
Like launching rocket missiles
That livens up her whistles  
In to her moon and back, ship ahoys

Logan Robertson


180 · Nov 2019
Sally Likes A Full House
Logan Robertson Nov 2019
Sally caught the train to the city
Upon arrival, she looked gritty
For her tryst far from right
She tried the swings, this night
Though her quirks were cork, she lay pretty

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Dec 2020
Sally Looks To Someday Push Buttons

Sally walked the floors of life this year
Each climb up she cautiously lived in fear
She lived on, brink to brink
Week to week, flight or sink
She hopes that her elevator is near

Logan Robertson

First of all continued prayers and hope everyone is doing well and coping with the pandemic and life.

With recent news that a vaccine for Covid has been found there's are great reasons to celebrate. It's a start. For many of the world a cure would lead back to a normal life. That's would be a kiss on the lips. That would make everyone's heart sing again. For Sally this year has tested her resolve, and idleness, and she looks forward to shifting back into gear
175 · Jan 2020
Rising Onward
Logan Robertson Jan 2020
It all went up in smoke
puffs of black
rising above the smokestacks
rising to the sky
one at a time came their turn  
of matters to ash

Logan Robertson

167 · Jul 2020
Trump Nonet Be Re-Elected
Logan Robertson Jul 2020
Trump Nonet Be Re-lected

A time moans
Four years of Trump
Marching down the hill
Through the history books
Pages holding his burst of shame
With no President's trail this bad
He was more suited for the big tent
Of leader
Of the greatest
Most mighty nation
On the face of this Earth
Riding his three-legged act
Hatred, egotism, leaderless
To his stunt of the United States

Logan Robertson

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

There's nothing that I like about Trump. He's baked a White House cake that is a mockery to all the bakers, so to speak. Come next January will mark Trump's fourth year in office and hopefully it will be his last.
141 · Jan 2021
Trump's Capital Assault
Logan Robertson Jan 2021
From that storm driven dark day.~ I saw rioters chanting U-S-A, U-S-A.~ And raging, raging, having their stay.~ Like wound up robots with words to say.~ The mob-like, lapped the Capital and it's prey.~ Then raced thru the steps of Trump's relay.~ For there they were under his spell and play.~ Like they were programmed to stray.~ Months of Trump's stop the steal came to a fray.~ When the mob took the Capital my heart dismay.~ It was like watching stupidity, and horror in disarray.~ For there they stood casually in foul play.~ Waving flags, cameras, and de-pricing their way.~ Yet totally oblivious of the law and mainstay.~ This day needs closure and the puppeteer has to pay.~

Logan Robertson

Tomorrow Biden will be sworn into office and I wish him all the best. And Trump I have no kind words for. For here is a man that is not all here.
Logan Robertson Feb 2020
Sally Shun Her Valentine Or Not

Sally's Valentine wants *******
And wails forth that he's a driving force
He courted his blind date
Now his compass' upstate
With storm she sent him packing of course

Logan Robertson


Sally's the ******* the bus. We make eye contact. I look away. I can only dream.
Logan Robertson Mar 2020
In the turn of a page of bad fate
Out jumped the book of March's index
With each chapter getting worse
Each page finding a tear
The words crying out
Who's this author
With red ink
The angst
Of readers
Across the globe
Each character sad
Done wrongly, done sadly
Bottled and corked of stressed life
Laid off, laid idly, laid to rest
All eyes tear that the postscript breathes life

Logan Robertson

9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Reverse Double Nonet

Continued Prayers.
128 · Mar 2020
He Could Not Curb His Road
Logan Robertson Mar 2020
To whom it concerns. ~He who is coarse course miserable strings of knots not for the better.~

Logan Robertson

We're all on the same road. And the hope is that everyone stays in their lane.
127 · Dec 2019
Trump's Reckoning
Logan Robertson Dec 2019
A few days ago
A fuel of tears
The country watched
Trump's bull seeing red
It was such a sad sight
A whole bunch of dirt
Kicked in the air
The bull running in circles
Dodging, dodging
It got speared
To the delight of whom you ask
To the jeers and cheers
To the angst and tears
Shamefully on the American public
Make no mistake about it
Trump's a reckoning
Is a wrecking
To the Presidency
And to House of Representatives
Now known
As the House of Horrors
With the voting
Divided by allegiance
Not by oath
But by party lines
And that is bull, too

Logan Robertson

The arena set. The vote now goes  before the Senate to either remove Trump or acquit, where 67 percent of the vote (one way or the other) is needed. With the Republicans holding a 53-47 control of the Senate this is another casting (probable imo) of votes divided by party lines ( bipartisan at it's shame imo) and another impending  stain on Justice.
Logan Robertson Feb 2020
His Make Believe Love

Below his mind a mermaid sits
Aglow of love only for thee
Hello he cast these words to her
Forego the tides and reel with me

She looks back up with laughing  eyes
Glee burst furthest from his bubble
See his mind's altar be empty
Be his scales short of  a couple

Logan Robertson

Lento poem-2 quatrains. First word in each line rhyme. The last word in the second and fourth rhyme. Inspired and interests piqued by Dearheart's sponsorship of a poetry contest at PS that required the lento form. Truth be, this is my first try at one. (8 syllables a line).
Logan Robertson Mar 2020
My tongue is strung
On the headlines
A virus sprung
Across coastlines

From China wall
To the earth's span
The bouncing ball
Of bad cells fan

One dug a path
At humankind's
Causing a wrath
Of quarantines

This turn of fate
I pray comes straight

Logan Robertson

Continued Prayers.
124 · May 2020
Sally Has Words For Trump
Logan Robertson May 2020
Sally read of Trump sliding on his ****
Seventy days lapse of the virus bump
He pet the bull by the horn
While the virus spread was born
Sally's numbed being ****** off by a stump

Logan Robertson

Sally can only look at Trump's logic and leadership regarding the onset, which leaves her asking where are the tall oak trees.

Logan Robertson Apr 2020
Sally yearns for a stimulus check
In part to bring sails to her shipwreck
She could use a timely breeze
To soothe her from the deep freeze
Money's ace but her men mend her deck

Logan Robertson


Poor Sally. On most nights she be seeing new faces, going to new places and parting her social graces. Now she's a head case. Being, ahem, laid off (and restricted from going out) has taken a toll on her.
Logan Robertson May 2020
Sally still has her rainbow eyes for life
As a prism be, a prisoner in strife
She copes with the downfall
Life throwing a curveball
Still, she gets a base hit for some wildlife

Logan Robertson


Sally's been battling the voids in her life. Five weeks, now, cooped up at home, watching one movie after another, playing scrabble, cleaning house, and dreaming does get old. When there's a knock at her door it brings her to a smile.
98 · Jan 2020
Death Of A Fisherman
Logan Robertson Jan 2020
For years he caught a fish
For his hymn
It was a game and thrill
From the ridge
And outskirts
He parked his car
Hiking thru the forest
Often whistling a tune
Surely enjoying the views
And the company
While singing Oh My Darling
To his goad
A wide open lake
His only refuge
Fishing brought him comfort
Like *** does
As often as a blue moon
When he caught one
Some say for effect
The fish would wiggle
His whistles pitching
From the mound
To the batter's box
Sometimes high
More often low and bought
And to his demise the big ones
End up escaping
Why he would ask
A snap of fate, they say
Twice a month
Which was a good month
He tested the waters
He would dip his toe in
His manhood at bat
Always relishing
The aesthetics
From the outskirts
To the ridge
The walk thru the forest
Thru and thru
Back in forth
It never got old
Even for his whizzing heart
Stranger as it seems
A stranger in the dark
The years
The decades
The lost opportunities
To the whispers
And knowing sneers
From his peers
Life had fewer cast for him
And fewer blue moons
Where he is now resigned
To his hands of fate

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Mar 2020
Sally And Coronavirus Rules

Sally on merry-go-round  like the rest
She takes the forced ride and prays for the best
She can't do this, can't do that
Social distance' a black cat
She yearns for mandates that come with a zest

Logan Robertson


Sally, like the rest of the country, is due to following the dots. Both the government rules and those the scientist are following under a microscope. Someday there will be a cure-all and she likens it to be with all the bells, whistles and bang. That would bring huge relief. For now she's self isolated and can't wait to get back on the saddle.
Logan Robertson Mar 2020
As this virus answers a roll call
It's presence now climbs over a wall
For good years his voice a dormat drawl
Now it wants to kiss a death and sprawl
Across the globe man's watches stall
As the virus strenghten it's gall
If when the ticking hand could maul
And stop it in it's track and all
If the scientist can stand tall
Next to the virus and see it fall
As it stands a dooming chapter ball
It's bounce taking it's toll on us all
I hope the virus a muted doll
And robust headlines soon entrall

Logan Robertson


2nd line- think epicenter of this outbreak
13th line-think how the virus latches onto cells, wanting to make babies. I wish it sterile, finding a muted doll.
85 · Feb 2020
Kansas City Cheifs Rise
Logan Robertson Feb 2020
Kansas City Cheifs Rise

Seeding and blossoming
At the right time
In the face of adversity
Now known
As the 49ers
Last scene
Heads hung low
Seething and wilting
In the face of Mahomes
Now known
As Tomahawk Chop
Comeback king
QB extraordinaire
In the race to the top
Rarefied air for the Cheifs
And a beaten path for the 49ers
Down 20-10
Golding, goading into the fourth
Mahomes sparks the comeback
Two TD passes
And the 49ers are on their *****
Two TD passes
Cheifs win 31-20
To the 49ers rashes
And should I dare say crashes
A seedling that was planted
Some 50 seasons ago
Ripe with submisions
And some terrible falls
Over the proud owners
The Hunt family
No strangers to paydirt
Now reaching new heights
For the very first time
This for the Cheif fans
The ones now with tears of joy
Savioring the moment
A rallying cry
To the fall of their dream
Now to the very rise ...
of their team

Logan Robertson


— The End —