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you call me a sweet girl,
tell me to behave like a lady,
I  am your little princess.

But what if I don't want to be a princess?
Am not a lady?
And don't feel like a sweet little girl?

you call me a pretty girl,
a compliment, but an insult for me.
you don't see.

in your eyes I am your daugther,
Am I a girl,
But sometimes I just want to be a boy.
Pretty girl walks down the streets,
But no-one knows,
She is actualy an he.
you can see this as poem about a girl who used to be boy or as poem about a girl who feels like a boy. you can give it any meaning you like.
Soft sweet tones

Coming from the piano

Slowly I drift away

Listening to this pure beauty

I don't have to worry

I am free

As the music fills my mind

And I am finally not alone

The music is my company

The only company I need

On this journey

Guided by this sweet tones

The pure beauty that takes me away

My mind is floating

Sweet tones fill my heard

I am not alone

I have music

Soft sweet tones to accompany me
I wrote this poem while listening to this song, it is beautiful and I love it
I am here all alone in this empty place

I want to go further, leave this place behind

This is not where I want to be

But something is keeping me here

I am attached to strings

Strings painfully attached at my back

Right where my wings should have been

Pulling me back down

Keeping me from flying

Giving me nothing but pain

As I cannot move without getting hurt

They will not let me escape the tragedy of this cruel world

I have nowhere to go, but here, I know, I cannot stay

Yet I cannot go

And this strings do not only tear my back apart

But also my heart
I hope the music works, this was what I was listening while writing this poem, I hope you guys like it.
the song I listened to is another beautiful song
I am trapped,
Locked up like a bird in a cage
My wings are clipped
I am hidden away,
under hunderd of layers
I locked my true self far away,
afraid to be seen
I hide in this world of lies,
Afraid for what others may think
I am locked up like a bird in a cage,
a cage build by myself
I can't go away,
I am trapped,
In this web of lies and secrets
I am locked away,
not to be shown,
afraid for what others may think
They cannot know
They cannot see
Who I truly want to be
Something is wrong with me,

I don't know what,

but I am different,

I feel different,

I don't feel like I fit in,

There is no place for me,

not in this society,

I am sorry,

but I am not -can not- be,

who you want me to be,

I am different,

Something is wrong with me,

I don't know what,

But something isn't right,

I am sorry,

I am not who I should be,

sorry that I don't fit in,

I can't help that something is wrong with me
I am locked up in this body,

In this world of lies,

And deep down I know,

I will never be free
the voices whisper

they call out to me

They scream

They laugh at me

Should I listen?

Should I care?

The screaming won't stop

I can't tell the difference

between the screaming in my head

and my own

Stop it, stop!

I can't ignore them anymore

For the voices whisper

They call out to me

They scream

They laugh at me

I can't ignore them anymore

No, don't pity me

They are right

and this is my goodbye
Welcome to our society.
Where the teens are depressed,
And the students are stressed..
Where people will hate you,
For what you wear and your weight..
Where there's only *** no hugs,
And there is no candy just drugs..
Where we cut form an escape,
And the parents beat and ****...
Where laws forbid people of  being gay,
And everything is weary and grey...
So I hope you enjoy your visit with society,
Just try not to get depressed and anxiety..........
whats going through my mind at the momment
hope you guys like it
second poem
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