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12.9k · Nov 2015
Your Kiss
TinaMarie Nov 2015
I keep licking my lips
trying to re-taste you
remember you.

Using my tongue like a
defibulator reviving
the moment.

Reliving the gentle soft press
of the sweetest lips
in the world.
For you
12.0k · Mar 2012
Inspire Me
TinaMarie Mar 2012
Be my novel tonight
Allow me to navigate the depths of your thoughts
and journey through the pathways of your mind while
merging in my imagination and infusing in my wildest
poetic fantasies.  Inscribing in our bedpost an
unforgettable bestseller.

Be my music tonight
Let me groove to the beat of your heart picking up pace
as I explore new ways to invoke melodious outbursts. I
want to sing a duet with you of synchronized moans and
pleasurable sighs.  Culminating with you belting out my
name in one final perfect note.

Be my masterpiece tonight
Permit me to trace my fingertips across every inch of
your frame as I find your sensually stimulating spots.
Armed with new knowledge and intent, sit back as I
stroke you with my brushes of desire and take you on a
creative adventure of twists and turns as I bring to life my finest
work of art and watch with all anticipation your love erupt.

© Tina Thompson
11.5k · Mar 2012
TinaMarie Mar 2012
Sunny afternoon

75 degrees

          Blowing softly through the slightly cracked window

          Laying rhythmic undertones to lyrical chirping

Snuggled so tightly
     Pressed against your skin
Entangled limbs
     Indistinguishable as to where you end and I begin

     Hearts and Breaths
Producing a soothing lullaby as we drift off to...

I miss afternoon naps

     With you


     The afterglow


© Tina Thompson
TinaMarie Feb 2012
Your presence warms me daily
We flirt with anticipation
Of what's to come.

As you beam closer to me
I toss playful mists of eagerness.
Your caress drives me crazy
Every sense is heightened.

I arch towards you.

I am swelling with excitement
Raging wet with desire
Open to receive you.

You invade me

s l o w l y

Illuminating me to vibrancy
Of colorful ecstasy
Igniting golden fires
To radiate from me.

You drink my hues of your reflection

Returning each day
At sunset
For a time.

In those minutes
You are mine.

We are one

You are my Sun.

© Tina Thompson
View for yourself.;=youtube_gdata_player
9.4k · Feb 2012
Morning's Past
TinaMarie Feb 2012
The sounding alarm starts the frenzy
I hurry myself to shower and dress
Slowing just for a moment
To strategically place fragrant surprises
For later explorations.

Accelerating with all urgency
I weave through the blockade of traffic
Risking it all to preserve
Each second, each minute, every moment of time
For my waiting infatuation

Flushes of excitement consume me
As I near my destination
I am overwhelmed with pulsating urges
As I search for a way to impress you
Show advanced appreciation

Welcomed with a sensual eagerness
Each of us knowing and wanting
I ask "Can I play you a tune?"
A Love song plays to a faintness
As you bring me to satisfaction


Ascending to kiss me softly
You wish me a good day at work.
Wiping excess from your chin
You smile and say "See you tomorrow."

© Tina Thompson
5.7k · May 2012
GOD is my co-pilot
TinaMarie May 2012
Ahh, sweet familiar uncertainty
My joy you will not steal.

My Faith abounds, My journey's sound
For my co-pilot's at the wheel.

©Tina Thompson
5.5k · Jan 2012
TinaMarie Jan 2012
Concerned with
The rapid pace
At which women
Are being

I pray

Confused by
Their acceptance
Of the outright
Level of

I pray

I pray for
Men to understand
You degrade yourself
When you dishonor women.

I pray for
Women to demand
Their value, worth and
Respect from men.

I pray for
Children to be
Protected and shielded
Able to retain a high esteem.

I pray for
To return
To it's divine purpose.

I pray for
To abide
In our hearts and mind

I pray for you

I pray me

I pray for family

I pray for harmony

Understanding we need
Whole men             able to love
Whole women       able to raise
Whole children     able to Achieve

I pray

©Tina Thompson 2012
5.0k · Mar 2014
River's Bed
TinaMarie Mar 2014
I once lived by a river
That flowed with a seducing call
Drawing me daily to it's bed
And Liberating me in it's waves.

I miss my raging river
That use to splash all over me
Bringing joy and excitement
To my otherwise lonely days.**

©Tina Thompson
4.5k · Feb 2012
A Teardrop
TinaMarie Feb 2012
A teardrop on my cheek
     Is all it seems to be.

A teardrop on my cheek
     Shed for you and me.

A teardrop slowly sliding
     For how we were before.

A teardrop being wiped away
    If I could hold you once more.

© Tina Thompson
4.4k · May 2017
Morning Coffee
TinaMarie May 2017
Cinnamon aroma
    Warmed fingertips.
Approach eager lips
     A gentle sip.

Eyes close
      A blissful smile.
Deep breath...     In
     Exhale...     Out.

Mind replays
      The joy of last night.
As My Love
     Enters the room.


More Coffee?
#love #coffee #romance
4.2k · May 2012
TinaMarie May 2012
Straight Shooter
with No Chaser
Tell me
No Lies
Kind of

Pom Pom swinging
Rah Rah singing
From the front
Or Side
Proudly Cheering.

Spirit Lifter
Mood Shifter
From low
To high
On time Laughter.

If things get crazy
Or someone comes against me
You got
My back
You're my one man army.

My Partner

My Friend

©Tina Thompson
4.0k · Feb 2014
Win Win
TinaMarie Feb 2014



©Tina Thompson
3.6k · Feb 2012
Self Love
TinaMarie Feb 2012
You wanted...

To believe in Fantasies,
     Happily ever afters
And skies so blue.

To know the peace of,
     Warm embraces and tender kisses
From a lover that's true.

To feel secure,
   In the now,  hope for a future,
Trusting hurt would never ensue.


When faced,
With the possibility
     Of this being reality
You quickly flew.

There was just one thing missing
     From this love situation
You had to love you.

© Tina Thompson
3.1k · Apr 2014
Helluva drug
TinaMarie Apr 2014
I would
Bet my life
Has nothing
On You

©Tina Thompson
My first 10 word poem
2.9k · May 2012
Haunt Me
TinaMarie May 2012
I want to be haunted by you.

Want you to...

Sit down beside me, 'til I feel your presence in the air.
Watch me remember you, So you can see I still care.
Caress me in passing, leaving chills on my spine.
Visit my dreams, make me believe that you're still mine.

     Haunt me daily, and keep this loneliness at bay.
     Haunt me nightly, until my desire goes away.

I want to be haunted by you, so I can ignore the pain
Haunt me please, so I can pretend that nothing has changed.

© Tina Thompson
2.7k · May 2012
Whenever you're near
TinaMarie May 2012
I can't
Seem to
My eyes
Your Lips.

When you
Take a

Nose diving
Right down

My body
And mind

© Tina Thompson
2.4k · May 2012
My Request
TinaMarie May 2012
Allow me...

To be your warm bath at the end of a hard day
     And wash away all of your stress.

To be the long exhale from your tightly held breath
     And relieve your mind for good rest

Permit me...

To be the light that accompanies you along your path
     And brightens your darkest days.

To be the drink that quenches your body's needs
     And the source for all that you crave.

Give me permission...
To be... Your dreams in reality...

                     Your fantasy in the flesh...
                          Your Good to the last drop...

                               Providing pleasure non-stop...Girl

Let me be this for you babe

© Tina Thompson
2.4k · May 2012
TinaMarie May 2012
You taught me to believe in myself
     And encouraged me to soar.
You protected me from harm, keeping
     Enemies away with your roar.
You raised me to feel wealthy
     Even though we were poor.
You showed me God's grace by
     Always making room for one more.

You are the personification of unconditional love
     The epitome of selflessness.
You are the embodiment of true beauty
     The essence of graciousness.

You are my Mother
              my Motivator
             my Strength
    And my Friend.

© Tina Thompson
2.1k · Feb 2012
TinaMarie Feb 2012
Voluntary abandonment of self
The offering
Surrendered,  Often suffered
Daily suppression
Repressed depressions
The stimulating surge for another's light
The refuge and the motivator
Demonstratively strong, innate or acquired
Inner beauty enhanced through struggle
Outer beauty revealed
in the journey of each line and curve
Made better with time


Stepping into confidence
Wisdom gained, lessons learned
Archived in her cerebrum repository
Self discovery, discernibly aware
With nothing to lose
Bashfulness dismissed
Enlivening pleasures
Guiding and coaxing another to please
Self satisfying if need
An awakened spirit rebounds
An eager voice is found

A woman

Over 40

Blazing anew.

© Tina Thompson
2.0k · Feb 2012
**In Any Capacity**
TinaMarie Feb 2012
Words expressed to the one I love
Selectively picked just for you
To show I am here
For all time

Placed together and presented to you
With an understanding of your past pain
To give comfort
For love

Letting you know,  no matter what
To the extent you determine
At the parameters you define
I am yours
At your command
No limits

These were not just words to me
I thought you knew that
I thought you could see
My heart
In your hands
No protection

But to my shock and dismay
No sooner did I give the words to you
Did you turn and give them away
How can this be

You say there was a different context
And I just don't understand
When you said the words to her
They didn't mean the same
For real

"In Any Capacity"....hmmmm
The meaning seems quite plain
If there is another definition
I wish you would explain

Regardless what the reason
This is what I assume
You had to give the words away
Because you hurt too much to consume
What they meant
That they were for you

If you knew that you were worthy
If you knew what their meaning could bestow
You wouldn't have thrown away these words
For someone you barely know
That which you feared

© Tina Thompson
2.0k · Feb 2012
TinaMarie Feb 2012

Everything injected
Identity constricted
Breaths restricted
Fights enlisted
Words explicit
Pain inflicted


Withdrawing addiction
Half of me missing
Shaking commencing
Cold sweats kick in
Heartbeats lessening
Death's threatening


Suffocation retired
Individuality aspired
Stimulation inspired
Culmination transpired
Life long love desired
Exact dosage is required


© Tina Thompson
1.9k · Aug 2013
TinaMarie Aug 2013
There's but one indulgence
     One delicacy.
That will ease my hunger
     Please my appetite.

It is a sweetness
     No baker can provide.
A delicious treat
     A most Savory delight.

The aroma visits me daily
     Dismantling all self control.
I can taste it by thought
     But that won't soothe my soul.
These cravings are possessing me
     My mind and body can't rest.
In order to cease my desire
     I must Feast upon your flesh.

© Tina Thompson
1.9k · Feb 2012
"It's a Trap"
TinaMarie Feb 2012
I found out the hard way

Love is not
a miracle cure
pharmaceutical antidote
or herbal healing.

Love does not
guarantee happiness
deliver peacefulness
or reciprocal feelings

Love will only
confound beliefs
bastardize truth
and beguile dealings

Love is
an incessant languish
an immobile reality
and repentantly appealing

Love is a trap

With you.
1.8k · Feb 2014
My Kryptonite
TinaMarie Feb 2014
I may forget what is true
Might deny what is real
Take a selfish adventure
Focused only on you

Let all my dreams take flight
Act out the could have been
Lose myself but for a night
Weakened by my kryptonite*

©Tina Thompson
1.8k · Jan 2012
TinaMarie Jan 2012
Pieces of you linger
  In my mind, causing random smiles and outbursts of laughter,
   But sometimes I cry

Pieces of you reside
   In my heart, placing me in sentimental moods and reminiscent flight,
   But sometimes I just cry

Pieces of you remain
  In my nose, creating fragrant blissfulness
Pieces of you stay
  On my skin, triggering spontaneous quivers
Pieces of you survive
  On my tongue, causing cravings for sweet things

  But sometimes I still just cry
Pieces of you are indelibly ingrained
   In my soul, intensely reminding me of love and love lost
   And I cry :'(

© Tina Thompson 2011
1.8k · Oct 2015
TinaMarie Oct 2015
Come with me...
     Moving away from the guarded cell blocks of past disappointments, mourned losses, and forgotten hope

     Diving our souls into the deepest depths of being where there's no past or future, only present, only presence, only us

     Dancing high above the world, let me lay you down upon a cloud and merge our energies into one unbreakable bond

    Watching the sunset, snuggled tightly within the curve of a crescent moon, I will fill a basket of hand picked stars for you and pledge my everlasting Love

©Tina Thompson
1.7k · Feb 2012
TinaMarie Feb 2012
Do not stop to question or even ask why.
Aerate your mind with these words blowing by.

I Love You!

Inhale the innocent aroma; Taste the sweetness that was felt.
Take a sip and let it linger; Swallow letting your heart melt.

*Be Mine.
1.7k · May 2012
A Simple Kiss
TinaMarie May 2012
I'm staring at this clock
     Wishing I could turn back time.
To...Let's say...the summer
     Of Nineteen Eighty Nine.

I just remembered something
     I frankly failed to do.
And should have done at the time
     I first thought to Kiss you.

What could have, that simple kiss become?
That simple kiss, that went left undone
A simple kiss from me to you
Just a simple kiss... or... two.

I am staring at the hands on this clock
     Dreaming of how life could have been.
If only I garnered the courage
     To Kiss you back then.

© Tina Thompson
1.7k · Mar 2014
Fantastic Voyage
TinaMarie Mar 2014
I want to go on a journey.
     A splendid adventure.
In search of lost love
     That could have been
          But never was.

I want to wander every inch of you.
     Writing love letters across your back and chest
          With my tongue.
     Tagging your neck, arms and thighs
          With lingering kisses.

I want to travel to southern regions.
     Exploring new pathways to heaven.
Unraveling the concepts of time.
     Bringing past to present; present to future
          Making you mine.

I want to board a shuttle with you.
     Launching us beyond this world.
Suspended among the moon and stars
     Bringing the entire universe to halt
          At the very moment  
               you yell out
                    my name.

©Tina Thompson
1.7k · Jun 2014
TinaMarie Jun 2014
May I rest in your calmness
                                       Bathe in your peace
Replenish in your happiness
               Find home through your gateway

          Find ME

                     In the stillness

Breathe in



©Tina Thompson
1.6k · Mar 2012
TinaMarie Mar 2012
My Allure
Comes from the Love that resides inside
     Not in the stare of my "bedroom eyes".
From the uplifting Words that depart from my lips
     Not in my stroll or swing in my hips.
From my ability to graciously give of myself
     Not in my curves or financial wealth.
From my quickness to drop to my knees...In Prayer
     Not from the secrets beneath the clothes that I wear.

My Allure
Comes from an acceptance of All that I Am
     Not in a desperate attempt for a man.

© Tina Thompson
1.4k · Feb 2012
Let Me
TinaMarie Feb 2012
Let me Love U...

     Like the first sip of a cappuccino
          In the early morning
     Leaving froth upon your lips.

     Like the passion of salsa music
          On a Saturday night
     Causing you to move your hips.

Let me Love U...

     Like the thrill of a roller coaster
          Playfully teasing
     As you approach the peak.

     Like a precision guided missile
          Causing an explosion
     With the target I seek.

Let me Love U...
     Like a cool ocean breeze
          Caressing your skin
     Inducing relaxation.

     Like a personal sun beam
          Warming you
     To complete satisfaction.

©  Tina Thompson
1.4k · Feb 2012
TinaMarie Feb 2012
I searched for a Sunrise
     And found it in the light of your Eyes
          Gazing deeply into mine
     Brightening my darkest days.

I searched for Comfort
     And found it in the warmth of your Hand
          Sliding gently down my spine
     Easing me just a little closer.

I searched for Happiness
     And found it in the round of your Lips
          Smiling sweetly, intensely my way
     Inviting me to kiss.

I searched for Peace
     And found it in the sound of your Voice
          Soothing me with the words you say
     Making me blush.

I searched for Life
     And found it in the depth of your Love
          Unleashing all mental and physical holds
     You freed me.

I searched for Heaven on earth
     And found it intertwined in your Arms
          Weaving bodies into one mold
     Losing myself

I searched for You
     The other half that makes me whole
          The missing mate to my lonely soul
    My greatest Discovery.

© Tina Thompson
1.3k · Feb 2013
Around you
TinaMarie Feb 2013
I gaze into the portals of your soul
And get lost in the depths of my imagination.
Navigating images of elevated limbs and
    Blended flesh entwined into one.

I breathe the aroma of your essence
And float high on the ecstasy of your presence.
Bringing chills that travel to secret places
    Triggering spontaneous pleasure sighs.

I want to pull you near and taste the sweetness
of every inch of your body.  
Embarking on a journey to devour you slowly.
Steadily taking you to your limit as I simultaneously
show you through the warm rhythmic flows of my body
Just how much

© Tina Thompson
1.3k · Mar 2012
Hide & Seek Love
TinaMarie Mar 2012
It seems I've unknowingly embarked on this endless quest to
find parts of you.  You so carefully conceal.  Each time
I begin to close in.  Whenever I'm getting warm.
They swiftly evade my footsteps and hurry to find new

When I grow weary and begin to slow in my
pace.  They reveal a trace, giving me visions of the
targets I chase.  Lifting my spirits just enough for me
to continue my search hoping to find the parts of

Now usually games are fun.  Whether lost or won.  But
your heart and soul do not play fair and I'm
convinced this pursuit for your love is not square.  How
is this game legit?  When I'm the only one who's


1.3k · Mar 2014
Another Lifetime
TinaMarie Mar 2014
I Love You
Purely and Innocently
Just like the first day I saw
My handsome red head
Smiling my way.

I Love You
Wholly and Completely
Time and distance won't diminish
What was then is now
And forever will be

I Love You*
Your Spirit; Your Soul
We are connected through Lifetimes
Until the day you're Mine.

©Tina Thompson
1.3k · Mar 2012
Untouchable Star
TinaMarie Mar 2012
In my dreams you are with me
Our love is alive.
You are here in my arms and
Never said goodbye.

We sit in the afterglow
Of what we just exchanged.
Yet clearly appear anxious
To exchange it all again.

You always had an insatiable appetite
For my dessert supreme.
Devouring every drop
Being sure to lick it clean.

My dreams just don't do justice
To how amazing you are.
They just can't replicate
My untouchable star.

© Tina Thompson
1.3k · Feb 2012
Familiar Strangers
TinaMarie Feb 2012
Desolate beings full of,

Awkward exchanges,
                         Empty glares,
Frigid collisions,
                        Struggling stares.

Disdained lovers with,

Vanishing memories,
                         Vain affections,
Impetuous attempts,
                         Impotent connections.

Familiar Strangers

We are

A promising future

No more.

©Tina Thompson
1.3k · Jan 2012
TinaMarie Jan 2012
Like a deeply buried and well hidden time capsule...

My mind preserves our memories

    Each kiss is protected with the same
     Delicacy and gentleness as the moment given.

     The softness and tenderness of every touch
     Remains un-withered and in it's purest condition.

My heart safeguards our Love

     The innocence sealed in, it remains untouched
     And untainted in this stronghold.

     Shielded from days light,  it goes uncorrupted
     By the realities of this cold world.

My eyes give sanctuary to the secrets of our blended souls

     Locking away passion and understanding
     That was beyond the human realm.

     Encrypting our story so that it is exclusively
     For only us to know and tell.

My body is here, just as you left me

     Keeping watch over these treasures
     Concealing them from all who might discern

     I am here, longing for you
     And awaiting your return

©Tina Thompson 2012
1.3k · Feb 2012
TinaMarie Feb 2012
I got so use to not
     breathing you know...

Suspended in parallel dimensions.
Living in the Past, ignoring Present existence.
Conflicting realities and skewed perception.
Indefinitely waiting your return and attention.


© Tina Thompson
1.2k · Jan 2012
Child's Play
TinaMarie Jan 2012
Your approach was fast with one clear direction
Each word recited with a single intention

To coax and subdue, move virtue out of the way
To ****** and conquer today's targeted prey


Your motives were clear,  it was all quite evident
Each compliment given became more transparent

To manifest your purpose, there's just one thing to do
To engage with vigilance and show kindness to you.


Just as expected your game now exposed
Your words of admiration are quickly disposed

To search for a weaker opponent no doubt
To find someone who's blind to what you're about


©Tina Thompson 2012
1.2k · Dec 2012
Solitude Delusions
TinaMarie Dec 2012
Shrouded in righteousness
Cloaked in superiority
I sit
In a dimly lit room
Arms neatly folded
Back stretched high
Brow raised
Lips slightly smirked
I look down
Of my disengaged Perfection

© Tina Thompson
1.2k · Mar 2012
Identity Check
TinaMarie Mar 2012

With your designer blinders on
Custom made
Secured tightly in place
     With diamond studded screws in each temple.

Proud of your daily ignorance.
Worshiper of indifference.
Cold to the touch
     Revealing the constricted flow of life within.

How do you sleep?

While the rest of the world weeps.

© Tina Thompson
1.2k · Jan 2014
Pucker Up
TinaMarie Jan 2014
I could kiss you and like it

          Pressing slowly


     by the softness
               of your flesh


     To ****
          Upon your upper lip

     And bite
         Gently upon the lower

Surfing the tidal waves
          of your tongue

                    Synchronizing auras

I'd breathe you in

       Absorb your energy

And exhale life

I could kiss you
                  And like it

Indeed Love it
                  And make you Mine.*

©Tina Thompson
1.2k · Feb 2012
TinaMarie Feb 2012
He fu¢ks her with ease
She fu¢ks him to please
She fu¢ks as he wishes
     And she does not see

He fu¢ks with disease.

He thrusts with anger, disguising his pain
She receives it as passion, it drives her insane
He thrusts with intention, he's full with disdain
She receives unwittingly, her health being slain

He arises proud having laid her in a lie
She arises feeling a closeness and exhales a soft sigh
She turns to watch him leaving and proceeds to wonder why
He turns and moves with furor and never says goodbye

She looks into the mirror giving thought to her conduct
Each moment playing in her head she starts to reconstruct
As toxins flow through her veins and begin to deconstruct
She finally takes her blinders off and sees she's just been fu¢ked

© Tina Thompson
1.1k · Feb 2012
TinaMarie Feb 2012
Hopelessly wandering
I am at an impasse
Immobilized by desire
There is no way out.

Freedom awaits me
I can hear it's cries
But I turn a deaf ear
My lover pulls me back.

A hypnotising smile
And tranquillizing touch
Invade my mind
And Control my body.

Liberation will come someday
I can hear freedom cry
Another day I will leave perhaps
Today my lover needs me.

Captured in a conundrum
Intriguing mystery abounds
Captivating me to decipher
Perpetual perplexity.

I hear the screams closing in
Freedom is more persistent
I ready myself to join the calls
But my lover has my hand.

© Tina Thompson
1.1k · Feb 2012
Divested Proposal
TinaMarie Feb 2012
Grandiosely bragging about what you would do
While gently pulling my hair, adding emphasis to
Such a desperate attempt just out of the blue
I had to shake my head and feel sorry for you.

How very little you must think of yourself
To offer your body and withhold your mind
To quickly entangle and even faster unwind
Leaving countless diminished beings behind.

My sympathy should lie with every woman
That has welcomed your nothingness on chance
That has been lured by your lustful glance
To later be dismissed when they seek to advance.

All I see is a scared little boy, trying to hide
In superficial exploits because you're void inside
Casting lines of bait with all feelings aside
Giving no thought to others cause your soul has died.

© Tina Thompson
1.1k · Jul 2014
Once More
TinaMarie Jul 2014
Fingertips descending spines
Causing Bodyquakes

Delicate mist of kisses
Covering peaks and valleys

Mahogany stretched towards the heavens

          Oceans of eagerness
                    An arch of bliss

Fainting breaths

          Dying with Desire
To be Born in your Love

These thoughts are looping through my mind

                    I must have you

                                   Once More


                               Once More


                                 The next time

©Tina Thompson
TinaMarie Mar 2016
I want to
      Kiss you the morning
...after bringing you coffee
               ...with loud laughter
   ...and uncontrollable smiles

I want to
      Kiss you the sunlight
...with waves crashing at our ankles
            ...or amidst the clouds on mountaintops
    ...sharing adventure
I want to
      Kiss you
     ...surrounded by trees
      the delight of the wild
   ...and the serennade of birds chirping
                         ...with excitement

I want to
      Kiss you crowds of people
  ...with raindrops falling on our heads
        the musical harmony of life
...and feel your heartbeat

I want to
      Kiss you
     ...alone, beneath the stars
                   ...caressed by the moolight
  ...filled with passion voyeuristic opportunity to the nocturnal

I want to Kiss you when you least expect it
And perfectly timed for when you need it most

I want to
       Kiss you

Every Night


For all time



Then again

                              The next morning

I want to
      Kiss you
With you in mind ❤
1.1k · May 2012
In your Arms
TinaMarie May 2012
The pressures of the day dissipate
     Worries of tomorrow retreat.
Tensions take flight in the stratosphere
     Vaporized by the heat in the air.
Psychological armor melts away
     Veils and covers are kept at Bay.
The frigid world begins to thaw
     Threatening crisis withdraw.

All from the warmth of your arms.

© Tina Thompson
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