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Maria Imran Aug 2015
what do you do when you feel down?

what when you can't find a way out?

what do you do when silver's gone,

what do you do when you're in doubt?

what do you do when you feel alone,

what when there's no one about?

what do you do when you feel a void,

what do you do through out?

how do you know it will be okay,

how do you know it won't last?

how can you tell one to feel better,

to not worry for an unseen or past?

how is it that I don't feel safe

even when I've told myself that all

why is it that I still can't say

if I'll be stronger after this fall-?
Breanna Stockham Jun 2015
How much weight can you carry
Before you collapse
Or sink to the bottom
Or crumble down fast?

It’s raining boulders
And you’re catching them all
With worries heavier than stone
It won’t take much to fall

You’re at your breaking point
But don’t let yourself break
See it as a turning point
And refuse to hold the weight

Just let it go
Put it down
Watch it fall
Pour it out

Do what you can
And then worry no more
Catch what you can
Let the rest hit the floor

Find your limit
And end it there
Drop your pile of boulders
You deserve the fresh air
GfS Jun 2015
Some worry that someday
The one we love will
stop holding our hand
or stop talking to us
stop being lovers or
at the least, friends
maybe a slap on the cheek
a fight here and there
or stuff thrown everywhere
but my most worrying thought
is that I'm afraid that one day
maybe today..
she'll forget my name
forget my existence

I cower at the thought
that one day
maybe today..
she'll never
remember I exist
Maybe, it's a selfish thought
I need a secret place
for whenever I need silence and a tender embrace
From there, I shall gaze upon the stars
and no noise shall be heard even from the cars
just the sound of silence and the forest
If you want to join me, please be my guest
I want to make this a quest
There we shall camp
Whenever our eyes feel damp
Tell stories of our journey and worries
Eat mallows and chocolate dipped strawberries
Let our thoughts wander around
And for a moment feel *safe and sound
Mishty May 2015
I kept my worries in my pocket.
Looked up in the sky,
The again towards my pocket.
I didn't realise when it rained
And washed away the worries from my pocket.
Being here after too long is bliss
Rain Sunshine May 2015
He reckons the sight of her beauty,
with no words. They seep  threw her mouth
but replenish his soul.She has doubt of his
ineffective ways,but replaces the
consuming thought with his immense gaze.
While she implies on the captivity they all face.
His delightful orbs are actually soaked in hate.
But with her joy and eagerness placed deep beneath his mind,
he cant  complain ,and he asks himself
"But is she really mine?"
While his words spread threw his brain like
poison in its veins.
He recognized that it was just a lie.
Because the beauty is gone,just like notes to a song.
And her smile didn't wait, so it faded away.
Its been way to long to return in its turn of mistake,
So he'll wait for her as long as his worries  drive
back to memory lane.
But his  biggest worry of all was ,
"Was this all just fate?"
Zhen May 2015
We meet in the virtual world.
We could say it as accident,
But we can call It as fated too.

Hours and hours goes by
We talk on skype
We message on phone
But we never get tired

I don't need to walk down the road,
To make myself happy
I don't need to listen music,
To cheer me up,
I don't need to draw,
To forget my worries.
All I need is you to make me smile

I know those sweet embrace of yours
Show how much you love me.
When I'm lost when I'm hurt
You stay up late make sure I'm okay.
I won't forget those days
That You took my breath away
Your sweet affection I know it won't change.

I just want to be with you~
To Tell u there is no one able to replace your place in my heart.
Baby I'm crazy for u
ATC May 2015
There is a boy
sitting across the table from me,
whose voice cracks like an old record
when he sings hymns and
kindness rests in the color of his eyes.

He is explaining to me that order
scientifically can’t come out of chaos,
how the big bang never really happened because of
the perfect order our lives are set up to be.

The way the consistent order of the solar system
helped humans create the concept of
days, months, and years.

We climbed a tree whose leaves mimicked the
sunset’s arrangement of colors;
we watched the sun simmer into the horizon,
watching this chaos of color come to an orderly end.

My life shifts from one chaotic moment into another.
I remember sitting next to him on the crowded bus,
sides pressed up against each other.
There in that small act, I found order.

However I worried because I heard on the radio
one hot summer ago that us as individuals
need chaos to grow,
but then my name fell from
his mouth and my mind is now repeating
itself with chaotic worries that I
may never find someone like him again.
Thomas EG Apr 2015
I dare you to whisk me away
With those electric limbs of yours
Let's go some place
Where we won't be judged

Don't let them seep in
Under the door
Just ignore the invisible creaking
Surely it will stop soon

Do not be frightened
The wailing is not a killer
Not a knife in this hand
Nor a hammer in this head

Do not call me, do not whistle
I am no cat, I am no wolf

Hold your breath
Hang upside-down
Let me scare you, scare yourself
Shall I fetch a mirror?
Or would that prove to be
Just as useless?

Whining in the shadows
Ghost white and blood red
Scratch marks, no bite marks
What were you expecting?

Let me howl
I am no wolf
But you seem to be a moon
You shine so brightly, I swear
You are the cure
That I've been searching for

They warned me about you
Before I left
I never understood their worries...
I blink and you are gone
Back again
Is that your honest soul?
It's so grey
(I can empathise)

Should we still run?
Would you rather soar?
I don't like this idea anymore
You are too frail, too fragile
I will not love you like this
Written: 1/11/14. 100% puntastic !!
M Apr 2015
I see problems down the line
Darkness steals my sight
While I'm looking for a sign
I can't see without any light

It's humid here
And the windows are cracked
I'm eating but I'm starving with fear
A smile on her face but emotion is lacked

I'm feeling the room with my mind
Listening to the songs from their creaking radio
And hoping for some hidden existential secret to find
As over and over in my mind turns this scenario

I'm pale and freckled and my hair is long
They're dark and their voices hum melodies sweeter than my supper
It's a long and simple song
Almost describing the state of mind after taking an upper

The men seem happy
The women seem lonely
It is fall and the woods grow sappy
It is dark and here I am young and only

They're here because they don't have any money
I'm here because I don't have any friends
They treat me lovingly, like I am their communal child, calling me honey
They tell me no worries things change and to an end come trends

My blue pleated skirt is saturated with the scent of soul food
And my mind carries the only bit of them that leaves the kitchen
My white button up hides the good
And my ears hold in the things told to the only one who'd listen
Dedicated to Tommy, my elementary school cook.
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