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Mrs Anybody Nov 2020
dear diary,

why can't
the world
stand still
for just
one ******* minute?
also check out my other poems! :)
Sarah Flynn Nov 2020
dystopian novels and
post-apocalyptic movies
somehow captivate
everyone that I know.

humans enjoy violence.
maybe it's the fear,
maybe it's the power,
maybe it's some sort
of adrenaline rush.
I don't know.

humans spend
so much time focusing
on the end of the world.
will it be zombies?
aliens? an outbreak
of some form of virus?
will we turn to anarchy
and cause our own demise?
again, I don't know.

I can't figure out why
this is so appealing.
I don't understand
other humans.

maybe my trauma
won't let me learn.

maybe my disconnect
comes from the horrors
I tried to leave in my past.

maybe I'm not interested
in the end of the world

because it feels like
my world ended
a very long time ago.
luciana Nov 2020
apology printed on your
lips that remain shut
towards a quiet girl
who thought of you as
her whole world
let me know what you think. I appreciate anything
Big Virge Nov 2020
I DON’T INDULGE In Black Ways...
Or INDULGE In... White Ways...

I Just TRY TO Maintain...
Doing Things The RIGHT Way... !!!

But Let Me Make PLAIN....
What It Is That I’m Saying... !!!

What's RIGHT FOR ME...
Is RIGHT FOR... ME... !!!!!

Is RIGHT FOR.... YOU.... !!!!!!

But DON’T BE Fooled... !!!

There Are SOME THINGS...
That We ALL SHOULD DO... !!!

LIKE Eat GOOD FOOD.... !!!!!
... NATURALLY Produced... !!!

Eat PLENTY of FRUIT... !!!
And Learn To COOK... !!!
Cos’ It’s Really NOT WISE...
To Eat Out ALL The Time... !!!

... ENJOY Your Life....

And Use Your Mind... !!!
So That You Can SURVIVE...
In The TOUGHEST of Times... !!!!!

Because WITHOUT Preparation...
You May Find Yourself Stationed...
In A Place Where... PAIN...
Drives You... INSANE... !!!!!!

Or... TAKES Your Health...
With BOMBER Type Stealth... !!!!!

HELP Others When You CAN...
But.... BE WISE MAN.... !!!!!!

Everybody CAN’T BE Helped... !!!

The RIGHT WAY Sometimes...
Is To... Maintain SELF... !!!!!
Cos’ Every Brotha' Ain’t A Brother... !!!

And Some Mothers CANNOT Muster...
What It Takes To TRULY LOVE Ya... !!!

The RIGHT WAY These Days...
Is FAR FROM............. Straight... !?!

Nowadays BEING GAY...
Would Seem To Have DISPLACED...
The IDEA of Man And Woman...
Producing... OTHER Humans.... ?!?

Now THAT AIN’T Right To ME... !!!


Some Peoples’ TENDENCIES...
Are Seen By Some As SINNING... !!!

But... Who Are We To JUDGE... ?!?
How People Choose To LOVE... ?!?

Or Choose To Make A Living...
If Their Living Involves KILLING... !?!

Which Leads Me RIGHT TO Guns....
And Police... IGNORANCE... !!!!!!!

Cos’ How They MOVE....
And Things THEY DO...

AREN’T RIGHT To Me... !!!
Are They RIGHT To YOU... ???

Do... “ Black Lives Matter “... ?

... NOT TO Their Crews... !!!!!!

When Bullets SHATTER... !!!
What Do They PROVE..... ?!?
What’s Right To THEM...
Leaves People... DEAD... !?!

Now THAT’s NOT COOL.... !!!!!!!!

The RIGHT WAY I Say...
Is... LESS GUNPLAY... !!!!!
And LESS Displays That INDICATE....
A Propensity To AIM …
On The Basis of RACE... !!!

WHO Tells Them To Think THAT WAY.... ?!?
And Then LAY BLAME At The Sides of Graves...

So That THEY Can Save Face... ?!?

Cos’ The RIGHT WAY To Me...
Has A Conscience That’s FREE... !!!!!

NOT ONE That Fuels GRIEF...
Like These... GUN TOTING Police... !!!!!

It Seems That Society...
Like Our Heads of State...
Have CORRUPTED Views...
of What’s RIGHT TO DO... !?!

It’s CLEAR That They BELIEVE...
That The Use of Armies...
... TRIGGER HAPPY Police....
... GREED And DECEIT....
Are The Right Ways To Go...
To MAINTAIN... CONTROL... !!!!!!!

But Is That RIGHT... ?!?
Well WITHIN These Rhymes...
Are... Poetic Lines...
That RETIRE Gunfire... !!!!!

And Speak On Current Vibes...
How We FEED And Decide...
... What Is WRONG... ?
And What Is RIGHT... ?

And How We Move Along...
To Guide Us Through Our Lives........

These Days It’s HARD TO KNOW... ?!?
The RIGHT WAY To Now GO... ?!!!?

However There Are THINGS...
That STILL FUEL How I Think...
And How I Choose To LIVE...

What’s RIGHT To ME...
Is.... “ LOVE “.... !!!
And Living In FREEDOM... !!!

Passing On...........
What You Have LEARNED...
So That Our Youth...
DON’T CRASH And BURN... !!!!!

And FNALLY....
To Live In PEACE And HARMONY... !!!

What’s Right In TRUTH...
Is For YOU To Decide... !!!!!!!!!

NOT... Words I Write... !!!
Or Those Now USED...
From Opinions Skewed...

And Make YOUR OWN Moves... !!!

But DON'T You Start To Roll...
Like Those Now In Control... !!!!!

Take Time To RECOGNISE...
That OTHER Peoples’ Lives...
Are RIGHT THERE By Your Side... !!!!!

In... UNSETTLED Times... !!!!!

CUT OUT Divisive Vibes... !!!
And TRY TO... UNIFY... !!!l
Regardless of YOUR VIEWS...

Cos’ Division DOES NOT Fuel...
A LOVING Human Race...
What More Can I Now Say... ?

THESE WORDS From My Brain.... !!!!!
Be CAREFUL What You CLAIM... !!!

As Being.....

... “ The RIGHT Way “...
I'm beginning to wonder if there is even such a thing anymore these days ?!?
Big Virge Nov 2020
The... CROWDS....
WOW The CROWDS... !!!

So QUICKLY After...

Because of A Virus...
That SHUT The World Down...

But Instead of Silence...
We’ve Had...
Crowds Running Round...
... Shouting Out LOUD... !!!

Protesting THIS...
And Protesting THAT... !!!

Instead of Observing...
The Distancing Stance... !?!

Because Crowds Are Herding...
Like Cows In Farmlands... !!!

That’s Right I Said That... !!!

Because It Seems Crazy...
That Maybe Just Maybe...

These Crowds Are Now Spreading...
This... Corona Curse...
To Masses Through Herds...
Like Servants Who Serve... !!!

But Are Those TRUE WORDS... ?

Because It Would Seem...
That These Crowds DON’T BELIEVE...
In This Viral Disease... !?!

As I Said It’s... CRAZY... ?!?

That In Twenty Twenty... !!!

We Have Crowds Running Round...
Who Are Willing To FLOUT...
Requests From The LEADERS...
Who They VOTED For... ?!?

Their... Distancing Talk... !?!

By Being At Parties...
Behind WEALTHY DOORS... !!!

That’s Right Where BIG CROWDS...
Are... Lively And Hearty...
Where There Are NO POOR...

So Something Seems Up...
With This... Isolate Stuff... ?!?

Like The... REST OF US... ?!?

Is Their Talk of Sickness...
A Truth We Can TRUST... ?!?

Have LET Crowds Run AMUCK...
And Then Have The Cheek...
To Call In Their BIG GUNS... !!!

From Hong Kong To America...
Things Now Aren’t MUCH FUN... !!!
Because of The CROWDS...

In This There's... NO DOUBT... !!!!

You See I’ve NEVER Been One...
Or To... Follow The Beer...
So That I Can Get DRUNK... !?!

Because What I Fear...
Is Some Crowds REAL Function...
Is Simply To Cause..
A Public... DISTURBANCE... !!!

When You REALLY Check It...

What Do These Crowds Change...
And End Up CORRECTING... ?!?

From Race To The Way...
That We’re Living Today...
With Masks On Our Face...
So That We Can Stay SAFE...

From This DEADLY Disease...
That This Corona FEEDS...

Come On People PLEASE... !!!

When These Crowds So FREELY...
Have Run Free On World Streets... ?!?

Don’t Know About You...
But This AIN’T Right To Me... !!!

So These Words FINALLY...
Folk Should Now Think About...
BEFORE... Running Around... !!!

These Government Heads...
KEEP On Trying To STRESS...
The DANGER of NOT...
Letting This Virus Spread...
That Can Move Through The AIR... !?!

But Yet They’ve ALLOWED... ?!?
... So MANY PROTESTS... ?!?
And Crowds On Beaches... ?!?

And Parties That CLEARLY...
Keep DRAWING.....

...... “ The CROWDS “..... ?!?!?
They have been such strange things to see, in the midst of what is APPARENTLY,

I haven't  been to the future

Nor I had seen it,

But had seen the destruction  

Not construction only destruction.

In my nightmares

I'd seen creatures roaming there

In desperation  with no good

No friends, no brotherhood.

Killing each  other and no one's  lover

Only destruction  no construction

What If It  comes here

Haunting in my nightmares.

Only black clouds with the

Thunder aloud.

No river flows no farmer's  ***

But everyone shivers in hope of a good morrow.

Yes it is destruction

Today everything  is a distraction

But the future  is destruction

No bird flying only people dying

No songs are heard only people were murdered.

So, I asked them who had done this and how to stop this?

They said

'we and you can't stop this cause it is destruction '
A very old poem of mine .
Currently suffering from writers block
Anemone Nov 2020
Father, do you remember what flowers smelled like?
Do you remember the ocean's calm waves?
Father, what was it like to run in the sunlight?
Or to play outside all day?

Father, do you remember what trees looked like
before they all went away?
Father, what was it like to breathe clean air
when you walked to school each day?

Father, why do you cry?
Is it because you can't see the sky?
Father, what did the world use to be?
What was the world like when it was happy?

Father, where are all the kids like me?

What is a dog?
What is a cat?
What is a bird?
Do you remember that?

What is a dream?
Did you ever have one?
Is it something you buy, like air?
Is it something you hold, and care?

Father, do you remember when people used to care?
Father, do you remember that?
Anemone Nov 2020
I hear the roaring of the brook
so wild, untamed and free.
It’s just… Beautiful.
Catching everything that comes its way.
And I see my reflection smile back at me.
The world as I know it has changed.
Everything is different now.
Everything has been rearranged.
All the lights have gone quiet on the stage.
All the sounds are gone.
All the people, at home.
It’s so quiet.
Will it be this way forever?
Has it changed?
Will it ever go back to how it was?
Big Virge Nov 2020
Now It's Clear That I’m...
A... Creative Dude...
But I REFUSE To Choose...
To Let WILD Talk Loose... !!!

I Choose To Use...
Wordplay That’s Shrewd...
When It Comes To News...
That Fuels Our World View...

But Many Choose...
To LOSE Their SCREWS... !?!
When It Comes To Issues...
That Nowadays RULE... !!!

Like Corona Moves...
That Clearly Confuse...
Using Common Sense...
With... Using NONSENSE...
To Serve And Protect...
... New Presidents... !!!

Whose Views UPSET...
Politically... Correct Heads... !!!

Or Those On The Left...
Who Choose To Refuse...
To Join Right Wing Crews...

But... Is That TRUE... ?

I Choose To Refuse...
Their Claims of Truth...
When It Comes To Reviews...
of... Political Feuds...

Like Those Likely To Ensue...
Because Biden’s Proved...
That He’s Refused To Lose... !!!
To Trump And His Crew...
of Minions... Who...

Choose To REFUSE... !!!

That This Election Defeat...
Is Just A BAD BEAT... !!!

Like Those That Come...
When The River Card Shows...
That A Straight Ain’t Enough...
To Beat A Royal FLUSH...
And Leaves You BROKE... !!!

When It Comes To This Stuff... !!!

These Days I Choose...
To Peruse What’s Viewed...
In News That Skewed... !!!

So REFUSES To Choose...
To Deal In The TRUTH... !!!!

But Has Clearly STUMPED...
Any Chance of Mr. Trump...
Returning To The Whitehouse...
As The... President... !!!

But As I’ve Said...
It Ain’t Over Yet... !!!

Because Don And His Chums...
As Well As A... CERTAIN...
Amy Coney Barrett... !!!

May Choose To REFUSE...
This Election Result... !?!

So Now It May Prove...
That To Push Her Through...
May Indeed Have Been Shrewd... ?!?!

If Her... SCOTUS Job...
Helps The Don To Refuse...
To Leave Whitehouse Rooms...

It’s A World That’s Confused...
Since Corona's Run Loose............ !!!

And Donald Trump Has Run...
The Land of... America... !!!

But What of Mr. Biden... ?!?

Will Right Wing Crews...
Choose To... REFUSE...
To Accept This Dude... ?!?
And LOSE Their Cool...
And Go For Their Guns... !?!

And Will Blacks Become...
... New Age Victims...
of Supremacism And Violence... ?!?

Because of BAD LOSERS...

Or Will It Be LOOTERS...
Who'll Start To Make Movements...
LACKING Prudence... ?!?

Well THAT's ONE Thing...
That Within My Writings...

That I REFUSE To USE... !!!

... Views That Confuse...
That Clearly Aren’t Shrewd...

But When It Comes To Newsrooms...
And Modern Day News...
About CORONA Issues...

What’s Really Your View...
On What’s Being Pushed Through... ?!?!

Do You Believe It’s ALL TRUE... ???
And Will SUBMIT To New Rules... !?!

Or Will You Be One...
..... Who’ll Simply.....

... “ Choose To Refuse ? “...
There may be quite a few choices ahead, that will warrant such a question ???
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