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Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
When the weight of the world feels heavy,  
And shoulders slump beneath its load,  
Carrying on becomes an unwanted burden,  
Yet resilience demands that we never let go.

Sometimes I dream of laying it all down,  
To live and breathe beyond these confines,  
To shed the weight of others' expectations,  
To find solace, to rest, and unwind.

Even mountains must rest in their valleys,  
And oceans retreat before kissing the shore.  
Why must I maintain this false rally,  
When nature knows the strength of pause?

So let me be both, the warrior and wanderer,  
The shelter and storm, the sun and the rain.  
Resilience isn't found in constant endurance,  
But in knowing when to try again.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Be True to Self,
Have value and wealth,  
Be good to your body,
Fresh air and great health.
Take care of your needs,
If you Do All of this,
In Life you'll Succeed.
You want to be around,
No time to be down,
Self-care and well-being,
In you, will be found.
Your body is your temple,
It is just that simple,
Consume good things,
Be Light and stay nimble.
You have One Body,
so be One with Yourself,
Continue this Journey, and
Be True to Self!!!

Date: 9/24/2024
Unpolished Ink May 2024
The early garden
brings a deeper peace
than any I have known
no sound but wind on leaves
no neighbours barking dog,
for even he must sleep,
his daily yappings not begun
new air, fresh and clean
whispers soft among the green
a drowsy yawning background hum
a space to sip one’s tea
and taste the morning yet to come
Carlo C Gomez Apr 2024
Star pupils, interstellar eyes,

gazing across the frozen nebula

at stick figures in radiation suits,

lovers intertwined with reactant valves,

planted into unearthly soil,

a distant light from over our shoulder,

the good comet returns,

there might be an escape pod

for intangibles after all,

and once inside, images of moonbase love

and alien encounters,

that neither mocks the comically misjudged

visions of yellowed science fiction,

nor longs for some utopian future,

an environment that begs escapism

without denying humanity
Northern Poet Feb 2024
Addicted to the puff
No sign of giving up
Even on the tube to work
I just can't get enough
That fruity vapour
And the morning rush
A tasty blue razz elf bar
And some candy crush

Give me a hit of that sweet sweet nicotine
As sweet as a sweet sweet tangerine
A morning shot of dopamine
Get that **** straight into my bloodstream

Puffing away at those magical clouds
Fighting your way through the morning crowds
I wonder what these people would think out loud
Times are up and then times are down
But no matter who's around
My lovely lost Mary
And her nicotine cherry
Will keep me sound

Give me a hit of that sweet sweet nicotine
As sweet as a sweet sweet tangerine
A morning shot of dopamine
Get that **** straight into my bloodstream
Bekah Halle Feb 2024
I come home a foreigner.
The sun is warm and welcoming,
But the environment has changed.
Curiosity is beconning,
But with gentle eyes.

I come home changed.
Last time I was more timid,
This time, a little stronger.
Last time I thought my weaknesses were insipid,
This time, they are part of me.

I come home curious,
As to what it might be, I ponder.
The family dynamics.
The opportunities that I may squander,
In fear of becoming my truest self.

I come home braver.
Even though on the outside I may be frailer,
Even though.
I might not be, but opportunities I can tailor,
So, it is with courage I move forward.
Bekah Halle Jan 2024
Take down the constructs,
Tear down the precepts,
Tie down the lies.
Embrace love,
Engage curiosity,
Bekah Halle Dec 2023
Was my stroke a cruel, twisted **** up?
Or one of divine luck?
Has it not taught me compassion?
Anger? Acceptance, how to ration criticism?
And laugh when I muck up?
Now I breathe gratitude,
My world has opened up
to new experiences, people, circumstances,
even living in new towns, cities and states.
Mastering rehab, new knowledge and careers.
Working through old fears, sure, I've got new ones,
But who hasn't?
Connected and trusting this journey.
Now that's the silver lining!
In 2012 I had brain surgery to remove an aneurysm and AVM and had a stroke during the procedure. After 10 hours of surgery, they put me in a coma to let my brain heal but I did not wake up until 40 days later.
Joseph Miller Nov 2022
The mind ...
a wild garden
where healthy
and unhealthy thoughts
pop up out of nowhere
Discard the weeds
Gather the fruit
and harvest the rewards
of a beautiful mind!
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