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PoserPersona Dec 2018
Iron and coal fused into a steel sword
torn from the comforts of an idle home
Against both will and wish into the forge

Mere foot to pedal unshackles the horde
onto that which was ****** into the dome
Iron and coal fused into a steel sword

Crude earth melts into an effulgent form
that once cooled will become harder than stone
Against both will and wish into the forge

Burning is sequestered by drowning boards
that go unnoticed but for hissing moan
Iron and coal fused into a steel sword

New pain begins despite what came before
anvil and hammer fashion the unknown
Against both will and wish into the forge

Those who endure will still need to be honed,
to be, of their own soul, the highest lord.
Iron and coal fused into a steel sword,
against both will and wish into the forge
“Mastering others requires strength. Mastering yourself is true power.” -Lao Tzu
8M Dec 2018
Flowers share their golden bloom
I know everything'll be okay
And they'll get rid of all my gloom

I sing songs inside of my tomb
"You have to stay in there," they say
Flowers share their golden bloom

I already know about my certain doom
The skies turn a brilliant gray
And they'll get rid of all my gloom

I can't sleep in this bedroom
I think thoughtfully about today
Flowers share their golden bloom

Soldiers share a final legume
Bombs fly in a beautiful array
And they'll get rid of all my gloom

Blood splatters, a red abloom
This would be further known as D-Day
Flowers share their golden bloom
And they'll get rid of all my gloom
A tribute to D-Day. I am aware that it happened months ago.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
For your eyes only.
   ~A Villanelle ~

For your eyes only I never need to hide.
For you can see so much of me that’s true
For your eyes only read between the lines

From now onward I feel our hearts are tied
There are people want to cast our plans askew
For your eyes only I never need to hide

We are good together I’m happy at your side
But snakes and jealous ******* make us blue
For your eyes only read between the lines

It’s strange but true our families allied
I have to say their not walking in our shoes
For your eyes only I never need to hide

Our love mustn’t be cast off to the wayside
They try to stop me from your natural rescue
For your eyes only read between the lines

You’re a woman I’m a man we are qualified
So we must play things right
For your eyes only I never need to hide.
For your eyes only. Read between the lines.
Written by Philip.
December 9th. 2018.
Poetry between two lovers
8M Dec 2018
French class is boring, my friend thinks so too
She says it's tedious, and she would cut class
But then she said, "How about you?"

The teacher is strict, and yet she was new
Her somber shrieks could break the strongest of glass
French class is boring, my friend thinks so too

One day she had a cup of brew
And she drank it when she was full of sass
But then she said, "How about you?"

She knew the drink was out of my view
And she said that the cup was made with quartz glass
French class is boring, my friend thinks so too

She reminisced about her time with a saucy beau
And how he was a sergeant first class
But then she said, "How about you?"

And now she looks at skies of blue
And no longer she did harass
French class is boring, my friend thinks so too
But then she said, "How about you?"
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
In life I always try to be lovable
       A Villanelle form of poetry

In life I always try to be lovable
Although some folks think me very prickle
No need be thought by all adorable

When parents need you be manageable
As a child and not ever be sickly
In life I always try to be lovable.

Having some friends, some nice some horrible
Most fall by the wayside dramatically
No need be thought by all adorable.

To duck and dive remaining flexible.
You go strength to strength loving physically
In life I always try to be lovable

As you age one becomes infallible
Learning to live so radically
No need be thought by all adorable.

Now with age affairs are affable
I learnt to live so emphatically
In life I always try to be lovable
No need be thought by all adorable.
Written by Philip
December 8th 2018.
In life I always try to be lovable
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Such goods that I have I share with thee
............A Villanelle.......

Such goods that I have , I share with thee
For such is the way of my perfect plans
I know darling that I love you and you love me

If people saw our smiles they’d agree
I have searched for decades over all lands
Such goods that I have , I share with thee

Without a thought whether gratis and free
We have the time to formulate plans
I know darling that I love you and you love me.

With time on our side let all the world see
We care not if the snakes raise alarms
Such goods that I have I, I share with thee

If we are both willing then the devil may be
Put so to death by our natural charms
I know darling that I love you and you love me.

We in life have climbed to the top of our trees
And the views bold as I hold you in my arms
Such goods that I have I share with thee
I know darling that I love you and you love me.
Written by Philip.
December 7th 2018.
A tribute of love
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
A Villanelle poetic form
Is a Nineteen line poem
5 Stanzas of three lines
Followed by a single Stanza of four lines
Two refrains and two repeating rhymes
Rhyme patterns
A1 ,b A2.a,b ,A1.a,b,A2.a,b,A1.a,b,A2 ,a,b,A1,A2
Here is a famous Villanelle by Dylan Thomas.
Do not go gentle into that good night
Old age should burn and rage at close of day
Rage ,rage , against the dying of the light

Though wise men at their end know dark is right.
Because their words had forked no lightening they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men the last wave by crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a Green Bay.
Rage,rage, against the dying of the light

Wild men who caught and sang the men in flight.
And learned too late ; they grieved it on its way
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men near death , who see with blinding sight.
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay
Rage,rage against the dying of the light

And you my father there on the sad height
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Posted by Philip as a Villanelle Exercise.
December 7th 2018.
An exercise in writing a Villanelle
Ek Nov 2018
I still wish you would come back
Please hurry home now
Before I fall in the midnight black

Your absence will hit me with a whack
Even though I don't know how
I still wish you would come back

Our favours weren't in the zodiac
I better find another vow
Before I fall in the midnight black

I think I see the clothes you pack
The uniform you did endow
I still wish you would come back

You see, you made me a maniac
I need you to stop my bow
Before I fall in the midnight black

I don't want to see you in some sort of flashback
I want the real you somehow
I still wish you would come back
Before I fall in the midnight black
Elysia Veildorn Nov 2018
The rain spattered on the broken glass,
My heart leaped out of my caved-in chest,
I called out to my love—and saw him pass.

I was left alone, skin soaking in the grass,
Only the staggered beating of my heart as—
The rain spattered on the broken glass.

The next day I wandered late to class
Anxious eyes and beaten heart searching,
I called out to my love—and saw him pass.

I fell to the ground—there was a mass
Of people who had stopped to stare—still,
The rain spattered on the broken glass.

Even today I think myself a foolish lass,
To dream that he’ll return to me.
I called out to my love—and saw him pass.

He gave me a key fashioned from brass,
To lock my heart away for good,
The rain spattered on the broken glass,
I called out to my love—and saw him pass
Ira Desmond Nov 2018
The downward momentum is clear to me now.
The engine has built up a full head of steam.
I’d try to stop it, if I knew how.

The fires of industry must burn on somehow;
they tend to burn brightest when fuel is extreme.
The downward momentum is clear to me now.

When currents are surging, we shouldn’t allow
the jingoist fringe to swim in the mainstream.
I’d try to stop them, if I knew how.

Civility means more than I can avow,
but poems can only allude to a theme:
The downward momentum is clear to me now.

Each click of a mouse that shouts holier than thou
is a cog in a treacherous clockmaker’s scheme.
I’d try to stop him, if I knew how.

We worshipped the circuit and forsook the plow
in search of a false technological dream.
Our downward momentum is clear to me now.
I’d try to stop us, if I knew how.
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