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Past Apr 2020
I’m hiding because

it’s easy to do
To misdirect you
To hide the true me
So that you cannot see

I’m scared
So I prepare
The perfect cover
And hope you don’t discover

What truly hides beneath the veil
That turn people pale

Just because I’m hidden
Doesn’t mean I’ll put down that pen
To write what I feel
To draw a tight seal
Over what I hid
What I hid
Lies in truth amid
But you need to open your eyelid

Help me see
A better day
A day with you and me
Carlo C Gomez Jul 2020
Deep or shallow
she's into
swimming pools

sometimes more than she's into me

she can hold her breath for as long
as I may tread within her waters


this hand of hers stretches out to me

our liberty renew
our gradual sureness

in aquarium
--a place for relating to--

a dive of faith
my lungs fill with the liquidity of her

a soft shorebreak
to the occasional tidal wave

together we ripple the matrimonial surface
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2020
Promise if you get lost
We'll get lost together
Do not let go of my hand if you are drawn into the nether
I love too much to let you face darkness alone
Regardless of how hard you try to go on your own
I will follow you all the way to hell if I must
You may as well give in and surrender your trust
You will never shake me or scare me away
Caring arms are here to stay
If we lose sanity I will not mind
As long as I'm never left behind
If you tumble down the rabbit hole
Have no choice but to fall
A life without you is no life at all
Promise me if you go down, I go down with you. I won't lose you. Not again.
Harshit Nangia Apr 2020
What we had was great
But maybe it is not in our fate .
Perhaps You Apr 2020
Sadness is as much
A part of our life
As happiness is and
this is the reason
I am writing now
For tomorrow who knows
I might barely
be able to stitch
The two parts together
With one mention
Of your name.
Sadie Grace Apr 2020
Even if your world is falling apart
I hope you take care of that precious heart
Feed it truth
Feed it love
Feed it forgiveness
When the season is over, look back and see
In all this illness
There was growth
In all this sickness
There was hope
For one day, you will see again
One day you will breathe again
And one day we will meet again
Farsolatido Apr 2020

Flashing light of across the street,
We walk together to the street,
Step by step,
We matching our steps walking together,
Side by side,
Holding each other hand to warm our self,

The tingles of my heart makes me blush,
To see us through our shadow,
We laugh with our own world,
Such lovely scenery to us both,

You can walk me home,
All the way home,
Don't try to anyone else,
Just be yourself.

Rebekah Walker Apr 2020
We played together
when I was too young to remember.
You fed and clothed me,
not that you had a choice.
You were my parents
before I knew I was missing one.
You held me when I cried
and brushed my tangled hair.

We played together,
running around outside,
eating inedible things,
dancing in the rain.

We fought each other.
I was the smallest,
but you made me feel taller.
I was the traffic cop
when I was too little to ride a bike.

We fought each other.
I cried when you played without me.
I cried when you knocked over my castles,
but you always helped me rebuild them.

We cried together.
We felt each other's pain
and spoke with silence
when words were not enough.

We fought each other.
I was too little to understand, you said.
We kicked and hit each other.
I said I'd tell. I never did.

We played together,
even when the others stopped playing.
Even when they left and didn't come back.
You made me laugh so I forgot.

We played together
until one day, we stopped.
We didn't want to play,
not even for a little while.

We still fought each other.
We ignored each other
until we got lonely
and forgot to stay mad.

We still cried together
when we could hear screaming
and yelling through the walls.

We still had each other,
until we didn't.
You didn't want to fight or cry
with me anymore.

We don't play together.
I sit alone and wonder
about the fun
you guys have together.

We don't fight each other,
but my mind is always at war.

We don't cry together.
I sit and I cry alone.
But sometimes, I remember
that we played together.
Nylee Apr 2020
Everything is a jigsaw,
I need to piece it back
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