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Vulpes Jan 2018
I feel her on my skin
Her eyes piercing my walls
Her talons scratching my wrists
Her lips caressing my neck
Her arm is wrapped around me
Her hair strangles me
Her fangs dig into my soul
Her desire engulfing me
Her urges rising inside me
I am hulled in her sweet bliss
Her scent fills my nostrils
As I ******* blood
And embrace the void I created.

And she
Leaves me alone.
Only to return
Inga M Jan 2018
you shoud give in to temptation, at least that is what wilde tells us. but if you do, if you allow your soul's deepest wish to come true, dont you just give room for more? more to wish for more to hope for? is that really any better than keeping a temptation?
just thoughts
Always walking that line
Always tempting fate
All these temptations calling me
I attempt to numb pain

Got the temperature rising
Know I can be temperamental
My temper’s ‘bout to unleash
Doing something regretful

A temporary escape
From two to ten on the dial
The temper-tantrum and screams
Like a tempestuous child

Perhaps a temporal shift
Like Anty Em’ on the farm
The tempest carries away
Ship wrecked alone I am gone

My template shows me the way
Temptress I can not escape
Contemptuously I have temperance
Finding tempo ‘til break

A temple shrine I pay tribute
Silently contemplate
Lord please grant me forgiveness
For my wrongs and mistakes
Written - December 25, 2017

All rights reserved.
George Krokos Jan 2018
It is said that jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire
is temptations' way for those who don't control their desire.
Desires are of various kinds and often lead many people astray.
It takes courage and strength to overcome or keep them at bay.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's
Once in a while
in a beautiful plain,
When I was roaming
Then It has happened.

Surrounded by many
and reading their hand,
surprisingly found
I, Astrologist friend.

Seeking opinion of
friend or a foe,
was anti to pride
and anti my ego.

But such was desire
I could not resist ,
From knowing my future
And showing my hand.

   Aay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
Mandi Jan 2018
He came to me dressed in my most secret desires. His face unmasked the figure in all of my clandestine fantasies, his voice the delightfully sinful whisper of temptation that excites my soul, his body the only banquet that could ever truly satisfy my hunger; his entire person has become the bittersweet reason for my absolute yearning. Mind, body, soul - I want all of him, from the very first taste I have been addicted and all at once he has become essential to my survival. I crave him with such a potent need that it is unbearably all-consuming; the slightest thought of him puts my whole body on edge with an exquisitely delicious ache. And though the urges his very existence arouse in me are as wild and insatiable as he is, I have truly never been more satisfied.
Tony Luxton Jan 2018
Granite tiled floor,
more interesting than Internet,
jagged streaky veins,
dense masculine stones,
polished gunmetal bloom.

Trying to establish patterns, symmetries.
Should I miss my appointment?
There's never time to persist.
Temptatioin of a timeless world.
Matthew Harlovic Dec 2017
An endless darkness of eternal life!
I wanna hear the voice of consolation.
You forget all about internal strife,
dreaming a life without temptation.

© Matthew Harlovic
Mark Wanless Nov 2017

Life around me swirls
I curl
Into a ball
Prickly spines of anger
Pointing out
I contemplate my navel
Common, human, lint filled, navel
I open up
Look, feel, wonder
The curl is so tempting
Comforting, limiting
So swirly
Nathan Porter Oct 2017
I typed at the speed of my sprinting mind
Trying to explain what lives in my head
But after a while, come morning time
I have slight hope that he is dead.

But every evening
Brings to me more suffering
As I realize nothing can ****
The demon that calls itself part of me.

When my mind is groggy
He wakes and speaks for me
Treating all my friends shoddily
And ruining what love remains for me

The man that speaks from inside
Is like a cancer growing within
As constantly he will deride
My attempts to change away from sin

I have no name for this monster
And I cannot claim that he is an excuse
But I know I'm not this awful other
And a decent explanation is impossible to produce.

An explanation
Remember when?
An explanation
Drove me to no end?

Insanity caused by the simplest of statements.
That's not me.
And yet this monster can escape any containments
And he is always angry.

It's my turn to give an explanation
A truth that brings small satisfaction
But you of all deserve to know
This monster coming when it rains on my brow

I cannot call him my delusion
For surely he is no illusion
I cannot call him my depression
For surely that was fixed with confession.

why do you live within me so?
Tearing into me, making me blue
I just wanted to watch the **** show.

Are you done now?
Can you please
let me have peace

Breaking my heart and the hearts of my friends
I send you away as fast as I can
I'm leaving now
I"m taking a stand
And so I exit
Stage up to heaven
And you can leave
Stage straight down to hell.
I've decided to write about something we all struggle with, temptation and aggression, I hope you enjoy.
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