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If the rain did not say it,
Then it is no truth
For sunshine lies,
With it's promise of life in youth.

So I listen to the clouds.
If it isn't true at your lowest, it won't be true at your highest.
If we swear on sunshine,
And the silver of the moon.
We can be wed in this very room,
I will claim you as mine,
We will be as one divine.
If you swear to me and I swear to you,
We can await the alter soon.
I found the one I am sure of it
Maria 3d
The dog's paw is broken.
The dog's in unbearable pain.
The dog's not whimpering.
It's as if happy. It's not on a chain.

The dog's satisfied with the sunshine.
And yesterday it was raining. That's bad...
Somebody threw a bone in the garbage.
It'll probable get it to eat beforehand.

Both dog's eyes are squinty.
It's warm and free now in whole
Yesterday's gone. Tomorrow'll be later.
Today the dog's calm at all
Note:  Inspirations for you and for me as well!!!

Oh, Bring me the Sun!!
Shower down your Sunrays
of positive vibes,
Beaming down on us
knowing that hope is still alive
The buzzing of the bee's
The singing of the birds
The power and strength of these encouraging words,
The Clouds in the sky
That are up so very High
The skyscrapers can climb
As the airplanes are flying by
What a beautiful day
feeling good to us all
The call of the wild,
Is our beck and call,
The beautiful seas,
Of the ocean breeze,
So, still and so calm,
As we are feeling at ease,
Life will go on,
as we can see,
Water is LIFE,
As I do so believe,
Oh, Bring me the Sun,
For you and for me!!!!

DATE:  2/8/2025
The Sunny Days,
that are full of Sunrays,
as you're Feeling good,
energetic and on your merry way.

An Optimistic feeling,
from the floor to the ceiling,
your energy is so high, as you're
charged with postitive vibes.

You feel so good inside,
You've awakened and you're alive,
When people pass you, they receive,
Your surge of Positivity!!!!!

So, keep this feeling in,
Like a achiever,  you can win,
So, do as you may, and
Enjoy the Sunrays on today.

Date: 2/17/2025
Nishu Mathur Feb 13
I see it beaming through the windows
I see it slanting through the doors
It’s jiving on the ceiling
It's waltzing on the floor
It's smiling on the potted plants
On red flower beds and vines
It's quilting skies with gold
And lighting up wind chimes
A silken web is glistening -
The gossamer that's spun
I'll keep my share of sun shine
A pocket full of sun.
egg hot pot Jan 29
you made my life full of color

brown eyes
no lip stick
hair like you just woke up
sunshine hitting your face

the sun is kissing your face
but I could never
the universe is taunting me
and I wish me myself was sober
Good Morning,
🌞 Sunshine 🌞
the world says hello to you,
As the Morning birds sing,
and the grass is covered
with Morning dew,
You Shine so Brightly
through Clouds and
the skies of blue,
It's turning out to be a
marvelous day,
There's plenty for me to do,
As I am on my merry way,
I can't help but to notice,
How this day is giving such
a beautiful view,
I Thank God for the
🌞 Sunshine 🌞
It gives us such a Delight!!!
To Light our way through
the darkness, and to
Reveal a Beautiful Sight!!!

Date: 1/24/2025
Mri Jan 24
About love I never knew
Until a girl walked into view.
Rude,me,cold as ice
Melted over her almond eyes.
Never liked sharing my seat
But for her I wanted to defeat.
I cast a shadow, chilling the bone,
With my dream girl I was not on my throne.
Always my emotions in crowd remain concealed
But to her I wanted my soul to get revealed
When nothing going on my way,
She my sunshine on a cloudy day.
Want her to be mine
For my faded photographs,
she was the filter of shine
Confessed my love under the starry sky
Moonlight heard, "yes" was her reply.
2 Months cherry blossom in town
She was my goddess, I longed for her
to wear my devotion's crown.
On August 19 storm was dreadful ,
Loving her become regretful.
Faked the love from the start
A trap, to earn a place
in her so called friend heart .
For her us was a game, I was a fool
The player played well and used me for a tool.
My ship of love sank in betrayal ,
Scar of this will always be here.
Now I am a frozen lake
Given up on beautiful things ,at end it aches.
Love , betrayal and regret are experiences which can turn you into a different person with varied personality. Love is a positive emotion, while betrayal is a negative action that damages a relationship.
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