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She Writes Apr 2018
She will go out tonight
With hair higher than her standards
And heels higher than her self esteem
Looking for love
In all the wrong places
At some point explanations run thin,
-and the truth reveals itself.
Isabella Terry Mar 2018
You ask if I’m depressed.
I’ll have to say, it’s true.
If you wouldn’t mind,
Tell me, why aren’t you?

Aren’t we all depressed?
Or do zombies roam around?
Do you see through colored glasses
All the bodies on the ground?

I’m certainly depressed.
If you aren’t, you might be slow.
The world burns around us,
As they’ll all burn below.

I’m naturally depressed;
I have great pity for our kind.
If you call yourself content,
I assume you must be blind.

I’m incredibly depressed.
The standards are so high!
I can’t keep up with social trends;
They make me want to cry.

Of course I am depressed.
If you’re not, then you’re insane!
Life is so demanding,
And existence equals pain.

So yeah, I am depressed.
Doesn’t that make sense?
This world is like hell,
But slightly less intense.

I’ve said that I’m depressed,
And I’ll stand by what I said.
Society is torturous;
I’d much rather be dead.
vanessa ann Jan 2018
I’ve never quite understood
Those who judge beauty
On a checklist
Whose boxes are drawn
By the pens of society

Because what is beauty,
if not in the eye of the beholder?
And what is beauty,
if not abstract
and utterly idiosyncratic?
- i’ve always preferred the crinkles in your eyes to the folds in one’s eyes, anyway
Rebecca Sorenson Nov 2017
We all want to be perfect
But is perfection even real?
And if it is,
what's the big deal?

Why should we be perfect?
Why would we want to?
Just so we could feel good?
Oh, if only you knew

Being perfect isn't necessarily good
In fact, it's the worst
People think of it as a blessing
But little do they know, it's a curse

Perfection costs
Want to be skinny? Skip a meal
Want to be happy? Take a pill
It doesn't matter anymore if you're real

So what's the big deal with perfection?
Why would you want to be something you're not?
Because perfection doesn't exist
But that's just a thought
Just something I thought about. I figured why not write a little poem about a big problem?
¿Do you know what's the problem with society nowadays?
No one is allowed to feel anything about themselves in any way.
Yet, society is allowed to press standards on us.
Behavior standards.
Beauty standards.
Appearance standards-
You can not consider yourself ugly because everyone's beautiful. But you can not consider yourself beautiful because you are not the center of the world.
You can not wear baggy clothes because they hide your figure. But you can not wear anything "too revealing" because you will be a ****.
You can not use makeup because that's effeminate. But you can not have one "imperfection" on your face.
¿Do you know what's the problem with society nowadays?
Everyone considers themselves gods.
Everyone considers their opinion the only one valid.
Everyone thinks they are way over the top from others. When in reality, we're only flesh and bones.
We're only minds, spirits, trapped inside a body.
¿Who gave us the power to judge each other? ¿Who decided what is or not beautiful? ¿Who decided what is or not acceptable? And why do we cope with those ideas.
We are all equal.
We are all humans.
We are all fragile and sensitive.
¿So who are you to tell me what can I do or not?
The problem with society nowadays is that we don't want to learn.
We don't want to evolve.
The problem is that we have taken so many things from life, and twisted them until they became what we wanted, that we don't know what is their meaning anymore.
And we are not allowed to feel in any way different from what others tell us.
And we are not allowed to think in any way different from what society teach us.
And we are constantly looking for answers ¿But who's asking the questions?
We are lost.
We are lost souls.
We are wandering on earth without purpose.
And in the end,
it does matter.
Adelaide London Oct 2017
What if I'm sick of it?
What if I'm sick of the role you have so eloquently written for me?
What can I do if you are obsessed with colouring in the lines while I yearn to draw outside of them?
What if I go off script and say something foolish, dumb -stupid even.

What if I want to let go of it?
Let go of the loneliness that accompanies the burden of being perfect.
What if you realise that the higher you set your expectations for me, the further you will fall.

I am not ready to carry that responsibility.
I am not ready to be perfect.

Was feeling a bit down and scribbled this down in my journal. Thought I would share it with you online too :)
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