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Kenshō Oct 2019
Crossroad of the Mirror's Bend-
Twilight Chasms to the Hedge Tend.

A riddle of vines, answering to where trees extend;
And whispering trails of resonant Hornblende.

Sense a sign where the (M.) Glories ascend,
'Till the trail merges with the meadows end.

Beyond where lands are laid,
Cold Mountain is where I strayed.

I forgot all concept and form
And by the void was ordained.

I lost my name
When I came to the Gateless Gate..

I learned that all humans are the same
beneath the feign.

And the only reason government exists
Is that there's something to gain.

Pursuit and Pain,
Name and Fame,

here that doesn't matter;
here that's just matter.

The city I'm from is the city I shatter.
The seeds I bear are the seeds I scatter.

There's no need for a cheute
When you aren't climbing the ladder.

Most people are formal not formers;
So, in that case I'll have the latter.

You are living in a state of matter;
To me, its a matter of state.

Break the Frameless Gate
And wipe clean Locke's Slate.

Wait, that's tabula rasa, this ain't a debate!
See, you don't even know what the schools were built on you fools!

A world of jewels formed in the perfection of the bend~
A world of molecules spinning, hovering, in the end~

Whatever you believe
It's simply an intellectual tease..

Of what really claims to be,
Like the sound of the bird or a rustle of a tree.

So before you leave
I just wanted to see-

That if I told you this
You might walk the woods with me.

Because, lately I have been oft lonely
And they say I have been soft, only..

I feel a callus around my heart..
God seems to be performing some sort of complex art..

I have seen something in the end;
Yet, I cannot see where to start.

I see all of motion, like time, suspend.
I seem to see you all clearly again, then.

God speaks to me through language, transcend
And I know it was fully my part.

To move through space like my heart
And to the truth I will ever defend~

So, when I'm calling and the meaning ascends,
I pray for the lock to be broken again.

So my slate can be clean from what has been
and to the garden tend-

Because, the reflection in my eye
has made me cry.

When I look from now to then;
But, just know now that was all pretend.

Now I break a spell to start again, listen.
My tear is for you, and, from it, all glistens.

Yet we lose sight of what all the lord mights.
~Toss a yin and yang~

Like, day is just the absence of night;
Or, light is darkness' gift to sight.

See, what is real?
And what really matters?

When I cast my mind like a reel,
Meaning seems to scatter.

An unconscious wind takes my breath away
And I come conscious to what is on my platter

I can clearly see a pathway
And all of life becomes a screenplay.

The sky is my sensei
And no human do I obey.

Because, if this was the Beatles' Way
then I would be the f^#%k!ng Blue Jay~

And I'm coming to see you
In the garden when I pass through.

Tip your hat to a Psychedelic Cat
For when all this is through,
It will have been a picture you drew.

So, I'm tired of the fake and hate;
Just give Love and Compassion.

To all your brothers and sisters
And that doesn't have to rhyme.
मैं तुमसे बहुत प्यार करता हु

listen and recite
levi eden r Oct 2019
it was such a beautiful thing really.
i saw light when my angel and spirit told me the truth.
it was horrible and lovely at the same time and i still don't understand how okay i was throughout the whole thing.
i felt this overwhelmingly amount of clarity and acceptance.
i felt seen and heard.
the light that i saw was a light i was told i wasn't ready for until i was,
and there, i was.
i was okay, it was all okay,
i'm okay.
there was no more hurt in that moment, i can't describe it.
i felt grounded yet in the air and i felt held by every moment of happiness and stillness i've ever felt.
it was so beautiful and i felt my heart heal and the scars that were everywhere were fading,
actually fading.
twt : @omw2you
levi eden r Oct 2019
recently, i feel like i've become someone else,
my true self,
the person i was meant to be.

the universe kept making go through the same situations until i learned my lesson and kept true to myself.
test after test after test,
and i finally passed it.

i've realized that I am the light at the end of the tunnel,
I am the burning candle that lit my own way through the darkness,
I am the grass and sun on the other side,
I am my own answer,
i always have been.
twitter : @omw2you
happycoollove Oct 2019
God take over
i’m out of words
God come forth
it really hurts

God be there
to soothe my heart
God be kind
for i am scared

stay with me
i want to see
show me how
it differently
This poem is inspired by me reading A Course in Miracles, so it might seems prayer-like.
james nordlund Oct 2019
Soon to be matter that doesn't,

A Bodhi, as 'twas,

Everywhere and nowhere at once,

With heart,

Like the wind moves,

Not love nor hate,

Only everything and nothing

At all, at once, thrives.
All life are needed threads in the fabric of life, "...we(e),..." cannot allow to be torn asunder.  All that's needed to spark an evolutionary leap in humanity's growth is the fact that there's no profit, pleasure, nor power in manipulation, destruction, ******, genocide, extinction, etc., experiential knowledge which one can grow in the evolution until they experience it for themselves, etc..  If you're not taking bullets you're making them.  Walking in nature's balance, giving back to it's abundance, illimitable potential, indivisible as life, you, can reach one, teach one, to self-actuate, evolve, turn 360 degrees around, back to the evolution and the future humanity will only have if we each do   :)   reality   Copy, share as you will.
Mystic Ink Plus Oct 2019
On the day
Of graduation
A transit point
I was asked
To choose a future

Did you know?
It was
I always

You are enough
To align together
Genre: Romantic
Theme: Vows
Vagish Oct 2019
Why is the Earth green?

Here are the thoughts that came in.

It's a paper world and the paper that matter is green.

Paper life, Paper People, Paper Dream,

Paper is the world we live in...

Grades on a paper judging the lives of all paper people.

Hold On.

Paper College, Paper teacher, Paper knowledge

and the paper we all ***** on.

Its a hell we are in.

Remember the paper is burning and

Its a paper world we live in.
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