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Michael LoMonaco Jan 2019
The favorable column should dominate,
Banishing fake avenues that transpire from negativity.

The con list will grant false promises,
Even though optimism is provided in the short run.

The dopamine effect of cigarettes delivers brief relief,
Yet generates many harmful conditions years ahead.

When kicking any bad habit with encouraging harms,
Focusing on the pros will direct you to the right path.

The route to a better you will always have barriers,
But strong determination will guide you to success.
Momoir Jan 2019
So temporal
helps us forget our morals
The damage it causes
contracts & clauses
people starving while others feast
without conscience, the evil beasts!!
That is the preoccupation in our world

confusing, making life all
twisted & twirled
Surely you can't compare it
To Gods eyes in the stars
His heart, the moon, sweet sister
Guides us in such a tormented world at such a darkened time.

Can you buy the sun?
Can you purchase the planet of love?
But you sure do your best to pay for this destruction above

a horrid corruption
when all we really need is love
Written by my mother, June 1993
Momoir Jan 2019
Laying on the grass beginning yet another stressful day
Thinking, thinking, things – working my under-developed brain
Worrying, letting the insecurities of life and society eat away at my soul
Then I felt the hand of God warm my skin with the sun
And I got a chance to experience the music of the master
The calm, quiet almost still waters gently washed upon the shore
And in the distance in all directions I could hear the echoes of people content
A laugh, hear a child’s happiness ever reverent while the sun enlightened me
And soothed the coldness I had felt for so long
People to the right of me were celebrating an anniversary
And they began to sing, a large family in harmony
To the beat of the quiet shore, to the rhythm of the seagulls above
children in the distance were everywhere but the tiniest baby in arms was contented
and for a few brief minutes nothing meant anything.
Everything was light and warm
Some pages of the book on the blanket on the grass begin to flap in the mild breeze and I drifted
Drifted away from the uncaring hopeless society I’ve been a part of forever
And upon waking I realized how unimportant the pressure of it all really was and is
The clouds carried me to a place in my spirit
Where I began to understand how irrelevant it all really is
and showed me my character in strength and lightness
they gave me wisdom to be able to not care so much about it all
they made me clear on what’s important like the love, the music, the children, the laughter and the light and warmth that surrendered me…. That Day.
Written by my mother, 1989
Ariel Neves Jan 2019
As the end is coming near
You tell me not to fear
For you are coming back
You are going to put an end to all the attacks
The enemy thinks he’s slick
Accusing me of that and this
But how can he accuse me?!
I’ve been made clean
I am spotless through the blood I mean
Lord I hope all will see the change in me
I hope all will fall to their knees
And proclaim Jesus to be King !
Lucius Furius Jan 2019
I say there is no physical beauty.
This skin, this flesh, this bone
are but the clay of which we make our beauty,
the instrument on which we play our beauty.
Witness the failure of funeral directors to please true aesthetes:
the dead Ingrid Bergman lacks the beauty of a living bag lady.
Tennis masters
given K-Mart rackets
win gracefully,
while the high-school violinist
playing a Stradivarius
fails to delight us.
Thus noses, lips, ******* have no beauty in themselves.
Perfect features are easily distorted by
anger, sloth, irritability, or conceit.
But in a rare few
energy, grace, composure, and sensitivity
are blended in such a quantity
that they overflow
and color with an exquisite beauty every pore of the body,
fill with a subtle music every gesture, every word.
I say there is no physical beauty.
This skin, this flesh, this bone
are but the clay of which we make our beauty,
the instrument on which we play our beauty.
Hear Lucius/Jerry read the poem: .
This poem is part of the Scraps of Faith collection of poems ( ).
Robin Carretti Jan 2019
In the pink, it made her truly
Admire something amazing
Not even his smile to think
"The Caves of Dargilan"
It was quite the art like
The caves of wonder magician
He was touched by
her baby pink beauty

The words formed inside
Color divine cerise
Message to heart from
the Prince
The cave smiled
with pride
She felt loved rosy glossy
Like the Epiphany, she hears
his symphony glow the caves show
The perky lovely side of pink
protected who decides

To paint it pink more
to think
Her hot lips magenta
To her fancy the Diva
Merci Beaucoup
Caves The New Year
story whoa what a scoop

No time for blushing pink
bride jury loop to loop
Good heaven's glory
To the highest authority
Caves crafted in his
duty like a ritual her smile
Lifted petal pink gravity

Love of France in a trance
Her eyes what discovery
A balance of love symmetry
Caves are mysterious
Her lips shadow to be kissed
Never missed in the cave
work of art never to part
I hope this
The pink language of the caves in my own world please join us
Robin Carretti Jan 2019
We are so intertwined
Hands and outer thoughts
About the time my sweet
caramel flan
Love caught up needing
a backup plan
Inner mind outer limit hell

Hands touched to be
the heart,
Liberty freedom bell
Inner hands whole world
Of wisdom inside the
wishing well
The Blessed Holy land

Inner heart kingdom
Teamship hands touch
Her outer lips beam
On the outside heart melts
At random
"Worldly Hands So Comic"
the fandom

Only had the right hands,
Prayer to God, he lands
he knows all your traits
Outlooks testing the
Forget me not rise
of flowers  

My talent high digits New Year
Starlight holy rain showers
On the outside, he sees the
inside powers
The wrinkled hand artist
inner circle young ones
Outer tough skin old ones

Scraped knees the outside
Your fragile hands bend
Who sends love in
your head?
The outer lips inner mind
Takes the flight
the fullest moon instead

Will my inner hands meet
the life
I really want positively,
please come soon?
Hands say things about yourself but the inner heart knows your outer thoughts to be saved make it your best thought in the right time
Robin Carretti Jan 2019
Nothing is said
to be fancy
That lightbulb
To paint oneself
colors like a wand
Wow have mercy

The world turns to dust
Lips like the
powder puff
The dog's world in
his paws
To see oneself Wild West
The guns draw no mercy
at its best

Of love fury to test
the life we know is rough
Her skirt flows to
dig yourself
Please have mercy!
In her dreams, let us think

Well, what shows?
To love yourself
New self-inspired
New leaf page oneself
You got the rage
The science of knowing
oneself not to be

Second shot but
once married Huh?
The object the next subject
Her dignity  oneself on the
New wings Robin redbreast

The"Fort Myers Gulf"

Time can be a blessing

So why do we go down
on our knees
To be selfish to be or
not to be
But make a wish
Like the "Seven Fishes"

Merci beaucoup
Roses secret hush
To say I love you
Many known spirits
Hard times to live it
Be in it the Lotto

You got to win it
The Wholesome sign logo
The wholeheartedly
Oneself dream the Godliness
To wake up shades like
cascades eyes of oneself

So unexpectedly time  
heals join the
Have mercy nothing beyond your fancy spinning in time but feeling the moment dizzy
Robin Carretti Jan 2019
The lights and camera
The divine energy holds
A multitude of drama
The light up the moment
She's the Wonderwomen
He's the thunderbolt
her divine cup sips to
trips no one's fault

Her cupped hands
Egyptian grain of sand
Light up Divine cup
To the Godly lands
Under her sheer light
But he's the waves

to her heart seascape
Saying light up my
I Apple ring her pictures
On Instagram
Hush sweet
Scarlet lights no
Into the red light district

Don't give a dam  
Orient express
lights up perfect
light up fun dress
Amazing Galaxies
I tune wedding-lights
The million- fantasies
The Shinning cups

Fertilized of Forever
Burning light of Italian
vines the vinelands
My Venus love
of hands
Light of the Titans

The man of
good deeds
In my special cup
To the end of the earth
Light up my divine cup
To eternity higher force
Told the story

Heavenly with fierce
Heart filled with
Glory it is never the same story
The light up the moment we do not usually get somehow the darkness comes but our heart brings on the light cup
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